Charlottesville Driver May have Been Panicked into Losing Control of His Car

I know this will not even penetrate into the minds of our SJWs who just wanna have ANY reason at all to hate some random white guy, but it seems that the driver was hit with a bat and that might have panicked him.

It might be that the driver in Charlottesville was panicked into losing control of his car, and did not intentionally run his car into the crowd.
VIDEO: Protesters Attacked Charlottesville Driver's Car With Baseball Bat
Sorry but I watched the video from the start and the cave monkey accelerated way before the car was attacked. His acceleration is what caused the guy to take a swing.

Thanks. The OP's video was in slow mo, making it appear that the guy was proceeding at a crawl to get through the group when his car got hit with the bat. I was wondering why they would hit his car to begin with--unless he was wearing his hood, how would they know whose side he was on-- but the fact that he was plowing through them like a driver from New Jersey would answer that question.

Actually that would be a driver from Connecticut. A New Jersey driver would just be lost with no sense of direction whatsoever.

NOT SO, oh Great One. Connecticut drivers are far more technically savvy than to mess up their paint job by plowing into a crowd. NJ drivers are second only to Mass for driving like maniacal assholes; particularly NJ drivers in Porsches.


Well I'm just thinking of Connecticut drivers and their infatuation with the rear end of the car in front of them. That's more predictable than anything that has ever happened anywhere on a New Jersey road. ;)

--- not the least of which is actually figuring out where you're going.........
I know this will not even penetrate into the minds of our SJWs who just wanna have ANY reason at all to hate some random white guy, but it seems that the driver was hit with a bat and that might have panicked him.

It might be that the driver in Charlottesville was panicked into losing control of his car, and did not intentionally run his car into the crowd.
VIDEO: Protesters Attacked Charlottesville Driver's Car With Baseball Bat
Sorry but I watched the video from the start and the cave monkey accelerated way before the car was attacked. His acceleration is what caused the guy to take a swing.

Thanks. The OP's video was in slow mo, making it appear that the guy was proceeding at a crawl to get through the group when his car got hit with the bat. I was wondering why they would hit his car to begin with--unless he was wearing his hood, how would they know whose side he was on-- but the fact that he was plowing through them like a driver from New Jersey would answer that question.

Actually that would be a driver from Connecticut. A New Jersey driver would just be lost with no sense of direction whatsoever.

NOT SO, oh Great One. Connecticut drivers are far more technically savvy than to mess up their paint job by plowing into a crowd. NJ drivers are second only to Mass for driving like maniacal assholes; particularly NJ drivers in Porsches.


Well I'm just thinking of Connecticut drivers and their infatuation with the rear end of the car in front of them. That's more predictable than anything that has ever happened anywhere on a New Jersey road. ;)

--- not the least of which is actually figuring out where you're going.........

You're not wrong there; Connecticut drivers give you about three inches of space and that's it--no quarter whatsoever. I will never forget one Good Friday evening, trying to get the hell to Maine, bumper to bumper, three lanes solid, and going a steady 82 miles an hour with no more than a foot's margin of error between us. I was absolutely terrified. No one could blink, sneeze or hit the brakes during that one. Fortunately, no one did.

But back to the thread. I am not amused by this plowing people down with vehicles thing. Danged ISIS starting a trend. I am very, very, glad, though that everyone kept their guns in their pockets. Wonder when that will start....
Sorry but I watched the video from the start and the cave monkey accelerated way before the car was attacked. His acceleration is what caused the guy to take a swing.

Thanks. The OP's video was in slow mo, making it appear that the guy was proceeding at a crawl to get through the group when his car got hit with the bat. I was wondering why they would hit his car to begin with--unless he was wearing his hood, how would they know whose side he was on-- but the fact that he was plowing through them like a driver from New Jersey would answer that question.

Actually that would be a driver from Connecticut. A New Jersey driver would just be lost with no sense of direction whatsoever.

NOT SO, oh Great One. Connecticut drivers are far more technically savvy than to mess up their paint job by plowing into a crowd. NJ drivers are second only to Mass for driving like maniacal assholes; particularly NJ drivers in Porsches.


Well I'm just thinking of Connecticut drivers and their infatuation with the rear end of the car in front of them. That's more predictable than anything that has ever happened anywhere on a New Jersey road. ;)

--- not the least of which is actually figuring out where you're going.........

You're not wrong there; Connecticut drivers give you about three inches of space and that's it--no quarter whatsoever. I will never forget one Good Friday evening, trying to get the hell to Maine, bumper to bumper, three lanes solid, and going a steady 82 miles an hour with no more than a foot's margin of error between us. I was absolutely terrified. No one could blink, sneeze or hit the brakes during that one. Fortunately, no one did.

But back to the thread. I am not amused by this plowing people down with vehicles thing. Danged ISIS starting a trend. I am very, very, glad, though that everyone kept their guns in their pockets. Wonder when that will start....

Yeah, been there, driven that. How bad is it when you cross a state line and think "whew, I'm in Massachusetts (or New York), so I can relax now". :uhh:
But back to the thread. I am not amused by this plowing people down with vehicles thing. Danged ISIS starting a trend.

Actually DAESH may get press lately because they sell papers but they certainly didn't start it. Remember the Luby's attack 26 years ago? Although that was gun faggotry, not terrorism....

But as far as who's starting, re-starting or inciting it --- HERE's an interesting find....

>> Months before a man allegedly turned his vehicle into a weapon and plowed through a group of protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, an article that made the rounds in conservative media encouraged readers to do something similar.

Originally published by The Daily Caller and later syndicated or aggregated by several other websites, including Fox Nation, an offshoot of Fox News' website, it carried an unsubtle headline: "Here's A Reel Of Cars Plowing Through Protesters Trying To Block The Road." Embedded in the article was a minute-and-a-half long video showing one vehicle after another driving through demonstrations. The footage was set to a cover of Ludacris' "Move Bitch."

The article was published in January, but it drew renewed attention on Tuesday following this weekend's deadly incident in Charlottesville. As the outrage grew on Twitter, Fox News took action, deleting the version Fox Nation had published.

.... "Here's a compilation of liberal protesters getting pushed out of the way by cars and trucks. Study the technique; it may prove useful in the next four years," Raust wrote. "None of these clips are new, but that doesn't mean they're not still fresh."

The Daily Caller's editor-in-chief declined to comment.

Fox was far from the only outlet to pick up Raust's post. Smaller conservative sites like Right Wing News and Conservative Post also published the video, and with glee.

.... When thousands of demonstrators gathered Washington, D.C. in March to protest the Dakota Access pipeline, Daily Caller editor Katie Frates said on Twitter, "I wonder how many #NativeNationsRise #NoDAPL protesters I could run over before I got arrested #getouttamyway"

Glenn Reynolds, a conservative columnist and the proprietor of the blog Instapundit, was briefly suspended by Twitter last year for his own tweet encouraging drivers to run over protesters in North Carolina.<< --- Fox and DC Delete Posts Encouraging People to Drive Through Protests
The plot sickens.
Of course, but he had ample opportunity to avoid the situation in the first place.
Yes, and that argument can be used for anyone that uses lethal force in self defense, 'He could have not gone to Charlottesville!'

Not as ridiculous as that, because he had every right to assume he could join a legal protest without fear of attack from violent leftists. Like I said, however, when you see a group of people in the street in front of you, stop. How much simpler does it have to be?

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WHO "joins a legal protest" by ramming his car directly into it??

And WHO has a right to expect he can run people over --- in two directions --- "without fear of attack" in retaliation?

And WHAT THE FUCK does "leftist" have to do with anything when you're being run over with that car?

Might could be that you need to think your posts through rather than "sending from your iPhone using Tapatalk" during TV commercials.

Perhaps you missed my condemnation of his actions, or perhaps you're blind to anything that counters your established world view, or perhaps you're just not mature enough to carry on a conversation with anything more intelligent than a mirror?

You could, but I hold little hope, actually think about the context of what I said before opining.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes. every time I feel a bump on the left rear of my car, I end up running over people and killing as many as I can. you routinely drive through violent areas with people carrying bats and clubs?
You didn't watch the video did you?
If you did - you would notice 3 things...
1) Prior to the mob surrounding his car...he was driving normally.
2) He swerved away from the person who clubbed his car.
3) Immediately after his car was hit, right before the video can clearly see the mob surrounding his car.

All of this at the very least allows a reasonable person to investigate the claim.
The video certainly supports the claim he was being attacked by multiple people immediately before accelerating.

There's only one reason a car's airbags would not deploy upon a head-on crash like that, and that is that they were deliberately disabled before the crash. It's clear from the front shot of the car, after the collision, that no air bags deployed.

That tells us he disabled them beforehand, and that in turn tells us his collision was premeditated. And THAT in turn mops the floor with the ridiculously desperate premise of this thread hoping against hope to find an excuse for this terrorist asshole.

And you'll notice that the OP who started it ran away. Which is coincidentally, probably your best option at this point. Unless of course you'd like to grow a pair and admit you were engaging in the same apologism.
Why would he disable the airbags?

And the fact that he did not remove or otherwise alter his license plates raises serious question about premeditation.

I've already explained like six times why he would disable the air bags and why it matters if he did.

The fact that he didn't remove or cover his license plates --- or wear a disguise, or decline to be photographed earlier chanting racist memes with a Vanguard shield, or not have a Nosebook page festooned with Nazi shit or have a history going back to high school of what's been called "infatuation with Nazis" --- means that he obviously didn't think of everything and obviously isn't the sharpest knife in the proverbial drawer.

Disabling the air bags takes a few seconds and can easily have been thought of just prior to the attack, independent of all of the above. The air bag switch and indicator is right in front of the driver; the license plate is not.

  • Sit on perch casing the street, assess what one sees.... a straight street with people at the end one defines as "the enemy"....
  • Muse that "if I just gun it from here to there, I can take me out some Liburruls"... then I'll slam it into reverse and get away"....
  • Further muse that "if I run into that car my air bag will be all up in my face and smother me, that will make it hard to see, better kill that"
  • Disable air bag
  • Hit gas

The rest is bloody history.

How many people think a deployed airbag will block a driver's vision? From personal experience being t-boned by another car, I can tell you that they completely deflate before you're even aware they deployed.

It remains to be proven that he deliberately disabled them, for any reason.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
NOT SO, oh Great One. Connecticut drivers are far more technically savvy than to mess up their paint job by plowing into a crowd. NJ drivers are second only to Mass for driving like maniacal assholes; particularly NJ drivers in Porsches.

I think people from the great state of Maryland can never be left out of such a discussion; the worst drivers in the country.
NOT SO, oh Great One. Connecticut drivers are far more technically savvy than to mess up their paint job by plowing into a crowd. NJ drivers are second only to Mass for driving like maniacal assholes; particularly NJ drivers in Porsches.

I think people from the great state of Maryland can never be left out of such a discussion; the worst drivers in the country.

They certainly are not the best.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes. every time I feel a bump on the left rear of my car, I end up running over people and killing as many as I can. you routinely drive through violent areas with people carrying bats and clubs?
You didn't watch the video did you?
If you did - you would notice 3 things...
1) Prior to the mob surrounding his car...he was driving normally.
2) He swerved away from the person who clubbed his car.
3) Immediately after his car was hit, right before the video can clearly see the mob surrounding his car.

All of this at the very least allows a reasonable person to investigate the claim.
The video certainly supports the claim he was being attacked by multiple people immediately before accelerating.

1) Yes, he was driving normally as anyone can when they drive into a crowd of people. They didn't come off the sidewalks at him. They were already standing there long before he ran into them. It's not like he was driving highway speeds and he didn't have time to stop well before he was anywhere near them. he had more than enough opportunity to stop, or even turn off on another road.
2) When his car was struck, he had already hit several people.
3) Those surrounding the car were just luck he missed them as he sped through the crowd.
4) You're nuts. Why are you trying to defend someone who intentionally drove into a crowd?
The bottom line remains, though, that violent counter protesting has become mainstream in America. This will not stop, but will only accelerate. More people will die.

Protest violence is only mainstream for the left. The only reason the alt-right came ready for a fight is because they knew they'd be attacked, and they were.
Yes. every time I feel a bump on the left rear of my car, I end up running over people and killing as many as I can. you routinely drive through violent areas with people carrying bats and clubs?
You didn't watch the video did you?
If you did - you would notice 3 things...
1) Prior to the mob surrounding his car...he was driving normally.
2) He swerved away from the person who clubbed his car.
3) Immediately after his car was hit, right before the video can clearly see the mob surrounding his car.

All of this at the very least allows a reasonable person to investigate the claim.
The video certainly supports the claim he was being attacked by multiple people immediately before accelerating.

1) Yes, he was driving normally as anyone can when they drive into a crowd of people. They didn't come off the sidewalks at him. They were already standing there long before he ran into them. It's not like he was driving highway speeds and he didn't have time to stop well before he was anywhere near them. he had more than enough opportunity to stop, or even turn off on another road.
2) When his car was struck, he had already hit several people.
3) Those surrounding the car were just luck he missed them as he sped through the crowd.
4) You're nuts. Why are you trying to defend someone who intentionally drove into a crowd?

No, I am clearly not defending anyone.
What I am defending is SEEKING THE TRUTH.
And the video, along with others, are compelling.
He may have very well intentionally done this, however the videos DO support the claim that he was being attacked by multiple people with weapons right before accelerating.
It IS possible that he panicked, if so...he is not a murderer. Manslaughter? probably....but a murderer? We need more evidence.
We need to know what happened right before he did this.
We still live in a country, hopefully, where one's guilt is measured by evidence and not emotion.
NOT SO, oh Great One. Connecticut drivers are far more technically savvy than to mess up their paint job by plowing into a crowd. NJ drivers are second only to Mass for driving like maniacal assholes; particularly NJ drivers in Porsches.

I think people from the great state of Maryland can never be left out of such a discussion; the worst drivers in the country.
I've never had the pleasure. I remember Rustic repeating about twenty times in a thread that he would rather die than vacation in Maryland.
Sounds like a great place. LOL
I've never had the pleasure. I remember Rustic repeating about twenty times in a thread that he would rather die than vacation in Maryland.
Sounds like a great place. LOL
Maryland has some beautiful scenery and wonderful people, but driving around the Beltway is definitely automotive combat
I've already explained like six times why he would disable the air bags and why it matters if he did.
Why not explain it again -- or point me to a message number.

I'm not asking for a calculus formula. A simple sentence should do.

If an airbag goes off, it doesn't fold back up in the steering wheel, it stays where it is, deflated and in the way. If you are planning on doing something where you may experience a crash and feel that you may need to get away afterwards, you would disable the airbag so that they won't impede your vision or your ability to operate the car.

And yeah, it's a calculated risk. Before the 80's, there were no airbags.
If an airbag goes off, it doesn't fold back up in the steering wheel, it stays where it is, deflated and in the way. If you are planning on doing something where you may experience a crash and feel that you may need to get away afterwards, you would disable the airbag so that they won't impede your vision or your ability to operate the car.

And yeah, it's a calculated risk. Before the 80's, there were no airbags.
Assuming the airbags were disabled the question as to when they were disabled arises -- and why. This is an extremely speculative question with no evidence value.

There's only one reason a car's airbags would not deploy upon a head-on crash like that, and that is that they were deliberately disabled before the crash. It's clear from the front shot of the car, after the collision, that no air bags deployed.

That tells us he disabled them beforehand, and that in turn tells us his collision was premeditated. And THAT in turn mops the floor with the ridiculously desperate premise of this thread hoping against hope to find an excuse for this terrorist asshole.

And you'll notice that the OP who started it ran away. Which is coincidentally, probably your best option at this point. Unless of course you'd like to grow a pair and admit you were engaging in the same apologism.
Why would he disable the airbags?

And the fact that he did not remove or otherwise alter his license plates raises serious question about premeditation.

I've already explained like six times why he would disable the air bags and why it matters if he did.

The fact that he didn't remove or cover his license plates --- or wear a disguise, or decline to be photographed earlier chanting racist memes with a Vanguard shield, or not have a Nosebook page festooned with Nazi shit or have a history going back to high school of what's been called "infatuation with Nazis" --- means that he obviously didn't think of everything and obviously isn't the sharpest knife in the proverbial drawer.

Disabling the air bags takes a few seconds and can easily have been thought of just prior to the attack, independent of all of the above. The air bag switch and indicator is right in front of the driver; the license plate is not.

  • Sit on perch casing the street, assess what one sees.... a straight street with people at the end one defines as "the enemy"....
  • Muse that "if I just gun it from here to there, I can take me out some Liburruls"... then I'll slam it into reverse and get away"....
  • Further muse that "if I run into that car my air bag will be all up in my face and smother me, that will make it hard to see, better kill that"
  • Disable air bag
  • Hit gas

The rest is bloody history.

How many people think a deployed airbag will block a driver's vision? From personal experience being t-boned by another car, I can tell you that they completely deflate before you're even aware they deployed.

It remains to be proven that he deliberately disabled them, for any reason.

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Oh bullshit. You've apparently never seen a car accident. At least not since 1998 when they became mandatory.

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