
I make use of the internet.

And that is probably part of the problem.

While there may be a lot of great resources on the Islamic world available, few of them are in English, and for every good resource there are probably ten that are no more helpful to you in coming to understand Islam than gardening forums.

Can you imagine what impressions a young Syrian guy might get of the US if his only source of information is boards like this?

To understand any complex and alien culture requires years of reading, travel, study and particularly discussion with people from that culture who are willing to explain and discuss different elements. It's not something any of us can do in a half hour.
I have.....Three tours.....And NO, they don't vocally speak out,....for it would be the death of they and their families for doing so......And, you don't trust them either....You treat them with respect, while keeping an eye on them at all times, with a finger always on the trigger, no matter who they are....It's just the way it is.

Jesus wept....with all due respect, dude, do you not think that wearing a uniform and pointing a gun at someone might just somehow get a little in the way of a free and open discussion on their culture?!

I am sure in three tours you learned an immense amount about whatever country you were in, but it may not have been the most objective way to learn.
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I have.....Three tours.....And NO, they don't vocally speak out,....for it would be the death of they and their families for doing so......And, you don't trust them either....You treat them with respect, while keeping an eye on them at all times, with a finger always on the trigger, no matter who they are....It's just the way it is.

Jesus wept....I aren't even going to start....
Yeah, that would be advisable,..just leave it alone.
I make use of the internet.

And that is probably part of the problem.

While there may be a lot of great resources on the Islamic world available, few of them are in English, and for every good resource there are probably ten that are no more helpful to you in coming to understand Islam than gardening forums.

Can you imagine what impressions a young Syrian guy might get of the US if his only source of information is boards like this?

To understand any complex and alien culture requires years of reading, travel, study and particularly discussion with people from that culture who are willing to explain and discuss different elements. It's not something any of us can do in a half hour.

Uh, I've been studying Islam for a couple of years, Saigon. It's not like I just jumped in here with 30 minutes of knowledge, buddy.
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If Islam were truly a religion of peace, why don't they speak out publicly and condemn this behavior?

Did you hear the uncle of these two fucking scumbags? He's been pretty clear.

Did you hear their father?

So I guess not every Muslim in the world thinks, speaks, and acts exactly alike, huh? This filthy fucking dog needs to be kept alive just long enough to squeeze every drop of info from him then put down as horribly as possible, but condemning a billion other people out of hand is going too far. There are many, many murderous scumbags and cowards in the world, from every corner of the globe and of every race, creed, and religion, but I don't want to destroy the planet earth to make sure we get them all. We can crush the enemies of America without limit or hesitation while still remaining rational and preserving our principles.
Uh, I've been studying Islam for a couple of years, Saigon. It's not like I just jumped in here with 30 minutes of knowledge, buddy.

I'm please to hear that, TK, and congratulations on that. It's got to be a good move.

Although this doesn't explain to me why you would expect to be aware of what Muslims say to each other, either in the Middle East or in the US.
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I have.....Three tours.....And NO, they don't vocally speak out,....for it would be the death of they and their families for doing so......And, you don't trust them either....You treat them with respect, while keeping an eye on them at all times, with a finger always on the trigger, no matter who they are....It's just the way it is.

Jesus wept....with all due respect, dude, do you not think that wearing a uniform and pointing a gun at someone might just somehow get a little in the way of a free and open discussion on their culture?!

I am sure in three tours you learned an immense amount about whatever country you were in, but it may not have been the most objective way to learn.
I've witnessed their "culture"....I've seen the mass graves, the bullet riddled bodies of those who dared speak out...Witnessed an islamic woman get cold cocked in the mouth by her "loving" husband, for simply accepting a Snickers bar from an american soldier, to give to her kid.

Yeah, it's a "religion" of peace alright....What it is, is an ideaology based on oppression and abuse, as set forth in the Koran, period!
I have.....Three tours.....And NO, they don't vocally speak out,....for it would be the death of they and their families for doing so......And, you don't trust them either....You treat them with respect, while keeping an eye on them at all times, with a finger always on the trigger, no matter who they are....It's just the way it is.

Jesus wept....with all due respect, dude, do you not think that wearing a uniform and pointing a gun at someone might just somehow get a little in the way of a free and open discussion on their culture?!

I am sure in three tours you learned an immense amount about whatever country you were in, but it may not have been the most objective way to learn.
I've witnessed their "culture"....I've seen the mass graves, the bullet riddled bodies of those who dared speak out...Witnessed an islamic woman get cold cocked in the mouth by her "loving" husband, for simply accepting a Snickers bar from an american soldier, to give to her kid.

Yeah, it's a "religion" of peace alright....What it is, is an ideaology based on oppression and abuse, as set forth in the Koran, period!

What you witnessed were people stressed out from war.
Jesus wept....with all due respect, dude, do you not think that wearing a uniform and pointing a gun at someone might just somehow get a little in the way of a free and open discussion on their culture?!

I am sure in three tours you learned an immense amount about whatever country you were in, but it may not have been the most objective way to learn.
I've witnessed their "culture"....I've seen the mass graves, the bullet riddled bodies of those who dared speak out...Witnessed an islamic woman get cold cocked in the mouth by her "loving" husband, for simply accepting a Snickers bar from an american soldier, to give to her kid.

Yeah, it's a "religion" of peace alright....What it is, is an ideaology based on oppression and abuse, as set forth in the Koran, period!

What you witnessed were people stressed out from war.
Nooooo, I witnessed the true face of their culture, up close and personal, period.

As I said, you treat 'em with respect, as you would any human being, but you NEVER trust 'em, nor do you ever forget what their "culture" is based on.....And, you damn sure never forget what their "culture" is based on, when you see daughters run over by cars, IN THIS COUNTRY, for simply being too "americanized," and then see the wife and family defend the muslim father/s who did it, because she supposedly tarnished their bullshit honor....You also don't forget what their culture is based on, when you see a woman beheaded, IN THIS COUNTRY, by her muslim husband, for supposedly tarnishing his bullshit "honor."
I've witnessed their "culture"....I've seen the mass graves, the bullet riddled bodies of those who dared speak out...Witnessed an islamic woman get cold cocked in the mouth by her "loving" husband, for simply accepting a Snickers bar from an american soldier, to give to her kid.

Yeah, it's a "religion" of peace alright....What it is, is an ideaology based on oppression and abuse, as set forth in the Koran, period!

What you witnessed were people stressed out from war.
Nooooo, I witnessed the true face of their culture, up close and personal, period.

As I said, you treat 'em with respect, as you would any human being, but you NEVER trust 'em, nor do you ever forget what their "culture" is based on.....And, you damn sure never forget what their "culture" is based on, when you see daughters run over by cars, IN THIS COUNTRY, for simply being too "americanized," and then see the wife and family defend the muslim father/s who did it, because she supposedly tarnished their bullshit honor....You also don't forget what their culture is based on, when you see a woman beheaded, IN THIS COUNTRY, by her muslim husband, for supposedly tarnishing his bullshit "honor."

You witnessed this, where, exactly?
Did you hear the uncle of these two fucking scumbags? He's been pretty clear.

Did you hear their father?

So I guess not every Muslim in the world thinks, speaks, and acts exactly alike, huh? This filthy fucking dog needs to be kept alive just long enough to squeeze every drop of info from him then put down as horribly as possible, but condemning a billion other people out of hand is going too far. There are many, many murderous scumbags and cowards in the world, from every corner of the globe and of every race, creed, and religion, but I don't want to destroy the planet earth to make sure we get them all. We can crush the enemies of America without limit or hesitation while still remaining rational and preserving our principles.

Unkotare, although there is a small percentage of Islam who claim to be Jihadis or Terrorists, they have to have such a grip on the religion that many of them either agree or choose not to speak out about the heinous acts they perpetrate. These people have muftis and and clerics issuing out fatwas and creeds, telling them what to do or think.. yeah a lot of them do think, speak and act alike.
Did you hear their father?

So I guess not every Muslim in the world thinks, speaks, and acts exactly alike, huh? This filthy fucking dog needs to be kept alive just long enough to squeeze every drop of info from him then put down as horribly as possible, but condemning a billion other people out of hand is going too far. There are many, many murderous scumbags and cowards in the world, from every corner of the globe and of every race, creed, and religion, but I don't want to destroy the planet earth to make sure we get them all. We can crush the enemies of America without limit or hesitation while still remaining rational and preserving our principles.

.. yeah a lot of them do think, speak and act alike.

What's "a lot," professor?
Nope, I don't agree.

Fuck Islam. It's a criminal, oppressive ideology

faggot criminals

Yes, I see how open minded you are so I must become Jewish in order to share your enlightenment. :clap2:
Well, Fred, that would probably make you less inclined to hijack planeloads of innocent people, and ram them into buildings full of innocent people, or, bomb marathons and shit like that.

Hell, Fred, it might also make ya' less inclined to stone a woman to death for walking in FRONT of you, or running a daughter over with a car for wearing "skinny jeans" and make-up.

What say you, there, Fred?:eusa_whistle:

I, subtle as I am, say you're talking utter bollocks.
Try wandering over to Indonesia and taking a look at Islam here.
You, as many uneducated people do, are mixing up local culture with Islam.
I've always grappled with this logic. First we are told not to judge Islam for the actions of their fringe movements, yet we are to judge all gun owners by the actions of a few crazed criminals who happened carry out their misdeeds with a gun. Why is that?

If Islam were truly a religion of peace, why don't they speak out publicly and condemn this behavior?

We commonly do but it doesn't make the news.
On a personal note, fuck all terrorists.

There you go, I've just condemned all terrorists (again) but the idiots still assure me I'm guilty because I'm a Muslim.
So I guess not every Muslim in the world thinks, speaks, and acts exactly alike, huh? This filthy fucking dog needs to be kept alive just long enough to squeeze every drop of info from him then put down as horribly as possible, but condemning a billion other people out of hand is going too far. There are many, many murderous scumbags and cowards in the world, from every corner of the globe and of every race, creed, and religion, but I don't want to destroy the planet earth to make sure we get them all. We can crush the enemies of America without limit or hesitation while still remaining rational and preserving our principles.

.. yeah a lot of them do think, speak and act alike.

What's "a lot," professor?

As in 1.5 billion? 310 million of us follow the lead of one man, so do 1.5 billion follow the lead of their clerics, imams and muftis. Every country requires a leader, and so does every faith. Islam is caught in the grips of radicalism right now, believe it or not.
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I've always grappled with this logic. First we are told not to judge Islam for the actions of their fringe movements, yet we are to judge all gun owners by the actions of a few crazed criminals who happened carry out their misdeeds with a gun. Why is that?

If Islam were truly a religion of peace, why don't they speak out publicly and condemn this behavior?

We commonly do but it doesn't make the news.
On a personal note, fuck all terrorists.

There you go, I've just condemned all terrorists (again) but the idiots still assure me I'm guilty because I'm a Muslim.

At least you do then... but surely you don't speak for all of them do you? I'm looking for a consensus here, not just one random Muslim on a forum. Come on people!
Nope, I don't agree.

Fuck Islam. It's a criminal, oppressive ideology

faggot criminals

Yes, I see how open minded you are so I must become Jewish in order to share your enlightenment. :clap2:
Well, Fred, that would probably make you less inclined to hijack planeloads of innocent people, and ram them into buildings full of innocent people, or, bomb marathons and shit like that.

Hell, Fred, it might also make ya' less inclined to stone a woman to death for walking in FRONT of you, or running a daughter over with a car for wearing "skinny jeans" and make-up.

What say you, there, Fred?:eusa_whistle:

I'll add something else.
Indonesia is about 86% Muslim. That means the people you see have an 86% chance of being Muslims.
A challenge to all and anyone.

Count the number of people in the photos and tell me how many conform to the stereotype of Muslims, as farted out on this forum.
Then ask yourself a question.
If the image in your mind is incorrect; is the rest of your perception equally wrong?

Sorry I haven't updated it for a while but I've been really busy so haven't had a lot of spare time.

I'll post one image on here.
These girls are from a Muslim school in Purwokerto, Indonesia.
Are they oppressed Muslim women, being beaten up and forced to wear crappy black clothes?

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