
Never in a million years would I have guessed that.

And NO idea wtf the beef with the US or Boston was..

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

They're muslims, you dumb shit. Chechnya is a hotbed of muslim insanity.

Threads like this are why I know there's no help for progressives. Obviously, they have organic brain issues.
It's easy to jump to that conclusion but so far we don't know the motive.
I am going to be as sensitive to Chechnyan Muslims as I can about this, so I will just give the Chechnyans this flower. :eusa_angel:
Never in a million years would I have guessed that.

And NO idea wtf the beef with the US or Boston was..

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

They are Chechyan Muslims. Remember the Belsan School massacre in Russia where the children were brutalized and murdered by Muslims there? That kind. Probably the most vicious out there - KGB had a real problem with these Muslims in Chechnya. It eventually was one of the motivating factors for the Russians signing the Grand Design Treaty with the Iranians.

While Russians promised in that treaty to strike the United States if we touched Iran, Iran promised to protect certain regions in Russia from Islamic radicals such as the Chechnyan stronghold. So when you are thinking about radicalized, cold blooded killers - Chechnyan Muslims would fit that profile. ( save your breath - one of them posted on facebook they were Muslim & attended Cambridge- they are both Muslim )

Still these two didn't do this by themselves. There is a large number of family members in the area - all of them need to be detained immediately - to find out just how big this islamic terrorist cell is exactly. There is no way that teenagers came up with this plan on their own. Their mosque and any religious leaders they were affiliated with should be investigated also. - Jeri

It looks like the Russians were right about the Chechens all along.

Absolutely. The Russian KGB are not lightweights by any means. Yet the Chechnyan Muslims created such a chaos, mayhem, terror, murder -targeting children mainly - as in Belsan School Terror attack - they went to the trouble of signing what is called "The Grand Design" treaty with the Iranians if America attacked them. Now you can read about "The Grand Design Treaty" in a book written about the confict in Iraq. I believe the authors name was Hitchcock. I'd have to find the book, I've got it. The treaty and why it was signed it mentioned in his book. I mentioned it years ago and someone told me they couldn't find a trace of the treaty on the internet. Guess whoever is trying to hide that treaty didn't realise that someone had written about it already.

The timing is very interesting. Was this something the Russians gave the NK leader in exchange for his not launching missile? We'll give the Americans an explosion on the anniversary of your fathers death - let us handle it? I think its possible.
Never in a million years would I have guessed that.

And NO idea wtf the beef with the US or Boston was..

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

They are Muslims! Muslims are actively fighting against the West in the US, Australia and Europe, against East in Russia, India and China, in Africa against Christians, and of course against Israel and amongst themselves.

What is there to understand. Muslims are shitholes and ungrateful.

Remember the Kosovian scumbag that killed a US soldier a few years back!!! We BONEHEADEDLY and IGNORANTLY save them from annihilation and now they are a hotbed for Islamic extremism and antiamerican hatred!

Same goes for Kuwait! We should have allowed Sadam to take it. Muslims are an ungrateful bunch and their cult ideology will always turn them against western free society!
Never in a million years would I have guessed that.

And NO idea wtf the beef with the US or Boston was..

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

They're muslims, you dumb shit. Chechnya is a hotbed of muslim insanity.

Threads like this are why I know there's no help for progressives. Obviously, they have organic brain issues.
It's easy to jump to that conclusion but so far we don't know the motive.
They are upset about the Battle of Marathon and the defeat of Xerxes army of course. Could it be any more obvious?!
Meathead -

Turkey could not even support Azerbaijan in it's war with neighboring Armenia.

Turkey could have supported Azerbaijan over NKH, but probably chose not to because of Armenia's strong ties to both the US, EU (and Iran). Instead, Russia armed both sides.

Given Turkey's ancient antipathy towards Yerevan, anything involving Armenia is usually extremely sensitive.
I've heard it speculated that they hate us because we didn't intervene in their war with Russia.

We should have intervened by helping the Russians. We shouldn't have intervened in Serbia. Russia was on the right side of history there! We shouldn't have intervened in Afghanistan either time. We should have allowed Russia to destroy the entire country!
the older one, if indeed his age is correct and time when they arrived here, would have been 16 when he came here. Not exactly a 'kid' when coming from that type of environment. They would have been there through the height of the war. Obviously still have family back there and I would imagine they visited since then.

Report now is they may have also lived in Afghanistan for awhile.

Chechens living in Afghanistan? and we allowed them to come here? god damn we are so fucking stupid.:evil:

From what I have been seeing they were living in Turkey. Not exactly a hotbed of radicalism.

You really shouldn't say aything else. Not only are you paifully stupid, you apparently don't know you are stupid, and have never mastered the internet search engines that abound.
Islam is the ONLY religion in Chechnya. They murdered all non-Muslims in the county in the early 90's. They tried to invade Dagistan so they could murder all the Christians their, too. Thankfully they failed at that one.

Ha!! Actually, I think you will find it is the Russians who killed people in very large numbers in Chechenya, including with chemical weapons. Victims of Chechen violence were generally Russian troops.

It's funny how people who claim to oppose communism rush to defend communists as soon as Muslims are involved. And yes, these slaughters did take place during the communist era - and dating back to 1863.

Has anyone been watching MSNBC? A reporter was saying that Al Qaeda recruits Chechyans just like these guys for bomb attacks, and Chuck Todd damn near had a stroke trying to walk it back and minimize it....



"Chechen militants invaded the neighboring Russian republic of Dagestan to support a local separatist movement. The following month, five bombs exploded in Russia over a ten-day period, killing almost three hundred civilians. Moscow blamed Chechen rebels for the explosions, which comprised the largest coordinated terrorist attack in Russian history."

Chechen Terrorism (Russia, Chechnya, Separatist) - Council on Foreign Relations

And who are these "militants" and "separatists" that are fucking with their neighbors and bombing Russia...after a cease fire?

Guess. Just guess:

"In Chechnya, Islam has consistently been used as a tool to achieve political power, as well as an expression of resistance against Russian invasions."

The Role of Islamic Fundamentalism in the Chechen Conflict

Which is consistently hidden and downplayed in the media's coverage of the situation in Chechnya.

Where Islamic soldiers butcher school children.

Where they have created a new way to execute prisoners - by pulling their tongues through a slit in their throat.

Where soldiers play soccer with the heads of the dead.

These are the people you defend and lie to cover for. It must give you a good feeling when you do it.

Pulling their tongue through a slit in their throat isn't new. The cartels did it first. It is called a columbian neck tie I believe.
Young stupid men, who apparently bifurcated their lives to be two different types of people, the "normal" ones in society with family and friends while being also in their "separate" lives.

This type of psychological and social partitioning of their lives are common among the groups of militia, Christian Identity, home-grown Islamofascists, etc.
Chechyans like really soft targets. A school, a movie theater. A marathon is right up their alley.
Chechens living in Afghanistan? and we allowed them to come here? god damn we are so fucking stupid.:evil:

From what I have been seeing they were living in Turkey. Not exactly a hotbed of radicalism.

You really shouldn't say aything else. Not only are you paifully stupid, you apparently don't know you are stupid, and have never mastered the internet search engines that abound.

Well I've actually been to Turkey. My girlfriend went last year on business.

When were you there?
Chechyans like really soft targets. A school, a movie theater. A marathon is right up their alley.

"A school, a movie theater." Yup, you are right. Young white American males (Sandy Hook and Colorado) love those targets, too.

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