CHART: Americans Support Occupy Wall Street, Oppose Tea Party

I can't wait to see if Time publishes any pics of the OWS protests in their Year in Pictures issue...considering that they posted zero pics of the TPM in 2009. Yeah, no bias there.:rolleyes:
You've decided they are biased before they even come out with the issue! :lol:

And you're already pissed at them - or should I say 'pre-pissed' at them. :lol:
"Meanwhile, Catherine Rampell reports on Bankers’ Salaries vs. Everyone Else’s, telling us that

"The average salary in the (Finance) industry in 2010 was $361,330 — five and a half times the average salary in the rest of the private sector in the city ($66,120). By contrast, 30 years ago such salaries were only twice as high as in the rest of the private sector.

It would all be hilariously funny if these people weren’t destroying the world."

Hard Times on Wall Street | Occupy Los Angeles
I can't wait to see if Time publishes any pics of the OWS protests in their Year in Pictures issue...considering that they posted zero pics of the TPM in 2009. Yeah, no bias there.:rolleyes:
You've decided they are biased before they even come out with the issue! :lol:

And you're already pissed at them - or should I say 'pre-pissed' at them. :lol:

WTF part of "if" slipped through the cracks of your fucking pea brain??:lol: What they chose not to do in 2009 is fact, asswipe.:D
At the risk of stating the obvious... Um MSM coverage of tea party vs OWS? I've been monitoring news coverage of "Occupy Phila." And it has been glowing. The only neg.stories have been posted on the "movement's" own fb page. Funny shit.
This is just the first step, I've been saying this for years. When people have nothing left to loose they will take to the streets. Bingo... There they are. It is mostly non violent now, but it could progress. These people aren't in the streets to make a point they are there for change and I don't think they will leave until they get it.

Conservatives mock them every chance they get, Wall Street is ignoring them the best they can, it is a defense mechanism. I'm waiting for the conservatives to show their true colors and call for the national guard or the police to disperse them. This will show two things, first that conservatives have more in common with third world dictators like Syria, Lebanon, or Iran in quashing dissent. Secondly it will show how scared they truly are of loosing their influence.

Conservatives speak highly of "personal responsibility", funny isn't it that when a large group of people show personal responsibility in taking back their country and putting it on a track that is beneficial to everyone instead of a few. Conservative rail against them.

Sorry to point this out to the conservatives but they have no candidate that will represent them or this country. The people running for the chance to loose to Obama serve big corporations and international business intrests.

Yet another election cycle that the conservatives just don't get. You keep giving to the rich and giving to the rich and the country keeps going in the wrong direction.
At its beginning, the Tea Party had a 50%-60% approval rating as well.
I can't wait to see if Time publishes any pics of the OWS protests in their Year in Pictures issue...considering that they posted zero pics of the TPM in 2009. Yeah, no bias there.:rolleyes:
You've decided they are biased before they even come out with the issue! :lol:

And you're already pissed at them - or should I say 'pre-pissed' at them. :lol:

WTF part of "if" slipped through the cracks of your fucking pea brain??:lol: What they chose not to do in 2009 is fact, asswipe.:D
Then explain the "Yeah, no bias there" remark.
By Alex Seitz-Wald

The new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll shows that Americans support the Occupy Wall Street protests by a two-to-one margin (37 percent in favor, 18 percent opposed) while more Americans view the Tea Party negatively (28 percent in favor, 41 percent opposed). This means the Occupy Wall Street protests have a net favorability of +19 percent while the Tea Party has a net favorability of -13 percent, as this chart produced by ThinkProgress shows:


More: CHART: Americans Support Occupy Wall Street, Oppose Tea Party | ThinkProgress

Topline Results of Oct. 9-10, 2011, TIME Poll | Swampland |

:lol::lol: Did Lloyd Hart--(Master Occupier) make up this chart for you?---:lol::lol::lol: Does he work for THINK PROGRESS?

Upps here he is again in a radio interview--have to listen to it yourself to believe it.

96.9 Boston Talks Audio On-Demand

$OWS member defecating on police car.jpg
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You've decided they are biased before they even come out with the issue! :lol:

And you're already pissed at them - or should I say 'pre-pissed' at them. :lol:

WTF part of "if" slipped through the cracks of your fucking pea brain??:lol: What they chose not to do in 2009 is fact, asswipe.:D
Then explain the "Yeah, no bias there" remark.

I don't need to explain shit to you for expressing my opinion...and if you'd like to believe that Time is a bastion of unbiased journalism, then oil up and have at it.:D
The Truth About the Tea Party

By Matt Taibbi

Scanning the thousands of hopped-up faces in the crowd, I am immediately struck by two things. One is that there isn't a single black person here. The other is the truly awesome quantity of medical hardware: Seemingly every third person in the place is sucking oxygen from a tank or propping their giant atrophied glutes on motorized wheelchair-scooters. As Palin launches into her Ronald Reagan impression — "Government's not the solution! Government's the problem!" — the person sitting next to me leans over and explains.

"The scooters are because of Medicare," he whispers helpfully. "They have these commercials down here: 'You won't even have to pay for your scooter! Medicare will pay!' Practically everyone in Kentucky has one."

Much More: The Truth About the Tea Party | Politics News | Rolling Stone
At its beginning, the Tea Party had a 50%-60% approval rating as well.
That was back when they were the ones railing against the banks and 'too big to fail'.

Funny how ever since they got co-opted by FreedomWorks/FOXNEWS/Beck you never hear them complain about that anymore.

It turned into God, Guns, & Gays - again. And that ain't what the Tea Party was all about. And that's why their approval numbers have sunk below those of Muslims and Atheists.
Just because a bunch of stoners show up for free food and a bunch of illegals get paid by unions and dont even know what the signs say . Doesnt make it a success. At least the tea party went because they all believed in what they went to do ..


Scooter with RENT ME sticker, provided by Medicare?

Are you high Lakhota?

My bad. I was thinking she's just dumb, but you could be right... stoners have an 'excuse'.
WTF part of "if" slipped through the cracks of your fucking pea brain??:lol: What they chose not to do in 2009 is fact, asswipe.:D
Then explain the "Yeah, no bias there" remark.

I don't need to explain shit to you for expressing my opinion...and if you'd like to believe that Time is a bastion of unbiased journalism, then oil up and have at it.:D
I knew you had nothing, and were talking out your ass. Now everyone knows.
and so, the long reganista mammonist carnival ride is finally running itself off it's tracks

gee, who woulda thunk it?


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