
To Chechyan terrorists Sandy Hook was small peas. 20 kids were killed and 6 staff. The muslims got 180 kids in the Russian school, and over 100 others. So it's not really a contest of who is the most brutal. The mistake we made was when we supported the Afghans against the Russians in the 80s.

Russia should have flattened Checnya after the school incident, after the movie theater incident.

I have to agree, it looks like the Russians were on the right side of history in both counts.

If I had my choice of being in a jail in a communist nation or a jail in an Islamic nation? I'll take the jail in the Islamic nation. Every time. There is no comparison according to those who have been held in both. I'll take their word for it. - Jeri
I have to agree, it looks like the Russians were on the right side of history in both counts.


More than a hundred years of genocidal slaughter, including the use of chemical weapons, and you are ok with that?

I'm not ok with the mass slaughter but look what we have done, we aided the same Afghans who are now shooting right at us and were the staging grounds for the planners of 9/11. Now we have Chechens bombing marathons in Boston and US Troops have NEVER went into their country, that doesn't seem fair to me. Russia tried to warn us about both groups the Afghans and Chechens and we just ignored them.
To Chechyan terrorists Sandy Hook was small peas. 20 kids were killed and 6 staff. The muslims got 180 kids in the Russian school, and over 100 others. So it's not really a contest of who is the most brutal. The mistake we made was when we supported the Afghans against the Russians in the 80s.

Russia should have flattened Checnya after the school incident, after the movie theater incident.

I have to agree, it looks like the Russians were on the right side of history in both counts.

If I had my choice of being in a jail in a communist nation or a jail in an Islamic nation? I'll take the jail in the Islamic nation. Every time. There is no comparison according to those who have been held in both. I'll take their word for it. - Jeri

Are you sure about that Jeri? jail in an Islamic nation can get your cock and balls fed to rats while you are still alive.
You really shouldn't say aything else. Not only are you paifully stupid, you apparently don't know you are stupid, and have never mastered the internet search engines that abound.

Wish I could rep you for that.... Need to build some more up.

I thought the same - it is hilarious to see Koshergirl lecture people on subtleties of life Turkey on a thread were probably most posters know the country quite well, when I think we can be fairly damn sure she has never been within a million miles of the place!!
Cambridge gave this muslim a scholarship. I wonder how they feel about it now.

Cambridge announces 2011 City Scholarship recipients - Cambridge - Your Town -

Cambridge is ultra-Left. Berkley looks at Cambridge and thinks, "What a bunch of Commie kooks." No doubt they have increased the scholarship fund for Al Qaeda applicants in the wake of this. Just to show how tolerant they are.

There is no doubt there are Mass academics who absolutely knew what these boys were about. I'll bet they've lost 20 lbs in sweat over the last day or so, afraid that either the bombers (sans "s" now) or a mob of itchy law enforcement are going to break down their door and shoot them before they can take their fucking thumbs out of their mouth.
Koshergirl -

Do you believe that the Russian communists were right to seize land and expand the empire in 1860-1880?

Do you think local peoples were wrong to defend their land from communist invasion?

I don't think either action was right by the Russians but even at that, that gives no excuse for Chechens to kill school children in Russia and bomb marathons in Boston. No excuse at all.
Koshergirl -

Do you believe that the Russian communists were right to seize land and expand the empire in 1860-1880?

Do you think local peoples were wrong to defend their land from communist invasion?
1860 to 1880? Russian Communists? Okey, dokey............
Koshergirl -

Do you believe that the Russian communists were right to seize land and expand the empire in 1860-1880?

Do you think local peoples were wrong to defend their land from communist invasion?

I don't think either action was right by the Russians but even at that, that gives no excuse for Chechens to kill school children in Russia and bomb marathons in Boston. No excuse at all.

I agree.

I don't think there is ever an excuse for any attack against a civilian target. Never.

BUT, the reason that Chechnya is a problem now is purely and simply because of Russian expansionism in the 1860's, and Communist Russian violence in the 1980's. Chechen defense was just that - and only extended into terror relatively recently.

Russia created this conflict, inflammed it and reaped the bitter seeds of their own violence.
Where is TM?
What happened to definatly white?

Technically they are, Chechnya is the caucuas not in Saudi Arabia.
No body has said it was.

Chechens are no more white than 30% of afghans.
You probably think afghans are all brown!!

There are many different ethnicities in Afghanistan, there are Hazaras, Taziks, Pashtuns, Uzbeys, people who speak Persian etc etc an Afghan can look like alot of different things.
Cambridge gave this muslim a scholarship. I wonder how they feel about it now.

Cambridge announces 2011 City Scholarship recipients - Cambridge - Your Town -

Cambridge is ultra-Left. Berkley looks at Cambridge and thinks, "What a bunch of Commie kooks." No doubt they have increased the scholarship fund for Al Qaeda applicants in the wake of this. Just to show how tolerant they are.

It was confirmed on the news that the living terrorist was a student at U Mass. It's even odds as to whether he was persuaded to commit the Boston bombing at a radial mosque or the school itself.
Why the fuck is the retarded discourse about race going on? Race isn't an issue in Chechnya. It's a Muslim thing. Though our own people will come up with all sorts of theories as to why that's not true.

While attempting to make Christianity illegal in the US.
Koshergirl -

Do you believe that the Russian communists were right to seize land and expand the empire in 1860-1880?

Do you think local peoples were wrong to defend their land from communist invasion?
1860 to 1880? Russian Communists? Okey, dokey............

Sorry, I edited my sentence and forgot the correct it....the expansionism 1860 - 1800 was obviously NOT communist, but the violence unleashed against Chechens in both the 1920's and 1980's WAS communist.
Cambridge gave this muslim a scholarship. I wonder how they feel about it now.

Cambridge announces 2011 City Scholarship recipients - Cambridge - Your Town -

Cambridge is ultra-Left. Berkley looks at Cambridge and thinks, "What a bunch of Commie kooks." No doubt they have increased the scholarship fund for Al Qaeda applicants in the wake of this. Just to show how tolerant they are.

It was confirmed on the news that the living terrorist was a student at U Mass. It's even odds as to whether he was persuaded to commit the Boston bombing at a radial mosque or the school itself.

or down at occupy wall street
Koshergirl -

Do you believe that the Russian communists were right to seize land and expand the empire in 1860-1880?

Do you think local peoples were wrong to defend their land from communist invasion?

I don't think either action was right by the Russians but even at that, that gives no excuse for Chechens to kill school children in Russia and bomb marathons in Boston. No excuse at all.

I agree.

I don't think there is ever an excuse for any attack against a civilian target. Never.

BUT, the reason that Chechnya is a problem now is purely and simply because of Russian expansionism in the 1860's, and Communist Russian violence in the 1980's. Chechen defense was just that - and only extended into terror relatively recently.

Russia created this conflict, inflammed it and reaped the bitter seeds of their own violence.

I agree with you there, but now we are getting attacked and blamed for their troubles and I don't like it. I know we tend to get into alot of countries business but in this case we were careful to stay out of it and this is what we get? this tells me the people who say "oh if we just left the Muslims alone they'd stop hating us" are wrong, pure bullshit. We did nothing to the Chechens and we were rewarded with fucking bombs.:evil:
We should have intervened by helping the Russians. We shouldn't have intervened in Serbia. Russia was on the right side of history there! We shouldn't have intervened in Afghanistan either time. We should have allowed Russia to destroy the entire country!

It's funny that people who claim to hate communism will back communism if Muslims are involved.

It's also funny that people who claim to support peace will back genocide if Muslims are involved - because the Russian seige of Grozny came very, very close to genocide.
After Belsan (see below) it is practically understandable. Quit being such a self-righteous twat.

Beslan school hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your timeline is off. In no way am I excusing the actions of either side, just wanted to point that out.
Koshergirl -

Do you believe that the Russian communists were right to seize land and expand the empire in 1860-1880?

Do you think local peoples were wrong to defend their land from communist invasion?
1860 to 1880? Russian Communists? Okey, dokey............

You miss the point entirely!!!! They WILL become communists eventually! Dummie!
Ha!! Actually, I think you will find it is the Russians who killed people in very large numbers in Chechenya, including with chemical weapons. Victims of Chechen violence were generally Russian troops.

Chechnya began slaughtering all non-Muslims the second the wall came down. (Not that the wall actually had anything to do with them, but you know what I mean.) Russian troops responded to protect the Russian minority - who were being murdered in a genocide by the Muslims.

The Russians were BRUTAL - they are not the mushy type like we are, they don't coddle terrorists. They responded with death. But don't pretend that the Chechens were "victims" here. They started this thing with unprovoked attacks based on their sick religion, seeking to expunge every last Christian (and most of the Russians were not, really) from the nation. At the time, Chechnya was considered part of the Russian Federation. So not only were there actions criminal, they were also treason.

It's funny how people who claim to oppose communism rush to defend communists as soon as Muslims are involved. And yes, these slaughters did take place during the communist era - and dating back to 1863.

While wars with the Ottomans may have occurred, they have nothing to do with this. When the USSR fell, the Chechens moved to create a brutal Islamic dictatorship.

It's funny how people who claim to oppose theocracy rush to defend the establishment of theocratic states, as soon as Muslims are involved.
Yes, it extended into terror when Islam took over their politics.

No, it extended into terror when the Russian use of chemical weapons convinced Chechen fighters that they would be simply wiped out if they didn't take their fight on to Russian territory, much as the Irish did to England in the 1970's.

Chechnya has been Islamic for centuries before the local people did anything more than defend themselves from your new communist pals.

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