
No big surprise to me. They are Muslim extremists.
Remember this is a worldwide war on terror, not just Americas. They hate anything that goes against their beliefs as we and the Russians are infidels. You will never win their heart and minds, they just want to convert or kill you. Pretty simple, kill or be killed.

Until the Muslim world has a major push or civil war within their ranks to join the modern world and accept the beliefs of others expect us to be continued targets. My belief is that most (not all) secretly believe in the cause of the extremists to kill all infidels.
It's being reported that the one not killed is Muslim, that it was on his FB page; not clear when they got radicalized.

probably grew up around it considering the turmoil in that country.....Islam is the major religion in Chechnya.....
I've heard it speculated that they hate us because we didn't intervene in their war with Russia.

We let Russia invade Chechnya if they let us invade Iraq. But do you have proof that is why these guys hit us?
He never said that.

That was last administration.

Check the "Mission Accomplished" speech.

Uh, no. Obama admin said it.

Obama Admin: 'The War on Terror is Over' | Obama Administration | Fox Nation

Barack Obama declares the 'War on Terror' is over - Telegraph

FOX Saudi propaganda..reliable as always:

Today, the National Journal reported that a senior State Department official has announced, “The war on terror is over.”

“Now that we have killed most of al Qaida,” the source said, “now that people have come to see legitimate means of expression, people who once might have gone into al Qaida see an opportunity for a legitimate Islamism.”

The article itself describes the Obama administration’s new vision of foreign policy, which admits no enemies. Everyone, in this view, is a friend. Islamism, says the Obama administration, is just fine, so long as it does not openly support terrorism.

Read more: Obama Admin: 'The War on Terror is Over' | Obama Administration | Fox Nation

A "unnamed source"..

Yep..that's something you can bank on from an outfit that won the right to lie in court.


Second link. :eusa_shhh:

Obama rejected Bush's doctrine of the war on terror. How's that working out right about now?
Father says the 26 year old was an angel and second year med student. Jebus.

Not really a surprise, the guys that do stuff like this are not dummies. Ayman Al-Zawahiri is a Doctor for Christs sake.
I never understood that. Why waste your time going for a degree if you're just going to blow yourself up?

Who would suspect someone going for a degree to be a terrorist? It's all part of the bigger plan to fit in; hiding in plain sight.
Is there a Russian immigrant population in Boston?


I been to Boston several times but didn't notice if that was the case.

I just think this was very unusual.

unusual.....? wake up man....

radical Muslims hate the them the greatest Satan of all is the United States....

I suspect that is what we will find out when this is all sorted out. a islamic jihad against the usa. But will obama and the left wing media tell the truth, or will they find some way to blame the USA like they usually do?
Chechens? Not White Christian Republican males who are against the government, taxes and are gun-loving, food hoarding "preppers"?

I bet the Radical Left is bummed.
[ame=]^^ HIT SUBCRIBE ^^ Watertown Boston Shooting Scene Gunfire, explosions reported in Watertown - YouTube[/ame]
We have to keep in mind Chechens are extremely vulnerable to the Saudi Wahhabi teachings, the Saudis have numerous Madrassas in Chechnya.
Never in a million years would I have guessed that.

And NO idea wtf the beef with the US or Boston was..

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Agreed. I never would have figured that. I do know that Chechnya is highly populated by Muslims and we all know that Muslim extremists have a beef with the US.

why are you so surprised? Chechnya has a lot of muslims and a history of terrorism.
Maybe they had a beef with gay marriage? The left seems to care about "root causes" when muslims commit terrorist acts. But if gay marriage were were the unlikely motive, liberals would suddenly stop caring about root causes.

This is the problem, right here, with conservatism. They aren't problem solvers and aren't very successful at much that doesn't involve fleecing their fellow human beings.

It might behoove you to focus solely on "your own personal problem" before you try to assist the world and conservatives with theirs.

Blindness is curable, but you have to want to be cured first.

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