Charles Barkley stumbles onto the truth

I don’t know if being a diverse nation strengthens us
Diversity makes things interesting but it does NOT STRENGTHEN anything in and of itself. That is how the Left puts their little twist on diversity that as usual buggers everything up.

I agree. The only form of diversity that I think strengthens us is diversity of ideas. I don’t care whether my neighborhood is of mixed races and cultures as long as it’s a peaceful neighborhood.
If you get your political opinions from Charles Barkley, it's time to look in the mirror and ask yourself what the fuck you're doing, bro.
I blame the hyper partisans on both sides, not just one. We are a diverse nation, it strengthens us.

Two problems keep us mired in this mess. First the election system. It props up the two-party death spiral, and punishes candidates who seek healthy consensus. Second, government has simply become too powerful, too pervasive. When government controls the basic necessities of life, every election is, potentially, a life or death decision. Until we patch up those "bugs", things aren't going to improve.
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If you get your political opinions from Charles Barkley, it's time to look in the mirror and ask yourself what the fuck you're doing, bro.

Barkley isn’t the smartest guy in the world, but he has the courage to speak his mind even if he’s not echoing popular sentiments amongst his peers. That’s why he can occasionally be interesting. He speaks from the heart and in this case I believe he’s right.
If you get your political opinions from Charles Barkley, it's time to look in the mirror and ask yourself what the fuck you're doing, bro.

Barkley isn’t the smartest guy in the world, but he has the courage to speak his mind even if he’s not echoing popular sentiments amongst his peers. That’s why he can occasionally be interesting. He speaks from the heart and in this case I believe he’s right.
He's a little bit right, but not all the way.
If you get your political opinions from Charles Barkley, it's time to look in the mirror and ask yourself what the fuck you're doing, bro.

Barkley isn’t the smartest guy in the world, but he has the courage to speak his mind even if he’s not echoing popular sentiments amongst his peers. That’s why he can occasionally be interesting. He speaks from the heart and in this case I believe he’s right.
He's a little bit right, but not all the way.
What's he got wrong?
Charles Barkley was a good basketball player. His opinions are often wrong.
Democratic strong arm racism?

Lol! This place is full of republicans and racism.
I don't know how we decrease the power of the bases at this point. This really looks stuck.
Just read Mao’s Little Red Book

or study the old soviet union where elites like you made all the important decisions
We the people can change the system under which these "culprits" operate, and we're choosing not to.
You are totally clueless

the complaint by you and so many others here is the entrenched politicians who exist in washington only for the sake of maintaining the current corrupt system

if that isnt your point just say so

But when you had a non swamp rat in the white house you couldnt wait to return power to the swamp rats

well put and true. How much longer are we as a society going to let these politicians divide us?

Yes, the system is a problem.

But to say all people are "good people" is nonsense. People come across as good, but that doesn't mean they're always good. People will have their selfishness and it will often come out. They might not punch people, but they're easily led, because they don't think for themselves, which means they're not good people.

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