
namvet is drinking again

the bomber shooter is not black, he is turkic, which is mostly caucasian some asian
Hopefully we will learn something about the motivations for this attack. So often terrorist are either, killed, lawyer up, are mental basket cases, or detained in some prison indefinitely. So we learn little about their thought process and why they did what they did. I've talked to a number of people about this thing and the one question that keeps coming up is Why.
Hopefully we will learn something about the motivations for this attack. So often terrorist are either, killed, lawyer up, are mental basket cases, or detained in some prison indefinitely. So we learn little about their thought process and why they did what they did. I've talked to a number of people about this thing and the one question that keeps coming up is Why.

I have just been listening to a friend/acquaintance of the suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who, as many others who know him have indicated, says this was a normal young man, not anti-American, not very religious, not violent or preoccupied with violence, etc. Just a regular type kid who played sports and went to college. They don't seem to think he was leading a double life or hiding anything so much as they think he was influenced by an older brother, a brother who was 7 years older and a surrogate father as Dzhorka's own father lives far away in another country.

I'm not intending to excuse this kid's behavior, but responding to the discussion in the previous post: the motivation for this attack. He doesn't seem to be a mental case or have any previous preoccupation with extremism or terrorism. His motivation is the question that does come up, especially when we hear over and over what a normal kid he was, before this. He just became an American citizen last November; he seems to have liked America and living an American lifestyle.

I grew up with an older half brother, 8 years older, and though I was not influenced by him, I can see where a boy child could be, especially if there was no father figure in the home and if the older brother has a very strong personality.
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SHOCKING!!! - Shocking I tell you - the two men are foreign visitors from an Arab nation.
I just can't believe it, who would think they would turn out to be from a middle eastern country? :evil:

If they are from Chechnya they aren't Arabs, moron.

Just like, if you are from the US, you are not African.

Unless your skin is dark and it helps idiots differentiate you from other people.'d describe Tiger Woods or MLK as being Africans?


Chechyns still aren't Arabs, by the way, nor are they Middle Eastern.
Uncensored -

Don't forget to come back and explain how the Chechans started the conflict with Russia.

You made the claim - let's see it backed up or retracted.
This will be a federal show. The suspect will be Mirandized if he survives, and the federal court process will begin in front of the entire world.

Political Chic and Yurt and others will be disappointed no water boarding or other torture will be permitted.
No brother, he will not be Mirandized....He's an enemy combatant, and it's definitely a case of National Security.
Hopefully we will learn something about the motivations for this attack. So often terrorist are either, killed, lawyer up, are mental basket cases, or detained in some prison indefinitely. So we learn little about their thought process and why they did what they did. I've talked to a number of people about this thing and the one question that keeps coming up is Why.

I have just been listening to a friend/acquaintance of the suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who, as many others who know him have indicated, says this was a normal young man, not anti-American, not very religious, not violent or preoccupied with violence, etc. Just a regular type kid who played sports and went to college. They don't seem to think he was leading a double life or hiding anything so much as they think he was influenced by an older brother, a brother who was 7 years older and a surrogate father as Dzhorka's own father lives far away in another country.

I'm not intending to excuse this kid's behavior, but responding to the discussion in the previous post: the motivation for this attack. He doesn't seem to be a mental case or have any previous preoccupation with extremism or terrorism. His motivation is the question that does come up, especially when we hear over and over what a normal kid he was, before this. He just became an American citizen last November; he seems to have liked America and living an American lifestyle.

I grew up with an older half brother, 8 years older, and though I was not influenced by him, I can see where a boy child could be, especially if there was no father figure in the home and if the older brother has a very strong personality.
First of all, he's not a damn ""kid".....He's a 19 year old ADULT, who damn sure knew what he was doing....The only means necessary to prove it, is by looking at his facebook page, and his YouTube account, along with his terrorist actions.....He's a radicalized muslim, nothing more than a zealot piece o' shit, who sought to kill our fellow americans, and he succeeded.....He needs to pay the price, and death is completely appropriate.

Look, these same things were said about several of the 9/11 hijackers, by neighbors and friends, and they slit the throats of the pilots and cockpit crews of 4 planes, before ramming them into 3 buildings and an empty field, thereby MURDERING thousands of our fellow americans in the name of Allah, in the name of a twisted, backwards, oppressive, evil religion.

Bottom line, that piece of shit MURDERED 5 of our fellow americans in the name of Allah. He maimed hundreds more, too include blowing various body parts off of many, their lives will NEVER be the same, and they did absolutely NOTHING to deserve it.

He deserves no Sympathy.....ZIP, NADA, NONE!....He's a terrorist, a barbarian, a monster.....And anybody showing sympathy for that pile of garbage, is a fucking moron.:cuckoo:
namvet is drinking again

the bomber shooter is not black, he is turkic, which is mostly caucasian some asian

Surely you American media left remember calling them "freedom fighters". Because if you don't remember, I'll keep it foremost in my threads next week on whatever board I'm on.

Freedom fighters you called them liberals. Freedom fighters. I remember sitting in my living room just losing it over these evil beasts who were empowered by the western media calling them freedom fighters.

All through the 80's and the 90's. All thru the decades. Till Beslan.

I don't forget. I will never forget....
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Here is his Russian version "Facebook" page

Djohar Tsarnaev

There in the messages you can see people thanking him and quoting Sura's ( Koran "chapture" if you will) where they praise him for his actions. Others are angry as well.
CaféAuLait;7120432 said:
Here is his Russian version "Facebook" page

Djohar Tsarnaev

There in the messages you can see people thanking him and quoting Sura's ( Koran "chapture" if you will) where they praise him for his actions. Others are angry as well.

His uncle took the best rant of all. I was in the car coming back from the city listening to the radio.

Man oh man. For anyone who ever says "why don't we ever hear a muslim condemn another muslim" you have to look at the heart of your very own media.

This uncle was sobbing and angry. At least someone in my media covered his agony.
CaféAuLait;7120432 said:
Here is his Russian version "Facebook" page

Djohar Tsarnaev

There in the messages you can see people thanking him and quoting Sura's ( Koran "chapture" if you will) where they praise him for his actions. Others are angry as well.

His uncle took the best rant of all. I was in the car coming back from the city listening to the radio.

Man oh man. For anyone who ever says "why don't we ever hear a muslim condemn another muslim" you have to look at the heart of your very own media.

This uncle was sobbing and angry. At least someone in my media covered his agony.
He stated it right, "they're losers."

As are ALL Jihadi bastards.
I don't get this whole argument about white, black, pink, yellow, or purple. They are caucasian, and to have Al Qaeda in Chechnya is common for some time.

In Pictures: Al Qaeda in the Caucasus

Chechnya served as one of the first battlegrounds outside of Afghanistan for al Qaeda in the early 1990s. Al Qaeda sent thousands of foreign fighters to Chechnya to fight alongside the domestic Chechen resistance to the Russians during the First and Second Chechen Wars. Al Qaeda also funneled large amounts of money to the fight in Chechnya and used the theater as a training ground and well as propaganda and recruiting tool. The Chechen leadership became increasingly radicalized and the jihad expanded to the greater Caucasus. In the fall of 2007, Doku Umarov, the new leader of the Chechen jihadis, declared the Islamic Caucasus Emirate and impose sharia law.

Read more: In Pictures: Al Qaeda in the Caucasus - The Long War Journal

Long War Journal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A history of terrorism out of Chechnya

Some have proved vulnerable to recruitment by militants, such as 25-year-old Lors Doukayev, who in 2010 attempted to bomb the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten after it published cartoon-like images of the prophet Muhammad.

Chechen immigrants have been arrested as recently as a month ago in France, and others have been prosecuted in Spain and Austria, accused of committing violence and plotting against foreign targets.

A history of terrorism out of Chechnya -
Put down the bong you have no fucking clue what you are talking about.:eusa_liar:

As expected, an opinion made to sound like a fact. Yet, no supporting link to give your arguments validity. If you are a Black American, you of all people realize how hard your people have tried to accommodate this nation. Hell, the first person to die in the American Revolution was African American.

If you find it acceptable to let Mexicans and Muslims push in front of you in line, then your people deserve to be at the bottom of the food chain. Don't shoot the messenger! You apparently do not understand how America works. What a pity.

Right :cuckoo: You have no clue what you are talking about, and my race/ethnicity is irrelevant here. You have no idea what a Police State is and you are probably some teenager who smokes pot and wears aluminum foil fats.:cuckoo:

Need details instead of opinions....opinions are like assshooles and you have plenty fuckstick
CaféAuLait;7120432 said:
Here is his Russian version "Facebook" page

Djohar Tsarnaev

There in the messages you can see people thanking him and quoting Sura's ( Koran "chapture" if you will) where they praise him for his actions. Others are angry as well.

His uncle took the best rant of all. I was in the car coming back from the city listening to the radio.

Man oh man. For anyone who ever says "why don't we ever hear a muslim condemn another muslim" you have to look at the heart of your very own media.

This uncle was sobbing and angry. At least someone in my media covered his agony.

He was very emotional and stated a case for not only his family, but for Chechnya and Muslims as well. In no uncertain terms he made it clear that this was not indictive of Muslims or Chechens. I felt so bad for him, you could tell how pained he was.
namvet is drinking again

the bomber shooter is not black, he is turkic, which is mostly caucasian some asian

Surely you American media left remember calling them "freedom fighters". Because if you don't remember, I'll keep it foremost in my threads next week on whatever board I'm on.

Freedom fighters you called them liberals. Freedom fighters. I remember sitting in my living room just losing it over these evil beasts who were empowered by the western media calling them freedom fighters.

All through the 90's. All thru the decades. Till Beslan.

I don't forget. I will never forget....
If jake could just get rid of his skin he could really hate whitie
CaféAuLait;7120432 said:
Here is his Russian version "Facebook" page

Djohar Tsarnaev

There in the messages you can see people thanking him and quoting Sura's ( Koran "chapture" if you will) where they praise him for his actions. Others are angry as well.

His uncle took the best rant of all. I was in the car coming back from the city listening to the radio.

Man oh man. For anyone who ever says "why don't we ever hear a muslim condemn another muslim" you have to look at the heart of your very own media.

This uncle was sobbing and angry. At least someone in my media covered his agony.
He stated it right, "they're losers."

As are ALL Jihadi bastards.

He was awesome in his vitriolic condemnation.

I don't know how you high five in Islam but man oh man the uncle rocked his fury, his pain, his sorrow.

Man he was righteously angry. YAY!

For every one who has asked "why don't Muslims condemn their violence".?

Answer is they do. It's just that your media doesn't tell you about it.
He stated it right, "they're losers."

As are ALL Jihadi bastards.
That is indeed refreshing. What we have gotten in the past for similar incidents from those associated by religion or ethnicity is muted condemnation, along with cries of "this is not Islam" and more than a few "...because of US foreign policy". These brothers are a shit-stain on what is already a shit-stained cause and their uncle acknowledged it.

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