Charlottesville Driver May have Been Panicked into Losing Control of His Car

I've unintentionally stepped on the gas pedal too hard before, myself. I let off before I ran over a bunch of people and killed at least one, but that's just me.
I'm thinking three or four (or more) incidents I've seen on tv news of someone who accidentally stepped on the gas and drove right through a wall or store window. It happens a lot, and all this fellow's lawyer(s) need to do is collect as many examples as they can find and, provided this fellow hasn't already hung himself by talking, he stands a very good chance of being acquitted of the first degree murder he's charged with. Unless he confesses, or unless there is strong evidence that he planned it, he can walk free.

By serving time he is serving God. God will protect him now. He's a martyr to the noble cause.
I still do not see him swerve away. Maybe he accelerates some, it's very hard to say. I still think he appeared to have been heading into the crowd at too high a speed when the car was first hit.
This video shows the incident broken down to slow motion and some illustrative pics.

There is little attention paid to the driver as he approaches and he is going slowly, then his car is struck at 00:47, and the car veers right at 00:56.

Another interesting pair of pictures are at 2:07 and 2:36 in the video, the first is a closer shot of flagboy hitting the car and still there is no panic in the crowd. The PRECEDING pic is at 2:36 and shows the situation before flagboy hits the car, and notice that the DRIVER HAD HIS BRAKE LIGHTS ON.

From that point he accelerates in a short distance to a speed that caused two parked cars to slam forward into the crowd.

It seems pretty strong to me that the driver panicked, spooked by flagboy.

Still he is at least guilty of manslaughter and failing to control his vehicle.

Don't take this as me being completely confident, but here's my take.

First, I still don't know if the car was actually struck by the guy with a flag (although it's nice to have a good picture to see that it WAS a flag, I thought it was a bat from the first video I saw). Certainly he tried to hit the car, but it was moving forward and you just can't tell if the flag actually hit. Later on in the video you linked, it shows a scuff mark on the bumper and indicates that was caused by the flag, but it looks to me as though the scuff was already there and the flag would not have hit that spot.

Next, the pictures of the guy with the flag and the car's brake lights. I had already seen the car's brake lights on momentarily in another video. That was a bit up the road from where the flag guy tried to hit him, and I don't see how that makes the case that the driver was fleeing. The driver at least tapped the brakes a ways back, then did NOT brake again after. So he was at least coasting, if not accelerating, before ever getting to flag guy.

When the guy with the flag tried to or did hit the car, you absolutely can see concern, and perhaps the beginnings of panic, in some of the people. A number of faces look worried, and a woman in green pants and white t-shit in the path of the car looks to be trying to run out of the way. I'm not saying that explains the flag guy trying to hit the car; he might just have been an ass hole.

I do see a small swerve to the right in the video. However, it is such a short turn and immediately corrected, I don't know that it can be seen as evidence of panic. Was the driver in control enough that he could recover from a panicked swerve a fraction of a second after he began it, yet not in control enough to stop the car? Despite the label in some of the pictures that claim the brake lights came on after flag guy hit the car, I think it is pretty clear that what is circled is actually a glare off the bumper. You can see it in the picture at 2:27. The positioning of the light spot is not where the brake light should be. So, what we seem to see is a driver make a minor course correction without any attempt made to stop. If this were truly a panic reaction, I would expect a much wilder movement of the car.

Finally, take a look at the flag guy picture again at 2:27. There looks to be no more than a car length between the front of the car and the crowd. Even if the car doesn't accelerate from that point, even if the driver slammed on the brakes right there, it looks like there would have been a good chance he would hit some of the crowd. These pictures actually make me feel more strongly that this was an intentional act, as they seem to show the car moving along at a speed, based on videos of the event, which would have caused a collision with protesters even if the driver tried to stop from the moment he was hit by the flag.

At this point I feel fairly confident it was an intentional act, but I try to remain open to new evidence changing my opinion.
Montrovant, post: 17949534
On this one issue, however, I agree that I consider the morality of protesting against neo-Naziism superior to support of neo-Naziism.

Wow, it took so long but you got there. Now let's talk about the sliver of anti-Nazi protestors that have engaged in violence. You do admit that both sides in Charlottesville had participants that engaged in violence. So do you believe the violent actiions of a few discredit the moral superiority of the peaceful anti-Nazi protesters over the Nazis.

No, it took you a long time to accept it. ;)

You seem to be looking for specific answers to general questions. Nothing anyone does changes my opinion that opposing neo-Nazi ideology is morally superior to supporting neo-Nazi ideology. I do not, however, accept the idea that a person who opposes neo-Nazi ideology is automatically morally superior as a person to someone who supports neo-Nazi ideology. There are so many aspects to morality, someone could oppose neo-Nazis and still be a complete monster.

Peaceful anti-Nazi protesters will remain morally superior to peaceful neo-Nazi supporters regardless of the actions of other violent protesters, with regards to this issue.

Rather than trying to get somewhere with leading questions, perhaps assuming you know where my opinions lie, why don't you just get to your point?
I've unintentionally stepped on the gas pedal too hard before, myself. I let off before I ran over a bunch of people and killed at least one, but that's just me.
I'm thinking three or four (or more) incidents I've seen on tv news of someone who accidentally stepped on the gas and drove right through a wall or store window. It happens a lot, and all this fellow's lawyer(s) need to do is collect as many examples as they can find and, provided this fellow hasn't already hung himself by talking, he stands a very good chance of being acquitted of the first degree murder he's charged with. Unless he confesses, or unless there is strong evidence that he planned it, he can walk free.

By serving time he is serving God. God will protect him now. He's a martyr to the noble cause.

Better tell god to go ahead and order a bushing for his ass. He's gonna need it.
First, I still don't know if the car was actually struck by the guy with a flag (although it's nice to have a good picture to see that it WAS a flag, I thought it was a bat from the first video I saw). Certainly he tried to hit the car, but it was moving forward and you just can't tell if the flag actually hit. Later on in the video you linked, it shows a scuff mark on the bumper and indicates that was caused by the flag, but it looks to me as though the scuff was already there and the flag would not have hit that spot.

Next, the pictures of the guy with the flag and the car's brake lights. I had already seen the car's brake lights on momentarily in another video. That was a bit up the road from where the flag guy tried to hit him, and I don't see how that makes the case that the driver was fleeing. The driver at least tapped the brakes a ways back, then did NOT brake again after. So he was at least coasting, if not accelerating, before ever getting to flag guy.

This is the photo of the brake light PRIOR to flagboy hitting the car.


I have no idea why the guy hit the brakes if his intent was to run over the people in front of him anyway. But he did gfet hit shortly after this phot and he accelerated into the rest of the crowd.

This is after flagboy hit the car.

I do see a small swerve to the right in the video. However, it is such a short turn and immediately corrected, I don't know that it can be seen as evidence of panic. Was the driver in control enough that he could recover from a panicked swerve a fraction of a second after he began it, yet not in control enough to stop the car? Despite the label in some of the pictures that claim the brake lights came on after flag guy hit the car, I think it is pretty clear that what is circled is actually a glare off the bumper. You can see it in the picture at 2:27. The positioning of the light spot is not where the brake light should be. So, what we seem to see is a driver make a minor course correction without any attempt made to stop. If this were truly a panic reaction, I would expect a much wilder movement of the car.

I dont see how you think these are not the brake lights, unless I am misunderstanding you.

The swerve to the right is short, and it seems to suggest sudden acceleration. A Charger does tend to have powerful engines.

Finally, take a look at the flag guy picture again at 2:27. There looks to be no more than a car length between the front of the car and the crowd. Even if the car doesn't accelerate from that point, even if the driver slammed on the brakes right there, it looks like there would have been a good chance he would hit some of the crowd. These pictures actually make me feel more strongly that this was an intentional act, as they seem to show the car moving along at a speed, based on videos of the event, which would have caused a collision with protesters even if the driver tried to stop from the moment he was hit by the flag.

You seriously think that these puffballs could have gotten out of the way of the car if the driver had been going at 'high speeds'?


At this point I feel fairly confident it was an intentional act, but I try to remain open to new evidence changing my opinion.

I totally disagree.

I guess we will have to see what a jury thinks?
I've unintentionally stepped on the gas pedal too hard before, myself. I let off before I ran over a bunch of people and killed at least one, but that's just me.
I'm thinking three or four (or more) incidents I've seen on tv news of someone who accidentally stepped on the gas and drove right through a wall or store window. It happens a lot, and all this fellow's lawyer(s) need to do is collect as many examples as they can find and, provided this fellow hasn't already hung himself by talking, he stands a very good chance of being acquitted of the first degree murder he's charged with. Unless he confesses, or unless there is strong evidence that he planned it, he can walk free.

By serving time he is serving God. God will protect him now. He's a martyr to the noble cause.

Better tell god to go ahead and order a bushing for his ass. He's gonna need it.
God will protect him from the animal n*ggers and faggots that populate American prisons. He killed a useless n*gger lover earning God's eternal blessing in the process/
God will protect him from the animal n*ggers and faggots that populate American prisons. He killed a useless n*gger lover earning God's eternal blessing in the process/
Dont you have some pig shit to go clean up off your kitchen floor or sumpin?

Welcome to my ignore list, slackjawed ape.
I've unintentionally stepped on the gas pedal too hard before, myself. I let off before I ran over a bunch of people and killed at least one, but that's just me.
I'm thinking three or four (or more) incidents I've seen on tv news of someone who accidentally stepped on the gas and drove right through a wall or store window. It happens a lot, and all this fellow's lawyer(s) need to do is collect as many examples as they can find and, provided this fellow hasn't already hung himself by talking, he stands a very good chance of being acquitted of the first degree murder he's charged with. Unless he confesses, or unless there is strong evidence that he planned it, he can walk free.

By serving time he is serving God. God will protect him now. He's a martyr to the noble cause.

Better tell god to go ahead and order a bushing for his ass. He's gonna need it.
God will protect him from the animal n*ggers and faggots that populate American prisons. He killed a useless n*gger lover earning God's eternal blessing in the process/

Yes, that's the most popular part of the bible where he says to kill the *******.
I've unintentionally stepped on the gas pedal too hard before, myself. I let off before I ran over a bunch of people and killed at least one, but that's just me.
I'm thinking three or four (or more) incidents I've seen on tv news of someone who accidentally stepped on the gas and drove right through a wall or store window. It happens a lot, and all this fellow's lawyer(s) need to do is collect as many examples as they can find and, provided this fellow hasn't already hung himself by talking, he stands a very good chance of being acquitted of the first degree murder he's charged with. Unless he confesses, or unless there is strong evidence that he planned it, he can walk free.

By serving time he is serving God. God will protect him now. He's a martyr to the noble cause.

Better tell god to go ahead and order a bushing for his ass. He's gonna need it.
God will protect him from the animal n*ggers and faggots that populate American prisons. He killed a useless n*gger lover earning God's eternal blessing in the process/

Yes, that's the most popular part of the bible where he says to kill the *******.
God not only commanded the Jews to, he helped. That was before the Jews killed His Son.
I still do not see him swerve away. Maybe he accelerates some, it's very hard to say. I still think he appeared to have been heading into the crowd at too high a speed when the car was first hit.
This video shows the incident broken down to slow motion and some illustrative pics.

There is little attention paid to the driver as he approaches and he is going slowly, then his car is struck at 00:47, and the car veers right at 00:56.

Another interesting pair of pictures are at 2:07 and 2:36 in the video, the first is a closer shot of flagboy hitting the car and still there is no panic in the crowd. The PRECEDING pic is at 2:36 and shows the situation before flagboy hits the car, and notice that the DRIVER HAD HIS BRAKE LIGHTS ON.

From that point he accelerates in a short distance to a speed that caused two parked cars to slam forward into the crowd.

It seems pretty strong to me that the driver panicked, spooked by flagboy.

Still he is at least guilty of manslaughter and failing to control his vehicle.

You lie. He just couldn't kill more because that fat bitch stopped the car dead!
I've unintentionally stepped on the gas pedal too hard before, myself. I let off before I ran over a bunch of people and killed at least one, but that's just me.
I'm thinking three or four (or more) incidents I've seen on tv news of someone who accidentally stepped on the gas and drove right through a wall or store window. It happens a lot, and all this fellow's lawyer(s) need to do is collect as many examples as they can find and, provided this fellow hasn't already hung himself by talking, he stands a very good chance of being acquitted of the first degree murder he's charged with. Unless he confesses, or unless there is strong evidence that he planned it, he can walk free.

By serving time he is serving God. God will protect him now. He's a martyr to the noble cause.
God is Black. He cant be serving God. Dont you wonder why god made the sun give you cancer easily?
I still do not see him swerve away. Maybe he accelerates some, it's very hard to say. I still think he appeared to have been heading into the crowd at too high a speed when the car was first hit.
This video shows the incident broken down to slow motion and some illustrative pics.

There is little attention paid to the driver as he approaches and he is going slowly, then his car is struck at 00:47, and the car veers right at 00:56.

Another interesting pair of pictures are at 2:07 and 2:36 in the video, the first is a closer shot of flagboy hitting the car and still there is no panic in the crowd. The PRECEDING pic is at 2:36 and shows the situation before flagboy hits the car, and notice that the DRIVER HAD HIS BRAKE LIGHTS ON.

From that point he accelerates in a short distance to a speed that caused two parked cars to slam forward into the crowd.

It seems pretty strong to me that the driver panicked, spooked by flagboy.

Still he is at least guilty of manslaughter and failing to control his vehicle.

You lie. He just couldn't kill more because that fat bitch stopped the car dead!

88. I get it. HH for homeless honky. :laugh:
I'm thinking three or four (or more) incidents I've seen on tv news of someone who accidentally stepped on the gas and drove right through a wall or store window. It happens a lot, and all this fellow's lawyer(s) need to do is collect as many examples as they can find and, provided this fellow hasn't already hung himself by talking, he stands a very good chance of being acquitted of the first degree murder he's charged with. Unless he confesses, or unless there is strong evidence that he planned it, he can walk free.

By serving time he is serving God. God will protect him now. He's a martyr to the noble cause.

Better tell god to go ahead and order a bushing for his ass. He's gonna need it.
God will protect him from the animal n*ggers and faggots that populate American prisons. He killed a useless n*gger lover earning God's eternal blessing in the process/

Yes, that's the most popular part of the bible where he says to kill the *******.
God not only commanded the Jews to, he helped. That was before the Jews killed His Son.
The Jews were Black too. There is a reason God turned Moses hand white instead of Black to impress upon the Hebrews God was real.
I've unintentionally stepped on the gas pedal too hard before, myself. I let off before I ran over a bunch of people and killed at least one, but that's just me.
I'm thinking three or four (or more) incidents I've seen on tv news of someone who accidentally stepped on the gas and drove right through a wall or store window. It happens a lot, and all this fellow's lawyer(s) need to do is collect as many examples as they can find and, provided this fellow hasn't already hung himself by talking, he stands a very good chance of being acquitted of the first degree murder he's charged with. Unless he confesses, or unless there is strong evidence that he planned it, he can walk free.

By serving time he is serving God. God will protect him now. He's a martyr to the noble cause.
God is Black. He cant be serving God. Dont you wonder why god made the sun give you cancer easily?
Sorry, but God is white, like Adam and Eve. Only when men who should have known better fucked animals did we get the other races. That's why non-whites act like animals.
I've unintentionally stepped on the gas pedal too hard before, myself. I let off before I ran over a bunch of people and killed at least one, but that's just me.
I'm thinking three or four (or more) incidents I've seen on tv news of someone who accidentally stepped on the gas and drove right through a wall or store window. It happens a lot, and all this fellow's lawyer(s) need to do is collect as many examples as they can find and, provided this fellow hasn't already hung himself by talking, he stands a very good chance of being acquitted of the first degree murder he's charged with. Unless he confesses, or unless there is strong evidence that he planned it, he can walk free.

By serving time he is serving God. God will protect him now. He's a martyr to the noble cause.
God is Black. He cant be serving God. Dont you wonder why god made the sun give you cancer easily?
Sorry, but God is white, like Adam and Eve. Only when men who should have known better fucked animals did we get the other races. That's why non-whites act like animals.
Thats a picture of a xxxx xxxxx and their agreed upon depiction of god. It even says in the Bible that god had hair like wool and skin like burnt brass. Sorry xxxx xxxxx

Asclepias Last warning to stop using racial slurs. I have edited, and asked you to stop over and over this evening.
Last edited by a moderator:
By serving time he is serving God. God will protect him now. He's a martyr to the noble cause.

Better tell god to go ahead and order a bushing for his ass. He's gonna need it.
God will protect him from the animal n*ggers and faggots that populate American prisons. He killed a useless n*gger lover earning God's eternal blessing in the process/

Yes, that's the most popular part of the bible where he says to kill the *******.
God not only commanded the Jews to, he helped. That was before the Jews killed His Son.
The Jews were Black too. There is a reason God turned Moses hand white instead of Black to impress upon the Hebrews God was real.
God made Jesus white. Same thing, to show others that now he actually matter unlike most others.
I've unintentionally stepped on the gas pedal too hard before, myself. I let off before I ran over a bunch of people and killed at least one, but that's just me.
I'm thinking three or four (or more) incidents I've seen on tv news of someone who accidentally stepped on the gas and drove right through a wall or store window. It happens a lot, and all this fellow's lawyer(s) need to do is collect as many examples as they can find and, provided this fellow hasn't already hung himself by talking, he stands a very good chance of being acquitted of the first degree murder he's charged with. Unless he confesses, or unless there is strong evidence that he planned it, he can walk free.

By serving time he is serving God. God will protect him now. He's a martyr to the noble cause.
God is Black. He cant be serving God. Dont you wonder why god made the sun give you cancer easily?
Sorry, but God is white, like Adam and Eve. Only when men who should have known better fucked animals did we get the other races. That's why non-whites act like animals.
Thats a picture of a cave monkey and their agreed upon depiction of god. It even says in the Bible that god had hair like wool and skin like burnt brass. Sorry cave monkey.
Having never seen God they had no way of knowing but we know that Jesus was made white and being the Son of God God must also be white.
Better tell god to go ahead and order a bushing for his ass. He's gonna need it.
God will protect him from the animal n*ggers and faggots that populate American prisons. He killed a useless n*gger lover earning God's eternal blessing in the process/

Yes, that's the most popular part of the bible where he says to kill the *******.
God not only commanded the Jews to, he helped. That was before the Jews killed His Son.
The Jews were Black too. There is a reason God turned Moses hand white instead of Black to impress upon the Hebrews God was real.
God made Jesus white. Same thing, to show others that now he actually matter unlike most others.
How did a white Jesus hide in a country where everyone was Black? If he was white why didnt God send him to europe? Your cave monkey babbling is illogical.
I'm thinking three or four (or more) incidents I've seen on tv news of someone who accidentally stepped on the gas and drove right through a wall or store window. It happens a lot, and all this fellow's lawyer(s) need to do is collect as many examples as they can find and, provided this fellow hasn't already hung himself by talking, he stands a very good chance of being acquitted of the first degree murder he's charged with. Unless he confesses, or unless there is strong evidence that he planned it, he can walk free.

By serving time he is serving God. God will protect him now. He's a martyr to the noble cause.
God is Black. He cant be serving God. Dont you wonder why god made the sun give you cancer easily?
Sorry, but God is white, like Adam and Eve. Only when men who should have known better fucked animals did we get the other races. That's why non-whites act like animals.
Thats a picture of a cave monkey and their agreed upon depiction of god. It even says in the Bible that god had hair like wool and skin like burnt brass. Sorry cave monkey.
Having never seen God they had no way of knowing but we know that Jesus was made white and being the Son of God God must also be white.
Well you know what lambs wool looks like and burnt brass is basically a little darker than Denzel Washington. Thats how god is described in the bible. Sorry cave monkey.
By serving time he is serving God. God will protect him now. He's a martyr to the noble cause.
God is Black. He cant be serving God. Dont you wonder why god made the sun give you cancer easily?
Sorry, but God is white, like Adam and Eve. Only when men who should have known better fucked animals did we get the other races. That's why non-whites act like animals.
Thats a picture of a cave monkey and their agreed upon depiction of god. It even says in the Bible that god had hair like wool and skin like burnt brass. Sorry cave monkey.
Having never seen God they had no way of knowing but we know that Jesus was made white and being the Son of God God must also be white.
Well you know what lambs wool looks like and burnt brass is basically a little darker than Denzel Washington. Thats how god is described in the bible. Sorry cave monkey.
Some stupid Jews thought they looked like God? Gee, what a shock. They also thought bacon was bad for you.

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