
Some key points from Chechen history:

In order to secure communications with Georgia and other regions of the Transcaucasia, the Russian Empire began spreading her influence into the Caucasus mountains. The Chechens were actually first drawn into conflict with Russia when Russia attacked the Kumyks (and established the fort of Kizlyar), whom the Chechens were allied to. Russia's Cossacks became imperial extensions and Russia sent its own soldiers to meet the escalating conflict. It soon met with fierce resistance from the mountain peoples. The Russians incorporated a strategy of driving the Chechens into the mountains, out of their lowland (relative) food source, thus forcing them to either starve or surrender.

Following the incorporation of neighbouring Dagestan into the empire in 1803–1813, Imperial Russian forces under Aleksey Yermolov began moving into highland Chechnya in 1830 to secure Russia's borders.

Chechnya was finally absorbed into the Russian Empire in 1859 after Shamil's capture. Imam Shamil, among modern Chechens, is alternately glorified and demonized: his memory is evoked as someone who successfully held off Russian conquest, but on the other hand, he ruled Ichkeria heavy-handedly, and was an Avar and worked mainly for the interest of his own people. Nonetheless, the name Shamil is popular largely due to his legacy.

The Russian generals hated all Caucasians, but they (especially Aleksei Yermolov, the "Yaarmul" of Chechen lore) had a special hatred of Chechens, the most bold and stubborn nation with the most aggravating (for the Russians) guerrilla battlefield tactics. Ermolov stated once that he would ""never rest until [only] one Chechen is left alive"

History of Chechnya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
One thing we can rule out now is that this event was a false flag. Obviously it was not. This was a real terrorist attack and the Obama administration didn't orchestrate it. There were some people claiming this was Obamas false flag. They should do the right thing and make a retraction on that claim. Starting with Alex Jones. .....ahem... Right is right. No matter how you feel about the president. - Jeri
Has anyone else heard rumors of DHS conducting one of their drills in Boston last Monday?
Right now, no one has the slightest idea of the suspects motivations or accomplices.
Are you sure about that Jeri? jail in an Islamic nation can get your cock and balls fed to rats while you are still alive.

I'm a woman.

Yes, I'm sure. As a Christian woman I'd opt for the Islamic jail over a communist one. Communist prisons target Christians in a different way than the Islamic ones do. The Communist prisons are notorious for their torturing priests, nuns, muslims, christians - for the express purpose of denying Jesus Christ.

They say their purpose in doing this is so that we will deny our God and go to hell. They are on record as saying that they know if they kill us we will go to heaven and our God is their enemy. They want to see us go to hell. Not heaven. They told Richard Wurmbrand that point blank in front of other prisoners while he was in a communist prison. He would also be one who would have opted for an islamic prison instead. There are no variables with communist prisons, they are all hell on earth. The tactics of the Communists are unique - such as when they imprisoned a Pastor and his grown son in a cell with another Pastor, Dumitru Duduman who was in there for smuggling bibles in a communist nation. The communists came in and demanded they deny Jesus Christ, they father and son refused. So did pastor Duduman. Then the Communists began to beat the boy with their fists and boots. Blood was flying everywhere. The father was crying stop! Stop! The Communists said deny your God and we will stop and let you both go home. The boy cried to his father, Don't do it Father! Do not deny Jesus Christ. Then they took a club and killed the boy. The father lost his mind over it and never was the same Dumitru Duduman said.

That is the reality of a communist prison. North Korean prisons are not an abberation. All communist prisons are that way. It just isn't publicized by western media what goes on. If you think waterboarding is torture? Just let America be turned into a communist nation. You'll be in for a great awakening. - Jeremiah

Russian jails are FULL of Muslims. The black market is full of muslims. The worst rising crime bloc in the US are muslim Russians....they bring us human trafficking like we've never seen before.

They tortured...then kill....women. They don't keep female prisoners around for long. And they see it as their duty to commit rape against female prisoners.

I didn't say they didn't. But all Islamic jails are not equal and it would depend on what nation you were in. That is not the case with a communist jail. Find yourself in one of those and it will be consistently hell to a worse degree than the variables you'd deal with elsewhere. In my opinion. - Jeri * keep in mind it is the communists using the muslims and not the other way around.
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A man suspected in the Boston Marathon bombings on Monday has been captured after a firefight with police, The Boston Globe reported.

At the time of this writing, the identity of the suspect in custody has not been released.

Crediting an official with knowledge of the investigation, the Globe said another suspect remains on the loose in Watertown, Mass.

Reports about the death of one of the suspects have not been confirmed.

Officers from Homeland Security, the FBI, Cambridge Police and the Massachusetts State Police all swarmed to the intersection of Laurel and Dexter Streets in Watertown, Mass., after an MIT police officer was shot and killed, and gunshots and explosions were reported in the area. Helicopters flew above the scene, using search lights to illuminate the neighborhood.

Residents were ordered to remain in their homes as the manhunt continued for the second suspect.

Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect In Custody, Another On The Loose: Boston Globe
They are Jihadi Islamists doing what Allah told them to do, slaughter the infidels.
Uncensored -

Russia was at war with the Ottoman Empire and took Chechnya as part of that war.

Jesus really don't have a clue in the world, do you??!!

Firstly, the Russian incursions date back to about 1785. Secondly, Chechenya is NORTH of the Caucaus mountains. The Ottoman Empire was SOUTH of the Caucaus mountains. With Georgia or Armenia you could make a case, but not with Chechnya.

Read #268 to get a few basics, anyway.

I don't understand at all why posters think they can just bluff and make up history and no one will notice.

btw. I have no idea what theocracy has to do with this, and neither do you. Either way, I don't support it.

What I know is that you are posting falsehood to defend your Muslim allies.

You do not know that - and I am sure you do not think it either. I'm just trying to explain a little basic history here to people who aren't familiar with the conflict. Most people seem to think it only started in around 1980!
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A man suspected in the Boston Marathon bombings on Monday has been captured after a firefight with police, The Boston Globe reported.

At the time of this writing, the identity of the suspect in custody has not been released.

Crediting an official with knowledge of the investigation, the Globe said another suspect remains on the loose in Watertown, Mass.

Reports about the death of one of the suspects have not been confirmed.

Officers from Homeland Security, the FBI, Cambridge Police and the Massachusetts State Police all swarmed to the intersection of Laurel and Dexter Streets in Watertown, Mass., after an MIT police officer was shot and killed, and gunshots and explosions were reported in the area. Helicopters flew above the scene, using search lights to illuminate the neighborhood.

Residents were ordered to remain in their homes as the manhunt continued for the second suspect.

Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect In Custody, Another On The Loose: Boston Globe
They are Jihadi Islamists doing what Allah told them to do, slaughter the infidels.
So says the Hasbara Troll.
I'm watching ABC, who are discussing interviews with former friends, and they all say they weren't religious or political.

That profile fits. They are not supposed to appear religious or political. The 9/11 hijackers went to strip bars the night before. Wore gold chains, western clothing, that's how they roll.
Remarkably enough, during the heat of this battle, the young brother went to the ATM at Bank fo America and got money. He doesn't seem particularly worried about getting caught.
Russia did a piss poor job of wiping out the Chechyan muslims. They should have sterilized the place. After the school massacre, they should have just gone in there and cleared the nest out.

can't say which is worse.....commies or jihadists......both are end points of the spectrum.....the far left, the far right.....

in any case both are the enemy of American freedom...
I'd like to point out, an Islamic extremist connection is just speculation right now.

Not exactly.

{"We believe this to be a terrorist," said Boston Police Chief Ed Davis. "We believe this to be a man who's come here to kill people. We need to get him in custody."

The hunt for the younger Mr. Tsarnayev prompted a broad shutdown of public facilities in the Boston area. Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick asked people throughout Boston to take shelter and stay indoors. }
"(Reuters) - Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev posted links to Islamic websites and others calling for Chechen independence on what appears to be his page on a Russian language social networking site."

"His "World view" is listed as "Islam" and his "Personal priority" is "career and money".

"A video labeled "tormenting my brother" shows a man resembling his dead brother Tamerlan laughing and imitating the accents of different Caucasian ethnic groups."

"I don't have a single American friend," one caption quotes him as saying. "I don't understand them."

These are smart little shits who got caught up in extreme Islamic ideals.

Boston suspect's web page venerates Islam, Chechen independence
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I'm watching ABC, who are discussing interviews with former friends, and they all say they weren't religious or political.

One of the key training points that radical Isamists hammer home is to be as low key as possible. Don't discuss your political or religious views so as not to attract attention. Luckily not all of them take this to heart, most slip up by posting their views on certain web sites. Unfortunately there are enough doing that and hiding everything else they're doing that no red flags are raised.

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