
" Foreign fighters became widespread after the 1980s through the experience of the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, in which Islamist extremists worldwide identified with the ensuing conflict, motivating them to fight. During the First Chechen War, Shayk Fathi, a Jordanian Chechen, was one of the first compelled to go to Chechnya to help with their separatist struggle. There, he created an Islamic Assembly, gaining support and calling on the Chechens to wage jihad against Russia."

Examining the Radicalization of Chechen Separatists During the Resistance Movement - Student Pulse
Uncensored -

Chechnya began slaughtering all non-Muslims the second the wall came down. (Not that the wall actually had anything to do with them, but you know what I mean.) Russian troops responded to protect the Russian minority - who were being murdered in a genocide by the Muslims.

don't pretend that the Chechens were "victims" here. They started this thing

What the hell are you talking about??!!

Russian conquered the area and began systematically wiping people out in the 1860's!!! The slaughter continued in the 1920's and 1980's with vast purges, deportations and slaughters. This started before the USSR was even formed!!!

The Chechans "started this thing"? how? By invading Russia?

How can you NOT know this and be posting on this topic at all?

Jesus wept....if you don'y know the history, grab a hold of the Nicholas Griffin book on the topic and find out - don't lecture people who know the area far better than you obviously do.

Have you even been to the Caucasus?
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Yes, it extended into terror when Islam took over their politics.

No, it extended into terror when the Russian use of chemical weapons convinced Chechen fighters that they would be simply wiped out if they didn't take their fight on to Russian territory, much as the Irish did to England in the 1970's.

Chechnya has been Islamic for centuries before the local people did anything more than defend themselves from your new communist pals.

So what terrorist organizations do you support again?
They are now talking about a possible connection with the Chechenyan rebels in Russia with the Boston bombing. If that turns out to be the case, I would not like to be in their shoes. With both the US and Russia after their scalps, their life expectancy is getting pretty puny.
Yes, it extended into terror when Islam took over their politics.

No, it extended into terror when the Russian use of chemical weapons convinced Chechen fighters that they would be simply wiped out if they didn't take their fight on to Russian territory, much as the Irish did to England in the 1970's.

Chechnya has been Islamic for centuries before the local people did anything more than defend themselves from your new communist pals.

I can't wait for KG to turn this thread into how libs are for abortion. BTW the Irish proved that bombing works. Now the egglish have left Ireland and even have em in thier parlyment.
I have to agree, it looks like the Russians were on the right side of history in both counts.

If I had my choice of being in a jail in a communist nation or a jail in an Islamic nation? I'll take the jail in the Islamic nation. Every time. There is no comparison according to those who have been held in both. I'll take their word for it. - Jeri

Are you sure about that Jeri? jail in an Islamic nation can get your cock and balls fed to rats while you are still alive.

I'm a woman.

Yes, I'm sure. As a Christian woman I'd opt for the Islamic jail over a communist one. Communist prisons target Christians in a different way than the Islamic ones do. The Communist prisons are notorious for their torturing priests, nuns, muslims, christians - for the express purpose of denying Jesus Christ.

They say their purpose in doing this is so that we will deny our God and go to hell. They are on record as saying that they know if they kill us we will go to heaven and our God is their enemy. They want to see us go to hell. Not heaven. They told Richard Wurmbrand that point blank in front of other prisoners while he was in a communist prison. He would also be one who would have opted for an islamic prison instead. There are no variables with communist prisons, they are all hell on earth. The tactics of the Communists are unique - such as when they imprisoned a Pastor and his grown son in a cell with another Pastor, Dumitru Duduman who was in there for smuggling bibles in a communist nation. The communists came in and demanded they deny Jesus Christ, they father and son refused. So did pastor Duduman. Then the Communists began to beat the boy with their fists and boots. Blood was flying everywhere. The father was crying stop! Stop! The Communists said deny your God and we will stop and let you both go home. The boy cried to his father, Don't do it Father! Do not deny Jesus Christ. Then they took a club and killed the boy. The father lost his mind over it and never was the same Dumitru Duduman said.

That is the reality of a communist prison. North Korean prisons are not an abberation. All communist prisons are that way. It just isn't publicized by western media what goes on. If you think waterboarding is torture? Just let America be turned into a communist nation. You'll be in for a great awakening. - Jeremiah
Yes, it extended into terror when Islam took over their politics.

No, it extended into terror when the Russian use of chemical weapons convinced Chechen fighters that they would be simply wiped out if they didn't take their fight on to Russian territory, much as the Irish did to England in the 1970's.

Chechnya has been Islamic for centuries before the local people did anything more than defend themselves from your new communist pals.

Yeah, whatever. It's Russia's fault that Chechnyan jihadists slaughter innocents in other coutries.

Yeah, whatever. It's Russia's fault that Chechnyan jihadists slaughter innocents in other coutries.


No one said that.

What I said was that it is Russia's fault that the Chechan conflict exists. They chose to conquer the land, they chose to deport people, they chose to use chemical weapons, and they chose to bomb civilian areas using heavy bombers.

The question is why posters who often claim to oppose communism are now falling over themselves to whitewash communist violence.
Sorry, I edited my sentence and forgot the correct it....the expansionism 1860 - 1800 was obviously NOT communist, but the violence unleashed against Chechens in both the 1920's and 1980's WAS communist.

Give it a rest, you're being a moron. The war between Russia and the Ottomans has squat to do with the radical Islamic movement that grips Chechnya.
If I had my choice of being in a jail in a communist nation or a jail in an Islamic nation? I'll take the jail in the Islamic nation. Every time. There is no comparison according to those who have been held in both. I'll take their word for it. - Jeri

Are you sure about that Jeri? jail in an Islamic nation can get your cock and balls fed to rats while you are still alive.

I'm a woman.

Yes, I'm sure. As a Christian woman I'd opt for the Islamic jail over a communist one. Communist prisons target Christians in a different way than the Islamic ones do. The Communist prisons are notorious for their torturing priests, nuns, muslims, christians - for the express purpose of denying Jesus Christ.

They say their purpose in doing this is so that we will deny our God and go to hell. They are on record as saying that they know if they kill us we will go to heaven and our God is their enemy. They want to see us go to hell. Not heaven. They told Richard Wurmbrand that point blank in front of other prisoners while he was in a communist prison. He would also be one who would have opted for an islamic prison instead. There are no variables with communist prisons, they are all hell on earth. The tactics of the Communists are unique - such as when they imprisoned a Pastor and his grown son in a cell with another Pastor, Dumitru Duduman who was in there for smuggling bibles in a communist nation. The communists came in and demanded they deny Jesus Christ, they father and son refused. So did pastor Duduman. Then the Communists began to beat the boy with their fists and boots. Blood was flying everywhere. The father was crying stop! Stop! The Communists said deny your God and we will stop and let you both go home. The boy cried to his father, Don't do it Father! Do not deny Jesus Christ. Then they took a club and killed the boy. The father lost his mind over it and never was the same Dumitru Duduman said.

That is the reality of a communist prison. North Korean prisons are not an abberation. All communist prisons are that way. It just isn't publicized by western media what goes on. If you think waterboarding is torture? Just let America be turned into a communist nation. You'll be in for a great awakening. - Jeremiah

Russian jails are FULL of Muslims. The black market is full of muslims. The worst rising crime bloc in the US are muslim Russians....they bring us human trafficking like we've never seen before.

They tortured...then kill....women. They don't keep female prisoners around for long. And they see it as their duty to commit rape against female prisoners.
Give it a rest, you're being a moron. The war between Russia and the Ottomans has squat to do with the radical Islamic movement that grips Chechnya.

Um....nothing whatsoever to do with the Ottomans, Uncensored.

Honestly - if you have no idea of the geography, the history of the conflict or the basis of the discussion, just ask. I'm sure there are a few posters here who understand it reasonably well.
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Speaking of rats, Gravity. The story about Dumitru Duduman is in a book called, Man through the Fire. You should read that book for a real up close look at life under communism. Dumitru was arrested for smuggling bibles inside a communist nation. It a long story as to how that came about but it is sufficient to say he was a 2nd or 3rd generation Pastor.

He was held in a cell in a communist jail in Romania. The captain ordered Dumtri be put in the basement with his pets. ( huge rats ) Dumitri said he was in the basement cell and they shut out the lights and hundreds of eyes were looking at him like little lights. He was about to be eaten alive. He called on the Lord to save him. A Bright Light appeared in the room and a voice told him, Do not fear Dumitru you will live and not die. You have a message to deliver to America.

When the captain came down and called to Dumitri he said his God had saved him. ( reminds me of Daniel only this captain was furious to find Dumitru alive )

So the captain finally demanded he be electrocuted and went home. They electrocuted Dumitru Duduman but he didn't die. Instead the captain of the communist jail in romania that ordered it died during the night of internal bleeding ( God warns touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm ) the angel of the Lord told Dumitru he would go to America to send a warning to the people.

Dumitri didn't want to come to America but he knew it was the will of God. How? The Romanian prison told Dumitri they were releasing him and that he was being deported to America. He didn't have a choice. He was then sent here with his family and the clothing on their backs and the communists took everything they had. They despised him but feared him after their own captain died over it.

True story. Look it up and get his book, Man through the Fire. His grandson carries on the ministry today. It is called Hand of Help and they help orphanages and the poor in Romania. Dumitru died in the late 80's or early 90's and has gone on to his reward in heaven. - Jeri
Yes, the history of this region is replete with slaughter and injustice. But that in no way justifies the present slaughters that the Chechenyan rebels engage in. Certainly our Native Americans have just as much justification for rebellion as the Chechenyans, but they have taken the higher road. One has only to remember the school in Russia the rebels recently targeted to understand what they are. And now, if the rebels aided this bombing, they are our enemies, and should be dealt with in that manner.
What the hell are you talking about??!!

Russian conquered the area and began systematically wiping people out in the 1860's!!!

Revisionist bullshit. Russia was at war with the Ottoman Empire and took Chechnya as part of that war. The "slaughter" was nothing more than the typical Russian war machine. The Czar wasn't a nice guy.

The slaughter continued in the 1920's and 1980's with vast purges, deportations and slaughters. This started before the USSR was even formed!!!

The USSR was formed in 1917. Stalin was known for purges.

So why isn't the Ukrain, which suffered FAR greater under the Soviets, engaging in terrorism?

Oh, that's right, they aren't Muslims.

The Chechans "started this thing"? how? By invading Russia?

By launching a genocide of the Russian minority in Chechnya in 1991. Why do you support genocide?

How can you NOT know this and be posting on this topic at all?

What I know is that you are posting falsehood to defend your Muslim allies.

Jesus wept....if you don'y know the history, grab a hold of the Nicholas Griffin book on the topic and find out - don't lecture people who know the area far better than you obviously do.

Have you even been to the Caucasus?

Again, ancient wars are not relevant to the rise of the radical Islamic dictatorship in Chechnya.

It's funny how people who claim to oppose theocracy rush to defend the establishment of theocratic states, as soon as Muslims are involved.
Russia did a piss poor job of wiping out the Chechyan muslims. They should have sterilized the place. After the school massacre, they should have just gone in there and cleared the nest out.

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