Charlottesville Driver May have Been Panicked into Losing Control of His Car

He was also hit with a bat (or some other object that looks like a bat) BEFORE he hit the crowd if you watch the video I posted. Your claim is based on the silly premise that he could only have been attacked once. Having seen a few other reports of him being attacked, I suspect he was attacked before the video I posted even starts. Clearly that crowd was filled with violent liberal criminals. This guy must have wrongly assumed it was a peaceful protest and figured he could just drive through it instead of, for example, cleansing the area with a tactical nuke first.

You must have a 55-gallon drum of the self-delusion flavor of Kool-Aid.

Essplain to the class, if he was innocently driving through a "peaceful protest" --- after driving out from the far side of Ohio, standing with a Nazi group chanting racist shit and none of that had anything to do with coming in for the purpose of vehicular assault ------------------------------ then why did he have his airbags disabled?

How should I know? And why do you think they were disabled? Furthermore, what does disabling airbags have to do with this? Do airbags on that model come out of the front bumper to dampen the blow for pedestrians?

Do you drive a car?

There's only one reason a car's airbags would not deploy upon a head-on crash like that, and that is that they were deliberately disabled before the crash.
Or the crash sensor didn't activate the airbags. Or the steering wheel assembly didn't have an airbag.


**ALL** cars made since 1998 have airbags by law.
Right! It's unthinkable that someone would need to, at some point a car's life, replace the steering wheel assembly and would decide to save some money by buying a used assembly with a deployed bag from a crashed car! Nope, never happens!


Yeah, it doesn't make sense to try and save money! Makes MUCH more sense to sabotage your own working airbag, reducing the value of your car, because you KNOW you're about to NEED IT!
Friends of Chattanooga man arrested in Virginia claim he was fighting white supremacy

A friend of the Chattanooga man who was arrested in Charlottesville, Va., amid white supremacist rallies and counterprotests spoke on his behalf Sunday to let the public know why he was there.

Beth Foster, co-director for Mercy Junction Justice and Peace Center in Chattanooga, said Troy Dunigan wanted "to let everyone know he was in Charlottesville as part of an antifa action. He is an anarchist. He was here to confront white supremacy and antifa's practice is to use force if necessary in doing that."

Foster said Dunigan is not officially part of the Mercy Junction Justice and Peace Center but "he is definitely a friend and ally of us."

Virginia State Police released his name late Saturday night and said he was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, but did not provide details.

Many people took to social media Saturday night and throughout Sunday to clarify that Dunigan was not involved with the white supremacist rally.

"Let the record show that the 'Chattanooga man' arrested in Charlottesville was part of the COUNTER PROTEST, and is NOT a white supremacist," posted Missy Foley, a woman who identified herself as Dunigan's cousin.

"I'm not entirely sure what he did," Foster wrote in a text message. " ... Usually these kinds of things involve the person being attacked by a white supremacist and then defending themselves."

What started as a white supremacy gathering to protest the town removing a Confederate statue quickly turned violent as the supremacists and counter-protestors clashed in the Virginia town.

A car then plowed into a crowd of people peacefully protesting the rally.

One person was killed and dozens were injured during the violent day.

Friends of Chattanooga man arrested in Virginia claim he was fighting white supremacy


Matt Talhelm‏Verified account @MattTalhelm 10h10 hours ago
#BREAKING: #Cville car suspect, #UniteTheRight rally organizer, & alt-right leaders face $3M lawsuit from 2 ppl injured in car attack
I know this will not even penetrate into the minds of our SJWs who just wanna have ANY reason at all to hate some random white guy, but it seems that the driver was hit with a bat and that might have panicked him.

It might be that the driver in Charlottesville was panicked into losing control of his car, and did not intentionally run his car into the crowd.
VIDEO: Protesters Attacked Charlottesville Driver's Car With Baseball Bat
You retard. How could he have been hit with a bat if his window was up? Why did he take off like a bat out of hell afterwards?
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I've unintentionally stepped on the gas pedal too hard before, myself. I let off before I ran over a bunch of people and killed at least one, but that's just me.
I'm thinking three or four (or more) incidents I've seen on tv news of someone who accidentally stepped on the gas and drove right through a wall or store window. It happens a lot, and all this fellow's lawyer(s) need to do is collect as many examples as they can find and, provided this fellow hasn't already hung himself by talking, he stands a very good chance of being acquitted of the first degree murder he's charged with. Unless he confesses, or unless there is strong evidence that he planned it, he can walk free.
If he goes to prison he might not make it out alive.
I've unintentionally stepped on the gas pedal too hard before, myself. I let off before I ran over a bunch of people and killed at least one, but that's just me.
I'm thinking three or four (or more) incidents I've seen on tv news of someone who accidentally stepped on the gas and drove right through a wall or store window. It happens a lot, and all this fellow's lawyer(s) need to do is collect as many examples as they can find and, provided this fellow hasn't already hung himself by talking, he stands a very good chance of being acquitted of the first degree murder he's charged with. Unless he confesses, or unless there is strong evidence that he planned it, he can walk free.
If he goes to prison he might not make it out alive.

Best case scenario for him--------His farts drop two octaves.
I know this will not even penetrate into the minds of our SJWs who just wanna have ANY reason at all to hate some random white guy, but it seems that the driver was hit with a bat and that might have panicked him.

It might be that the driver in Charlottesville was panicked into losing control of his car, and did not intentionally run his car into the crowd.
VIDEO: Protesters Attacked Charlottesville Driver's Car With Baseball Bat
You retard. How could he have been hit with a bat if his window was up? Why did he take off like a bat out of hell afterwards?
I think he means someone hit his car with a bat, causing him to run for his life.
I know this will not even penetrate into the minds of our SJWs who just wanna have ANY reason at all to hate some random white guy, but it seems that the driver was hit with a bat and that might have panicked him.

It might be that the driver in Charlottesville was panicked into losing control of his car, and did not intentionally run his car into the crowd.
VIDEO: Protesters Attacked Charlottesville Driver's Car With Baseball Bat
You retard. How could he have been hit with a bat if his window was up? Why did he take off like a bat out of hell afterwards?
I think he means someone hit his car with a bat, causing him to run for his life.
And then backup and run for his life some more after he took another persons life. Why are all of these inbreds so scary and timid?
I know this will not even penetrate into the minds of our SJWs who just wanna have ANY reason at all to hate some random white guy, but it seems that the driver was hit with a bat and that might have panicked him.

It might be that the driver in Charlottesville was panicked into losing control of his car, and did not intentionally run his car into the crowd.
VIDEO: Protesters Attacked Charlottesville Driver's Car With Baseball Bat
Sorry but I watched the video from the start and the cave monkey accelerated way before the car was attacked. His acceleration is what caused the guy to take a swing.

Sorry Bgrouse, but you are never going to convince me that he was attacked before he slammed into the crowd. Video evidence from several other sources and several other angles say otherwise. But, stay in your own little bubble if that's where you are most comfortable.
The angle of your video doesn't show what happened behind his car prior to the collision. That's why I posted the video that shows what happened from the other angle and from slightly before. If you stick your head up your ass like you are obviously doing, you won't see his car getting attacked either, dumbass. Why? Not the correct angle.

The angle of the video I posted shows him going down the road, crashing into the crowd and then a person hits his car with a baseball bat. But, like I said, keep on with the fantasy if that makes you comfortable. Nothing more to respond to, because you choose to remain ignorant.

You can lead a dummy to knowledge, but you can't make them think.
Here you go dumbass.View attachment 143866
You ignorant monkey. Thats after he accelerates to hit people.
I know this will not even penetrate into the minds of our SJWs who just wanna have ANY reason at all to hate some random white guy, but it seems that the driver was hit with a bat and that might have panicked him.

It might be that the driver in Charlottesville was panicked into losing control of his car, and did not intentionally run his car into the crowd.
VIDEO: Protesters Attacked Charlottesville Driver's Car With Baseball Bat
Sorry but I watched the video from the start and the cave monkey accelerated way before the car was attacked. His acceleration is what caused the guy to take a swing.

Thanks. The OP's video was in slow mo, making it appear that the guy was proceeding at a crawl to get through the group when his car got hit with the bat. I was wondering why they would hit his car to begin with--unless he was wearing his hood, how would they know whose side he was on-- but the fact that he was plowing through them like a driver from New Jersey would answer that question.
I know this will not even penetrate into the minds of our SJWs who just wanna have ANY reason at all to hate some random white guy, but it seems that the driver was hit with a bat and that might have panicked him.

It might be that the driver in Charlottesville was panicked into losing control of his car, and did not intentionally run his car into the crowd.
VIDEO: Protesters Attacked Charlottesville Driver's Car With Baseball Bat
Sorry but I watched the video from the start and the cave monkey accelerated way before the car was attacked. His acceleration is what caused the guy to take a swing.

Thanks. The OP's video was in slow mo, making it appear that the guy was proceeding at a crawl to get through the group when his car got hit with the bat. I was wondering why they would hit his car to begin with--unless he was wearing his hood, how would they know whose side he was on-- but the fact that he was plowing through them like a driver from New Jersey would answer that question.

Yeah I was thinking about that very question. Why would someone just take a swing at his car unless they knew who he was? Since the car windows were tinted they really could only see he was white. The other question that occurred to me is why would a known Nazi be peacefully following a crowd of protesters? It didnt make sense until I watched the entire thing. This is pretty much pre planned. They should get him for 1rst degree but I guess they dont want him to walk.
I've unintentionally stepped on the gas pedal too hard before, myself. I let off before I ran over a bunch of people and killed at least one, but that's just me.
I'm thinking three or four (or more) incidents I've seen on tv news of someone who accidentally stepped on the gas and drove right through a wall or store window. It happens a lot, and all this fellow's lawyer(s) need to do is collect as many examples as they can find and, provided this fellow hasn't already hung himself by talking, he stands a very good chance of being acquitted of the first degree murder he's charged with. Unless he confesses, or unless there is strong evidence that he planned it, he can walk free.

And if he did, Ferguson would look like a gentlemanly disagreement. I think he's toast.

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Still nothing. I'm assuming by "SW quadrant" you mean lower left. Don't see it. No vehicle, no reaction, no nothing.
The bugundy car is rapidly shoved into the intersection. It was the first car in the two. The second car was the covertable. Both were pushed hard by the impact.. Watch the people scatter.

I know the intersection well. Compare the buildings around the intersection with those in other vids.

Also note many cars were blocked by the assembly

OK I can see people spilling off the front of the burgundy car and it just now occurs to me that it's slowed down which throws off all perception when one's looking for an impact. But the collision itself is invisible, all we see is the front car's inertia. I can only see a piece of the car behind it (I take it two cars were hit in a chain reaction?). The perp car isn't visible at all.

Another bogus YouTube title. :rolleyes:
Yeah...two cars. My latest post shows it well (it's hard to watch if you have any conscience, which you do). The burgundy car was in front of a white convertible with a black rag top. He slammed into the convertible...with such impact...that both of the stopped cars were rapidly accelerated into the crowd.

Anyway, the crowd shouldn't have been there. Doesn't justify what happened, but it's much safer to protest in areas where streets are blocked off.

Whether they were protesting, simply crossing the street, on their way to a restaurant or whatever --- the injuries and fatalities work the same way.

I believe the first fatality, the 32-year-old woman, was simply crossing the street. In a street where traffic is stopped and none are expected to move anytime soon due to pedestrians ---- regardless WHY those pedestrians are there --- it's a reasonable assumption that it's OK to cross and one isn't going to be hit by a car out of nowhere going 40 mph. There is no way to make her death her fault. None.

Even if she shouldn't have been in the street, it is incumbent on the driver to do everything possible to avoid hitting a pedestrian. My wife faced an attempted suicide when a guy stepped out in front of her car and covered his eyes. Thankfully, she was alert enough and in control of her car, to avoid hitting him. If she had, it would have been an uphill battle to prove she couldn't avoid him. I think this guy is toast.

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Whether they were protesting, simply crossing the street, on their way to a restaurant or whatever --- the injuries and fatalities work the same way.

I believe the first fatality, the 32-year-old woman, was simply crossing the street. In a street where traffic is stopped and none are expected to move anytime soon due to pedestrians ---- regardless WHY those pedestrians are there --- it's a reasonable assumption that it's OK to cross and one isn't going to be hit by a car out of nowhere going 40 mph. There is no way to make her death her fault. None.
I never said it was her fault...several times. :rolleyes:

I've been at many, many, demonstrations/protests over the years. We never assembled in an unsafe area....meaning standing in the middle of a fucking street where cars are trying to pass.

And again --- cars can't pass if there's a waft of pedestrians in front of them. That's simple physics.

WHY those pedestrians might be there is another matter and unrelated, but the fact that they are there --- for whatever reason known or unknown --- means that it's reasonable to cross the street and not expect to get rammed by a car. Whether that car was the perp, or hit from behind BY the perp.

The reason for the pedestrians' presence has nothing to do with the dead and injured. Mass and inertia do. Nobody was hit by a car until Junior Johnson showed up.
Meh...It's still irresponsible - personal safety-wise - to stand in the middle of a through street...unless it's officially closed. Common instructions to folks prepping for a demonstration.

It comes down to this. Even if you have the right of way, a pedestrian arguing with a moving car is going to lose. Still, it is the driver's responsibility to do everything possible to avoid hitting a pedestrian.

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I see the Nazi sympathizer defense force is still active.

We've all hit the gas accidentally before. But we've never plowed into a crowd of people. You generally immediately stop before going at full speed.

The driver drove at full speed into that crowd and then backed up.

Even if he did accidentally hit that crowd of people, its still a hit a run with a charge of manslaughter.

Why did he back up after hitting all those people?

I still want to know how the airbags didn't deploy.

Unless they were pre-set not to.

Ruh roh. There's yer premeditation. :uhh:

That's a interesting question. Chargers are solid cars. I can't imagine the airbag failing to deploy.

But we can imagine the driver deliberately disabling them because he planned to ram something or someone, and intended to get away without an airbag in the way.....

Hopefully investigators are looking into that. Because its no way that airbag failed to deploy.

A deployed airbag does not block your view. It deflates immediately. First hand experience.

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I see the Nazi sympathizer defense force is still active.

We've all hit the gas accidentally before. But we've never plowed into a crowd of people. You generally immediately stop before going at full speed.

The driver drove at full speed into that crowd and then backed up.

Even if he did accidentally hit that crowd of people, its still a hit a run with a charge of manslaughter.

Why did he back up after hitting all those people?
Maybe it had something to do with the terrorist on his car smashing in the rear window with a deadly weapon.

So the solution is to ram your car into a crowd of people?

If you feel threatened yes.

That would be similar to randomly firing a machine gun into a crowd because one guy pulled a knife on you. You could get sympathy for brandishing a gun, but not for trying to kill as many as possible. Using your car as a deadly weapon is hard to defend.

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Anyone that brought a bat and swung it, threw a punch, kicked someone, etc should be in jail, not just the kid driving the car. People on both sides were looking for a fight, they found and this is the result. WTF would you expect?

Political Correctness, however, demands that we only condemn the group out of favor. That was Trump's biggest sin in the eyes of the haters. He was not supposed to condemn violence in general, only that committed by the "wrong" people.

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If you feel threatened yes.
That would be similar to randomly firing a machine gun into a crowd because one guy pulled a knife on you. You could get sympathy for brandishing a gun, but not for trying to kill as many as possible. Using your car as a deadly weapon is hard to defend.
If one is surrounded by a hostile crowd and your ability to move out of it is blocked by these people, you have the right to plaow through them toprotect your life.

That is a legal fact in most states.

These people do not have the right to stand in the streets and prevent you from moving.

That is the equivalent of unlawful detainment.

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