
Right click on the pic

Go to properties

Copy the URL address

Click on 'insert image'

And paste

or you can type the opening and closing
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*walks in carrying a large Starbucks cup*

I'm doing coffee for now, still waking up.

How's your wet t-shirt contest going?
It looks like it's going to be a great day.....the sun is out, so I'll take advantage of it and try and do some good work....

Don't drink too much, those of you who wish to remain in here.....:lol::lol:

But everyone;
ok, tried attaching a picture and i think it was a FAIL.


Diana, if I may ask, with which browser are you logging into USMB? For the Opera browser does some strange things with links. Chrome, Firefox and Safari are ok.

Make sure the link you want to insert is a true pic link (usually ends in .jpg or .gif or .png) and not the link for the website overall. To make sure of this, you can right click on the pic you want (if it is from a website) and then click on "copy graphic URL" or a sentence similar to that. That link then goes into the box that appears when you click on the "insert image" icon in our editor here in USMB. If you are using Opera - it already has "http://" in the box and if you copy the link directly in without highlighting what Opera already has in the box, then http:// will show up twice and make the link invalid.

Make sure your cursor is clicked where you want the pic to land within the posting - that is an important detail.

If you are talking about uploading a pic from your computer instead of linking to a pic already in the net, there is a different procedure for that.

Hope this info helps.
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