
why are you so surprised? Chechnya has a lot of muslims and a history of terrorism.

It has a much longer history of being the victim of terrorism.

The Russian slaughter of Chechen civilians has been commonplace since 1862. I have no problem with people defending their land from invaders.

a islamic jihad against the usa

How do you know they were Muslims?

It's right there on his face book idiot

BOSTON BOMBER Djohar Tsarnaev Has DYNAMITE on His Facebook (V Kontake) Page | The Gateway Pundit
It looks like the Russians were right about the Chechens all along.

You mean that even if you slaughter, torture and oppress a people for a century you might not be able to kill them all off?

The Russians warned us about the Islamic terrorist element among the Chechens years ago, we didn't listen as usual. I don't know what the hell your talking about with this Russian slaughtering business, we are not Russians so what sense does it make to strike Boston?
You see no problem with people setting off bombs in other countries?:confused:

The USA was not the country attacking Chechenya, hence Chechens have no rational motive to attack the USA.

Chechens have been bitterly oppressed by Russians, hence I do think they have a motive to defend Chechen land from Russians.
why are you so surprised? Chechnya has a lot of muslims and a history of terrorism.

It has a much longer history of being the victim of terrorism.

The Russian slaughter of Chechen civilians has been commonplace since 1862. I have no problem with people defending their land from invaders.

a islamic jihad against the usa

How do you know they were Muslims?

It's right there on his face book idiot

BOSTON BOMBER Djohar Tsarnaev Has DYNAMITE on His Facebook (V Kontake) Page | The Gateway Pundit

Most Chechens are Muslim it is the predominant Religion, asking how do you know they are Muslim is silly. The odds that these boys were Catholic or Jewish are very very slim.
Never in a million years would I have guessed that.

And NO idea wtf the beef with the US or Boston was..

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

They're muslims, you dumb shit. Chechnya is a hotbed of muslim insanity.

Threads like this are why I know there's no help for progressives. Obviously, they have organic brain issues.
They came here from Afghanistan. Chechnyan Muslims that went to fight in Afghanistan.

What we need is more immigration, that will fix it.
You see no problem with people setting off bombs in other countries?:confused:

The USA was not the country attacking Chechenya, hence Chechens have no rational motive to attack the USA.

Chechens have been bitterly oppressed by Russians, hence I do think they have a motive to defend Chechen land from Russians.

From what I'm gathering Chechens blame us for not stepping in and doing more to help them.
As much as i'd like to see both these bastards dead, you need to keep them both alive to squeeze them for info. You need answers to crucial questions, such as "who are you working for?" and "How many more are there?".

News over a police scanner stated the escaped suspect may be wearing a suicide vest, so there may not be any answers, Roadvirus
they came to the US as kids

the older one, if indeed his age is correct and time when they arrived here, would have been 16 when he came here. Not exactly a 'kid' when coming from that type of environment. They would have been there through the height of the war. Obviously still have family back there and I would imagine they visited since then.

Report now is they may have also lived in Afghanistan for awhile.
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With all the hate, vitriol, blaming one another and general shitheadedness of people in this country, I'd say the terrorists have definitely won.

Seeing all the hate by some of left and right mental giants on this thread, sure confirms MongoBongo's observation.
We need to change the name of this country from the United States of America to the States of America. There is no United. I find all this back-and-forth by the left and right disgusting, very immature and un-American.
why are you so surprised? Chechnya has a lot of muslims and a history of terrorism.

It has a much longer history of being the victim of terrorism.

The Russian slaughter of Chechen civilians has been commonplace since 1862. I have no problem with people defending their land from invaders.
a islamic jihad against the usa

How do you know they were Muslims?

You see no problem with people setting off bombs in other countries?:confused:

? Amazing, eh? Gravity, the father is inside Russia right now and was awaiting a visit from his sons. He came out in an interview in Russia to tell the world how smart and good his boys were. The fact that he states up front he was expecting them to come visit him in Russia makes me wonder whether he was part of the plan - a trip to Russia would be a nice get away for those two.

They need to look at their trips to Russia and see if they can trace any overseas training for this terrorist attack. They didn't put this together by themselves. No way, Jose'! This was planned out very carefully. I'm sure this is just the tip of the iceberg.
They came here from Afghanistan. Chechnyan Muslims that went to fight in Afghanistan.

What we need is more immigration, that will fix it.

Thats not what I read, these boys came here from Kazakhstan according to the reports. These guys were not foreign fighters from Afghanistan as far as the reports.
they came to the US as kids

the older one, if indeed his age is correct and time when they arrived here, would have been 16 when he came here. Not exactly a 'kid' when coming from that type of environment. They would have been there through the height of the war. Obviously still have family back there and I would imagine they visited since then.

They came here a year ago. Some background is being given on the news.
It has a much longer history of being the victim of terrorism.

The Russian slaughter of Chechen civilians has been commonplace since 1862. I have no problem with people defending their land from invaders.

How do you know they were Muslims?

You see no problem with people setting off bombs in other countries?:confused:

? Amazing, eh? Gravity, the father is inside Russia right now and was awaiting a visit from his sons. He came out in an interview in Russia to tell the world how smart and good his boys were. The fact that he states up front he was expecting them to come visit him in Russia makes me wonder whether he was part of the plan - a trip to Russia would be a nice get away for those two.

They need to look at their trips to Russia and see if they can trace any overseas training for this terrorist attack. They didn't put this together by themselves. No way, Jose'! This was planned out very carefully. I'm sure this is just the tip of the iceberg.

If they somehow go to Russia to see their father the Russians would fuck their shit up, the Russians despise Chechen terrorists and have no patience for them.
They are Chechyans who moved here when they were kids (est. 9-14 years old).

A bit of speculation: they were too young to participate in the 1999 rebellion that Putin squashed. As they grew up, they learned to hate Russia...and upon moving here, conflated the U.S. with that hate post 9/11. They've also likely been affected by American sensational media which glamorize mass murders and violence. Given this, it was very easy for them to act out their ire towards Russia on the U.S. as a surrogate/step country.

Just a bit of amateur speculation from the bits of news so far.

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