Checkmate, Atheists!

You sure pick a pussy atheist to mock Christianity.

I guess your 'Christianity' looks like a fluffy-bunny-hippie-dippie-commie politically correct nice fairy-tales.

Here is the True Christianity, it is unimportant in which form the message of the Holy Bible (KJV) will be delivered to folks

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven!
Yeah, sure. And only you are able to tell everyone what is "the True Christianity." You are no different than all the other prophets that have come before you. Hand wringing minstrels that seek money and power. You guys are a dime a fucking dozen. I've lived with you growing up and see you every day in the city.
Lucky for people like you, humans are mostly honest and very gullible and you are able to make your way on the backs of hard working folks.

By the way, the King James Version of the bible is a fucking joke.
You sure pick a pussy atheist to mock Christianity.

I guess your 'Christianity' looks like a fluffy-bunny-hippie-dippie-commie politically correct nice fairy-tales.

Here is the True Christianity, it is unimportant in which form the message of the Holy Bible (KJV) will be delivered to folks

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven!

Funny your signature shows a Crucifix and rosary you should be writing about the NABRE edition, be sure to read the foot notes and introductions to the books. ISA 7:14 comes to mind.
You sure pick a pussy atheist to mock Christianity.

I guess your 'Christianity' looks like a fluffy-bunny-hippie-dippie-commie politically correct nice fairy-tales.

Here is the True Christianity, it is unimportant in which form the message of the Holy Bible (KJV) will be delivered to folks

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven!
Yeah, sure. And only you are able to tell everyone what is "the True Christianity." You are no different than all the other prophets that have come before you. Hand wringing minstrels that seek money and power. You guys are a dime a fucking dozen. I've lived with you growing up and see you every day in the city.
Lucky for people like you, humans are mostly honest and very gullible and you are able to make your way on the backs of hard working folks.

By the way, the King James Version of the bible is a fucking joke.

Your Talmud looks like to be the true joke
You sure pick a pussy atheist to mock Christianity.

I guess your 'Christianity' looks like a fluffy-bunny-hippie-dippie-commie politically correct nice fairy-tales.

Here is the True Christianity, it is unimportant in which form the message of the Holy Bible (KJV) will be delivered to folks

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven!
Yeah, sure. And only you are able to tell everyone what is "the True Christianity." You are no different than all the other prophets that have come before you. Hand wringing minstrels that seek money and power. You guys are a dime a fucking dozen. I've lived with you growing up and see you every day in the city.
Lucky for people like you, humans are mostly honest and very gullible and you are able to make your way on the backs of hard working folks.

By the way, the King James Version of the bible is a fucking joke.

Your Talmud looks like to be the true joke
Okay, trolling on an early Sunday morning. I get it. And remember, though I understand this is not the Flame Zone , I am not a Jew Hater or Sand ******. Get that right, Skippy.
Christianity’s biggest problem isn’t Athiests/Agnostics... It’s Christians. Mostly cucked, passive, and shrinking. Christian men are systematically failing the shit test feminism has put to them. Gave women the vote... They get cucked by supporting children that aren’t theirs. Their women don’t respect them. Their children turn their back on the cult. And Christianity is dwindling.
Islam on the other hand has even the most staunch feminist bowing, and curtsying to Muslim men. Even when traveling abroad to Muslim nations these “strong”, “independent” women cover their heads, and immediately adopt the role of the submissive when addressing, or being addressed by men. Why?
Because all women want strong men. Leaders, and protectors. Men of authority. Most Christians cannot offer that. No matter what any woman says... She doesn’t want to mate with her equal. She wants an Alpha. A superior. And Alphas don’t roll over, and turn the other cheek.
So like I said... Christianity has much bigger problems than Athists/Agnostics... They have Christian men to contend with...
The video starts out talking about atheists who hate God. I don’t hate God. I don’t believe he exists. There is a huge difference. I will defend your right to believe and worship. I will also fight to make sure you don’t try to make laws based solely on your beliefs.
You sure pick a pussy atheist to mock Christianity.

I guess your 'Christianity' looks like a fluffy-bunny-hippie-dippie-commie politically correct nice fairy-tales.

Here is the True Christianity, it is unimportant in which form the message of the Holy Bible (KJV) will be delivered to folks

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven!
The validity of your religion is contained in your faith and belief that it is true, not in hard evidence that we can see, hear, test and experience. This is the case with all religions. If Christianity works for you and makes you feel more happy and secure then that’s wonderful. But don’t go around preaching that it is the truth and those that do not believe in it are wrong or going to hell. That kind of attitude is why so many are turned off from religion and is the source of thousands of years of wars and bloodshed by religious nuts fighting in the name of God.
Atheists, you are completely wrong, watch this great video and repent

I love it when theists tell us we don't know what is important in life. Or that what we THINK is important isn't important.

Well sure if we believed that there was an afterlife or that believing in some guy who lived 2000 years ago was the litmus test for getting in.

But we don't. So what is important is the time we have now and the people around us. That includes the people in muslim countries, as crazy as they are. They're just our crazy cousins just like our crazy cousins the jews, jehovas, mormons hindu, buddhists and christian cousins who all think they have the secret to an afterlife.

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