
I'm not sure what actions you would expect a normal, middle class family in the Islamic world to take against terrorists. Go out and kill them?

I've talked to a few people who sounded really angry when they talked about terorrists, and what they are doing in the name of Islam. They sounded to me like they meant it, and I'm sure their friends and neighbours know who they feel.

It's just not that easy to reign in hot heads and firebrands in another part of town.
There's a lot that can be done to prevent radicalization among American Muslims.

Muslim-American communities should widely disseminate their condemnation of terrorism and violence, and those statements should be publicized. Law enforcement has a role to play as well, by making efforts to increase the level of trust and communication with such communities. This could include the cultivation of Muslim-American informants, a policy that could be developed and openly discussed with community leaders.

Policymakers should include Muslim-Americans in their outreach efforts, and public officials should attend events at mosques, as they do churches and synagogues. A study of Islamic terrorism in the US and Europe reveal one of the major causes of the radicalization is the lack of integration into the community. This is typified by statements of one of the Boston bombers in which he discussed his lack of understand Americans.

And America could stop interfering in and invading Muslim countries.
That may well help.
I agree but sometime you have no choice when they are allowing terrorist to train and plan attacks on the US and our allies.
I still want to know what Islamic countries America has invaded. Afghanistan and Iraq out of the picture.

I'm not going to allow that poster to get away with that blanket statement.

So back up your shit Indofred.
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Actions speak louder than words my friend.

I'm not sure what actions you would expect a normal, middle class family in the Islamic world to take against terrorists. Go out and kill them?

I've talked to a few people who sounded really angry when they talked about terorrists, and what they are doing in the name of Islam. They sounded to me like they meant it, and I'm sure their friends and neighbours know who they feel.

It's just not that easy to reign in hot heads and firebrands in another part of town.
There's a lot that can be done to prevent radicalization among American Muslims.

Muslim-American communities should widely disseminate their condemnation of terrorism and violence, and those statements should be publicized. Law enforcement has a role to play as well, by making efforts to increase the level of trust and communication with such communities. This could include the cultivation of Muslim-American informants, a policy that could be developed and openly discussed with community leaders.

Policymakers should include Muslim-Americans in their outreach efforts, and public officials should attend events at mosques, as they do churches and synagogues. A study of Islamic terrorism in the US and Europe reveal one of the major causes of the radicalization is the lack of integration into the community. This is typified by statements of one of the Boston bombers in which he discussed his lack of understand Americans.

What you suggest would make sense if we were dealing with people who were sophisticated in the ways of Western culture. What we are dealing with are tribal, third world, ignorant, barbarians who have no idea what democracy is about, and they are pushing the dogma of "Johnny Jihad" in this country. Foreign Muslims are the enemy sworn to kill us all. Get your head out of the sand. This is a religious war, America did not ask for.

The Russians learned years ago that the only way you control these animals is with force, and treating them like the cattle they are.

Again, if the the Boston Marathon Bombers had never been allowed into this country, there never would have been a Boston Marathon Bombing. This is not rocket science.

Those defending moderate Muslims, of which I am convinced there are none go to
here is a so-called moderate making some interesting statements.
Judge for yourself.
Perception is not reality. The data simply does not support your conclusion. On the FBI’s official website, there exists a chronological list of all terrorist attacks committed on U.S. soil from the year 1980 all the way to 2005. According to this data, there were more Jewish acts of terrorism within the United States than Islamic (7% vs 6%).
Of the 2.6 Muslims in the US less that .003% have been involve in terrorist acts.

All Terrorists are Muslims...Except the 94% that Aren't |
I still want to know what Islamic countries America has invaded. Afghanistan and Iraq out of the picture.

I'm not going to allow that poster to get away with that blanket statement.

So back up your shit Indofred.

The US has financially supported the Israelis for years against the Palestinians. The US has intervened in Pakistan, Iran, Lebanon(though I would classify it as a Christian nation as well), Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Mali, and are now sending troops to Jordan to trains and potentially join the conflict in Syria.
Hagel Announces Deployment of U.S. Troops to Jordan

Not the same at all. Not the same at all as an invasion.

I'm big on words. And definitions. I don't mess around. :eusa_angel:
So should I decimate your argument or would you like to rephrase it? Because you do make good points. You truly do.

I'm just trying to figure out our playing field here.
Those defending moderate Muslims, of which I am convinced there are none go to
here is a so-called moderate making some interesting statements.
Judge for yourself.
Perception is not reality. The data simply does not support your conclusion. On the FBI’s official website, there exists a chronological list of all terrorist attacks committed on U.S. soil from the year 1980 all the way to 2005. According to this data, there were more Jewish acts of terrorism within the United States than Islamic (7% vs 6%).
Of the 2.6 Muslims in the US less that .003% have been involve in terrorist acts.

All Terrorists are Muslims...Except the 94% that Aren't |

Apparently you misunderstand the conclusion. It is not whether most terrorists are Muslim, but whether they have the support of those calling themselves moderate. There is no available data on that, so the pie charts on your fringe site mean nothing to me.
Oh, and I asked others to judge for themselves, that means they can come to their own conclusions if that's okay with you.
I'm not sure what actions you would expect a normal, middle class family in the Islamic world to take against terrorists. Go out and kill them?

I've talked to a few people who sounded really angry when they talked about terorrists, and what they are doing in the name of Islam. They sounded to me like they meant it, and I'm sure their friends and neighbours know who they feel.

It's just not that easy to reign in hot heads and firebrands in another part of town.
There's a lot that can be done to prevent radicalization among American Muslims.

Muslim-American communities should widely disseminate their condemnation of terrorism and violence, and those statements should be publicized. Law enforcement has a role to play as well, by making efforts to increase the level of trust and communication with such communities. This could include the cultivation of Muslim-American informants, a policy that could be developed and openly discussed with community leaders.

Policymakers should include Muslim-Americans in their outreach efforts, and public officials should attend events at mosques, as they do churches and synagogues. A study of Islamic terrorism in the US and Europe reveal one of the major causes of the radicalization is the lack of integration into the community. This is typified by statements of one of the Boston bombers in which he discussed his lack of understand Americans.

What you suggest would make sense if we were dealing with people who were sophisticated in the ways of Western culture. What we are dealing with are tribal, third world, ignorant, barbarians who have no idea what democracy is about, and they are pushing the dogma of "Johnny Jihad" in this country. Foreign Muslims are the enemy sworn to kill us all. Get your head out of the sand. This is a religious war, America did not ask for.

The Russians learned years ago that the only way you control these animals is with force, and treating them like the cattle they are.

Again, if the the Boston Marathon Bombers had never been allowed into this country, there never would have been a Boston Marathon Bombing. This is not rocket science.

How many Muslim civilians has the US maimed, murdered, incarcerated, or displaced since 1991?
Since the answer numbers in the millions, the overwhelming majority of the world's one billion Muslims should be applauded for their restraint. Unless you believe in American Exceptionalism?
There's a lot that can be done to prevent radicalization among American Muslims.

Muslim-American communities should widely disseminate their condemnation of terrorism and violence, and those statements should be publicized. Law enforcement has a role to play as well, by making efforts to increase the level of trust and communication with such communities. This could include the cultivation of Muslim-American informants, a policy that could be developed and openly discussed with community leaders.

Policymakers should include Muslim-Americans in their outreach efforts, and public officials should attend events at mosques, as they do churches and synagogues. A study of Islamic terrorism in the US and Europe reveal one of the major causes of the radicalization is the lack of integration into the community. This is typified by statements of one of the Boston bombers in which he discussed his lack of understand Americans.

What you suggest would make sense if we were dealing with people who were sophisticated in the ways of Western culture. What we are dealing with are tribal, third world, ignorant, barbarians who have no idea what democracy is about, and they are pushing the dogma of "Johnny Jihad" in this country. Foreign Muslims are the enemy sworn to kill us all. Get your head out of the sand. This is a religious war, America did not ask for.

The Russians learned years ago that the only way you control these animals is with force, and treating them like the cattle they are.

Again, if the the Boston Marathon Bombers had never been allowed into this country, there never would have been a Boston Marathon Bombing. This is not rocket science.

How many Muslim civilians has the US maimed, murdered, incarcerated, or displaced since 1991?
Since the answer numbers in the millions, the overwhelming majority of the world's one billion Muslims should be applauded for their restraint. Unless you believe in American Exceptionalism?
Better question...How many Muslims die at the hand of Muslims in the frenzy to protest the great evil west?
You are a fucking moron!!
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People are innocent until proven guilty yet 82% of the people responding to the poll say he has no rights.

Dead or alive I will argue for deportation. It is allowed by law.

End of story...
Odd, you would argue for simple deportation for someone who either has a green card or citizenship? I would argue for the death penalty, but that Massachusetts does not have one. As a matter of fact, the death penalty seems fair and just under any relative circumstances.

He would be eligible for the death penalty under federal laws that apply to this case, if he is tried in civilian court.
I'm not sure what actions you would expect a normal, middle class family in the Islamic world to take against terrorists. Go out and kill them?

I've talked to a few people who sounded really angry when they talked about terorrists, and what they are doing in the name of Islam. They sounded to me like they meant it, and I'm sure their friends and neighbours know who they feel.

It's just not that easy to reign in hot heads and firebrands in another part of town.
There's a lot that can be done to prevent radicalization among American Muslims.

Muslim-American communities should widely disseminate their condemnation of terrorism and violence, and those statements should be publicized. Law enforcement has a role to play as well, by making efforts to increase the level of trust and communication with such communities. This could include the cultivation of Muslim-American informants, a policy that could be developed and openly discussed with community leaders.

Policymakers should include Muslim-Americans in their outreach efforts, and public officials should attend events at mosques, as they do churches and synagogues. A study of Islamic terrorism in the US and Europe reveal one of the major causes of the radicalization is the lack of integration into the community. This is typified by statements of one of the Boston bombers in which he discussed his lack of understand Americans.

And America could stop interfering in and invading Muslim countries.
That may well help.

That kind of bullshit excuse-making does NOT inspire sympathy or understanding.
Let's talk about the evidence as seen on TV.

One of the pressure cookers has a serial number that is legible. That can be tracked.

They can track all cell phone pings at the precise moment of detonation.

I think they are going to catch the assholes.
I hope so. If I recall correctly, it was the serial number found on the axle of the van that was blown up in the World Trade Center that led to the arrest of those apes.

Let's see....ah, yes! I remembered correctly!

In the days after the bombing, investigators surveyed the damage and looked for clues. While combing through the rubble in the underground parking area, a bomb technician located some internal component fragments from the vehicle that delivered the bomb. A vehicle identification number (VIN), found on a piece from an axle, gave investigators crucial information that led them to a Ryder truck rental outlet in Jersey City. Investigators determined that the vehicle had been rented by Mohammad Salameh, one of Yousef's co-conspirators.[21] Salameh had reported the van stolen, and when he returned on March 4, 1993, to get his deposit back, authorities arrested him.[22]

I hope they find out something more on these "apes".
The US has financially supported the Israelis for years against the Palestinians. The US has intervened in Pakistan, Iran, Lebanon(though I would classify it as a Christian nation as well), Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Mali, and are now sending troops to Jordan to trains and potentially join the conflict in Syria.
Hagel Announces Deployment of U.S. Troops to Jordan

Not the same at all. Not the same at all as an invasion.

I'm big on words. And definitions. I don't mess around. :eusa_angel:
So should I decimate your argument or would you like to rephrase it? Because you do make good points. You truly do.

I'm just trying to figure out our playing field here.

No, they are not the same as invasions, persay, that is why I used a different word. Though I would actually consider Somalia an invasion as we were part of a UN force to impose an outside government on the natives. Iran, Libya, and now Syria were/are nation destabilizing and regime changing missions. Massive ground invasions are a thing of the past, but to suggest doesn't militarily intervene in a host of Muslim nations would be absurd.

We are coming at it from two different angles but yet the same. Interesting.
Actions speak louder than words my friend.

I'm not sure what actions you would expect a normal, middle class family in the Islamic world to take against terrorists. Go out and kill them?

I've talked to a few people who sounded really angry when they talked about terorrists, and what they are doing in the name of Islam. They sounded to me like they meant it, and I'm sure their friends and neighbours know who they feel.

It's just not that easy to reign in hot heads and firebrands in another part of town.
There's a lot that can be done to prevent radicalization among American Muslims.

Muslim-American communities should widely disseminate their condemnation of terrorism and violence, and those statements should be publicized. Law enforcement has a role to play as well, by making efforts to increase the level of trust and communication with such communities. This could include the cultivation of Muslim-American informants, a policy that could be developed and openly discussed with community leaders.

Policymakers should include Muslim-Americans in their outreach efforts, and public officials should attend events at mosques, as they do churches and synagogues. A study of Islamic terrorism in the US and Europe reveal one of the major causes of the radicalization is the lack of integration into the community. This is typified by statements of one of the Boston bombers in which he discussed his lack of understand Americans.

I totally agree with everything you say here.

I also suspect much of this does go on behind the scences, and we'd never get to hear about it. It just doesn't make for exciting news.
There's a lot that can be done to prevent radicalization among American Muslims.

Muslim-American communities should widely disseminate their condemnation of terrorism and violence, and those statements should be publicized. Law enforcement has a role to play as well, by making efforts to increase the level of trust and communication with such communities. This could include the cultivation of Muslim-American informants, a policy that could be developed and openly discussed with community leaders.

Policymakers should include Muslim-Americans in their outreach efforts, and public officials should attend events at mosques, as they do churches and synagogues. A study of Islamic terrorism in the US and Europe reveal one of the major causes of the radicalization is the lack of integration into the community. This is typified by statements of one of the Boston bombers in which he discussed his lack of understand Americans.

And America could stop interfering in and invading Muslim countries.
That may well help.

What countries? Afghanistan is an obvious one because of the Taliban and the homebodies of Bin Laden and that little "piss us off" called 9 mother fucking 11.

Iraq only because the writing was on the wall the the two whacko sons were going to take power from crazy daddy and needed to be stopped.

So what other countries?

You invaded Afghanistan when Bush blamed Saudis for 9/11
You invaded Iraq to get the WMD that didn't exist
You bombed Indonesia.

I'll post a few more when you explain those.
And America could stop interfering in and invading Muslim countries.
That may well help.

What countries? Afghanistan is an obvious one because of the Taliban and the homebodies of Bin Laden and that little "piss us off" called 9 mother fucking 11.

Iraq only because the writing was on the wall the the two whacko sons were going to take power from crazy daddy and needed to be stopped.

So what other countries?

You invaded Afghanistan when Bush blamed Saudis for 9/11
You invaded Iraq to get the WMD that didn't exist
You bombed Indonesia.

I'll post a few more when you explain those.

You're not this stupid. You are grasping for excuses.
What countries? Afghanistan is an obvious one because of the Taliban and the homebodies of Bin Laden and that little "piss us off" called 9 mother fucking 11.

Iraq only because the writing was on the wall the the two whacko sons were going to take power from crazy daddy and needed to be stopped.

So what other countries?

You invaded Afghanistan when Bush blamed Saudis for 9/11
You invaded Iraq to get the WMD that didn't exist
You bombed Indonesia.

I'll post a few more when you explain those.

You're not this stupid. You are grasping for excuses.

Not at all. I'm simply stating the commonly given reason for various groups to attack Americans.

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