
Good evening, Stats, and everyone. I have been very busy lately driving a friend to and from doctors appointments (he is being treated for lymphoma) and looking for another place to rent and downsizing so I don't have to lug so much to the next place, and on and on. I missed you guys, a lot.

Hey, Pacer, good to see you....:)
Good evening, Stats, and everyone. I have been very busy lately driving a friend to and from doctors appointments (he is being treated for lymphoma) and looking for another place to rent and downsizing so I don't have to lug so much to the next place, and on and on. I missed you guys, a lot.

Pacer!!! Glad you are back, we missed you!!!
Good evening, Stats, and everyone. I have been very busy lately driving a friend to and from doctors appointments (he is being treated for lymphoma) and looking for another place to rent and downsizing so I don't have to lug so much to the next place, and on and on. I missed you guys, a lot.

Glad that you could drop by even if it only for a short visit. :smiliehug:
Jake, I hope the news is good.

Pacer, it's good to hear from you. I hope all goes well for you, and for your ailing friend too.
Good Morning Friends......hope everyone is enjoying Memorial Day Weekend.....I'm going to relax, chill and rest.....:lol: Let the hub do the grilling.....

Good Morning Friends......hope everyone is enjoying Memorial Day Weekend.....I'm going to relax, chill and rest.....:lol: Let the hub do the grilling.....


Hey, there's nothing wrong with being a dog!!!

Dogs are true, they are loyal, they give great doggie kisses, they are great for fetching the newspaper...
Good evening, Stats, and everyone. I have been very busy lately driving a friend to and from doctors appointments (he is being treated for lymphoma) and looking for another place to rent and downsizing so I don't have to lug so much to the next place, and on and on. I missed you guys, a lot.

Missed you too pacer, hope your friend goes into remission, good luck on the new place.
Let's all drink to Jake's good report.....on the house....

(Hope that's okay Stat......?)

Oh well, he's gone, what he doesn't know won't hurt him.......:D

Take your pick....I don't know what they each are, but I'm sure Tixxie or Triixie did a good job mixing them....

Yum. I want all of them. ;)

I have been sipping red wine for the past 2 days. It's icky, but I read that it is good for you in moderation so...maybe 1/4 cup is all I can get down. Maybe I should swap to a sweeter wine cooler. Any suggestions? I like sweet drinks.
What is everyones plans for memorial day? Anything?

Hubby is going to the swap meet tomorrow, to buy AND sell stuff he picked up today. I plan to mess with a dresser he bought and get the chipped veneer off it before painting it white for Shabby Chic. On monday, we will just watch movies.
Yum. I want all of them. ;)

I have been sipping red wine for the past 2 days. It's icky, but I read that it is good for you in moderation so...maybe 1/4 cup is all I can get down. Maybe I should swap to a sweeter wine cooler. Any suggestions? I like sweet drinks.

Yep, a glass of red wine a day is supposed to be good for you. I only like certain red wines and I couldn't drink a glass a day, but when I can I do.

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