
1 down.

1 to go.

Although, honestly, I hope they get the surviving brother alive.

He needs to be questioned. And no fucking Miranda warnings needed.

Maybe some waterboarding, though. That would be fine.

They will have to shoot the bomb switch out of his hand. He is going to blow himself & police up. He does not want to be taken alive.
Pink mist is fine with me for the remaining brother. They already have a good idea what and why. Not being released until far down the road as they do not want to let any info out until it is all over.
Yeah well, the information over the last few days has been mostly false. It was a black man, it was two Mediterranean boys, a dozen bombs were found that didn't go off, they are arrested, they are identified, it was a Saudi man, it was a Saudi nurse... So I'm hesitant to take anything that isnt obvious as fact right now.

There is nothing in that link that says they were Islamic extremists. Again, I'm watching ABC, I'm hearing interviews with friends who are saying the older brother was a semi professional boxer, happy, outgoing. The younger was shy, had lots of friends, honor student in high school.

I've simply learned my lesson over the last few days about taking reports at face value, as they have been so wrong so often.

They were under Islamic influence. They linked to Islamic sites on their web page.
Uncensored -

As I said earlier, I have no idea why posters with no knowledge of a conflict or topic try to bluff those that do. It's almost as desperate as pretending anyone who disagrees with you supports terror.

The Chechan conflict with Russia dates back to around 1785, but more seriously from 1850 - 1860, when Russia began to ethnically cleanse the Chechan highlands.

Prior to 1785, there was no real Russian influence in the Caucasus at all.

Hence, the 17th century is of no relevence here at all.

The other thing to keep in mind is that the Caucasus is a massive area, and includes mountains 5,000 metres high. What happens on one side of the mountains has precious little influence on the other side, because the mountains form a natural barrier - in this case between the Russian sphere of influence to the north and the Turkish and Shi'ite spheres to the south.

Chechnya lies to the NORTH of the mountains.

btw. You might want to check what 'theocracy' means. At the moment you are using it incorrectly.

Saigon, you're openly posting bullshit.

In the 18th and 19th century, Chechnya was caught up in a conflict between two great powers, Russia and the Ottomans.

Harvard puts it like this;

{Chechens were geographically concentrated at the intersection of the Russian and Ottoman empires' respective spheres of influence. Chechens lived under Ottoman control by the beginning of the seventeenth century, but the Caucasus was often a zone of conflict between the Ottomans and Tsarist Russia in the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. After several conflicts between these two powers, the Russian Empire established control of Chechnya in 1859. }

Chechens in the Middle East: Between Original and Host Cultures - Harvard - Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
1 down.

1 to go.

Although, honestly, I hope they get the surviving brother alive.

He needs to be questioned. And no fucking Miranda warnings needed.

Maybe some waterboarding, though. That would be fine.

They will have to shoot the bomb switch out of his hand. He is going to blow himself & police up. He does not want to be taken alive.

There is a nerve in the wrist and/or elbow that, when hit, immobilizes the hand.

If they blow his fucking arm off, he can't press any buttons.

Of course, I kind of expect that the little pissant motherfucker will try to go out like a Islamo-nazi homicide/suicide bomber.
Yeah well, the information over the last few days has been mostly false. It was a black man, it was two Mediterranean boys, a dozen bombs were found that didn't go off, they are arrested, they are identified, it was a Saudi man, it was a Saudi nurse... So I'm hesitant to take anything that isnt obvious as fact right now.

There is nothing in that link that says they were Islamic extremists. Again, I'm watching ABC, I'm hearing interviews with friends who are saying the older brother was a semi professional boxer, happy, outgoing. The younger was shy, had lots of friends, honor student in high school.

I've simply learned my lesson over the last few days about taking reports at face value, as they have been so wrong so often.

They were under Islamic influence. They linked to Islamic sites on their web page.

And I've already seen people posting a fake facebook for them.

However, I just watched an uncle confirm they were Muslim.
There is nothing in that link that says they were Islamic extremists. Again, I'm watching ABC, I'm hearing interviews with friends who are saying the older brother was a semi professional boxer, happy, outgoing. The younger was shy, had lots of friends, honor student in high school.

I've simply learned my lesson over the last few days about taking reports at face value, as they have been so wrong so often.

Amy what would you have them do? grow long beards, wear dishdashas and march in the streets screaming death to America? real Islamic Militants are stealthy and blend in. Hell the 9/11 hijackers were out drinking the night before the attacks.


I don't want them to do anything. I'm just pointing out that its currently an assumption that they are Islamic terrorists, not fact. They could be, I'm not denying it, but its not a fact yet, its speculation.

from the way this all went down.... i think they had a good deal of help from islamic terrorists.

for this bombing being so very well planned....and no exit route does not make sense to me.

I think these two were just radicalized tools to do the job.
There is nothing in that link that says they were Islamic extremists. Again, I'm watching ABC, I'm hearing interviews with friends who are saying the older brother was a semi professional boxer, happy, outgoing. The younger was shy, had lots of friends, honor student in high school.

I've simply learned my lesson over the last few days about taking reports at face value, as they have been so wrong so often.

Amy what would you have them do? grow long beards, wear dishdashas and march in the streets screaming death to America? real Islamic Militants are stealthy and blend in. Hell the 9/11 hijackers were out drinking the night before the attacks.


I don't want them to do anything. I'm just pointing out that its currently an assumption that they are Islamic terrorists, not fact. They could be, I'm not denying it, but its not a fact yet, its speculation.

Well they certainly aren't Right wing gun nuts from South Carolina, which is what many despicably hoped for.
There is nothing in that link that says they were Islamic extremists. Again, I'm watching ABC, I'm hearing interviews with friends who are saying the older brother was a semi professional boxer, happy, outgoing. The younger was shy, had lots of friends, honor student in high school.

I've simply learned my lesson over the last few days about taking reports at face value, as they have been so wrong so often.

Amy what would you have them do? grow long beards, wear dishdashas and march in the streets screaming death to America? real Islamic Militants are stealthy and blend in. Hell the 9/11 hijackers were out drinking the night before the attacks.


I don't want them to do anything. I'm just pointing out that its currently an assumption that they are Islamic terrorists, not fact. They could be, I'm not denying it, but its not a fact yet, its speculation.

The smart money is their motivation was Islamic terrorism, why else would they do this?
Uncensored -

As I said earlier, I have no idea why posters with no knowledge of a conflict or topic try to bluff those that do. It's almost as desperate as pretending anyone who disagrees with you supports terror.

The Chechan conflict with Russia dates back to around 1785, but more seriously from 1850 - 1860, when Russia began to ethnically cleanse the Chechan highlands.

Prior to 1785, there was no real Russian influence in the Caucasus at all.

Hence, the 17th century is of no relevence here at all.

The other thing to keep in mind is that the Caucasus is a massive area, and includes mountains 5,000 metres high. What happens on one side of the mountains has precious little influence on the other side, because the mountains form a natural barrier - in this case between the Russian sphere of influence to the north and the Turkish and Shi'ite spheres to the south.

Chechnya lies to the NORTH of the mountains.

btw. You might want to check what 'theocracy' means. At the moment you are using it incorrectly.

Saigon, you're openly posting bullshit.

In the 18th and 19th century, Chechnya was caught up in a conflict between two great powers, Russia and the Ottomans.

Uncensored -

I am trying to explain this to you as patiently as I can, I really am.

Go back and read what I said about spheres of influence, and it might start to make sense. Maybe you missed that part first time around?

No one is disputing that Russia and the Ottomans saw the Caucasus as a dividing line between their two spheres of influence - the question is why Russians needed to ethnically cleanse land on THEIR side of that line.

As I said earlier, with Georgia or Armenia you could build a case - with anything north of the mountains it makes no sense at all. It's like saying England should have prepared for a German invasion in WWII by wiping out Scotland. Hence my saying that this had little to do with Ottomans.

btw. I love how your version of events transforms from one post to the next!!
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Amy what would you have them do? grow long beards, wear dishdashas and march in the streets screaming death to America? real Islamic Militants are stealthy and blend in. Hell the 9/11 hijackers were out drinking the night before the attacks.


I don't want them to do anything. I'm just pointing out that its currently an assumption that they are Islamic terrorists, not fact. They could be, I'm not denying it, but its not a fact yet, its speculation.

The smart money is their motivation was Islamic terrorism, why else would they do this?

Well, their uncle called them losers, the older brother has been quoted as saying he had no American friends, and just can't understand America....

I'm just hoping they capture the younger alive. That was we will know the whys of it.
"In recent years, however, the Kremlin and its regional proxies have been battling a different kind of enemy. This new generation of insurgents has an explicitly Islamist goal: to create a radical pan-Caucasian emirate ruled by Islamic law, a sort of Afghanistan under the Taliban."

If this is true, it's a very big problem for the world.
Well, their uncle called them losers, the older brother has been quoted as saying he had no American friends, and just can't understand America....

I'm just hoping they capture the younger alive. That was we will know the whys of it.

Amy; kids who drop out of high school are losers. Kids in medical school, definitely NOT losers.

These are Islamic Jihadists - no way to deny it.
Well, their uncle called them losers, the older brother has been quoted as saying he had no American friends, and just can't understand America....

I'm just hoping they capture the younger alive. That was we will know the whys of it.

Amy; kids who drop out of high school are losers. Kids in medical school, definitely NOT losers.

These are Islamic Jihadists - no way to deny it.

They were not in medical school.

However I've already said their uncle confirms they were Muslim.

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