Check This Out! Everyone is 2022

Once again shows how many Gullibles and Stupids there are .

Moron alert .

Your age plus your birth year will always equal 2022.

80% are gullible and even more are stupid --- see above .
Once again shows how many Gullibles and Stupids there are .

Moron alert .

Your age plus your birth year will always equal 2022.

80% are gullible and even more are stupid --- see above .
You've said nothing that hasn't already been said -- except for the insults

It happens every 1,000 years.

Every party needs a pooper.
You've said nothing that hasn't already been said -- except for the insults

Off to your outside helper .
Why come here if you are so far behind ?

If you really do not understand what I have told you , see if you have a friend who will help .
The year you were born plus your age is always this year. Next year, you will be a year older, and it will be 2023
Once again shows how many Gullibles and Stupids there are .

Moron alert .

Your age plus your birth year will always equal 2022.

80% are gullible and even more are stupid --- see above .
You guys beat me to it!

Here is a bigger riddle... how come right-wingers are so gullible?
If I wasn't so tired I'd try to figure out why it works
It is simply a reverse of figuring out how old a person is. To accomplish that you take the year we are currently in and subtract their birth date.

Trump 2022 - 1946 = 76.

Joe Biden 2022 - 1942 = 80
Now you can see why 80% plus are gullible and 90% are low IQ
I hear in schools today you learn Critical Race Theory, become “woke” and are encouraged to change your sex. Math is optional.
I hear in schools today you learn Critical Race Theory, become “woke” and are encouraged to change your sex. Math is optional.
I was hoping your excesses were under control .

I live in God's Garden and none of those diseases has reached our isles .

Trust you are not taking drugs .
Wait a second, I thought this was a amazing at first and then I realized that your age and birth year is always going to equal the current year.
Can’t put anything past you geniuses, huh

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