
No thanks

Your Norman Rockwell America never existed. We were always a country of immigrants and each generation had a faction who stirred up hate against foreigners. Irish, Chinese, Italians, Puerto Ricans, Jews.....all had their cultures assimilated into our pure white culture. They also all maintained their own cultures for at least a generation

I was saying no to the police state but thanks for misunderstanding as usual.

Look around, you have it already. This is a response to the American people having enough of watching their country being pissed away by vote seeking politicians, and foreign freeloaders. Are you blind? You can not see that we already live in a police state? This is what happens when voters don't engage their government and hold them accountable.


Remember Bush's Patriot Act? That's when you go the police state.
Embrace it, maybe it is the answer to our collapsing country, but probably not.
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Thank you, Sallow, for enlightening our friends here. OBL was not only a Saudi but had close family ties with the House of Saud, whom are also very close friends with the Bush family.

Doesn't anybody remember this? I will never forget it.



Obama kissed the ring, so did Bush, so? if McCain or Romney got elected they would do the same thing.:eusa_hand:

funny how you don't have anything to say about the first picture

hack much?
Your Norman Rockwell America never existed. We were always a country of immigrants and each generation had a faction who stirred up hate against foreigners. Irish, Chinese, Italians, Puerto Ricans, Jews.....all had their cultures assimilated into our pure white culture. They also all maintained their own cultures for at least a generation

I was saying no to the police state but thanks for misunderstanding as usual.

Look around, you have it already. This is a response to the American people having enough of watching their country being pissed away by vote seeking politicians, and foreign freeloaders. Are you blind? You can not see that we already live in a police state? This is what happens when voters don't engage their government and hold them accountable.


Put down the bong you have no fucking clue what you are talking about.:eusa_liar:
They were very young men who have lived the last 10 years in the US. Islam funds the Chechnyan terrorists, and bolsters their ranks with foreign jihadists. They train them. Then they send them to Russia and wherever there are innocent people to slaughter.

Because that's what jihad is about.

No, USA funds terrorist groups in N. Caucasus.

No, they don't.

Do not be so naive .
Of course they do , and selfishly for very pragmatic reasons .
This little Boston Bomber Turd already slipped through Obama's fingers. So you figure you need to shit on Bush for Osama getting away. Obama is in charge now & responsible regardless of any shit Bush did in the past.


What the hell does Obama have to do with any of this?
He has everything to do with it because Obama is responsible for all terrorist acts, global warming, the Yankee's lose to the Red Sox, and the demise of the honey bee.
Thank you, Sallow, for enlightening our friends here. OBL was not only a Saudi but had close family ties with the House of Saud, whom are also very close friends with the Bush family.

Doesn't anybody remember this? I will never forget it.



Obama kissed the ring, so did Bush, so? if McCain or Romney got elected they would do the same thing.:eusa_hand:

Here's the thing though, Bush..had a business partnership with those folks.

Obama didn't.
Obama kissed the ring, so did Bush, so? if McCain or Romney got elected they would do the same thing.:eusa_hand:

funny how you don't have anything to say about the first picture

hack much?

What do you mean? Bush was following the script, whats the problem? every POTUS has to make nice with the Saudis because of our business arrangements.

and yet you come out to criticize my picture and not the one from the liberal poster

why is that?
I was saying no to the police state but thanks for misunderstanding as usual.

Look around, you have it already. This is a response to the American people having enough of watching their country being pissed away by vote seeking politicians, and foreign freeloaders. Are you blind? You can not see that we already live in a police state? This is what happens when voters don't engage their government and hold them accountable.


Put down the bong you have no fucking clue what you are talking about.:eusa_liar:

As expected, an opinion made to sound like a fact. Yet, no supporting link to give your arguments validity. If you are a Black American, you of all people realize how hard your people have tried to accommodate this nation. Hell, the first person to die in the American Revolution was African American.

If you find it acceptable to let Mexicans and Muslims push in front of you in line, then your people deserve to be at the bottom of the food chain. Don't shoot the messenger! You apparently do not understand how America works. What a pity.
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Look around, you have it already. This is a response to the American people having enough of watching their country being pissed away by vote seeking politicians, and foreign freeloaders. Are you blind? You can not see that we already live in a police state? This is what happens when voters don't engage their government and hold them accountable.


Put down the bong you have no fucking clue what you are talking about.:eusa_liar:

As expected, an opinion made to sound like a fact. Yet, no supporting link to give your arguments validity. If you are a Black American, you of all people realize how hard your people have tried to accommodate this nation. Hell, the first person to die in the American Revolution was African American.

If you find it acceptable to let Mexicans and Muslims push in front of you in line, then your people deserve to be at the bottom of the food chain. Don't shoot the messenger! You apparently do not understand how America works. What a pity.

Right :cuckoo: You have no clue what you are talking about, and my race/ethnicity is irrelevant here. You have no idea what a Police State is and you are probably some teenager who smokes pot and wears aluminum foil fats.:cuckoo:
funny how you don't have anything to say about the first picture

hack much?

What do you mean? Bush was following the script, whats the problem? every POTUS has to make nice with the Saudis because of our business arrangements.

and yet you come out to criticize my picture and not the one from the liberal poster

why is that?

Both pictures are the same to me, I criticized neither one really if you look at my posts.
What do you mean? Bush was following the script, whats the problem? every POTUS has to make nice with the Saudis because of our business arrangements.

and yet you come out to criticize my picture and not the one from the liberal poster

why is that?

Both pictures are the same to me, I criticized neither one really if you look at my posts.

my bad, i misread your posts. thanks for clarifying.
Yurt is a far right reactionary fringist, so don't mind his comments. Anybody to the left of Paul Rand is a lefty liberal. Yurt simply has no context.
i support gay marriage, legalization of marijuana, expanding medicare to include all ages so the poor can have health insurance....

yeah...i'm a far right reactionary


jake just proved again what a complete idiot and liar he is
Forgive him. Rightyloons can't help themselves.

Good grief, we have to point out to these righties where Chechnya is? Really? Hardly an "Arab nation". Jesus, no wonder you people lost in 2008 AND 2012.


You can't blame them really. We are attacked by a bunch of Saudi nationals trained in Afghanistan and funded by Saudi Arabia.

And the conservative hero in charge attacks and conquers the nation of Iraq.

Maybe Obama will attack make things equal.


:confused:Bush is a "conservative hero"? When did that happen? He's not even a true conservative
Jroc is turning against his conservative hero, Bush?


OK, folks, go back to Jroc's threads on Bush, neo-conservatism, and Iraq.

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