
Many Americans, including most reactionaries, are very dull on geography. Most know their backyards but not much else.
The inhabitants of this very same city started a war and seceded from their union over a mere infantry brigade attempting to disarm them. Now they cheer those who violate their rights much worse than the British ever did. The sad fact is most of these people don't even realize what's happening.

The Bill of Rights was already on life support before this tragedy. Before the dust settled after 9/11, the 4th Amendment had been nullified by the Patriot Act. The 5th and 6th Amendments were similarly abolished with the Military Commission Act of 2006 and the 2012 NDAA resolution, which contained a clause allowing the president to arrest and indefinitely detain American citizens on American soil without due process of law.

The Feds have set aside Dzhokhar Tsarnaev 's Miranda Rights which tells us there will probably be no trial and he will just slowly disappear. The terrorists are seeking to destroy a lot more than just American lives and it appears they're doing a pretty good job of it.

The Bill of Rights was written for Dzhokar Tsarnaev | Washington Times Communities
Just like most people in the world wouldn't be able to point out Alabama on a US map. :thup:

Americans are not asked to know all counties of every country. But to mistaken a Central European STATE for one of Russia's PROVINCES; especially after decades of US media pumping US public with "Chechen freedom fighters are fighting oppressive Russian rule" -- is an achievement of stupidity even on American scale!

You have a point, I must admit.

Quite often on this board I am amazed to find posters calling Turks 'Arabs', confusing Norway with Finland, even referring to New Zealand as European (and not in a cultural sense). I do think most people should have heard of the Czech Republic - even if only for their hockey players!

That's because many turks are "arabs".

Arab people, also known as Arabs (Arabic: عرب*, ʿarab), are a panethnicity[14] primarily living in the Arab world, which is located in Western Asia and North Africa. They are identified as such on one or more of genealogical, linguistic, or cultural grounds,[15] with tribal affiliations, and intra-tribal relationships playing an important part of Arab identity.[16]
The word "Arab" has had several different, but overlapping, meanings over the centuries (and sometimes even today). In addition to including all Arabized people of the world (with language tending to be the acid test), it has also at times been used exclusively for bedouin (Arab nomads [although a related word, "`a-RAB," with the Arabic letter "alif" in the second syllable, once was sometimes used when this specific meaning was intended] and their now almost entirely settled descendants). It is sometimes used that way colloquially even today in some places. Townspeople once were sometimes called "sons of the Arabs." As in the case of other ethnicities or nations, people identify themselves (or are identified by others) as "Arabs" to varying degrees. This may not be one's primary identity (it tends to compete with country, religion, sect, etc.), and whether it is emphasized may depend upon one's audience.
If the diverse Arab pan-ethnicity is regarded as a single ethnic group, then it constitutes one of the world's largest after Han Chinese."

It has nothing to do with today's geography and boundaries, which most of the arab people don't RECOGNIZE and were inflicted upon them when the Ottoman Empire was divided up.

Arab people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Americans are not asked to know all counties of every country. But to mistaken a Central European STATE for one of Russia's PROVINCES; especially after decades of US media pumping US public with "Chechen freedom fighters are fighting oppressive Russian rule" -- is an achievement of stupidity even on American scale!

You have a point, I must admit.

Quite often on this board I am amazed to find posters calling Turks 'Arabs', confusing Norway with Finland, even referring to New Zealand as European (and not in a cultural sense). I do think most people should have heard of the Czech Republic - even if only for their hockey players!

That's because many turks are "arabs".

Arab people, also known as Arabs (Arabic: عرب*, ʿarab), are a panethnicity[14] primarily living in the Arab world, which is located in Western Asia and North Africa. They are identified as such on one or more of genealogical, linguistic, or cultural grounds,[15] with tribal affiliations, and intra-tribal relationships playing an important part of Arab identity.[16]
The word "Arab" has had several different, but overlapping, meanings over the centuries (and sometimes even today). In addition to including all Arabized people of the world (with language tending to be the acid test), it has also at times been used exclusively for bedouin (Arab nomads [although a related word, "`a-RAB," with the Arabic letter "alif" in the second syllable, once was sometimes used when this specific meaning was intended] and their now almost entirely settled descendants). It is sometimes used that way colloquially even today in some places. Townspeople once were sometimes called "sons of the Arabs." As in the case of other ethnicities or nations, people identify themselves (or are identified by others) as "Arabs" to varying degrees. This may not be one's primary identity (it tends to compete with country, religion, sect, etc.), and whether it is emphasized may depend upon one's audience.
If the diverse Arab pan-ethnicity is regarded as a single ethnic group, then it constitutes one of the world's largest after Han Chinese."

It has nothing to do with today's geography and boundaries, which most of the arab people don't RECOGNIZE and were inflicted upon them when the Ottoman Empire was divided up.

Arab people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Interesting take on the situation.

CaféAuLait;7120458 said:
I don't get this whole argument about white, black, pink, yellow, or purple. They are caucasian, and to have Al Qaeda in Chechnya is common for some time.

In Pictures: Al Qaeda in the Caucasus

Chechnya served as one of the first battlegrounds outside of Afghanistan for al Qaeda in the early 1990s. Al Qaeda sent thousands of foreign fighters to Chechnya to fight alongside the domestic Chechen resistance to the Russians during the First and Second Chechen Wars. Al Qaeda also funneled large amounts of money to the fight in Chechnya and used the theater as a training ground and well as propaganda and recruiting tool. The Chechen leadership became increasingly radicalized and the jihad expanded to the greater Caucasus. In the fall of 2007, Doku Umarov, the new leader of the Chechen jihadis, declared the Islamic Caucasus Emirate and impose sharia law.

Read more: In Pictures: Al Qaeda in the Caucasus - The Long War Journal

Long War Journal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A history of terrorism out of Chechnya

Some have proved vulnerable to recruitment by militants, such as 25-year-old Lors Doukayev, who in 2010 attempted to bomb the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten after it published cartoon-like images of the prophet Muhammad.

Chechen immigrants have been arrested as recently as a month ago in France, and others have been prosecuted in Spain and Austria, accused of committing violence and plotting against foreign targets.

A history of terrorism out of Chechnya -

Truly you have to understand the beast. This is a whole different ball game when it comes to them.
Many Americans, including most reactionaries, are very dull on geography. Most know their backyards but not much else.

No shit. :lol: when I have L'olLady telling moi that Canucks have to build a pipeline to the Gulf of Mexico so we can ship oil to China

I dont blame most people because I just loved geography as a kid so I don't expect much from others, but that one smoked me. :)
The first order of business should be to find out whether or not this Chechen attack means that Chechnya intend to open an American front for their islamic fighters. If so, immediately stop all entries by Chechens and secure the borders. No students no touristd. No visitors.
CaféAuLait;7120458 said:
I don't get this whole argument about white, black, pink, yellow, or purple. They are caucasian, and to have Al Qaeda in Chechnya is common for some time.

In Pictures: Al Qaeda in the Caucasus

Chechnya served as one of the first battlegrounds outside of Afghanistan for al Qaeda in the early 1990s. Al Qaeda sent thousands of foreign fighters to Chechnya to fight alongside the domestic Chechen resistance to the Russians during the First and Second Chechen Wars. Al Qaeda also funneled large amounts of money to the fight in Chechnya and used the theater as a training ground and well as propaganda and recruiting tool. The Chechen leadership became increasingly radicalized and the jihad expanded to the greater Caucasus. In the fall of 2007, Doku Umarov, the new leader of the Chechen jihadis, declared the Islamic Caucasus Emirate and impose sharia law.

Read more: In Pictures: Al Qaeda in the Caucasus - The Long War Journal

Long War Journal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A history of terrorism out of Chechnya

Some have proved vulnerable to recruitment by militants, such as 25-year-old Lors Doukayev, who in 2010 attempted to bomb the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten after it published cartoon-like images of the prophet Muhammad.

Chechen immigrants have been arrested as recently as a month ago in France, and others have been prosecuted in Spain and Austria, accused of committing violence and plotting against foreign targets.

A history of terrorism out of Chechnya -

Truly you have to understand the beast. This is a whole different ball game when it comes to them.

The Chechen terrorists are very, very bad dudes and dudettes. Think of an Islamic Sicilian Mafia.
Many Americans, including most reactionaries, are very dull on geography. Most know their backyards but not much else.

No shit. :lol: when I have L'olLady telling moi that Canucks have to build a pipeline to the Gulf of Mexico so we can ship oil to China

I dont blame most people because I just loved geography as a kid so I don't expect much from others, but that one smoked me. :)

I was 11 or 12, could not tell where Austria or Australia were on a map in class, and told myself that would never happen again. Maps R My Fr'ends ever since.
Many Americans, including most reactionaries, are very dull on geography. Most know their backyards but not much else.

No shit. :lol: when I have L'olLady telling moi that Canucks have to build a pipeline to the Gulf of Mexico so we can ship oil to China

I dont blame most people because I just loved geography as a kid so I don't expect much from others, but that one smoked me. :)

I was 11 or 12, could not tell where Austria or Australia were on a map in class, and told myself that would never happen again. Maps R My Fr'ends ever since.


I adore learning about the world. I wish more could or would. I've been blessed enough to have travelled probably most of this good green earth called Canada and America.

If I ever have the money. Europe. To witness what all my family has told me about it. A dream is South America.

One day, one day. I'll just keep buying the lotto tickets. :eusa_angel:
Many Americans, including most reactionaries, are very dull on geography. Most know their backyards but not much else.

It's the curse of being a large, important country.

In the US, China and Russia much of the TV news is about the US, China and Russia.

Whereas in Finland, much of the news is about the US, China and Russia!

Coming from small countries we need to travel to see different landscapes and cultures. I don't meet many Finns who have not been to 20 - 30 countries, anyway.

But it makes sense that if you grow up in Wyoming your first trips are not to Spain, Italy and Asia, but to California, Florida and NYC.
The first order of business should be to find out whether or not this Chechen attack means that Chechnya intend to open an American front for their islamic fighters. If so, immediately stop all entries by Chechens and secure the borders. No students no touristd. No visitors.

You are an ass .
The kids were not even Chechen .
Regardless , first determine whether the incident that looked and felt wrong ( imo) , was a False Flag .
Lots of evidence since -- that it was .
Then look at the possible prime suspects with Moscow being top of the list .
Also bear in mind that looking at an atlas and reading Wiki for a few minutes is insufficient for really having a sensible opinion about what may have happened .
The only one certainty that I can advise is not to believe anything from mainstream sources .
Once hysteria has dropped , you will see more and more evidence surface which gives the whole matter far more complex and dark motives .
Americans are not asked to know all counties of every country. But to mistaken a Central European STATE for one of Russia's PROVINCES; especially after decades of US media pumping US public with "Chechen freedom fighters are fighting oppressive Russian rule" -- is an achievement of stupidity even on American scale!

You have a point, I must admit.

Quite often on this board I am amazed to find posters calling Turks 'Arabs', confusing Norway with Finland, even referring to New Zealand as European (and not in a cultural sense). I do think most people should have heard of the Czech Republic - even if only for their hockey players!

That's because many turks are "arabs".

Arab people, also known as Arabs (Arabic: عرب*, ʿarab), are a panethnicity[14] primarily living in the Arab world, which is located in Western Asia and North Africa. They are identified as such on one or more of genealogical, linguistic, or cultural grounds,[15] with tribal affiliations, and intra-tribal relationships playing an important part of Arab identity.[16]
The word "Arab" has had several different, but overlapping, meanings over the centuries (and sometimes even today). In addition to including all Arabized people of the world (with language tending to be the acid test), it has also at times been used exclusively for bedouin (Arab nomads [although a related word, "`a-RAB," with the Arabic letter "alif" in the second syllable, once was sometimes used when this specific meaning was intended] and their now almost entirely settled descendants). It is sometimes used that way colloquially even today in some places. Townspeople once were sometimes called "sons of the Arabs." As in the case of other ethnicities or nations, people identify themselves (or are identified by others) as "Arabs" to varying degrees. This may not be one's primary identity (it tends to compete with country, religion, sect, etc.), and whether it is emphasized may depend upon one's audience.
If the diverse Arab pan-ethnicity is regarded as a single ethnic group, then it constitutes one of the world's largest after Han Chinese."

It has nothing to do with today's geography and boundaries, which most of the arab people don't RECOGNIZE and were inflicted upon them when the Ottoman Empire was divided up.

Arab people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Turks are not Arabs. Neither are Iranians.
Kosher -

That's because many turks are "arabs".

No, they are not.

From the CIA factbook:

Turkish 70-75%, Kurdish 18%, other minorities 7-12% (2008 est.)

Around Sanli Urfa there are some Syrian Arabs, but that is about it.

It's very strange that just the other day you were blasting and sundry for their ignorance of this topic, and then post statements which don't exactly show great insight into the region.
I think the official percentage is around 1 percent..but my point was that whether or not you are arab has nothing to do with where you live, and everything to do with who you descend from, and what language you speak. It's not about where you reside.
The first order of business should be to find out whether or not this Chechen attack means that Chechnya intend to open an American front for their islamic fighters. If so, immediately stop all entries by Chechens and secure the borders. No students no touristd. No visitors.

All Mexicans should be stopped because some bring drugs
All British should be stopped because of a shoe bomber
All Chinese should be stopped because..whatever you fancy
All ......... (fill in the gap with whoever you fancy hating) should be stopped because..whatever you fancy

That, of course, means all Americans should be banned from the whole world because some Americans are rapists, torturers and/or murdering bastards.


Do you agree?
Nope, I don't agree.

Fuck Islam. It's a criminal, oppressive ideology and the people who LIE in order to prevent us from protecting ourselves from the fucking killing faggot criminals who abound and who have lots and lots of support from Islamic High Finance are just as bad as the pathetic loons who blow themeselves up.

That means you. Fuck you, fuck Islam, and who gives a shit that some of your terrorists got beat up and embarassed. I don't give a shit. I don't think anyone I personally know cares because they know those little freaks for the pieces of dirt they are. Those little crapheads probably loved every minute of it.
Americans in all their intellectual glory!!!!! LOL!!!

Mistakes on social media make Czech ambassador state: Czech Republic is not Chechnya | Fox News

" number of comments by Americans on social media mistaking the Czech Republic for the country of origin of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects — ethnic Chechen brothers — prompted the Czech ambassador to the United States to act. In a statement posted on the embassy Web site, Petr Gandalovic said "the Czech Republic and Chechnya are two very different entities — the Czech Republic is a Central European country; Chechnya is a part of the Russian Federation."


Americans don't seem to learn any geography in school. Many seem to confuse Thailand with Taiwan and so on.
Perhaps this reflects on the American school system.

Of course, I hear the usual bleat, "I'll bet most people don't know where Alabama or Florida is" but that's just an attempt to hide blind ignorance and/or stupidity.

I don't believe you can make serious comment on a subject when you can't even get the country right.
Wouldn't be so bad if the two were similar but they aren't even close (Geographically or demographically).
I find it telling that even the so-called "innocent" douche who was initially pulled in and questioned wasn't supposed to be here and got his stupid wetback ass sent back home to the shithole from whence he came.

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