
I can't wait to laugh at their bitch mother when she finds out her two shits are dead.
I hope they bury them with a pig in the coffin, in a deep hole back filled with pig shit.

Knock yourself out.

I don't think this is a laughing matter.
Two dead terrorists, their mother needs to be laughed at.
We should eradicate the entire family, lets get the drones armed up!!
Every last one of em!!
And just what did their mother have to do with it?

Do you have information that hasn't been released yet?
So much for the American white male conservative theory.

Chris Matthews and the rest of the left are crying in their Starbucks this morning.
I can't wait to laugh at their bitch mother when she finds out her two shits are dead.
I hope they bury them with a pig in the coffin, in a deep hole back filled with pig shit.

Knock yourself out.

I don't think this is a laughing matter.
Two dead terrorists, their mother needs to be laughed at.
We should eradicate the entire family, lets get the drones armed up!!
Every last one of em!!

Islam is breeding angry bigots by the thousands.

It's like going to school at Harvard. They teach our kids to hate their own country. It's not the parent's fault the kids' mind is turned against America. It's the university's fault. It appears Tsarnaev attended Cambridge Latin School.

I can't see much difference between the hate filled rhetoric in a Madrasa and one of the classes in one of our institutions of higher learning. I hear some of the same hatred coming from Muslims and college students.
Tsarnaez dzok blah blah blah, it's a dirty foreigners name, as in NOT a white American!!!
Middle eastern mudslime!!!

Don't worry. It won't be long until some opportunistic clown thinks to themselves: 'Hang on! Chechen = Caucasus. Doesn't Caucasus sound an awful lot like Caucasian? Yup, we've got ourselves a white man here, folks. I knew we'd get there eventually.'
SHOCKING!!! - Shocking I tell you - the two men are foreign visitors from an Arab nation.
I just can't believe it, who would think they would turn out to be from a middle eastern country? :evil:

The Chechen Republic, iam. NOT an Arab nation


No shit. :cool:
It appears the suspects were brothers.

I can't wait to laugh at their bitch mother when she finds out her two shits are dead.
I hope they bury them with a pig in the coffin, in a deep hole back filled with pig shit.

Their mother is proud of them. They came to kill and maim and they were successful. Death means nothing to terrorists -- their own or someone elses. Duh.

You don't know that and it is an unfair statement.
SHOCKING!!! - Shocking I tell you - the two men are foreign visitors from an Arab nation.
I just can't believe it, who would think they would turn out to be from a middle eastern country? :evil:

If they are from Chechnya they aren't Arabs, moron.

Or from Turkey.......ok, so I will be more blunt - a nation primarily Islamic.

Get ready for your banning!!! You aren't allowed to point that out. Tolerance, you know. And it's all our fault. You know, alll those bombs we have dropped on Chechnya.

Why would you all want to call them Arabs if there is a good chance they aren't Arabs? The stupidity on this forum is thick.
They were Muslim Brothers from Chechnya.

Bomber #2, White Hat, Younger Brother, Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19 years old, is still at large.

Bomber #1, Black Hat, Older Brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26 years old, is dead by gun shot & suicide bomb. He has shrapnel in him from first marathon bombing.




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