
from the way this all went down.... i think they had a good deal of help from islamic terrorists.

Fuck, you idiots are coming out in droves.

They were loners, angry, bitter, probably an abusive father. The got some cookbook off the internet, maybe went on some sites... but these sociopaths have nothing to do with mainstream Muslims or Islam.

"Islamic terrorists" have been drone-bombed back to the stone age.
There is nothing in that link that says they were Islamic extremists. Again, I'm watching ABC, I'm hearing interviews with friends who are saying the older brother was a semi professional boxer, happy, outgoing. The younger was shy, had lots of friends, honor student in high school.

I've simply learned my lesson over the last few days about taking reports at face value, as they have been so wrong so often.

Amy what would you have them do? grow long beards, wear dishdashas and march in the streets screaming death to America? real Islamic Militants are stealthy and blend in. Hell the 9/11 hijackers were out drinking the night before the attacks.

Ramsay Yousef the man who bombed the WTC in 1993, was a muslim illegal immigrant who took advantage of the 1986 amenesty. He became a naturalized citizen. He had an American wife and American children. He was a nice, outgoing family man.

Feisal Shahzad was an accountant from Connecticut. A nice man, took care of his yard, had a nice faimlly. Right up until the time he tried to bomb Times Square.

Hani Hanjour lived in San Diego. Very nice kid. Never went to mosque, liked beer, football and his American girlfriend. He was the first guy who would run and help someone that needed it. Then he flew a plane into the world trade center in 2001.

That's what they do. It's what they are trained to do.
"In recent years, however, the Kremlin and its regional proxies have been battling a different kind of enemy. This new generation of insurgents has an explicitly Islamist goal: to create a radical pan-Caucasian emirate ruled by Islamic law, a sort of Afghanistan under the Taliban."

If this is true, it's a very big problem for the world.

It could be considered true of the Northern Caucasus from North Ossetia through Ingushetia to Dagestan, but is in no way true of the Southern Caucasus, nor for Abkhazia in the west of the northern zone.

Given Russia saved most of its ethnic cleansing activities for the north, they tend to be the ones with the least sense of humour.

Much of the southern Caucasus is Christian.

One very key point here is to understand that the Azeri Shi'ites have no relationship at all with Iranian Shi'ites, who actually enjoy a good relationship with Armenian Christians.

from the way this all went down.... i think they had a good deal of help from islamic terrorists.

Fuck, you idiots are coming out in droves.

They were loners, angry, bitter, probably an abusive father. The got some cookbook off the internet, maybe went on some sites... but these sociopaths have nothing to do with mainstream Muslims or Islam.

"Islamic terrorists" have been drone-bombed back to the stone age.
This is called "Plan B", the default position since they were not right-wing white gun nuts.
Fuck, you idiots are coming out in droves.

They were loners, angry, bitter, probably an abusive father. The got some cookbook off the internet, maybe went on some sites... but these sociopaths have nothing to do with mainstream Muslims or Islam.

"Islamic terrorists" have been drone-bombed back to the stone age.

Fucknut, you pretty much define "stupid."

I don't want them to do anything. I'm just pointing out that its currently an assumption that they are Islamic terrorists, not fact. They could be, I'm not denying it, but its not a fact yet, its speculation.

The smart money is their motivation was Islamic terrorism, why else would they do this?

Well, their uncle called them losers, the older brother has been quoted as saying he had no American friends, and just can't understand America....

I'm just hoping they capture the younger alive. That was we will know the whys of it.
here is a reuters article -
Reuters) - Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev posted links to Islamic websites and others calling for Chechen independence on what appears to be his page on a
Russian language social networking site.

Abusive comments in Russian and English were flooding onto Tsarnaev's page on VK, a Russian-language social media site, on Friday after he was identified as a suspect in the bombing of the Boston marathon.

Police launched a massive manhunt for Tsarnaev, 19, after killing his older brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev in a shootout overnight.

On the site, the younger Tsarnaev identifies himself as a 2011 graduate of Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, a public school in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

It says he went to primary school in Makhachkala, capital of Dagestan, a province in Russia that borders Chechnya, and lists his languages as English, Russian and Chechen.

His "World view" is listed as "Islam" and his "Personal priority" is "career and money".

He has posted links to videos of fighters in the Syrian civil war and to Islamic web pages with titles like "Salamworld, my religion is Islam" and "There is no God but Allah, let that ring out in our hearts".

He also has links to pages calling for independence for Chechnya, a region of Russia that lost its bid for secession after two wars in the 1990s.

The page also reveals a sense of humor, around his identity as a member of a minority from southern Russia's restive Caucasus, which includes Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia and other predominately Muslim regions that have seen two decades of unrest since the fall of the Soviet Union.

A video labeled "tormenting my brother" shows a man resembling his dead brother Tamerlan laughing and imitating the accents of different Caucasian ethnic groups.

He has posted his own joke: "A car goes by with a Chechen, a Dagestani and an Ingush inside. Question: who is driving?"

The answer: the police.

Elsewhere on the Internet, a photo essay entitled "Will box for passport" shows the older brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev practicing boxing at a gym. The captions identify him as a Chechen heavyweight boxer, in the United States for five years.

"I don't have a single American friend," one caption quotes him as saying. "I don't understand them."

(Reporting by Peter Graff; editing by Philippa Fletcher)
Well, their uncle called them losers, the older brother has been quoted as saying he had no American friends, and just can't understand America....

I'm just hoping they capture the younger alive. That was we will know the whys of it.

Amy; kids who drop out of high school are losers. Kids in medical school, definitely NOT losers.

These are Islamic Jihadists - no way to deny it.

They were not in medical school.

However I've already said their uncle confirms they were Muslim.

Wait I thought the older one was a medical student?:confused:

from the way this all went down.... i think they had a good deal of help from islamic terrorists.

Fuck, you idiots are coming out in droves.

They were loners, angry, bitter, probably an abusive father. The got some cookbook off the internet, maybe went on some sites... but these sociopaths have nothing to do with mainstream Muslims or Islam.

"Islamic terrorists" have been drone-bombed back to the stone age.

I know thats what you are hoping for, but the truth is not available to any of us yet.

they could be lone wolves or they could be tools of some islamic radical jihadist group.

pretty soon we will know.
according to a Russian neighbor, the parents left the US about a year ago and then the older son suddenly started sporting a long beard and wearing what he called Taliban gear. Then about a month ago he suddenly went back to regular clothing and cleaned shaven. Also said his mother was a more conservative muslim.

from the way this all went down.... i think they had a good deal of help from islamic terrorists.

Fuck, you idiots are coming out in droves.

They were loners, angry, bitter, probably an abusive father. The got some cookbook off the internet, maybe went on some sites... but these sociopaths have nothing to do with mainstream Muslims or Islam.

"Islamic terrorists" have been drone-bombed back to the stone age.

You seem to be an expert, how did this come about?
There is nothing in that link that says they were Islamic extremists. Again, I'm watching ABC, I'm hearing interviews with friends who are saying the older brother was a semi professional boxer, happy, outgoing. The younger was shy, had lots of friends, honor student in high school.

I've simply learned my lesson over the last few days about taking reports at face value, as they have been so wrong so often.

Amy what would you have them do? grow long beards, wear dishdashas and march in the streets screaming death to America? real Islamic Militants are stealthy and blend in. Hell the 9/11 hijackers were out drinking the night before the attacks.

Ramsay Yousef the man who bombed the WTC in 1993, was a muslim illegal immigrant who took advantage of the 1986 amenesty. He became a naturalized citizen. He had an American wife and American children. He was a nice, outgoing family man.

Feisal Shahzad was an accountant from Connecticut. A nice man, took care of his yard, had a nice faimlly. Right up until the time he tried to bomb Times Square.

Hani Hanjour lived in San Diego. Very nice kid. Never went to mosque, liked beer, football and his American girlfriend. He was the first guy who would run and help someone that needed it. Then he flew a plane into the world trade center in 2001.

That's what they do. It's what they are trained to do.

Slight correction. Hani Hanjour was the POS who torpedoed Flight 77 into the Pentagon on 9/11.
Knock yourself out.

I don't think this is a laughing matter.
Two dead terrorists, their mother needs to be laughed at.
We should eradicate the entire family, lets get the drones armed up!!
Every last one of em!!

Islam is breeding angry bigots by the thousands.

It's like going to school at Harvard. They teach our kids to hate their own country. It's not the parent's fault the kids' mind is turned against America. It's the university's fault. It appears Tsarnaev attended Cambridge Latin School.

I can't see much difference between the hate filled rhetoric in a Madrasa and one of the classes in one of our institutions of higher learning. I hear some of the same hatred coming from Muslims and college students.

Oh fuck off, you maggot.

The blame is on those individuals that decided to do this, not Harvard or MIT or Obama or liberals.

Now go get a map and try to find Chechnya, fucktard.
Two dead terrorists, their mother needs to be laughed at.
We should eradicate the entire family, lets get the drones armed up!!
Every last one of em!!

Islam is breeding angry bigots by the thousands.

It's like going to school at Harvard. They teach our kids to hate their own country. It's not the parent's fault the kids' mind is turned against America. It's the university's fault. It appears Tsarnaev attended Cambridge Latin School.

I can't see much difference between the hate filled rhetoric in a Madrasa and one of the classes in one of our institutions of higher learning. I hear some of the same hatred coming from Muslims and college students.

Oh fuck off, you maggot.

The blame is on those individuals that decided to do this, not Harvard or MIT or Obama or liberals.

Now go get a map and try to find Chechnya, fucktard.

you missed the point. our left wing colleges encourage these bastards by reinforcing their perverted ideas that the usa is inherently evil.

liberalism is the enemy of freedom. and at the moment freedom is losing.
"In recent years, however, the Kremlin and its regional proxies have been battling a different kind of enemy. This new generation of insurgents has an explicitly Islamist goal: to create a radical pan-Caucasian emirate ruled by Islamic law, a sort of Afghanistan under the Taliban."

If this is true, it's a very big problem for the world.

It could be considered true of the Northern Caucasus from North Ossetia through Ingushetia to Dagestan, but is in no way true of the Southern Caucasus, nor for Abkhazia in the west of the northern zone.

Given Russia saved most of its ethnic cleansing activities for the north, they tend to be the ones with the least sense of humour.

Much of the southern Caucasus is Christian.

One very key point here is to understand that the Azeri Shi'ites have no relationship at all with Iranian Shi'ites, who actually enjoy a good relationship with Armenian Christians.

Dude, the average American is never going to be able to understand that.

They're still trying to figure out what a "Chechnya" is.
Islam is breeding angry bigots by the thousands.

It's like going to school at Harvard. They teach our kids to hate their own country. It's not the parent's fault the kids' mind is turned against America. It's the university's fault. It appears Tsarnaev attended Cambridge Latin School.

I can't see much difference between the hate filled rhetoric in a Madrasa and one of the classes in one of our institutions of higher learning. I hear some of the same hatred coming from Muslims and college students.

Oh fuck off, you maggot.

The blame is on those individuals that decided to do this, not Harvard or MIT or Obama or liberals.

Now go get a map and try to find Chechnya, fucktard.

you missed the point. our left wing colleges encourage these bastards by reinforcing their perverted ideas that the usa is inherently evil.

liberalism is the enemy of freedom. and at the moment freedom is losing.

That's some of the stupidest shit I've ever heard.

Our schools do not teach us that America is evil.

Just because you heard that from some moron on a right-wing website doesn't make it so.

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