
Jroc is turning against his conservative hero, Bush?


OK, folks, go back to Jroc's threads on Bush, neo-conservatism, and Iraq.

You do that fake... I'll defend Bush on some things, but he was no conservative

Jroc, son, old buddy, pal: you defended Bush on everything, son, everything.

People are searching your threads now.

You are my puppet, just like Yurt: dance.
Jroc is turning against his conservative hero, Bush?


OK, folks, go back to Jroc's threads on Bush, neo-conservatism, and Iraq.

You do that fake... I'll defend Bush on some things, but he was no conservative

Jroc, son, old buddy, pal: you defended Bush on everything, son, everything.

People are searching your threads now.

You are my puppet, just like Yurt: dance.

I'll wait :cool:
i support gay marriage, legalization of marijuana, expanding medicare to include all ages so the poor can have health insurance....

yeah...i'm a far right reactionary


jake just proved again what a complete idiot and liar he is

and jakeyfakey runs away again after getting thoroughly destroyed by me

poor cowardly jake
i support gay marriage, legalization of marijuana, expanding medicare to include all ages so the poor can have health insurance....

yeah...i'm a far right reactionary


jake just proved again what a complete idiot and liar he is

and jakeyfakey runs away again after getting thoroughly destroyed by me

poor cowardly jake

Jake was an Obama apologist the whole presidential campaign, also before and after it..Oh yeah he's a Republican I forgot:doubt:
i support gay marriage, legalization of marijuana, expanding medicare to include all ages so the poor can have health insurance....

yeah...i'm a far right reactionary


jake just proved again what a complete idiot and liar he is

and jakeyfakey runs away again after getting thoroughly destroyed by me

poor cowardly jake

Jake was an Obama apologist the whole presidential campaign, also before and after it..Oh yeah he's a Republican I forgot:doubt:

If these 2 guys are really connected to the Chechen seperatist movement, I don't see any advantage for their group attacking some Marathon in Boston.
Russia seems to benefit most of this.
Tomorrow is also another "Friends of Syria"-meeting, and the expectations are high, that the FSA will get the weapons it needs against Russian ally Assad.
With the "Jihadists attacking Boston" Obama would look really bad in wingnut America with him supplying weapons to FSA 1-2 days later, with the FSA already being identified as pit-of-hell Muslims in rightwing media (went even to Benghazi).
Off course, this also reduces criticism on how Russia handles the whole Chechnya-issue, which it handles bad.
I'd like to see this whole thingy investigated to the end before I make my conclusions, but I don't see any benefit or logic behind the Chechen's taking their fight to USA.
Good grief, we have to point out to these righties where Chechnya is? Really? Hardly an "Arab nation". Jesus, no wonder you people lost in 2008 AND 2012.



You're a fucking idiot, but then all you apologists are:

"Omar Ibn al-Khattab. A radical warlord with strong ties to Basayev, Khattab is thought to have been born near the border between Jordan and Saudi Arabia. He joined the Chechen cause in 1995, and claimed to have fought against the Soviets in Afghanistan. He is believed to have participated in armed Islamic movements in several parts of the former Soviet Union, and may have known Osama bin Laden. Khattab was killed by a poisoned letter, the work of Russian federal security agents in 2002."

These are jihadists, not freedom fighters, or rebels, or sad oppressed souls seeking freedom.

What separatist figures reside outside of Chechnya?

  • Movladi Udugov. It is not clear where former Chechen Information Minister Movladi Udugov is living, but he was most recently thought to be in the United Arab Emirates, according to journalist Andrei Babitsky. Although a skilled propagandist, Udugov is an unlikely candidate to lead the rebels today because he follows a particularly fundamentalist strain of Islam that is not shared by most Chechens. He rejects the proposition of an independent Chechen state in favor of an Islamic state encompassing the entire North Caucasus."

  • Ilyas Akhmadov. The separatist foreign minister under Maskhadov, Akhmadov now lives in the United States where he was granted asylum in 2004.
The asylum issue has been a somewhat prickly subject in relations with Russia, which regards the rebels as terrorists. “This used to be more of an irritant than it is now, but it still allows Russian officials and journalists to complain of double standards,” says CFR Fellow Sestanovich. “The U.S. and U.K. governments have made a point of trying to ascertain that the Chechens granted asylum have not been involved in terrorism.”

The Chechen Separatist Movement - Council on Foreign Relations
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Put down the bong you have no fucking clue what you are talking about.:eusa_liar:

As expected, an opinion made to sound like a fact. Yet, no supporting link to give your arguments validity. If you are a Black American, you of all people realize how hard your people have tried to accommodate this nation. Hell, the first person to die in the American Revolution was African American.

If you find it acceptable to let Mexicans and Muslims push in front of you in line, then your people deserve to be at the bottom of the food chain. Don't shoot the messenger! You apparently do not understand how America works. What a pity.

Right :cuckoo: You have no clue what you are talking about, and my race/ethnicity is irrelevant here. You have no idea what a Police State is and you are probably some teenager who smokes pot and wears aluminum foil fats.:cuckoo:

Give the guy a second chance to support his arguments, and still no fact links. We get some name calling, and then he goes off-topic with a discussion of pot use, and a totally irrelevant diatribe on aluminum.

As I said before, this is why no one pays too much attention to what goes on at the bottom of the food chain.


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"the older brother in the pair suspected of bombing the Boston Marathon earlier this week. A video he linked to on his page (assuming it is his page, this needs to be confirmed) is titled, “[ame=""]The Emergence of Prophecy: The Black Flags From Khorasan[/ame].”

The video deals with a key part of jihadist mythology: That one of the most significant battles fought against the “infidels” will take place in the Khorasan, a geographic area that includes parts of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan."
..... “The Khorasan is considered by jihadis to be the place where they will inflict the first defeat against their enemies in the Muslim version of Armageddon. The final battle is to take place in the Levant - Israel, Syria, and Lebanon. Mentions of the Khorasan have begun to increase in al Qaeda's propaganda.”

Boston Bomber Posted Video on 'The Black Flags From Khorasan' | The Weekly Standard
Dad knew they were thinking about bombing:

The father said he spoke to his sons by phone earlier this week. "We talked about the bombing. I was worried about them," Anzor Tsarnaev said.
He said his sons reassured him, saying, "Everything is good, Daddy. Everything is very good."

"One of the most surprising details about the younger Tsarnaev brother is the revelation that he became a U.S. citizen last year on 9/11, the anniversary of the worst terror attack in U.S. history."

Boston Bomb Suspect's Dad Tells Son to Surrender, Says 'All Hell Will Break Loose' if Son Dies - ABC News
i support gay marriage, legalization of marijuana, expanding medicare to include all ages so the poor can have health insurance....

yeah...i'm a far right reactionary


jake just proved again what a complete idiot and liar he is

and jakeyfakey runs away again after getting thoroughly destroyed by me

poor cowardly jake

Jake was an Obama apologist the whole presidential campaign, also before and after it..Oh yeah he's a Republican I forgot:doubt:

:lol: And a liar lies, like you, Jroc. You are a filthy neo-con who defended everything in the Bush administration. I supported McCain in 2000 and 2008 and Romney in 2012 like a good Christian man and Republican.

You pretenders nearly destroyed the country and the economy.

No more neo-cons or reactionaries, ever.

We will win in 2016 with a good Republican mainstreamer, not a neo-con or reactionary filth candidate. :lol:
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"the older brother in the pair suspected of bombing the Boston Marathon earlier this week. A video he linked to on his page (assuming it is his page, this needs to be confirmed) is titled, “The Emergence of Prophecy: The Black Flags From Khorasan

The video deals with a key part of jihadist mythology: That one of the most significant battles fought against the “infidels” will take place in the Khorasan, a geographic area that includes parts of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan."
..... “The Khorasan is considered by jihadis to be the place where they will inflict the first defeat against their enemies in the Muslim version of Armageddon. The final battle is to take place in the Levant - Israel, Syria, and Lebanon. Mentions of the Khorasan have begun to increase in al Qaeda's propaganda.”

Boston Bomber Posted Video on 'The Black Flags From Khorasan' | The Weekly Standard

Permit me to quote myself again.
I have been both right and left, and am now neither. So, I will state the obvious, "If we had not let third world foreigners into our country in the first place, there would have been no Boston Marathon bombing." Duh!
Apparently it is suspect #2. He appears to be wounded and down. Surrounded by the cops and they're sending in a robot.
LEO can see suspect's arms and legs in or under a boat. Nothing about suspect movement. I imagine LEO is concerned about explosives.
SHOCKING!!! - Shocking I tell you - the two men are foreign visitors from an Arab nation.
I just can't believe it, who would think they would turn out to be from a middle eastern country? :evil:

If they are from Chechnya they aren't Arabs, moron.

Just like, if you are from the US, you are not African.

Unless your skin is dark and it helps idiots differentiate you from other people.

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