
I was saying no to the police state but thanks for misunderstanding as usual.

Look around, you have it already. This is a response to the American people having enough of watching their country being pissed away by vote seeking politicians, and foreign freeloaders. Are you blind? You can not see that we already live in a police state? This is what happens when voters don't engage their government and hold them accountable.


Put down the bong you have no fucking clue what you are talking about.:eusa_liar:
Paulettes are funny......Goofy and paranoid, but funny just the same.
CaféAuLait;7120465 said:
CaféAuLait;7120432 said:
Here is his Russian version "Facebook" page

Djohar Tsarnaev

There in the messages you can see people thanking him and quoting Sura's ( Koran "chapture" if you will) where they praise him for his actions. Others are angry as well.

His uncle took the best rant of all. I was in the car coming back from the city listening to the radio.

Man oh man. For anyone who ever says "why don't we ever hear a muslim condemn another muslim" you have to look at the heart of your very own media.

This uncle was sobbing and angry. At least someone in my media covered his agony.

He was very emotional and stated a case for not only his family, but for Chechnya and Muslims as well. In no uncertain terms he made it clear that this was not indictive of Muslims or Chechens. I felt so bad for him, you could tell how pained he was.

The other day I put out the thought without being an apologist .....

The poor kid who was just watching and cheering on some friend of his who was running the "world famous Boston Marathon". You just had to be a Saudi national at the finish line.

Terrorist bombs go off and you are standing there thinking to yourself "I am so FUBAR'ed"

My heart goes out to that poor kid who will always wish to his dying day he just watched the race on TV.
His uncle took the best rant of all. I was in the car coming back from the city listening to the radio.

Man oh man. For anyone who ever says "why don't we ever hear a muslim condemn another muslim" you have to look at the heart of your very own media.

This uncle was sobbing and angry. At least someone in my media covered his agony.
He stated it right, "they're losers."

As are ALL Jihadi bastards.

He was awesome in his vitriolic condemnation.

I don't know how you high five in Islam but man oh man the uncle rocked his fury, his pain, his sorrow.

Man he was righteously angry. YAY!

For every one who has asked "why don't Muslims condemn their violence".?

Answer is they do. It's just that your media doesn't tell you about it.
Unfortunately, it's a religion based on oppression, and one need look no further than the way women are treated, as dictated by the Koran...It would be refreshing to be able to say these Jihadi types have bastardized the true meaning of the Koran, but that's just not possible...It is what it is.

But, it was nice to see him come out and call them straight up losers...That took balls, seeing as though he just marked himself within the muslim community for doing so....Hopefully, he has the means to provide security for he and his family.
CaféAuLait;7120465 said:
His uncle took the best rant of all. I was in the car coming back from the city listening to the radio.

Man oh man. For anyone who ever says "why don't we ever hear a muslim condemn another muslim" you have to look at the heart of your very own media.

This uncle was sobbing and angry. At least someone in my media covered his agony.

He was very emotional and stated a case for not only his family, but for Chechnya and Muslims as well. In no uncertain terms he made it clear that this was not indictive of Muslims or Chechens. I felt so bad for him, you could tell how pained he was.

The other day I put out the thought without being an apologist .....

The poor kid who was just watching and cheering on some friend of his who was running the "world famous Boston Marathon". You just had to be a Saudi national at the finish line.

Terrorist bombs go off and you are standing there thinking to yourself "I am so FUBAR'ed"

My heart goes out to that poor kid who will always wish to his dying day he just watched the race on TV.

Why is he being deported on national security grounds?

[ame=]Saudi National and Boston Student Abdulrahman Ali Alharbi Is Being Deported - YouTube[/ame]

Breaking: Saudi National & Exchange Student Ali Alharbi Is Being Deported Back to Kingdom (Video) ?Update: With Anonymous Mask | The Gateway Pundit

UPDATE: Shoebat Foundation reported that ali Alharbi had links to several Al-Qaeda terrorists.

If he had nothing to do with the bombing, and he obviously didn't, what was it?
No, USA funds terrorist groups in N. Caucasus.

No, they don't.

Yes you do!

A leader of Chechen terrorists, the so called "Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Chechen Republic-Ichkeria, Ilyas Akhmadov" was given a US residence, an office and a generous living allowance by US State Department which helps to promot his international PR activities.
What is even more poignant, is that "an Immigration Judge in Boston issued an order granting Akhmadov asylum" in 2004.

Another example, CIA funds Kavkaz Centre -- an official website of Chechen terrorist organisation with links to al-Queda "Emarat Kavkaz" led by Doku Umarov.

I'm sure you have verifiable proof of this....... Why do I ask, of course you don't. :rolleyes:
It's your job to support your own claims. That's just the way it is. If you can't or won't do it, you defeat yourself.
He stated it right, "they're losers."

As are ALL Jihadi bastards.

He was awesome in his vitriolic condemnation.

I don't know how you high five in Islam but man oh man the uncle rocked his fury, his pain, his sorrow.

Man he was righteously angry. YAY!

For every one who has asked "why don't Muslims condemn their violence".?

Answer is they do. It's just that your media doesn't tell you about it.
Unfortunately, it's a religion based on oppression, and one need look no further than the way women are treated, as dictated by the Koran...It would be refreshing to be able to say these Jihadi types have bastardized the true meaning of the Koran, but that's just not possible...It is what it is.

But, it was nice to see him come out and call them straight up losers...That took balls, seeing as though he just marked himself within the muslim community for doing so....Hopefully, he has the means to provide security for he and his family.

WJ, we have some Christian sects who oppress women here in America as you well know. Most of Islam respects humanity as you well know. You are correct in saying the perversion comes from the Jihadists.
No, USA funds terrorist groups in N. Caucasus.

No, they don't.

Yes you do!

A leader of Chechen terrorists, the so called "Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Chechen Republic-Ichkeria, Ilyas Akhmadov" was given a US residence, an office and a generous living allowance by US State Department which helps to promot his international PR activities.
What is even more poignant, is that "an Immigration Judge in Boston issued an order granting Akhmadov asylum" in 2004.

Another example, CIA funds Kavkaz Centre -- an official website of Chechen terrorist organisation with links to al-Queda "Emarat Kavkaz" led by Doku Umarov.

He was awesome in his vitriolic condemnation.

I don't know how you high five in Islam but man oh man the uncle rocked his fury, his pain, his sorrow.

Man he was righteously angry. YAY!

For every one who has asked "why don't Muslims condemn their violence".?

Answer is they do. It's just that your media doesn't tell you about it.
Unfortunately, it's a religion based on oppression, and one need look no further than the way women are treated, as dictated by the Koran...It would be refreshing to be able to say these Jihadi types have bastardized the true meaning of the Koran, but that's just not possible...It is what it is.

But, it was nice to see him come out and call them straight up losers...That took balls, seeing as though he just marked himself within the muslim community for doing so....Hopefully, he has the means to provide security for he and his family.

WJ, we have some Christian sects who oppress women here in America as you well know. Most of Islam respects humanity as you well know. You are correct in saying the perversion comes from the Jihadists.

I'm still waiting for "most of Islam" to come out and fight against the 100s of millions of radicals.:doubt:
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I'm sure you have verifiable proof of this....... Why do I ask, of course you don't. :rolleyes:

Read at least Wiki, you twat. Alternatively, you can send an enquiry to your State Department.

You made the claim, you back it up with verifiable proof, that's how it works in this country............ not the other way around like you NKVD wannabe types are used to.
nothing new here

FBI Investigated Boston Terrorist in 2011 After Foreign Warning – and Cleared Him

CBS is reporting that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigated Tsarnaev two years ago “at the request of a foreign government” that thought he had ties to terrorism – and cleared him

I'm sure you have verifiable proof of this....... Why do I ask, of course you don't. :rolleyes:

Read at least Wiki, you twat. Alternatively, you can send an enquiry to your State Department.

You made the claim, you back it up with verifiable proof, that's how it works in this country............ not the other way around like you NKVD wannabe types are used to.

Jroc has that problem of understanding as well. He and mememe are very similar.
nothing new here

FBI Investigated Boston Terrorist in 2011 After Foreign Warning – and Cleared Him

CBS is reporting that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigated Tsarnaev two years ago “at the request of a foreign government” that thought he had ties to terrorism – and cleared him


Either he wasn't radicalized at the time or he was good at hiding it.
Read at least Wiki, you twat. Alternatively, you can send an enquiry to your State Department.

You made the claim, you back it up with verifiable proof, that's how it works in this country............ not the other way around like you NKVD wannabe types are used to.

Jroc has that problem of understanding as well. He and mememe are very similar.

Where's the anti-radical demonstrations?
Americans in all their intellectual glory!!!!! LOL!!!

Mistakes on social media make Czech ambassador state: Czech Republic is not Chechnya | Fox News

" number of comments by Americans on social media mistaking the Czech Republic for the country of origin of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects — ethnic Chechen brothers — prompted the Czech ambassador to the United States to act. In a statement posted on the embassy Web site, Petr Gandalovic said "the Czech Republic and Chechnya are two very different entities — the Czech Republic is a Central European country; Chechnya is a part of the Russian Federation."


Just like most people in the world wouldn't be able to point out Alabama on a US map. :thup:
Just like most people in the world wouldn't be able to point out Alabama on a US map. :thup:

That's true, actually.

I took some online tests recently and was a little surprised to find I scored 163/165 for African countries and cities, but only something like 40/50 for US states.

On the other hand - I do think most Europeans know that Alabama is not Arkansas, even if we might confuse them on a map.
Just like most people in the world wouldn't be able to point out Alabama on a US map. :thup:

That's true, actually.

I took some online tests recently and was a little surprised to find I scored 163/165 for African countries and cities, but only something like 40/50 for US states.

On the other hand - I do think most Europeans know that Alabama is not Arkansas, even if we might confuse them on a map.

Geography is not one of most peoples strong suit, hell most don't care. I like Geography and I have problems with things like some state capitals, some country capitals, etc. Just not all that important to me to know each and every one of them. :dunno:
Just like most people in the world wouldn't be able to point out Alabama on a US map. :thup:

Americans are not asked to know all counties of every country. But to mistaken a Central European STATE for one of Russia's PROVINCES; especially after decades of US media pumping US public with "Chechen freedom fighters are fighting oppressive Russian rule" -- is an achievement of stupidity even on American scale!

Damn, even I can see how dizzy you're getting..... Give the merry-go-round a break for a while whydontcha.........
Just like most people in the world wouldn't be able to point out Alabama on a US map. :thup:

Americans are not asked to know all counties of every country. But to mistaken a Central European STATE for one of Russia's PROVINCES; especially after decades of US media pumping US public with "Chechen freedom fighters are fighting oppressive Russian rule" -- is an achievement of stupidity even on American scale!

You have a point, I must admit.

Quite often on this board I am amazed to find posters calling Turks 'Arabs', confusing Norway with Finland, even referring to New Zealand as European (and not in a cultural sense). I do think most people should have heard of the Czech Republic - even if only for their hockey players!
Just like most people in the world wouldn't be able to point out Alabama on a US map. :thup:

Americans are not asked to know all counties of every country. But to mistaken a Central European STATE for one of Russia's PROVINCES; especially after decades of US media pumping US public with "Chechen freedom fighters are fighting oppressive Russian rule" -- is an achievement of stupidity even on American scale!
Much of that is true. I was just making progress on getting people to stop calling the Czech Republic Czechoslovakia and now they're mixing it up with Chechnya. Public education in the US I guess.

I had to explain to an American (Synthaholic) that Texas was not landlocked. Presumably, he attended US schools for 12 years with a big map on the wall in which Texas has a rather prominent position, being very large and bottom center, with hundreds of miles light blue which normally indicates sea on it's south-east.

Still, you are a pathological moron.

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