Charles Barkley stumbles onto the truth


well put and true. How much longer are we as a society going to let these politicians divide us?

The problem with politicians who engage in such tactics (and they are becoming more and more a Western phenomena, certainly supported by China), is these divide and conquer tactics are harnessed by other nations to attack America.

Literally some of the words I hear from MSNBC and alt-left politicians, I hear come out of the mouth of Communists. Including, and especially the "climate protection" ideology. China has used this to harm Western economies while they pollute and expand rapidly. It's even allowed in the horrendous Paris Accord scam.

Self-serving politicians are a blight on the success of a nation, no matter what nation that is.
I do not believe the media should be left off the hook, nor academia and Hollywood. Too many of our institution have become biased and objective, and as a result we as a people have become more divided and distrustful of each other. Problem is, I don't see the situation changing for some time yet.
I blame the hyper partisans on both sides, not just one. We are a diverse nation, it strengthens us.

I don’t know if being a diverse nation strengthens us, but I do know one thing and that’s these Washington politicians spend most of their careers dividing us and then they laugh and yuck it up with each other in Washington’s finest establishments while the cameras aren’t on them.
In the meantime they get middle class folk blaming other middle class folk. Makes one wonder doesn't it?
I blame the hyper partisans on both sides, not just one. We are a diverse nation, it strengthens us.
I don't know how we decrease the power of the bases at this point. This really looks stuck.

Barkley’s point: over your head

It’s the politicians that are the main culprits of division in this country. It’s good business for them and they never are affected by the negative consequences personally.
I blame the hyper partisans on both sides, not just one. We are a diverse nation, it strengthens us.
I don't know how we decrease the power of the bases at this point. This really looks stuck.

Barkley’s point: over your head

It’s the politicians that are the main culprits of division in this country. It’s good business for them and they never are affected by the negative consequences personally.
Nope. We the people can change the system under which these "culprits" operate, and we're choosing not to.

That will be over YOUR head.
I blame the hyper partisans on both sides, not just one. We are a diverse nation, it strengthens us.
I don't know how we decrease the power of the bases at this point. This really looks stuck.

Barkley’s point: over your head

It’s the politicians that are the main culprits of division in this country. It’s good business for them and they never are affected by the negative consequences personally.
Nope. We the people can change the system under which these "culprits" operate, and we're choosing not to.

That will be over YOUR head.

Yeah our choices are what they are which is shit. That’s because of the power structure of politics. It’s the biggest business in the world. These politicians and the media (which are partners of politicians) are the reason people are so divided. The masses are being manipulated. It’s not the masses that are producing shit politicians. It’s shit politicians producing shit masses. It’s not a chicken and egg thing. If you had good politicians actually trying to unify the country we would be in a better place. It’s hard to have good politicians because the system is set up so politics is a career and not actual public service.
I do not believe the media should be left off the hook, nor academia and Hollywood. Too many of our institution have become biased and objective, and as a result we as a people have become more divided and distrustful of each other. Problem is, I don't see the situation changing for some time yet.
They need to pay for their slanders and destruction of people. They at the very least will be shunned if times ever go bad.

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