
What is with the determined and persistent dismissal of the fact that this is a matter of jihad?

IT'S JIHAD. You morons are knocking yourselves out trying to intellectualize it, carefully excising Islam from consideration.
No wonder you're so fucking puzzled.
It's because the lil' douchebags so desperately wanted it to be a white rightwinger, and all the BS they've talked the last few days has completely blown up in their typical liberal, sour-pussed faces.:(

Christ, how many terrorist attacks, and failed attempted terrorist attacks have we had under Obama's watch now?
What does King Abdullah have to do with Osama? They're both Arabs, but I just don't get it.

When you start talking about stupidity and post stupidly it just make you look stupid.
Enlighten me. What does the King of Jordan have to do with his "boy" Osama?

Osama Bin Laden was A SAUDI, from one of the richest families in SAUDI ARABIA.

Here's another chestnut you folks like to gloss over, the 9/11 report was scrubbed of any links to Saudi Arabia. Including the fact that Al Qaeda met several times with a Saudi Arabian agent. Somehow..that little story got bastardized as well. All of a sudden the Saudi became an Iraqi.
Osama Bin Laden was A SAUDI, from one of the richest families in SAUDI ARABIA.

Here's another chestnut you folks like to gloss over, the 9/11 report was scrubbed of any links to Saudi Arabia. Including the fact that Al Qaeda met several times with a Saudi Arabian agent. Somehow..that little story got bastardized as well. All of a sudden the Saudi became an Iraqi.

Hey LOOK, Shallow is a twoofer.. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
They were very young men who have lived the last 10 years in the US. Islam funds the Chechnyan terrorists, and bolsters their ranks with foreign jihadists. They train them. Then they send them to Russia and wherever there are innocent people to slaughter.

Because that's what jihad is about.
When you start talking about stupidity and post stupidly it just make you look stupid.
Enlighten me. What does the King of Jordan have to do with his "boy" Osama?

Osama Bin Laden was A SAUDI, from one of the richest families in SAUDI ARABIA.

Here's another chestnut you folks like to gloss over, the 9/11 report was scrubbed of any links to Saudi Arabia. Including the fact that Al Qaeda met several times with a Saudi Arabian agent. Somehow..that little story got bastardized as well. All of a sudden the Saudi became an Iraqi.

Thank you, Sallow, for enlightening our friends here. OBL was not only a Saudi but had close family ties with the House of Saud, whom are also very close friends with the Bush family.

Doesn't anybody remember this? I will never forget it.

These factoids are only useful to educate, but the reason for the attacks are evident. I would be willing to retract that statement if proved otherwise, but I somehow doubt their reasons were of then the disgusting dogma of Islamofacism.
So there has been new information that makes the reason for the attacks evident?
Shouldn't you read a post before you respond?

You said, "the reason for the attacks are evident", so I ask you what new information makes the reason for the attacks evident? You don't understand???
SHOCKING!!! - Shocking I tell you - the two men are foreign visitors from an Arab nation.
I just can't believe it, who would think they would turn out to be from a middle eastern country? :evil:

If they are from Chechnya they aren't Arabs, moron.

Forgive him. Rightyloons can't help themselves.

Good grief, we have to point out to these righties where Chechnya is? Really? Hardly an "Arab nation". Jesus, no wonder you people lost in 2008 AND 2012.

Saudis are very active in Chechnya.

"19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has been here since he was at least 10 years old. It’s probably his brother, a followed of AQ-connected Salafist preacher Feiz Mohammed, who radicalized him, but we’ll see."

P.M. thread: The hunt for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev; Update: Older brother spent six months overseas last year; Update: Twitter account? Update: Tsarnaev was nervous Tuesday, says mechanic; Update: Classmate saw Tsarnaev yesterday? « Hot Air

The Saudis have been coming to Chechnya since the Russians invaded and have set up numerous madrassas in the country preaching Sharia and Wahhabiasm.
If they are from Chechnya they aren't Arabs, moron.

Forgive him. Rightyloons can't help themselves.

Good grief, we have to point out to these righties where Chechnya is? Really? Hardly an "Arab nation". Jesus, no wonder you people lost in 2008 AND 2012.


You can't blame them really. We are attacked by a bunch of Saudi nationals trained in Afghanistan and funded by Saudi Arabia.

And the conservative hero in charge attacks and conquers the nation of Iraq.

Maybe Obama will attack make things equal.

Chechynans are (1) generally Muslim and (2) not Arab.

Look at the map above.
They were very young men who have lived the last 10 years in the US. Islam funds the Chechnyan terrorists, and bolsters their ranks with foreign jihadists. They train them. Then they send them to Russia and wherever there are innocent people to slaughter.

Because that's what jihad is about.

No, USA funds terrorist groups in N. Caucasus.

No, they don't.
Enlighten me. What does the King of Jordan have to do with his "boy" Osama?

Osama Bin Laden was A SAUDI, from one of the richest families in SAUDI ARABIA.

Here's another chestnut you folks like to gloss over, the 9/11 report was scrubbed of any links to Saudi Arabia. Including the fact that Al Qaeda met several times with a Saudi Arabian agent. Somehow..that little story got bastardized as well. All of a sudden the Saudi became an Iraqi.

Thank you, Sallow, for enlightening our friends here. OBL was not only a Saudi but had close family ties with the House of Saud, whom are also very close friends with the Bush family.

Doesn't anybody remember this? I will never forget it.


And you Americans who think you are lefty come-again Weatherpeople or reactionary righty fringe militias, don't think you are anything but kindergarten to the Chechnyan militia and terrorist groups.

They are the masters, while you aren't even students.

Capture the second bomber and punish him.

Then let it go.
Osama Bin Laden was A SAUDI, from one of the richest families in SAUDI ARABIA.

Here's another chestnut you folks like to gloss over, the 9/11 report was scrubbed of any links to Saudi Arabia. Including the fact that Al Qaeda met several times with a Saudi Arabian agent. Somehow..that little story got bastardized as well. All of a sudden the Saudi became an Iraqi.

Thank you, Sallow, for enlightening our friends here. OBL was not only a Saudi but had close family ties with the House of Saud, whom are also very close friends with the Bush family.

Doesn't anybody remember this? I will never forget it.



Obama kissed the ring, so did Bush, so? if McCain or Romney got elected they would do the same thing.:eusa_hand:

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