
Young stupid men, who apparently bifurcated their lives to be two different types of people, the "normal" ones in society with family and friends while being also in their "separate" lives.

This type of psychological and social partitioning of their lives are common among the groups of militia, Christian Identity, home-grown Islamofascists, etc.

A nice tidy package to explain it all away.

It's all psychological and has nothing to do with a spiritual element. Christians just as vulnerable, just as dangerous.

Thank you.
Chechyans like really soft targets. A school, a movie theater. A marathon is right up their alley.

It's funny that you know so much about the history of the Chechen conflict - but can not spell the name of the people.

btw, Did you support the Russian use of chemical weapons against civilian targets in Grozny?

Were they "soft" targets?
Meathead -

Turkey could not even support Azerbaijan in it's war with neighboring Armenia.

Turkey could have supported Azerbaijan over NKH, but probably chose not to because of Armenia's strong ties to both the US, EU (and Iran). Instead, Russia armed both sides.

Given Turkey's ancient antipathy towards Yerevan, anything involving Armenia is usually extremely sensitive.
There was an element of that, but there is no way in hell Turkey was going to challenge Russia on this. You need to have a grasp of the History of the Caucus region and of the Eastern Orthodox church to understand.

Russia will not abide meddling in what it considers its sphere of influence, which includes the former Soviet states. The Russians did not interfere to any great extent in the conflict, but they would not tolerate the interference of Turkey in particular for historical and geopolitical reasons.
From what I have been seeing they were living in Turkey. Not exactly a hotbed of radicalism.

You really shouldn't say aything else. Not only are you paifully stupid, you apparently don't know you are stupid, and have never mastered the internet search engines that abound.

Well I've actually been to Turkey. My girlfriend went last year on business.

When were you there?

My neighbor is from Turkey and she goes home every few months. There's a lot of fighting going on right now with Kurdish muslims. My neighbor worries about her family all the time. She'd like to get them out of Turkey.

You seem not to know very much about what Turkey is really like.
From what I have been seeing they were living in Turkey. Not exactly a hotbed of radicalism.

You really shouldn't say aything else. Not only are you paifully stupid, you apparently don't know you are stupid, and have never mastered the internet search engines that abound.

Well I've actually been to Turkey. My girlfriend went last year on business.

When were you there?

I can see turkey from my seat at the dinner table.
We should have intervened by helping the Russians. We shouldn't have intervened in Serbia. Russia was on the right side of history there! We shouldn't have intervened in Afghanistan either time. We should have allowed Russia to destroy the entire country!

It's funny that people who claim to hate communism will back communism if Muslims are involved.

It's also funny that people who claim to support peace will back genocide if Muslims are involved - because the Russian seige of Grozny came very, very close to genocide.

I been to Boston several times but didn't notice if that was the case.

I just think this was very unusual.

unusual.....? wake up man....

radical Muslims hate the them the greatest Satan of all is the United States....

I suspect that is what we will find out when this is all sorted out. a islamic jihad against the usa. But will obama and the left wing media tell the truth, or will they find some way to blame the USA like they usually do?

I'm wondering if the Russians were behind this and used these kids & their families for this jihad. I keep telling folks the Russians are not our friends. Look at the timeline. NK, China, Russia and Iran are in bed together. We don't know that this wasn't planned after NK decided to stand down and not launch the missile on his fathers anniversary. Instead? We get a terrorist attack on the streets of Boston during the height of an annual Marathon. Something tells me there is something bigger going on behind the scenes here. Time will tell. - J.
It's easy to jump to that conclusion but so far we don't know the motive.

And you're still holding out for them to be pro-liberty activists supporting the 2nd Amendment. And you never let little things like facts get in the way, do you, Rati?

I posted yesterday that I would rather it be Muslim terrorists than Americans so obviously you don't have any idea what you're talking about. As usual.
We should have intervened by helping the Russians. We shouldn't have intervened in Serbia. Russia was on the right side of history there! We shouldn't have intervened in Afghanistan either time. We should have allowed Russia to destroy the entire country!

It's funny that people who claim to hate communism will back communism if Muslims are involved.

It's also funny that people who claim to support peace will back genocide if Muslims are involved - because the Russian seige of Grozny came very, very close to genocide.
After Belsan (see below) it is practically understandable. Quit being such a self-righteous twat.

Beslan school hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"To the Chechen people, the existence of their national identity, strongly intertwined with their Islamic faith, was being threatened. Part of the population succumbed to extremism, seeing brutal combat as the sole method of obtaining their objectives."

"Scholars have contended that radicalization developed out of Russian aggression during the First Chechen War. However, this represents a simplistic view of the conflict, neglecting to carefully examine all of the variables involved in the radical transformation. It is improbable that Russian aggression was the sole factor for the development of extremism, as this perception fails to acknowledge the intervention of outside actors and the intra-Chechen power struggle, as well as other factors that were present during both wars.
Politicization of Islam

Scholars have purported that radicalization was in part due to the indissoluble bond between Islam and Chechen national identity, which has gradually strengthened over the course of the history. Starting from when Islam first came to the North Caucasus in the seventeenth century, a strong connection grew, and it became central in Chechen nationalism."

Our media has worked long and hard to make the Islamic aspect of Chechny go a result, most Americans (as you can see in this thread) have absolutely no understanding or even concept of Chechnya. They don't even know it exists except in a vague, amorphous sort of way.

But those who watch Islamic extremism and recognize it know about it.

" In the years of resistance, groups of brotherhoods used jihad against Russia as a means to instate sharia law in the region. In response, Russia endeavored to subdue the brotherhoods, causing them to acquire an ideology of resistance that remained with them up until present times. "

"It was under the threat of the 1994 war that this relationship between nationalism and religion became central in politics. Chechen leaders and warlords created narratives on national identity, using Islam to mobilize the civilian population in the struggle against Russia. These narratives played on the emotions of the population by making historical references to the religious and resistance wars of the past, leading to radicalization and the popularity of extremist views. As Emil Souleimanov (2005) states, in the Chechen mindset, a war against an external (Russian) aggressor is almost automatically associated with a war for territory, freedom, national honor, identity, and religion(p. 53). The leadership also relied upon the use of Islamic slogans to arouse the population into violence against Russia. Scholars report that it was solely through this close relationship between Islam and Chechen national identity that warlords were able to amass such radical support and carry out terrorist acts."

Examining the Radicalization of Chechen Separatists During the Resistance Movement - Student Pulse
To Chechyan terrorists Sandy Hook was small peas. 20 kids were killed and 6 staff. The muslims got 180 kids in the Russian school, and over 100 others. So it's not really a contest of who is the most brutal. The mistake we made was when we supported the Afghans against the Russians in the 80s.

Russia should have flattened Checnya after the school incident, after the movie theater incident.
To Chechyan terrorists Sandy Hook was small peas. 20 kids were killed and 6 staff. The muslims got 180 kids in the Russian school, and over 100 others. So it's not really a contest of who is the most brutal. The mistake we made was when we supported the Afghans against the Russians in the 80s.

Russia should have flattened Checnya after the school incident, after the movie theater incident.

I have to agree, it looks like the Russians were on the right side of history in both counts.
One thing we can rule out now is that this event was a false flag. Obviously it was not. This was a real terrorist attack and the Obama administration didn't orchestrate it. There were some people claiming this was Obamas false flag. They should do the right thing and make a retraction on that claim. Starting with Alex Jones. .....ahem... Right is right. No matter how you feel about the president. - Jeri
In a nutshell...Chechnya wanted independence from Russia for a long time, but they had worked out an agreement between them. There was peace.

Then Islam got a toe hold, and told the Chechnyans it was their Islamic duty to carry out a jihad against the Russians. So they started setting off bombs in Russian and killing Russian children, slaughtering huge numbers of people, terrorizing everyone.

And Islam, being a geo-political religion, recognizes no borders.

Good call on ignoring it and pretending Islam was a warm fuzzy thing, thereby allowing it to spread from shore to shore in the US. The Russians made it illegal, and that's when they had peace. It's when they lifted the ban that people started dying again.
Koshergirl -

Do you believe that the Russian communists were right to seize land and expand the empire in 1860-1880?

Do you think local peoples were wrong to defend their land from communist invasion?

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