Charlottesville Driver May have Been Panicked into Losing Control of His Car

So? Preparing in advance to kill is not a prerequisite for first degree murder.
First-degree murder, or capital murder as it is often called, is the most serious form of murder. In most states, a first degree murder involves elements like deliberate planning, premeditation, or malice. Deliberate means that the defendant makes a clear-headed decision to kill the victim. Premeditation involves showing the defendant actually thought about the killing before it occurred.
As stated earlier, all first degree murder requires is the intent to kill. Planning is not required and premeditation can occur in the blink of an eye.
Did it have a follow up? the media at least at my home did not talk about whether he was jailed and for how many years
Who said he was convicted? He hasn’t gone to trial yet. But he was indicted on first degree murder charges, which requires nothing more than the intent to kill someone with his car as he drove into that crowd.
I did not said he was convicted i ask about the follow up....Thank for respond.
What I gave was the latest info I read. There are no years to serve until he’s convicted — IF he’s convicted.
Any charges over and above reckless driving are of course just racist and discriminatory

Ummmmmmm..... "racist"? :wtf:

You understand that "racist" does not mean "one who races, as a car" do you not? Or don't you?

How the FUCK do you get "racist" out of this?

we know for a fact he wasn't out to murder anybody,

Oh we do, do we.

Oh do go on, please. Prove this negative for the class. :popcorn:
The car rammed into the crowd in front of it. Your argument is that because the driver didn't try to pick off the people on the sidewalks, he must not have been attempting to kill anyone? Also, if you watch the video and look at the pictures, the driver almost surely could not see the cars that were in the road in the crowd.

But of course, these charges are "just racist and discriminatory"! :lol:

Not all of us are gifted with your racist, ignorant fucktard prejudice. Because this kid didn't aim at people on the sidewalk, I don't know that he was trying to hurt anyone. Rear-ending another a car is not the first choice of someone wanting to hurt others. Even you fucktards don't try to hurt others that way
The car rammed into the crowd in front of it. Your argument is that because the driver didn't try to pick off the people on the sidewalks, he must not have been attempting to kill anyone? Also, if you watch the video and look at the pictures, the driver almost surely could not see the cars that were in the road in the crowd.

But of course, these charges are "just racist and discriminatory"! :lol:

Not all of us are gifted with your racist, ignorant fucktard prejudice. Because this kid didn't aim at people on the sidewalk, I don't know that he was trying to hurt anyone. Rear-ending another a car is not the first choice of someone wanting to hurt others. Even you fucktards don't try to hurt others that way

Have you watched video of the incident? The driver almost surely did not even know there were other cars within/past the crowd. There were too many people to see that. I'm also not sure why only people on the sidewalk being hit by a car indicates intent; since when did ramming a car into a crowd indicate someone not trying to hurt anyone? :lol:

I'm also extremely curious how a person believing that the evidence indicates intent means racism from that person. Am I racist against whites because the driver is white? But wouldn't I be happy he killed a white woman?

Based on your comments so far, I'm sure you're going to reply with wit and eloquence. :p
The car rammed into the crowd in front of it. Your argument is that because the driver didn't try to pick off the people on the sidewalks, he must not have been attempting to kill anyone? Also, if you watch the video and look at the pictures, the driver almost surely could not see the cars that were in the road in the crowd.

But of course, these charges are "just racist and discriminatory"! :lol:

Not all of us are gifted with your racist, ignorant fucktard prejudice. Because this kid didn't aim at people on the sidewalk, I don't know that he was trying to hurt anyone. Rear-ending another a car is not the first choice of someone wanting to hurt others. Even you fucktards don't try to hurt others that way
And then we have reality -- where you're incapable of demonstrating he could see a stopped car beyond the wall of people he drove into.
BulletProof, post: 18937290
If you wanted to kill people, do you aim for the car or the crowd beside the car? Idiot, .....

You are the idiot. In the photo you posted, the crowd is on the sidewalk AFTER the rear end crash. How stupid can you NAZI apologists be? You have no sense of the motion of the killer's vehicle and the motion of the pedestrians. Your mind got stuck on a still shot photo when videos showing motion is available.
Hurting innocent people that never did anything to you other than disagree is unacceptable. Period. But it's pretty rare in America, but in Europe or the Middle East, Muslims plow cars into people, use truck bombs or otherwise do worse and we defend Muslims because...But this ONE mentally deranged man in Charlotte has become a poster boy for ALL things libs don't like about their critics...Well, fair is fair, why not condemn all Muslims everywhere with the same broad brush then...?
MaryL, post: 1896781
Well, fair is fair, why not condemn all Muslims everywhere with the same broad brush then...?

All Muslims are not aligned with terrorists. More Muslims are victims of terrorists acting in the name of Islam, than non-Muslims.

Nazis are Nazis are Nazis. They hate people that are not European white enough for them. That is there purpose for being Nazis. Hate!

Your attempt at false equivalency is duly noted. Why did you do it? Do you hate Muslims?

There were 1.8 billion Muslims in the world as of 2015 – roughly 24% of the global population – according to a Pew Research Center estimate."

If one quarter of the population of the world were terrorist killers we would be in very serious trouble right now. The high and vast majority of Muslims belong to a religion of peace. Just ask George W Bush.

Not all conservatives are bad:

Jan 31, 2017 · Jenna Bush Hager tweets father's 2001 speech: 'Islam is peace' ... just a reminder this am to teach acceptance and love to our kids for all races, all religions..”."

Well maybe Jenna is not a conservative.

And it's notable that your suggestion that a killer Nazi is 'mentally deranged' but terrorists that cite Islam when they terrorize are not given that sympathetic pass.

This attacker is not a poster boy for critics of liberalism as you suggest. He's a visibly seen NAZI white supremacist member who is visibly seen in video deliberately plowing his car into a crowd protesting the visit to their town by a bunch of hate mongering ignorant despicable Nazis.

Your post is weird. What is your true message here?
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MaryL, post: 1896781
Well, fair is fair, why not condemn all Muslims everywhere with the same broad brush then...?

All Muslims are not aligned with terrorists. More Muslims are victims of Terrorists acting in th name of Islam, than non-Muslims.

Nazis are Nazis are Nazis. They hate people that are not European white enough for them.

Your attempt at false equivalency is duly noted. Why did you do it? Do you hate Muslims?

There were 1.8 billion Muslims in the world as of 2015 – roughly 24% of the global population – according to a Pew Research Center estimate."

If one quarter of the population of the world were terrorist killers we would be in very serious trouble right now. The high and vast majority of Muslims belong to a religion of peace. Just ask George W Bush.

Not all conservatives are bad
Jan 31, 2017 · Jenna Bush Hager tweets father's 2001 speech: 'Islam is peace' ... just a reminder this am to teach acceptance and love to our kids for all races, all religions..”."

Well maybe Jenna is not a conservative.

And it's notable that your suggestion that a killer Nazi is 'mentally deranged' but terrorists that cite Islam when they terrorize are not given that sympathetic pass.

This attacker is not a poster boy critic of liberalism as you suggest. He's a visibly seen NAZI white supremacist member who is visibly seen in video deliberately plowing his car into a crowd protesting the visit to their town by a bunch of hate mongering ignorant despicable Nazis.

Your post is weird. What is your true message here?
Thank you. That child was deranged. He was unhinged. Violence is inexcusable in all it's forms and guises. Yes? I also remember 9/11, where thousands of innocent people were killed by deranged people. Accept those people planned THAT well in advance, they used ruses and hid under religion, and they still do now.
Not all of us are gifted with your racist, ignorant fucktard prejudice. Because this kid didn't aim at people on the sidewalk, I don't know that he was trying to hurt anyone. Rear-ending another a car is not the first choice of someone wanting to hurt others. Even you fucktards don't try to hurt others that way

Just ignore the diaper wetters and neo-fascist racists here; all they have is a bib bunch of nothing and a fervent need to deflect from the facts. The vid shows a man in a car being attacked by a mob, racing for a block or two and hitting another car in the rear, passing all kinds of targets. How some obese illegal rioter with obvious health issues having a heart attack over a car wreck amounts to first degree murder is anything but political lynching is of course what they can't explain or address, since they would then have to admit the blame lies overwhelmingly with their fellow racist neo-fascist mobsters attacking people driving down a street and terrorizing people during an illegal and criminal riot, complete with armed thugs recruited and paid to create mayhem violence, that's all. He had plenty of opportunity to hit dozens of people, but just hit a car.

And you're wrong about these fucktards not trying to hurt others; there are plenty of vids demonstrating they in fact aim to do just that, all the time, and there are vids from that riot showing this guy was attacked violently just driving down the street by the vermin these apologists and racists here love so dearly. And, I'll add that over-charging people with such nonsense charges tend to backfire on those political hacks who like to grandstand by bringing them. He is bound to get off on appeal, even if the local cherry- picked vermin railroad him on these bogus charges, and the rioters and hired Party thugs come again and assault people and destroy property.
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MaryL, post: 1896781
Well, fair is fair, why not condemn all Muslims everywhere with the same broad brush then...?

All Muslims are not aligned with terrorists.

No, just a large percentage of them are just fine with terrorism against 'infidels'. Only idiots like yourself are still running around claiming 'only a tiny percentage' are supporters. And of course you run around spreading that rubbish because you support terrorism, too, like your peer group of left wing vermin buddies here in the U.S. do. All of you really suck at trying to appear like you don't.

Muslim Opinion Polls

You and your ilk are just a collection of sicko mentally ill deviants, that's all, and you all prove it every single day here on this board. Running around babbling about 'Natzees N Stuff!' isn't fooling anybody about what you neo-fascist racists are yourselves.
Picaro, post: 18968504 Picaro, post: 18968504
No, just a large percentage of them are just fine with terrorism against 'infidels'.

I didn't see any poll in your anti-Muslim rant link where Muslims say they are aligned with terrorists; meaning they would commit terrorist attacks themselves or participate any way.

All you can come up with as an answer is "a large number" which actually means nothing.

Your anti-Muslim and support for racist Islamaphobes like Daniel Pipes is duly noted.

In 1990, Pipes asserted: "Western European societies are unprepared for the massive immigration of brown-skinned peoples cooking strange foods and maintaining different standards of hygiene...All immigrants bring exotic customs and attitudes, but Muslim customs are more troublesome than most."

Pipes has stated that the views of far-right French racist Jean-Marie Le Pen “represent an important outlook in the national debate over immigration and Islam” and said that he (Pipes) supports racial and religious profiling of Muslims and Arabs.

Daniel Pipes

If one third of young adult Muslims are wannabe terrorists then western infidel society in order to servive, would have to ban the practice of Islam and exterminate anyone that does . Is that what you are pushing for? Concentration camps with gas chambers?

What percentage of Muslims are terrorists is your Islamaphobic assessment?
Picaro, post: 18968504 Picaro, post: 18968504
No, just a large percentage of them are just fine with terrorism against 'infidels'.

I didn't see any poll in your anti-Muslim rant link where Muslims say they are aligned with terrorists; meaning they would commit terrorist attacks themselves or participate any way.

All you can come up with as an answer is "a large number" which actually means nothing.

Your anti-Muslim and support for racist Islamaphobes like Daniel Pipes is duly noted.

In 1990, Pipes asserted: "Western European societies are unprepared for the massive immigration of brown-skinned peoples cooking strange foods and maintaining different standards of hygiene...All immigrants bring exotic customs and attitudes, but Muslim customs are more troublesome than most."

Pipes has stated that the views of far-right French racist Jean-Marie Le Pen “represent an important outlook in the national debate over immigration and Islam” and said that he (Pipes) supports racial and religious profiling of Muslims and Arabs.

Daniel Pipes

If one third of young adult Muslims are wannabe terrorists then western infidel society in order to servive, would have to ban the practice of Islam and exterminate anyone that does . Is that what you are pushing for? Concentration camps with gas chambers?

What percentage of Muslims are terrorists is your Islamaphobic assessment?

lol posting insane rubbish again. You can't really back up your idiotic nonsense re Muslims support of terrorism, so why keep trying? This ludicrous attempt doesn't work, either. That's because you can't think for yourself and keep sucking up to your mentally ill peer group, as if repeating their sociopathic lunacy like a chant will make the evil spirits go away n stuff. lol

The Peanut Gallery can note whose polls are being cited, and they aren't Pipes polls, they are all noted pollsters, despite you lack of ability to even look at the links and the polls. Not that you can even dispute anything Pipes has to say, either. that's because you're a frothing loon who hates anybody Democrats and 'progressives tell you to, no matter what.
Not all of us are gifted with your racist, ignorant fucktard prejudice. Because this kid didn't aim at people on the sidewalk, I don't know that he was trying to hurt anyone. Rear-ending another a car is not the first choice of someone wanting to hurt others. Even you fucktards don't try to hurt others that way

Just ignore the diaper wetters and neo-fascist racists here; all they have is a bib bunch of nothing and a fervent need to deflect from the facts. The vid shows a man in a car being attacked by a mob, racing for a block or two and hitting another car in the rear, passing all kinds of targets. How some obese illegal rioter with obvious health issues having a heart attack over a car wreck amounts to first degree murder is anything but political lynching is of course what they can't explain or address, since they would then have to admit the blame lies overwhelmingly with their fellow racist neo-fascist mobsters attacking people driving down a street and terrorizing people during an illegal and criminal riot, complete with armed thugs recruited and paid to create mayhem violence, that's all. He had plenty of opportunity to hit dozens of people, but just hit a car.

And you're wrong about these fucktards not trying to hurt others; there are plenty of vids demonstrating they in fact aim to do just that, all the time, and there are vids from that riot showing this guy was attacked violently just driving down the street by the vermin these apologists and racists here love so dearly. And, I'll add that over-charging people with such nonsense charges tend to backfire on those political hacks who like to grandstand by bringing them. He is bound to get off on appeal, even if the local cherry- picked vermin railroad him on these bogus charges, and the rioters and hired Party thugs come again and assault people and destroy property.
Not all of us are gifted with your racist, ignorant fucktard prejudice. Because this kid didn't aim at people on the sidewalk, I don't know that he was trying to hurt anyone. Rear-ending another a car is not the first choice of someone wanting to hurt others. Even you fucktards don't try to hurt others that way

Just ignore the diaper wetters and neo-fascist racists here; all they have is a bib bunch of nothing and a fervent need to deflect from the facts. The vid shows a man in a car being attacked by a mob, racing for a block or two and hitting another car in the rear, passing all kinds of targets. How some obese illegal rioter with obvious health issues having a heart attack over a car wreck amounts to first degree murder is anything but political lynching is of course what they can't explain or address, since they would then have to admit the blame lies overwhelmingly with their fellow racist neo-fascist mobsters attacking people driving down a street and terrorizing people during an illegal and criminal riot, complete with armed thugs recruited and paid to create mayhem violence, that's all. He had plenty of opportunity to hit dozens of people, but just hit a car.

And you're wrong about these fucktards not trying to hurt others; there are plenty of vids demonstrating they in fact aim to do just that, all the time, and there are vids from that riot showing this guy was attacked violently just driving down the street by the vermin these apologists and racists here love so dearly. And, I'll add that over-charging people with such nonsense charges tend to backfire on those political hacks who like to grandstand by bringing them. He is bound to get off on appeal, even if the local cherry- picked vermin railroad him on these bogus charges, and the rioters and hired Party thugs come again and assault people and destroy property.

Is that what you think the video shows? :lol:
Not all of us are gifted with your racist, ignorant fucktard prejudice. Because this kid didn't aim at people on the sidewalk, I don't know that he was trying to hurt anyone. Rear-ending another a car is not the first choice of someone wanting to hurt others. Even you fucktards don't try to hurt others that way

Just ignore the diaper wetters and neo-fascist racists here; all they have is a bib bunch of nothing and a fervent need to deflect from the facts. The vid shows a man in a car being attacked by a mob, racing for a block or two and hitting another car in the rear, passing all kinds of targets. How some obese illegal rioter with obvious health issues having a heart attack over a car wreck amounts to first degree murder is anything but political lynching is of course what they can't explain or address, since they would then have to admit the blame lies overwhelmingly with their fellow racist neo-fascist mobsters attacking people driving down a street and terrorizing people during an illegal and criminal riot, complete with armed thugs recruited and paid to create mayhem violence, that's all. He had plenty of opportunity to hit dozens of people, but just hit a car.

And you're wrong about these fucktards not trying to hurt others; there are plenty of vids demonstrating they in fact aim to do just that, all the time, and there are vids from that riot showing this guy was attacked violently just driving down the street by the vermin these apologists and racists here love so dearly. And, I'll add that over-charging people with such nonsense charges tend to backfire on those political hacks who like to grandstand by bringing them. He is bound to get off on appeal, even if the local cherry- picked vermin railroad him on these bogus charges, and the rioters and hired Party thugs come again and assault people and destroy property.

Is that what you think the video shows? :lol:

You think it doesn't? I don't see where he ran over the alleged 'victim' in it. Do you claim to see it? I don't see him hitting anybody, except a car in front of him. Maybe you're just magical, but mostly you just seem to get off on using the government to screw over people you don't like, like all the other 'social justice' types, and think it's okay. More than a little ironic for people who are supposed to be ' anti-establishment radicals n stuff'.
MaryL, post: 1896781
Well, fair is fair, why not condemn all Muslims everywhere with the same broad brush then...?

All Muslims are not aligned with terrorists.

No, just a large percentage of them are just fine with terrorism against 'infidels'. Only idiots like yourself are still running around claiming 'only a tiny percentage' are supporters. And of course you run around spreading that rubbish because you support terrorism, too, like your peer group of left wing vermin buddies here in the U.S. do. All of you really suck at trying to appear like you don't.

Muslim Opinion Polls

You and your ilk are just a collection of sicko mentally ill deviants, that's all, and you all prove it every single day here on this board. Running around babbling about 'Natzees N Stuff!' isn't fooling anybody about what you neo-fascist racists are yourselves.

lmao: ^^ tries to come off as "informed", complete with link -------

---------------- link goes to TROP. :rofl:

Can't make it up.

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