
Nope, I don't agree.

Fuck Islam. It's a criminal, oppressive ideology and the people who LIE in order to prevent us from protecting ourselves from the fucking killing faggot criminals who abound and who have lots and lots of support from Islamic High Finance are just as bad as the pathetic loons who blow themeselves up.

That means you. Fuck you, fuck Islam, and who gives a shit that some of your terrorists got beat up and embarassed. I don't give a shit. I don't think anyone I personally know cares because they know those little freaks for the pieces of dirt they are. Those little crapheads probably loved every minute of it.

Very 'Christian' of you.
Americans in all their intellectual glory!!!!! LOL!!!

Mistakes on social media make Czech ambassador state: Czech Republic is not Chechnya | Fox News

" number of comments by Americans on social media mistaking the Czech Republic for the country of origin of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects — ethnic Chechen brothers — prompted the Czech ambassador to the United States to act. In a statement posted on the embassy Web site, Petr Gandalovic said "the Czech Republic and Chechnya are two very different entities — the Czech Republic is a Central European country; Chechnya is a part of the Russian Federation."


Americans don't seem to learn any geography in school. Many seem to confuse Thailand with Taiwan and so on.
Perhaps this reflects on the American school system.

Of course, I hear the usual bleat, "I'll bet most people don't know where Alabama or Florida is" but that's just an attempt to hide blind ignorance and/or stupidity.

I don't believe you can make serious comment on a subject when you can't even get the country right.
Wouldn't be so bad if the two were similar but they aren't even close (Geographically or demographically).

We don't have to worry about borders, we own everything.
Nope, I don't agree.

Fuck Islam. It's a criminal, oppressive ideology

faggot criminals

Yes, I see how open minded you are so I must become Jewish in order to share your enlightenment. :clap2:
Well, Fred, that would probably make you less inclined to hijack planeloads of innocent people, and ram them into buildings full of innocent people, or, bomb marathons and shit like that.

Hell, Fred, it might also make ya' less inclined to stone a woman to death for walking in FRONT of you, or running a daughter over with a car for wearing "skinny jeans" and make-up.

What say you, there, Fred?:eusa_whistle:
The only one certainty that I can advise is not to believe anything from mainstream sources .


The most reliable information comes from tin-foil hat wearing blogs run by people who think the US government is run by aliens.

Coming from a liberal who no doubt thinks that our government is being taken over by overly religious theocrats... thats funny. Hey, didn't global warming cause that meteor to hit Russia last month?

Nope, I don't agree.

Fuck Islam. It's a criminal, oppressive ideology and the people who LIE in order to prevent us from protecting ourselves from the fucking killing faggot criminals who abound and who have lots and lots of support from Islamic High Finance are just as bad as the pathetic loons who blow themeselves up.

That means you. Fuck you, fuck Islam, and who gives a shit that some of your terrorists got beat up and embarassed. I don't give a shit. I don't think anyone I personally know cares because they know those little freaks for the pieces of dirt they are. Those little crapheads probably loved every minute of it.

Strong feelings are understandable at a time like this, but don't lose yourself entirely.
I've always grappled with this logic. First we are told not to judge Islam for the actions of their fringe movements, yet we are to judge all gun owners by the actions of a few crazed criminals who happened carry out their misdeeds with a gun. Why is that?

If Islam were truly a religion of peace, why don't they speak out publicly and condemn this behavior?
I've always grappled with this logic. First we are told not to judge Islam for the actions of their fringe movements, yet we are to judge all gun owners by the actions of a few crazed criminals who happened carry out their misdeeds with a gun. Why is that?

If Islam were truly a religion of peace, why don't they speak out publicly and condemn this behavior?
Because the VERY FEW that would, would no doubt have a target pinned on their back by fellow muslims for doing so.
I've always grappled with this logic. First we are told not to judge Islam for the actions of their fringe movements, yet we are to judge all gun owners by the actions of a few crazed criminals who happened carry out their misdeeds with a gun. Why is that?

If Islam were truly a religion of peace, why don't they speak out publicly and condemn this behavior?
Because the VERY FEW that would, would no doubt have a target pinned on their back by fellow muslims for doing so.

Then that would suggest (contrary to popular belief) that terrorism is an acceptable practice in mainstream Islam. Very telling.
Coming from a liberal who no doubt thinks that our government is being taken over by overly religious theocrats..

What on earth are you talking about? Where did I ever say anything even remotely like that?
If Islam were truly a religion of peace, why don't they speak out publicly and condemn this behavior?

They do, and vocally, and often...but this is not reported on nutcase blogs.

Honestly - why would you expect to know what mainstream Islam thinks when you have never visited an Islamic country?
Honestly - why would you expect to know what mainstream Islam thinks when you have never visited an Islamic country?
Muslim condemnation is muted at best. Seems to me many believe they know what Americans think without having been there. Saigon, are you under the impression that you are the only one who's ever traveled?

I feel another wimpy neg rep coming on.
Meathead -

Muslim condemnation is muted at best.

And you know this how?

Do you expect a Muslim to come and knock and your door and inform you that the local mosque made a statement condeming violence?

Seems to me many believe they know what Americans think without having been there.

Really? You haven't been to the US?
I've always grappled with this logic. First we are told not to judge Islam for the actions of their fringe movements, yet we are to judge all gun owners by the actions of a few crazed criminals who happened carry out their misdeeds with a gun. Why is that?

because 1 they are hypocrites
Coming from a liberal who no doubt thinks that our government is being taken over by overly religious theocrats..

What on earth are you talking about? Where did I ever say anything even remotely like that?
If Islam were truly a religion of peace, why don't they speak out publicly and condemn this behavior?

They do, and vocally, and often...but this is not reported on nutcase blogs.

Honestly - why would you expect to know what mainstream Islam thinks when you have never visited an Islamic country?

First of all, I make use of the internet. I study religion as a hobby. What on Earth am I going on about? One obnoxious retort deserves another.


Honestly - why would you expect to know what mainstream Islam thinks when you have never visited an Islamic country?
Muslim condemnation is muted at best. Seems to me many believe they know what Americans think without having been there. Saigon, are you under the impression that you are the only one who's ever traveled?

I feel another wimpy neg rep coming on.



Coming from a liberal who no doubt thinks that our government is being taken over by overly religious theocrats..

What on earth are you talking about? Where did I ever say anything even remotely like that?
If Islam were truly a religion of peace, why don't they speak out publicly and condemn this behavior?

They do, and vocally, and often...but this is not reported on nutcase blogs.

Honestly - why would you expect to know what mainstream Islam thinks when you have never visited an Islamic country?
I have.....Three tours.....And NO, they don't vocally speak out,....for it would be the death of they and their families for doing so......And, you don't trust them either....You treat them with respect, while keeping an eye on them at all times, with a finger always on the trigger, no matter who they are....It's just the way it is.
Saigon, are you under the impression that you are the only one who's ever traveled?

Are you kidding? You have to ask? His entire sense of self is based primarily on that idiotic assumption.
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