
That's some of the stupidest shit I've ever heard.

Our schools do not teach us that America is evil.

Just because you heard that from some moron on a right-wing website doesn't make it so.

You're an angry little troll, aren't you?

You had your robe and hood all starched, because MSNBC told you that this would be "Tea Party" white people. You got all erect at the thought of a good DNC lynching, then it turns out to be your Muslim allies who did it.

Dayum, that just pisses you off....
1 Chechan Terrorist Killed, the Other Sought:

At last, an honest headline!!!!

Wild Night of Bombs, Gunfire As a Major U.S. City Now 'Shelters in Place'
April 19, 2013

Chechan Terrorist Killed, the Other Sought: Wild Night of Bombs, Gunfire As a Major U.S. City Now 'Shelters in Place'

A major American city and the surrounding area was shut down Friday, as police conducted a massive, grim door-to-door hunt for a man they've described as a terrorist from Chechnya.

Read more with video @ 1 Chechan Terrorist Killed, the Other Sought: Wild Night of Bombs, Gunfire As a Major U.S. City Now 'Shelters in Place' | CNS News

And all the relatives who had to know what these 2 were up to are running for cover. And, the authorities are downplaying that a 3rd may be involved let alone with how and where they became "radicalized." :evil:
Why are we admitting immigrants from countries that despise America? do we think they will change when they get here? are we that stupid?

Really need this country to rethink the Immigration(Amnesty) Bill, and secure our borders.

I hope for that as well but heres a good question why is it that only when tragedies happen thats is when these things get discussed that always bothered me
SHOCKING!!! - Shocking I tell you - the two men are foreign visitors from an Arab nation.
I just can't believe it, who would think they would turn out to be from a middle eastern country? :evil:
The terrorist are from the Chechnya region which is not an Arab nation. In fact, it's not really a nation, it's an area in dispute. Technically it's not even middle eastern. Neither terrorist were visitors. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev became an American citizen on Sept. 11, 2012 and his brother was a legal resident.

So what other misinformation would you like to share with us.

1 Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Dead, Massive Manhunt For 2nd « CBS New York
From Djohar Tsarnaev's ( the suspect currently on the loose) Facebook page: Большая группа - мечети Punch it into Google translator and you get this... A large group - Mosque. Does that answer anyone's questions?

Facebook page: Djohar Tsarnaev
Why are we admitting immigrants from countries that despise America? do we think they will change when they get here? are we that stupid?

Really need this country to rethink the Immigration(Amnesty) Bill, and secure our borders.
What does that have to do with it. One of the brothers was a US citizen and the other was a legal resident.
SHOCKING!!! - Shocking I tell you - the two men are foreign visitors from an Arab nation.
I just can't believe it, who would think they would turn out to be from a middle eastern country? :evil:
The terrorist are from the Chechnya region which is not an Arab nation. In fact, it's not really a nation, it's an area in dispute. Technically it's not even middle eastern. Neither terrorist were visitors. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev became an American citizen on Sept. 11, 2012 and his brother was a legal resident.

So what other misinformation would you like to share with us.

1 Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Dead, Massive Manhunt For 2nd « CBS New York
These factoids are only useful to educate, but the reason for the attacks are evident. I would be willing to retract that statement if proved otherwise, but I somehow doubt their reasons were of then the disgusting dogma of Islamofacism.
Technically it's not even middle eastern

It's not at all Middle Eastern. No one would call Armenia Middle Eastern, and Chechenya is north and east of that.

The Caucasus is really a region of its own, caught in the crosshairs that divide Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

It's a tough neighbourhood, but a fascinating and rewarding region to travel in.
Why are we admitting immigrants from countries that despise America? do we think they will change when they get here? are we that stupid?

Really need this country to rethink the Immigration(Amnesty) Bill, and secure our borders.
What does that have to do with it. One of the brothers was a US citizen and the other was a legal resident.

The point is why are we admitting people from a country that despise the US, and allowing them to be citizens?
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Why are we admitting immigrants from countries that despise America? do we think they will change when they get here? are we that stupid?

Really need this country to rethink the Immigration(Amnesty) Bill, and secure our borders.
What does that have to do with it. One of the brothers was a US citizen and the other was a legal resident.

You are helping him make his point.
Maybe it isn't such a great idea that young males from Islamic nations be openly allowed citizenship without a little investigation into their past. Perhaps it is wise to see where they went to school, what city they are from, any known terrorist in their family etc. etc. etc.
Once again young males from an Islamic nation decided to kill innocent people because they don't like them...see a pattern yet?
Last edited:
SHOCKING!!! - Shocking I tell you - the two men are foreign visitors from an Arab nation.
I just can't believe it, who would think they would turn out to be from a middle eastern country? :evil:
The terrorist are from the Chechnya region which is not an Arab nation. In fact, it's not really a nation, it's an area in dispute. Technically it's not even middle eastern. Neither terrorist were visitors. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev became an American citizen on Sept. 11, 2012 and his brother was a legal resident.

So what other misinformation would you like to share with us.

1 Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Dead, Massive Manhunt For 2nd « CBS New York

one does not have to be arab.... to be muslim or a follower of islam.
From Djohar Tsarnaev's ( the suspect currently on the loose) Facebook page: Большая группа - мечети Punch it into Google translator and you get this... A large group - Mosque. Does that answer anyone's questions?

Facebook page: Djohar Tsarnaev

wow..... i just looked at the facebook page..

look at the "gifts" that were sent to him.

Really need this country to rethink the Immigration(Amnesty) Bill, and secure our borders.
What does that have to do with it. One of the brothers was a US citizen and the other was a legal resident.

You are helping him make his point.
Maybe it isn't such a great idea that young males from Islamic nations be openly allowed citizenship without a little investigation into their past. Perhaps it is wise to see where they went to school, what city they are from, any known terrorist in their family etc. etc. etc.
Once again young males from an Islamic nation decided to kill innocent people because they don't like them...see a pattern yet?

The one on the run was 9 when he came here. There is currently zero evidence his family has ties to extremists. They had family here before they immigrated, his father was an auto worker and only returned to Russia when he became ill.
What does that have to do with it. One of the brothers was a US citizen and the other was a legal resident.

You are helping him make his point.
Maybe it isn't such a great idea that young males from Islamic nations be openly allowed citizenship without a little investigation into their past. Perhaps it is wise to see where they went to school, what city they are from, any known terrorist in their family etc. etc. etc.
Once again young males from an Islamic nation decided to kill innocent people because they don't like them...see a pattern yet?

The one on the run was 9 when he came here. There is currently zero evidence his family has ties to extremists. They had family here before they immigrated, his father was an auto worker and only returned to Russia when he became ill.

So you think if we get the children of Jihadis here when they are young we can Americanize them and they won't hate us?
What does that have to do with it. One of the brothers was a US citizen and the other was a legal resident.

You are helping him make his point.
Maybe it isn't such a great idea that young males from Islamic nations be openly allowed citizenship without a little investigation into their past. Perhaps it is wise to see where they went to school, what city they are from, any known terrorist in their family etc. etc. etc.
Once again young males from an Islamic nation decided to kill innocent people because they don't like them...see a pattern yet?

The one on the run was 9 when he came here. There is currently zero evidence his family has ties to extremists. They had family here before they immigrated, his father was an auto worker and only returned to Russia when he became ill.

Yet they detonated two IED's in a crowd...something done almost exclusively by young people of Islamic decedent. You don't see Catholic youths, Christian youths, Amish youths, etc. etc. etc. etc. as a general group blow up innocent people because they don't like them.
Only Islamic people have this amongst their numbers.
There is obviously something inherently wrong with the Islamic religion that produces people willing to do this in such large numbers.
Sorry - but you know the first thing I though when I learned of the bombing? - That I bet they are Muslim.
You are helping him make his point.
Maybe it isn't such a great idea that young males from Islamic nations be openly allowed citizenship without a little investigation into their past. Perhaps it is wise to see where they went to school, what city they are from, any known terrorist in their family etc. etc. etc.
Once again young males from an Islamic nation decided to kill innocent people because they don't like them...see a pattern yet?

The one on the run was 9 when he came here. There is currently zero evidence his family has ties to extremists. They had family here before they immigrated, his father was an auto worker and only returned to Russia when he became ill.

So you think if we get the children of Jihadis here when they are young we can Americanize them and they won't hate us?
Prove he is a child of Jihadis.
The one on the run was 9 when he came here. There is currently zero evidence his family has ties to extremists. They had family here before they immigrated, his father was an auto worker and only returned to Russia when he became ill.

So you think if we get the children of Jihadis here when they are young we can Americanize them and they won't hate us?
Prove he is a child of Jihadis.

Ok that was a bad choice of words but you get my point, do you think if we take a child that comes from a culture that despises America at a young age, you really think that we can change him once he is here?
The one on the run was 9 when he came here. There is currently zero evidence his family has ties to extremists. They had family here before they immigrated, his father was an auto worker and only returned to Russia when he became ill.

So you think if we get the children of Jihadis here when they are young we can Americanize them and they won't hate us?
Prove he is a child of Jihadis.

They blew up bombs genius....that ought to be enough. :cuckoo:

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