Charlottesville Driver May have Been Panicked into Losing Control of His Car

job 30:30

My skin is black upon me, and my bones are burned with heat.

Only dark brown people skin turns black (hyper pigmentation) during starvation. You sound like another recessive idiot.
God will protect him from the animal n*ggers and faggots that populate American prisons. He killed a useless n*gger lover earning God's eternal blessing in the process/

Yes, that's the most popular part of the bible where he says to kill the *******.
God not only commanded the Jews to, he helped. That was before the Jews killed His Son.
The Jews were Black too. There is a reason God turned Moses hand white instead of Black to impress upon the Hebrews God was real.
God made Jesus white. Same thing, to show others that now he actually matter unlike most others.
How did a white Jesus hide in a country where everyone was Black? If he was white why didnt God send him to europe? Your cave monkey babbling is illogical.
When did Jesus ever hide? Why would he need to? He was always going to die. It was the only way to save the souls of other white people.
Yes, that's the most popular part of the bible where he says to kill the *******.
God not only commanded the Jews to, he helped. That was before the Jews killed His Son.
The Jews were Black too. There is a reason God turned Moses hand white instead of Black to impress upon the Hebrews God was real.
God made Jesus white. Same thing, to show others that now he actually matter unlike most others.
How did a white Jesus hide in a country where everyone was Black? If he was white why didnt God send him to europe? Your cave monkey babbling is illogical.
When did Jesus ever hide? Why would he need to? He was always going to die. It was the only way to save the souls of other white people.
Youre a particularly illiterate cave monkey. You didnt know Jesus was sent to Egypt as a child to hide?

Flight into Egypt - Wikipedia
First, I still don't know if the car was actually struck by the guy with a flag (although it's nice to have a good picture to see that it WAS a flag, I thought it was a bat from the first video I saw). Certainly he tried to hit the car, but it was moving forward and you just can't tell if the flag actually hit. Later on in the video you linked, it shows a scuff mark on the bumper and indicates that was caused by the flag, but it looks to me as though the scuff was already there and the flag would not have hit that spot.

Next, the pictures of the guy with the flag and the car's brake lights. I had already seen the car's brake lights on momentarily in another video. That was a bit up the road from where the flag guy tried to hit him, and I don't see how that makes the case that the driver was fleeing. The driver at least tapped the brakes a ways back, then did NOT brake again after. So he was at least coasting, if not accelerating, before ever getting to flag guy.

This is the photo of the brake light PRIOR to flagboy hitting the car.

View attachment 144140

I have no idea why the guy hit the brakes if his intent was to run over the people in front of him anyway. But he did gfet hit shortly after this phot and he accelerated into the rest of the crowd.

This is after flagboy hit the car.

I do see a small swerve to the right in the video. However, it is such a short turn and immediately corrected, I don't know that it can be seen as evidence of panic. Was the driver in control enough that he could recover from a panicked swerve a fraction of a second after he began it, yet not in control enough to stop the car? Despite the label in some of the pictures that claim the brake lights came on after flag guy hit the car, I think it is pretty clear that what is circled is actually a glare off the bumper. You can see it in the picture at 2:27. The positioning of the light spot is not where the brake light should be. So, what we seem to see is a driver make a minor course correction without any attempt made to stop. If this were truly a panic reaction, I would expect a much wilder movement of the car.

I dont see how you think these are not the brake lights, unless I am misunderstanding you.

The swerve to the right is short, and it seems to suggest sudden acceleration. A Charger does tend to have powerful engines.

Finally, take a look at the flag guy picture again at 2:27. There looks to be no more than a car length between the front of the car and the crowd. Even if the car doesn't accelerate from that point, even if the driver slammed on the brakes right there, it looks like there would have been a good chance he would hit some of the crowd. These pictures actually make me feel more strongly that this was an intentional act, as they seem to show the car moving along at a speed, based on videos of the event, which would have caused a collision with protesters even if the driver tried to stop from the moment he was hit by the flag.

You seriously think that these puffballs could have gotten out of the way of the car if the driver had been going at 'high speeds'?

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At this point I feel fairly confident it was an intentional act, but I try to remain open to new evidence changing my opinion.

I totally disagree.

I guess we will have to see what a jury thinks?
I have no idea why the guy hit the brakes if his intent was to run over the people in front of him anyway. But he did gfet hit shortly after this phot and he accelerated into the rest of the crowd.

Here's another video of the event, pretty much the same as the one with all of the labels but minus those labels and without the slow motion. At the very beginning, you can see the brake lights on and hear what sounds like the car hitting some sort of bump or possibly a short skid. After that, he drives a goodly distance before hitting the crowd. He certainly didn't brake right before he hit or anything like that. It's pretty much impossible to tell why he braked at that time, but it in no way prevented him from intentionally running into the crowd.

I dont see how you think these are not the brake lights, unless I am misunderstanding you.

You can watch in the video I just linked (and similar videos that have been linked before) and see that the brake lights do not come on after the car is hit by the flag. To clarify what I was specifically talking about, I mean this picture:

That is not the brake light.

You seriously think that these puffballs could have gotten out of the way of the car if the driver had been going at 'high speeds'?

I did not say he was traveling at "high speeds." I said he was moving fast enough that, even if he had braked immediately when the flag hit the car, he still likely would have run into some people. Here's another video which has pretty good audio. I believe I hear the flag hitting the back of the car. It takes a second or less after that for the car to hit the crowd. Maybe if the driver hit the brakes the moment the flag impacts the back of the car, with no reaction delay whatsoever, he could have avoided hitting anyone. Maybe.

The driver was not slowing for the crowd in front of him or the truck he eventually hits. There was no large swerve, nor extreme acceleration, nor sudden braking as one might expect from a panic reaction. He already looked to be accelerating a bit from the time he braked to the time his car was hit by a flag, which would mean he was speeding up toward a crowd of people in the road before any fear for his life caused by his car being struck in the rear bumper.


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God not only commanded the Jews to, he helped. That was before the Jews killed His Son.
The Jews were Black too. There is a reason God turned Moses hand white instead of Black to impress upon the Hebrews God was real.
God made Jesus white. Same thing, to show others that now he actually matter unlike most others.
How did a white Jesus hide in a country where everyone was Black? If he was white why didnt God send him to europe? Your cave monkey babbling is illogical.
When did Jesus ever hide? Why would he need to? He was always going to die. It was the only way to save the souls of other white people.
Youre a particularly illiterate cave monkey. You didnt know Jesus was sent to Egypt as a child to hide?

Flight into Egypt - Wikipedia
Hide from what? He was always under God's protection even when dying on the cross.
The Jews were Black too. There is a reason God turned Moses hand white instead of Black to impress upon the Hebrews God was real.
God made Jesus white. Same thing, to show others that now he actually matter unlike most others.
How did a white Jesus hide in a country where everyone was Black? If he was white why didnt God send him to europe? Your cave monkey babbling is illogical.
When did Jesus ever hide? Why would he need to? He was always going to die. It was the only way to save the souls of other white people.
Youre a particularly illiterate cave monkey. You didnt know Jesus was sent to Egypt as a child to hide?

Flight into Egypt - Wikipedia
Hide from what? He was always under God's protection even when dying on the cross.
Never mind. Youre a really stupid cave chimp. Go to the store and get some RID so you can get your hair lice under control. Obviously the lice is impairing your logical functions.

The above in your video corresponds to the pic below, see the electric box to the right with the protective posts in both pics?

The mystery is why the tail lights are not clear in the above video and why are there no people fleeing the car in the video that we can clearly see in the pic.


This pic that is AFTER the above pic is here where the flagboy hits the car



See the tan sign on the left side with the brown fan looking emblem? It is closer in this photo to the car than in the first pic above, and that is how I know that this pic is after the first pic.

Also the area in which he hit the people had brick pavement, not asphalt, like the pics and video both show. It seems there was a second brick area behind where he began his acceleration.


Listening to the acceleration and the sound of people being hit is immediately after flagboy does his Antifa thing. And all that brick pavement was traversed in the drivers charge with his car, but you cant even see it in the video, it is so far down the block.
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I looked up a bit on Virginia law.

Second degree murder includes felony homicide. Felony homicide is when someone is committing a non-murder felony and kills a person unintentionally. VA Homocide Laws | Murder & Manslaughter Charges

There are two traffic laws in Virginia that count as felonies which might apply to this incident. The first is reckless driving, which is normally a misdemeanor, but can be a felony if the driver doesn't have a valid license and causes a death. I don't know if the driver in this case had a valid license. Virginia Code Title 46.2. Motor Vehicles § 46.2-868 | FindLaw

The second traffic felony that might apply is for leaving the scene of an accident in which injury or death occur, or property is damaged. That is a requirement unless injury forces the driver to leave, and even then, the driver is required to make their name and license number known as soon as reasonably possible. Failure to do so is a class 5 felony if injury or death occur. Virginia Code Title 46.2. Motor Vehicles § 46.2-894 | FindLaw

Based on this, charging the driver with second degree murder seems likely to succeed in court, even if intent cannot be established. Assuming no intent, that the driver left the scene of an accident is pretty irrefutable, and as all the reports I have seen indicate that the police went and arrested the driver, rather than the driver making himself known to the police or victims, he almost certainly is guilty of the class 5 felony for leaving the scene of an accident. That, in turn, makes him guilty of felony homicide, which makes him guilty of second degree murder, based on my reading.

I am not a lawyer nor criminal law expert, and I am not saying the man does not deserve his day in court. I'm just pointing out that, even if there is enough evidence to cast reasonable doubt on the driver's intent to run into the crowd, he may still be found guilty of second degree murder.

Here's a link to the Title 18.2 code of Virginia as of 2016, which covers Crimes and Offenses Generally. Murder is dealt with in Chapter 4, Crimes Against the Person.
2016 Code of Virginia :: Title 18.2 - Crimes and Offenses Generally
View attachment 144161

The above in your video corresponds to the pic below, see the electric box to the right with the protective posts in both pics?

The mystery is why the tail lights are not clear in the above video and why are there no people fleeing the car in the video that we can clearly see in the pic.


This pic that is AFTER the above pic is here where the flagboy hits the car

View attachment 144164


See the tan sign on the left side with the brown fan looking emblem? It is closer in this photo to the car than in the first pic above, and that is how I know that this pic is after the first pic.

Also the area in which he hit the people had brick pavement, not asphalt, like the pics and video both show.

View attachment 144165

Listening to the acceleration and the sound of people being hit is immediately after flagboy does his Antifa thing. And all that brick pavement was traversed in the drivers charge with his car, but you cant even see it in the video, it is so far down the block.
Not working. i already watched the video. Cave chimp accelerated and everyone looks and flag boy attacks. (Didnt they say flag boy was Black at first?) The narrative keeps changing I guess. LOL!
I looked up a bit on Virginia law.

Second degree murder includes felony homicide. Felony homicide is when someone is committing a non-murder felony and kills a person unintentionally. VA Homocide Laws | Murder & Manslaughter Charges

There are two traffic laws in Virginia that count as felonies which might apply to this incident. The first is reckless driving, which is normally a misdemeanor, but can be a felony if the driver doesn't have a valid license and causes a death. I don't know if the driver in this case had a valid license. Virginia Code Title 46.2. Motor Vehicles § 46.2-868 | FindLaw

The second traffic felony that might apply is for leaving the scene of an accident in which injury or death occur, or property is damaged. That is a requirement unless injury forces the driver to leave, and even then, the driver is required to make their name and license number known as soon as reasonably possible. Failure to do so is a class 5 felony if injury or death occur. Virginia Code Title 46.2. Motor Vehicles § 46.2-894 | FindLaw

Based on this, charging the driver with second degree murder seems likely to succeed in court, even if intent cannot be established. Assuming no intent, that the driver left the scene of an accident is pretty irrefutable, and as all the reports I have seen indicate that the police went and arrested the driver, rather than the driver making himself known to the police or victims, he almost certainly is guilty of the class 5 felony for leaving the scene of an accident. That, in turn, makes him guilty of felony homicide, which makes him guilty of second degree murder, based on my reading.

I am not a lawyer nor criminal law expert, and I am not saying the man does not deserve his day in court. I'm just pointing out that, even if there is enough evidence to cast reasonable doubt on the driver's intent to run into the crowd, he may still be found guilty of second degree murder.

Here's a link to the Title 18.2 code of Virginia as of 2016, which covers Crimes and Offenses Generally. Murder is dealt with in Chapter 4, Crimes Against the Person.
2016 Code of Virginia :: Title 18.2 - Crimes and Offenses Generally
But will they prosecute it that way or try to make this a White Supremacist intentionally killing protesters case?
Liar we have the Antifa and BLM terrorists on tape hitting his car before he hit anyone:

No silly monkey. I saw that video. Now look at the real one. He takes off for the crowd and attracts the attention of the guy that took a swing at his car.

Liar he didn't hit anyone until his car was attacked, self defense.

I didnt say he hit anyone you inbred. Learn how to read. I said he accelerated before anyone hit his car which made them attack.

He was driving on an open public street being intentionally blocked by a violent antifa and BLM mob of rioters who attacked his car with bats! Self defense.

You keep forgetting the video shows he was attacked after he accelerated towards the crowd. It was murder.

I don't see any obvious violence from the driver before the car is hit. The liberals are grasping at straws and making irrational arguments.

The videos are what we have so far. Until more evidence is released, you'll just have to admit that the bad people here are the liberal protesters.
No silly monkey. I saw that video. Now look at the real one. He takes off for the crowd and attracts the attention of the guy that took a swing at his car.

Liar he didn't hit anyone until his car was attacked, self defense.

I didnt say he hit anyone you inbred. Learn how to read. I said he accelerated before anyone hit his car which made them attack.

He was driving on an open public street being intentionally blocked by a violent antifa and BLM mob of rioters who attacked his car with bats! Self defense.

You keep forgetting the video shows he was attacked after he accelerated towards the crowd. It was murder.

I don't see any obvious violence from the driver before the car is hit. The liberals are grasping at straws and making irrational arguments.

The videos are what we have so far. Until more evidence is released, you'll just have to admit that the bad people here are the liberal protesters.

You must have lice in your eyes if you dont see him speeding up before the guy hits his car with the flag.
That's a very well done play by play in this video. No matter what the Libs would wish to be true. There's more to this story than "he just decided to kill people."

We have it all on tape, they can deny all they want and the video evidence will seem him exonerated, at worse it's manslaughter not murder 2.
Im confident that the murder charge will be scaled back. It's going to be very tricky to prove intent, and malice aforethought.
Not really. He was tailing the crowd for sometime. If its not murder 1 its definitely murder 2
How is idling through a crowd tailing anyone? I don't think the footage begins early enough to draw that conclusion.
The video speaks for itself. i cant explain it better than the video. Why was he following the crowd?

He was driving on an open public street being intentionally and illegally blocked by a violent antifa and BLM mob the video does speak for itself and will see him exonerated.
We have it all on tape, they can deny all they want and the video evidence will seem him exonerated, at worse it's manslaughter not murder 2.
Im confident that the murder charge will be scaled back. It's going to be very tricky to prove intent, and malice aforethought.
Not really. He was tailing the crowd for sometime. If its not murder 1 its definitely murder 2
How is idling through a crowd tailing anyone? I don't think the footage begins early enough to draw that conclusion.
The video speaks for itself. i cant explain it better than the video. Why was he following the crowd?

He was driving on an open public street being intentionally and illegally blocked by a violent antifa and BLM mob the video does speak for itself and will see him exonerated.
Keep hoping. I'm sure he is comforted with your expert legal decision on the matter as he ponders how many years he will do in the pokey being someones woman.
Sign Chaos, post: 17948480
Lol, one side (alt-right) was peaceably protesting

In your mind, the alt-right threw no punches, brandished no clubs, and assaulted no one. Put aside the ones on both sides that engaged in violence, which side are you on.

The alt-right was defending itself, fuck your pre-written fake news narrative, you people tried this same shit at Berkley, attack peaceful protesters with mace, bricks, and bats then cry victim when the right fights back.

I am on the side which is against the BLM and Antifa terrorists who have been attacking Republicans and Trump supporters since before the Republican National Convention and who came to attack people legally exercising their right to peaceably assemble.

The woman who was killed was not fighting or rioting. Are you on her side or not.

She was part of a violent mob illegally blocking a public and open thoroughfare chanting "whose street? Our street!" and who attacked his car with bats and clubs.

Romney gets it.

"No, not the same," Romney wrote. "One side is racist, bigoted, Nazi. The other opposes racism and bigotry. Morally different universes."

Why can't you choose a side? Are you ashamed of the side you have chosen?

Romney is a cuckservative member of the establishment elite, fuck him, antifa aren't against racism and bigotry they are communist terrorists intent on "tearing it down by any means necessary," and BLM is a racist terrorist organization based on the proven lie of hands up don't shoot, they are on tape calling for dead police, calling for the torching and looting of white neighborhoods, and calling for whites to get to the back of the line so go screw we have it all on tape.
Liar we have the Antifa and BLM terrorists on tape hitting his car before he hit anyone:

No silly monkey. I saw that video. Now look at the real one. He takes off for the crowd and attracts the attention of the guy that took a swing at his car.

Liar he didn't hit anyone until his car was attacked, self defense.

I didnt say he hit anyone you inbred. Learn how to read. I said he accelerated before anyone hit his car which made them attack.

He was driving on an open public street being intentionally blocked by a violent antifa and BLM mob of rioters who attacked his car with bats! Self defense.

You keep forgetting the video shows he was attacked after he accelerated towards the crowd. It was murder.

He was driving on an open public and was attacked we have it all on tape.
Im confident that the murder charge will be scaled back. It's going to be very tricky to prove intent, and malice aforethought.
Not really. He was tailing the crowd for sometime. If its not murder 1 its definitely murder 2
How is idling through a crowd tailing anyone? I don't think the footage begins early enough to draw that conclusion.
The video speaks for itself. i cant explain it better than the video. Why was he following the crowd?

He was driving on an open public street being intentionally and illegally blocked by a violent antifa and BLM mob the video does speak for itself and will see him exonerated.
Keep hoping. I'm sure he is comforted with your expert legal decision on the matter as he ponders how many years he will do in the pokey being someones woman.

The video speaks for itself.
Not really. He was tailing the crowd for sometime. If its not murder 1 its definitely murder 2
How is idling through a crowd tailing anyone? I don't think the footage begins early enough to draw that conclusion.
The video speaks for itself. i cant explain it better than the video. Why was he following the crowd?

He was driving on an open public street being intentionally and illegally blocked by a violent antifa and BLM mob the video does speak for itself and will see him exonerated.
Keep hoping. I'm sure he is comforted with your expert legal decision on the matter as he ponders how many years he will do in the pokey being someones woman.

The video speaks for itself.
I agree. Thats why he will be doing some prison time.
He was driving on an open public street being intentionally blocked by a violent antifa and BLM mob of rioters who attacked his car with bats! Self defense.
You keep forgetting the video shows he was attacked after he accelerated towards the crowd. It was murder.
Also attacked after. That doesn't undo the strikes to his vehicle prior to him driving into the crowd.
He should have gotten attacked afterwards. Of course it doesnt undo the one swing because he accelerated towards the crowd. I never said it did. Youre a dumb monkey arent you?
Now now... Don't make me put you on the list for threat of this thread. Mind your manners...
Now . Where were we? Oh yes! The first strike... His car was already in a slow roll forward, which is to be wxpected from a person slowly working his way through a crowd. Then his car is struck, and he then accelerates. Which would make sense if he felt he was in danger. It's important to rember that the view that the driver had; is not the view that that camera shows. From his perspective it probably looked like he was in fact surrounded.

I appeared to me that the driver was already moving at a reckless speed, considering the closeness of the crowd, when he was struck from behind. It already appeared as though he was going to be hitting someone before the hit on the rear of the car happened, IMO.

They were illegally blocking a public and open thoroughfare without a permit and then they hit his car with a bat.

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