
HEY!, HEY!, HEY!,'s an Overseas Contingency Operation, DAMMIT!:evil:

How dare you call it a WAR!.....Quit insulting the poor lil' Jihadi's.:eusa_hand:

And, don't forget, The Muslim Brotherhood are great guys, and Al qaeda doesn't exist in Afghanistan.....They just magically went away.:eusa_shhh:

I think we still cling to the 1920s idea of immigration, that when we let these guys in they will become Americans and forget about Jihad or whatever.

Most immigrants generally do try to become American.

These acts of violence are really way out of the norm, because if it were the norm, we'd be in terrible shape.

If we keep letting the wrong people in who knows how many times we will see acts like this, thats what worries me. Wasn't Nadal Hassan born and raised here? Anwar Al-Awlaki was too, right?
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I think we still cling to the 1920s idea of immigration, that when we let these guys in they will become Americans and forget about Jihad or whatever.
I think we have to accept the fact that multiculturalism does not work and there are peoples who cannot be assimilated. It conflicts with politically correct dogma, but it will have to reckoned with eventually.

I think it depends on the culture, some assimiliate easier than others and some just don't, at all.
That was my point. There are the children of some immigrants in Britain who've been there for generations who either cannot or will not assimilate, and go to places like Afghanistan to fight against "thier" country. Multiculturalism was adopted by pro-immigrant groups to excuse this and has been a dismal failure.

Although the US is better at assimilating than others, there are a large number of individuals from specific countries whose culture or religion do not allow for it. They represent a danger which is not adequately dealt with because addressing it is considered politically incorrect.

As for the guy who swallows, living in the Czech Republic does mean I am not American any more than a Chechen living in the US is not a Chechen.
To me, these individuals need to be seen as individuals and not as a general part of Al Qaeda or whatever extremist group that likes to pervert the teachings of Islam.

These guys remind me of the Times Square bomber in that they seem to harbor a great deal of self-hate at the fact that they love western culture.

They love it. They love the idea of an American girlfriend, of sports and recreation, of boozin' and druggin' and partyin' it up on the weekend, of fashion, of women who show skin.

They're turned on by stuff that they end up convincing themselves is their own downfall, but instead of taking responsibility for themselves they project their misery onto the rest of us and that's why stuff like this happens.

I really don't think they had a greater point to make other than they began to hate themselves for "giving into" a culture they really liked assimilating in.
I think we have to accept the fact that multiculturalism does not work and there are peoples who cannot be assimilated. It conflicts with politically correct dogma, but it will have to reckoned with eventually.

I think it depends on the culture, some assimiliate easier than others and some just don't, at all.
That was my point. There are the children of some immigrants in Britain who've been there for generations who either cannot or will not assimilate, and go to places like Afghanistan to fight against "thier" country. Multiculturalism was adopted by pro-immigrant groups to excuse this and has been a dismal failure.

Although the US is better at assimilating than others, there are a large number of individuals from specific countries whose culture or religion do not allow for it. They represent a danger which is not adequately dealt with because addressing it is considered politically incorrect.

As for the guy who swallows, living in the Czech Republic does mean I am not American any more than a Chechen living in the US is not a Chechen.

It is not a "large number". It is a very negligible number, which is why stuff like what happened in Boston is so out of the norm.
It is the sad state of our Nation. The idiots believe that we can still win their hearts and minds, while our enemy is committed to the destruction of all infidels in nations around the world.
A religious war has been declared against us. Doesn't matter what faith you are or if you don't even believe in any religion, you are an infidel. There will be more attacks in the future, our enemy is VERY committed to their cause.

I have to give the Muslim terrorists this much credit they have stuck to their guns about this whole Jihad thing, us on the other hand? most people in this country know even less about Islam than they did before 9/11.:cuckoo:

The only thing they need to know is that islam directs muslims to kill anything none muslim.

Which is funny because MOST of the victims of radical islam are muslims.

Since when did the Czech Republic become part of the United States?


Shallow thinks that Chechens are Czechs...


Maybe you should read the post again..

This time..try cognition.
I wouldn't be surprised. He doesn't strike me as terribly bright. Something along the lines of Synthaholic telling us Texas was landlocked.

Some like-minded souls in the link below:

?e(?en)sko (with images, tweets) · suchosch · Storify
Let's talk about the evidence as seen on TV.

One of the pressure cookers has a serial number that is legible. That can be tracked.

They can track all cell phone pings at the precise moment of detonation.

I think they are going to catch the assholes.

Really? Hmm, that seemed to be the popular opinion even before the pressure cooker was found.

you ain't all that smaht
I think it depends on the culture, some assimiliate easier than others and some just don't, at all.

Why did my mind flash to the Borg?
Here is the thing. When previous generations came to America they became Americans first after gaining citizenship. They did not throw out all traditions of the old country and many still celebrate tenants of the old world. This includes my own Polish and Slavic roots.
Assimilation does not erase your roots, but you are an American first.
I sure wish I could have been a fly on the wall and seen the faces of these two when they saw their pictures on television. I suspect they were reveling in their perceived victory and brilliant getaway and knocking back Gatorade and Cheetohs when their images started flashing on the television and internet.

This also sheds some light on all manhunts, international and domestic: I'm sure OBL could have been caught even long before Obama gave the keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic convention. It's just that "W" promised King Abdullah that nothing would happen to their boy as long as he was in office. I wonder if anyone who can confirm that, and I bet there's plenty, will ink that into their memoirs a long time after it doesn't matter anymore?
I sure wish I could have been a fly on the wall and seen the faces of these two when they saw their pictures on television. I suspect they were reveling in their perceived victory and brilliant getaway and knocking back Gatorade and Cheetohs when their images started flashing on the television and internet.

This also sheds some light on all manhunts, international and domestic: I'm sure OBL could have been caught even long before Obama gave the keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic convention. It's just that "W" promised King Abdullah that nothing would happen to their boy as long as he was in office. I wonder if anyone who can confirm that, and I bet there's plenty, will ink that into their memoirs a long time after it doesn't matter anymore?
What does King Abdullah have to do with Osama? They're both Arabs, but I just don't get it.
I sure wish I could have been a fly on the wall and seen the faces of these two when they saw their pictures on television. I suspect they were reveling in their perceived victory and brilliant getaway and knocking back Gatorade and Cheetohs when their images started flashing on the television and internet.

This also sheds some light on all manhunts, international and domestic: I'm sure OBL could have been caught even long before Obama gave the keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic convention. It's just that "W" promised King Abdullah that nothing would happen to their boy as long as he was in office. I wonder if anyone who can confirm that, and I bet there's plenty, will ink that into their memoirs a long time after it doesn't matter anymore?
What does King Abdullah have to do with Osama? They're both Arabs, but I just don't get it.

When you start talking about stupidity and post stupidly it just make you look stupid.
I sure wish I could have been a fly on the wall and seen the faces of these two when they saw their pictures on television. I suspect they were reveling in their perceived victory and brilliant getaway and knocking back Gatorade and Cheetohs when their images started flashing on the television and internet.

This also sheds some light on all manhunts, international and domestic: I'm sure OBL could have been caught even long before Obama gave the keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic convention. It's just that "W" promised King Abdullah that nothing would happen to their boy as long as he was in office. I wonder if anyone who can confirm that, and I bet there's plenty, will ink that into their memoirs a long time after it doesn't matter anymore?
What does King Abdullah have to do with Osama? They're both Arabs, but I just don't get it.

When you start talking about stupidity and post stupidly it just make you look stupid.
Enlighten me. What does the King of Jordan have to do with his "boy" Osama?
What is with the determined and persistent dismissal of the fact that this is a matter of jihad?

IT'S JIHAD. You morons are knocking yourselves out trying to intellectualize it, carefully excising Islam from consideration.
No wonder you're so fucking puzzled.
I sure wish I could have been a fly on the wall and seen the faces of these two when they saw their pictures on television. I suspect they were reveling in their perceived victory and brilliant getaway and knocking back Gatorade and Cheetohs when their images started flashing on the television and internet.

This also sheds some light on all manhunts, international and domestic: I'm sure OBL could have been caught even long before Obama gave the keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic convention. It's just that "W" promised King Abdullah that nothing would happen to their boy as long as he was in office. I wonder if anyone who can confirm that, and I bet there's plenty, will ink that into their memoirs a long time after it doesn't matter anymore?

This little Boston Bomber Turd already slipped through Obama's fingers. So you figure you need to shit on Bush for Osama getting away. Obama is in charge now & responsible regardless of any shit Bush did in the past.

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