
in any case both are the enemy of American freedom...

I would agree - but amazing to see how many posters on this thread follow Katz's line and trot out every lie communists ever told them about Chechnya.

I still remember how Putin used to go on TV to ask for help suppressing terrorists at the same time as his troops would be using chemical weapons against civiians.
Thats not what I read, these boys came here from Kazakhstan according to the reports. These guys were not foreign fighters from Afghanistan as far as the reports.

According to what I just heard, just now, there is a pipeline of muslim fighters from Chechnya to Afghanistan and these brothers came here a year ago from Afghanistan. That's just what's being reported right now.

They are concerned thatched this muslim has explosives and might go suicide bomber.

Where did you hear this? What are you watching/listening to?

It was reported over a police scanner.
Russia did a piss poor job of wiping out the Chechyan muslims. They should have sterilized the place. After the school massacre, they should have just gone in there and cleared the nest out.

can't say which is worse.....commies or jihadists......both are end points of the spectrum.....the far left, the far right.....

in any case both are the enemy of American freedom...

Vladimir Putin warned obama about communism. obama just didn't listen.
Yeah well, the information over the last few days has been mostly false. It was a black man, it was two Mediterranean boys, a dozen bombs were found that didn't go off, they are arrested, they are identified, it was a Saudi man, it was a Saudi nurse... So I'm hesitant to take anything that isnt obvious as fact right now.
According to what I just heard, just now, there is a pipeline of muslim fighters from Chechnya to Afghanistan and these brothers came here a year ago from Afghanistan. That's just what's being reported right now.

They are concerned thatched this muslim has explosives and might go suicide bomber.

Where did you hear this? What are you watching/listening to?

It was reported over a police scanner.

News media is reporting that they've been here (in the US) for like 10 years.
Yeah well, the information over the last few days has been mostly false. It was a black man, it was two Mediterranean boys, a dozen bombs were found that didn't go off, they are arrested, they are identified, it was a Saudi man, it was a Saudi nurse... So I'm hesitant to take anything that isnt obvious as fact right now.

And now you have the facts. But the facts don't fit with your world view - so you resist them.
Jesus really don't have a clue in the world, do you??!!

Firstly, the Russian incursions date back to about 1785. Secondly, Chechenya is NORTH of the Caucaus mountains. The Ottoman Empire was SOUTH of the Caucaus mountains. With Georgia or Armenia you could make a case, but not with Chechnya.

Read #268 to get a few basics, anyway.

I don't understand at all why posters think they can just bluff and make up history and no one will notice.

btw. I have no idea what theocracy has to do with this, and neither do you. Either way, I don't support it.

The problem is Saigon, you're full of shit. Whether you are being dishonest or are merely ignorant, substituting your support of Theocracy for actual knowledge, I don't know.

{For hundreds of years, Chechens were geographically concentrated at the intersection of the Russian and Ottoman empires' respective spheres of influence. Chechens lived under Ottoman control by the beginning of the seventeenth century, but the Caucasus was often a zone of conflict between the Ottomans and Tsarist Russia in the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. After several conflicts between these two powers, the Russian Empire established control of Chechnya in 1859. }

Chechens in the Middle East: Between Original and Host Cultures - Harvard - Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

Seriously dude, cut the bullshit.
wow, interview with the uncle right now, says if they did this they had been radicalized. Very upset. Wish I had caught the entire thing.
7News Live Streaming Video

He is calling them losers. SAid they came here in 2003.
Uncle back on and telling him to turn his self in and how he has brought shame to the entire Chechen ethnicity.
There is nothing in that link that says they were Islamic extremists. Again, I'm watching ABC, I'm hearing interviews with friends who are saying the older brother was a semi professional boxer, happy, outgoing. The younger was shy, had lots of friends, honor student in high school.

I've simply learned my lesson over the last few days about taking reports at face value, as they have been so wrong so often.
Uncensored -

As I said earlier, I have no idea why posters with no knowledge of a conflict or topic try to bluff those that do. It's almost as desperate as pretending anyone who disagrees with you supports terror.

The Chechan conflict with Russia dates back to around 1785, but more seriously from 1850 - 1860, when Russia began to ethnically cleanse the Chechan highlands.

Prior to 1785, there was no real Russian influence in the Caucasus at all.

Hence, the 17th century is of no relevence here at all.

The other thing to keep in mind is that the Caucasus is a massive area, and includes mountains 5,000 metres high. What happens on one side of the mountains has precious little influence on the other side, because the mountains form a natural barrier - in this case between the Russian sphere of influence to the north and the Turkish and Shi'ite spheres to the south.

Chechnya lies to the NORTH of the mountains.

btw. You might want to check what 'theocracy' means. At the moment you are using it incorrectly.
The only fact I have is their names and that they come from Russia. I hear lots of speculation. Lots of "they could have learned it all on the Internet", "maybe they got inspired by Islamist extremists".

One has to understand how the process currently works. We have successfully put a major dent the organized money flow and cells that are directly controlled by Al-Qaeda, it's affiliates and allies. The move now is to find and foster "home grown" cells. They are encouraged to fund their activities through crime so are not directly connected to a centralized organization, minimizing the chances they can be rooted out by law enforcement as potential terrorists.
There is nothing in that link that says they were Islamic extremists. Again, I'm watching ABC, I'm hearing interviews with friends who are saying the older brother was a semi professional boxer, happy, outgoing. The younger was shy, had lots of friends, honor student in high school.

I've simply learned my lesson over the last few days about taking reports at face value, as they have been so wrong so often.

Amy what would you have them do? grow long beards, wear dishdashas and march in the streets screaming death to America? real Islamic Militants are stealthy and blend in. Hell the 9/11 hijackers were out drinking the night before the attacks.
Sorry if this has been posted I don't have time to read every post.

"In recent years, however, the Kremlin and its regional proxies have been battling a different kind of enemy. This new generation of insurgents has an explicitly Islamist goal: to create a radical pan-Caucasian emirate ruled by Islamic law, a sort of Afghanistan under the Taliban. The movement's leader, Doku Umarov, unveiled this ambitious vision in 2007. He vowed to liberate not only Russia's Muslim North Caucasus but a large chunk of European Russia.

Umarov also suggested that devout Muslims should think internationally. His comments, later softened, said: "Today in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and Palestine our brothers are fighting. Everyone who attacks Muslims wherever they are are our enemies, common enemies. Our enemy is not Russia only, but everyone who wages war against Islam and Muslims."

This call to global jihad may perhaps offer a motive for an attack inside the US. The new generation of twentysomething rebels is also exploiting a powerful new weapon: the internet. The main Chechen rebel website,, posts reports from the jihadi movement worldwide: from Syria, where Chechen diaspora fighters are battling government forces in Aleppo, from Pakistan, and from Turkey."

Chechnya and the Boston bombing: link, if established, would be unprecedented
There is nothing in that link that says they were Islamic extremists. Again, I'm watching ABC, I'm hearing interviews with friends who are saying the older brother was a semi professional boxer, happy, outgoing. The younger was shy, had lots of friends, honor student in high school.

I've simply learned my lesson over the last few days about taking reports at face value, as they have been so wrong so often.

Amy what would you have them do? grow long beards, wear dishdashas and march in the streets screaming death to America? real Islamic Militants are stealthy and blend in. Hell the 9/11 hijackers were out drinking the night before the attacks.


I don't want them to do anything. I'm just pointing out that its currently an assumption that they are Islamic terrorists, not fact. They could be, I'm not denying it, but its not a fact yet, its speculation.
1 down.

1 to go.

Although, honestly, I hope they get the surviving brother alive.

He needs to be questioned. And no fucking Miranda warnings needed.

Maybe some waterboarding, though. That would be fine.

Edited to add:

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