
Chechnya is an ideal location for breeding anti-western sentiments due to its close proximity to nations where extreme grudges are held against western belligerents in the war against terror, its history of oppression at the hand of Russian infidels (which will be used to sway opinion), endemic corruption, easy access to small arms and explosives and its mountainous, often inaccessable terrain which makes it hard for the otherwise long arm of the law to make its presence felt.

Chechens switched their focus on other targets because they knew from first hand experience that Russia rarely answers to anyone, and thus their reactions have been breathtakingly brutal. Whereas targets in the comparatively cuddly West are regarded as a softer and potentially less painful option.

As to why they abandoned a medical degree to carry-out this act, my guess is that they were radicalised during their studies.
Honestly, this thread shows me how ignorant the left is. I don't even know where to start and probably shouldn't even try.

Meanwhile, please fucking educate yourself. You people are so clueless. It blows my mind.

Who are the Chechens?

The Chechens are a largely Muslim ethnic group that has lived for centuries in the mountainous North Caucasus region."

Chechen Terrorism (Russia, Chechnya, Separatist) - Council on Foreign Relations
From what I'm gathering Chechens blame us for not stepping in and doing more to help them.

If they do, I think they are being naive.

I do think the world failed to defend Chechens during the key 1910-1920 and 1980-1990 periods when independence was possible, but there is no way in western ally can defend a country north of the Caucasus Mountains.
They came here from Afghanistan. Chechnyan Muslims that went to fight in Afghanistan.

What we need is more immigration, that will fix it.

Thats not what I read, these boys came here from Kazakhstan according to the reports. These guys were not foreign fighters from Afghanistan as far as the reports.

According to what I just heard, just now, there is a pipeline of muslim fighters from Chechnya to Afghanistan and these brothers came here a year ago from Afghanistan. That's just what's being reported right now.

They are concerned that this muslim has explosives and might go suicide bomber.
they came to the US as kids

the older one, if indeed his age is correct and time when they arrived here, would have been 16 when he came here. Not exactly a 'kid' when coming from that type of environment. They would have been there through the height of the war. Obviously still have family back there and I would imagine they visited since then.

Report now is they may have also lived in Afghanistan for awhile.

Chechens living in Afghanistan? and we allowed them to come here? god damn we are so fucking stupid.:evil:

Has anyone been watching MSNBC? A reporter was saying that Al Qaeda recruits Chechyans just like these guys for bomb attacks, and Chuck Todd damn near had a stroke trying to walk it back and minimize it....


They came here from Afghanistan. Chechnyan Muslims that went to fight in Afghanistan.

What we need is more immigration, that will fix it.

Thats not what I read, these boys came here from Kazakhstan according to the reports. These guys were not foreign fighters from Afghanistan as far as the reports.

According to what I just heard, just now, there is a pipeline of muslim fighters from Chechnya to Afghanistan and these brothers came here a year ago from Afghanistan. That's just what's being reported right now.

They are concerned that this muslim has explosives and might go suicide bomber.

Where did you hear this? What are you watching/listening to?
They came here from Afghanistan. Chechnyan Muslims that went to fight in Afghanistan.

What we need is more immigration, that will fix it.

Thats not what I read, these boys came here from Kazakhstan according to the reports. These guys were not foreign fighters from Afghanistan as far as the reports.

According to what I just heard, just now, there is a pipeline of muslim fighters from Chechnya to Afghanistan and these brothers came here a year ago from Afghanistan. That's just what's being reported right now.

They are concerned that this muslim has explosives and might go suicide bomber.

My bad I saw that it does look like they lived there, my question is why the fuck are we letting in Chechens who live in Afghanistan? we are that fucking retarded now?:cuckoo:
Mass tag 316 ES9 Gray Honda CRV

(I'll take one "t" from the title. Make that "Connecticut"!)
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From what I'm gathering Chechens blame us for not stepping in and doing more to help them.

If they do, I think they are being naive.

I do think the world failed to defend Chechens during the key 1910-1920 and 1980-1990 periods when independence was possible, but there is no way in western ally can defend a country north of the Caucasus Mountains.

If we did step in they would blame us still, like we are catching hell fire for Libya and Afghanistan now.
Honestly, this thread shows me how ignorant the left is. I don't even know where to start and probably shouldn't even try.

Meanwhile, please fucking educate yourself. You people are so clueless. It blows my mind.

I hadn't realised you were an expert on the Caucasus, but it's good to know you are.

How would you describe the politics of the Kazakh minority in Grozny?
Swagger -

due to its close proximity to nations where extreme grudges are held against western belligerents in the war against terror

Obviously you can't mean Russia, but then what countries do you mean?

Ingushetia? Dagestan? Georgia?
No big surprise to me. They are Muslim extremists.
Remember this is a worldwide war on terror, not just Americas. They hate anything that goes against their beliefs as we and the Russians are infidels. You will never win their heart and minds, they just want to convert or kill you. Pretty simple, kill or be killed.

Until the Muslim world has a major push or civil war within their ranks to join the modern world and accept the beliefs of others expect us to be continued targets. My belief is that most (not all) secretly believe in the cause of the extremists to kill all infidels.

Another reason conservatives are not good with problem solving. They have a tendencies to flatten huge and complicated issues into bite sized morsels they can digest to fit their world view.

"They hate us for our freedoms!"

When the Chechyns killed the children at that Russian school, Russia should have bombed Chechnya unitil nothing survived.
they came to the US as kids

the older one, if indeed his age is correct and time when they arrived here, would have been 16 when he came here. Not exactly a 'kid' when coming from that type of environment. They would have been there through the height of the war. Obviously still have family back there and I would imagine they visited since then.

Report now is they may have also lived in Afghanistan for awhile.

Chechens living in Afghanistan? and we allowed them to come here? god damn we are so fucking stupid.:evil:

From what I have been seeing they were living in Turkey. Not exactly a hotbed of radicalism.
From what I'm gathering Chechens blame us for not stepping in and doing more to help them.

If they do, I think they are being naive.

I do think the world failed to defend Chechens during the key 1910-1920 and 1980-1990 periods when independence was possible, but there is no way in western ally can defend a country north of the Caucasus Mountains.
Chechens have no western allies. The closest thing is Turkey through the ties to the Ottoman Empire which Islamized them. Turkey could not even support Azerbaijan in it's war with neighboring Armenia. NATO will not support Turkey if it entangles itself with Russia in support of former Soviet states.

Has anyone been watching MSNBC? A reporter was saying that Al Qaeda recruits Chechyans just like these guys for bomb attacks, and Chuck Todd damn near had a stroke trying to walk it back and minimize it....



"Chechen militants invaded the neighboring Russian republic of Dagestan to support a local separatist movement. The following month, five bombs exploded in Russia over a ten-day period, killing almost three hundred civilians. Moscow blamed Chechen rebels for the explosions, which comprised the largest coordinated terrorist attack in Russian history."

Chechen Terrorism (Russia, Chechnya, Separatist) - Council on Foreign Relations

And who are these "militants" and "separatists" that are fucking with their neighbors and bombing Russia...after a cease fire?

Guess. Just guess:

"In Chechnya, Islam has consistently been used as a tool to achieve political power, as well as an expression of resistance against Russian invasions."

The Role of Islamic Fundamentalism in the Chechen Conflict

Which is consistently hidden and downplayed in the media's coverage of the situation in Chechnya.

Where Islamic soldiers butcher school children.

Where they have created a new way to execute prisoners - by pulling their tongues through a slit in their throat.

Where soldiers play soccer with the heads of the dead.

These are the people lefties defend and lie to cover for. It must give them a good feeling when they do it.
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