Check out page 39 of the Epstein flight logs. Does that say Chuck Schumer?

Uh oh. Could it be? Looks like it to me. He needs to be questioned.

I dunno. Looks like a stretch to me to extrapolate that to Chuck Schumer and I am a looooong way from being a fan of or apologist for Chuck Schumer.

And while those who took myriad trips on the "Lolita Express' should certainly be questionable, those who took one trip could very well be entirely innocent of any wrong doing. Most did not know what Epstein was doing or that he was anything other than a business man and international celebrity playboy.

In short many deserve benefit of the doubt or at least their day in court before we condemn then. Those who went to the island & other nefarious locations again and again though almost certainly were up to no good.
I dunno. Looks like a stretch to me to extrapolate that to Chuck Schumer and I am a looooong way from being a fan of or apologist for Chuck Schumer.

And while those who took myriad trips on the "Lolita Express' should certainly be questionable, those who took one trip could very well be entirely innocent of any wrong doing. Most did not know what Epstein was doing or that he was anything other than a business man and international celebrity playboy.

In short many deserve benefit of the doubt or at least their day in court before we condemn then. Those who went to the island & other nefarious locations again and again though almost certainly were up to no good.
It was a CIA trap.
It was a CIA trap.
I don't dispute that the U.S. government, especially the current one, is capable of entrapment and practices it frequently against their political opponents. Whether that was the case with Epstein, I don't know. I'm pretty sure having friends in high places allowed him to avoid prosecution as long as he did. If you have any concrete information though, that would be interesting.
That is not Chuck Schumer, dipshit. And that is not Epstein's island.

That's the girl's father who has come forward.

You dumb fucks fall for every goddam hoax pissed into your wide open credulous heads.

According to Lead Stories, “He is the father of the child in the photo. Lead Stories saw other family photos where he appears with his wife and daughter. There is no question the man who contacted us is the man in the photo or that they are a family. For their privacy they will not be identified. He is distraught that these pictures are being circulated with such defamatory captions and requests that people take them down.”
amusing, coming from someone that believes any rumor about Trump
TARD: Oh, look. Here's a tweet saying CHUCK SCHUMER flew on the LOLITA EXPRESS one time! He's a pedophile!

RATIONAL PERSON: Here's the flight log showing showing Donald Trump flew on the LOLITA EXPRESS at least six times.


TARD: Oh, look. Here's a tweet saying CHUCK SCHUMER flew on the LOLITA EXPRESS one time! He's a pedophile!

RATIONAL PERSON: Here's the flight log showing showing Donald Trump flew on the LOLITA EXPRESS at least six times.


Whataboutism is cute.
TARD: Oh, look. Here's a tweet saying CHUCK SCHUMER flew on the LOLITA EXPRESS one time! He's a pedophile!

RATIONAL PERSON: Here's the flight log showing showing Donald Trump flew on the LOLITA EXPRESS at least six times.


Let's keep it honest please and not spew TDS garbage. For decades many many people did not know Epstein as anything other than a businessman. That they associated with him or did business with him in no way implicates those people in any wrong doing.

". . .Decades before he became president, Trump flew four times in 1993, once in 1994 and once in 1995, in addition to a flight in 1997 that had been documented in portions of the flight log previously released. The flights were all between Palm Beach and New York City airports, with the June 1994 flight stopping at Ronald Reagan Washington Washington National Airport between Palm Beach and New York. . ."
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