
No, but the political correctness of the reactionary far right refuses to understand that.

Are you and poet related? You both overuse words; you "reactionary", him "puerile", and "pedestrian".

Less is more.

Zoom, as long as the mentoids, keep overusing "liberal", I will be delighted to label them "reactionaries".

What's a "mentoid"? I'm thinking that's a made up word.

Over-using 'liberal'? Far left Dems have been called liberal for .... cripes, for many, many years.
Not all Russians no, but people from areas like Chechnya need to be looked at more. I'm not singling them out either the same goes for Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, etc etc we are in a war here.
HEY!, HEY!, HEY!,'s an Overseas Contingency Operation, DAMMIT!:evil:

How dare you call it a WAR!.....Quit insulting the poor lil' Jihadi's.:eusa_hand:

And, don't forget, The Muslim Brotherhood are great guys, and Al qaeda doesn't exist in Afghanistan.....They just magically went away.:eusa_shhh:

I think we still cling to the 1920s idea of immigration, that when we let these guys in they will become Americans and forget about Jihad or whatever.
I think we have to accept the fact that multiculturalism does not work and there are peoples who cannot be assimilated. It conflicts with politically correct dogma, but it will have to reckoned with eventually.
Over-using 'liberal'? Far left Dems have been called liberal for .... cripes, for many, many years.

And now it is the reactionaries turn in the barrel.
So because they set off bombs their parents must be extremists? And you call me cuckoo :rolleyes:

By "child if Jihadis" - I am not referring to blood, but idealism. Like I said above, it is undeniable that young males with ties to Islam have a strong inclination to hate western cultures - and unfortunately are willing to kill them even if they die themselves in the process.
As time goes by I have very little doubt we will see a connection between these two and questionable contacts
Somebody knew them who wouldn't tell before or after the explosives went off. I hope the avenue of the two brothers being a part of an Al-Qaeda or Muslim brotherhood cell is not ruled out but openly explored and either ruled in or out, depending on the evidence and information discovery.

We are under attack by people who have declared war on us, but many here are in denial.
We have been at war now for what almost 12 years and people still don't understand what motivates Muslim terrorists? Sweet Jesus, I give up.

because no one wants to admit....that islam is a dangerous enemy to the entire world.

Radical Islam, like any and all radical positions/movements.

You are right to parse the term. Radicals and reactionaries and those with bad agendas have trouble parsing.
We are under attack by people who have declared war on us, but many here are in denial.

Yes, indeed. And of those groups who are warring on America's great mainstream are the far right reactionary fringe.
We have been at war now for what almost 12 years and people still don't understand what motivates Muslim terrorists? Sweet Jesus, I give up.

It is the sad state of our Nation. The idiots believe that we can still win their hearts and minds, while our enemy is committed to the destruction of all infidels in nations around the world.
A religious war has been declared against us. Doesn't matter what faith you are or if you don't even believe in any religion, you are an infidel. There will be more attacks in the future, our enemy is VERY committed to their cause.
HEY!, HEY!, HEY!,'s an Overseas Contingency Operation, DAMMIT!:evil:

How dare you call it a WAR!.....Quit insulting the poor lil' Jihadi's.:eusa_hand:

And, don't forget, The Muslim Brotherhood are great guys, and Al qaeda doesn't exist in Afghanistan.....They just magically went away.:eusa_shhh:

I think we still cling to the 1920s idea of immigration, that when we let these guys in they will become Americans and forget about Jihad or whatever.
I think we have to accept the fact that multiculturalism does not work and there are peoples who cannot be assimilated. It conflicts with politically correct dogma, but it will have to reckoned with eventually.


Since when did the Czech Republic become part of the United States?
damn the czech republic! :lol:

You mentoid reactionaries of the far right are buncha buttheads, for sure. Listen to Ringel05, you clowns.
HEY!, HEY!, HEY!,'s an Overseas Contingency Operation, DAMMIT!:evil:

How dare you call it a WAR!.....Quit insulting the poor lil' Jihadi's.:eusa_hand:

And, don't forget, The Muslim Brotherhood are great guys, and Al qaeda doesn't exist in Afghanistan.....They just magically went away.:eusa_shhh:

I think we still cling to the 1920s idea of immigration, that when we let these guys in they will become Americans and forget about Jihad or whatever.
I think we have to accept the fact that multiculturalism does not work and there are peoples who cannot be assimilated. It conflicts with politically correct dogma, but it will have to reckoned with eventually.

I think it depends on the culture, some assimiliate easier than others and some just don't, at all.
We have been at war now for what almost 12 years and people still don't understand what motivates Muslim terrorists? Sweet Jesus, I give up.

It is the sad state of our Nation. The idiots believe that we can still win their hearts and minds, while our enemy is committed to the destruction of all infidels in nations around the world.
A religious war has been declared against us. Doesn't matter what faith you are or if you don't even believe in any religion, you are an infidel. There will be more attacks in the future, our enemy is VERY committed to their cause.

I have to give the Muslim terrorists this much credit they have stuck to their guns about this whole Jihad thing, us on the other hand? most people in this country know even less about Islam than they did before 9/11.:cuckoo:
Not all Russians no, but people from areas like Chechnya need to be looked at more. I'm not singling them out either the same goes for Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, etc etc we are in a war here.
HEY!, HEY!, HEY!,'s an Overseas Contingency Operation, DAMMIT!:evil:

How dare you call it a WAR!.....Quit insulting the poor lil' Jihadi's.:eusa_hand:

And, don't forget, The Muslim Brotherhood are great guys, and Al qaeda doesn't exist in Afghanistan.....They just magically went away.:eusa_shhh:

I think we still cling to the 1920s idea of immigration, that when we let these guys in they will become Americans and forget about Jihad or whatever.

Most immigrants generally do try to become American.

These acts of violence are really way out of the norm, because if it were the norm, we'd be in terrible shape.
We have been at war now for what almost 12 years and people still don't understand what motivates Muslim terrorists? Sweet Jesus, I give up.

It is the sad state of our Nation. The idiots believe that we can still win their hearts and minds, while our enemy is committed to the destruction of all infidels in nations around the world.
A religious war has been declared against us. Doesn't matter what faith you are or if you don't even believe in any religion, you are an infidel. There will be more attacks in the future, our enemy is VERY committed to their cause.

I have to give the Muslim terrorists this much credit they have stuck to their guns about this whole Jihad thing, us on the other hand? most people in this country know even less about Islam than they did before 9/11.:cuckoo:

The only thing they need to know is that islam directs muslims to kill anything none muslim.

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