
My neighbor of a number of years has an old Bassett Hound named Jethro. Up until about 6 months ago she had another one but it had to be put to sleep due to several old age complications.

Since then, Jethro wails sometimes in the middle of the night, for no reason, because the neighborhood is usually very quiet. You very seldom even hear any emergency sirens. Before now, he hardly even barked.

If I did not know better I think he sometimes misses the other dog.
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My neighbor of a number of years has an old Bassett Hound named Jethro. Up until about 6 months ago she had another one but it had to be put to sleep due to several old age complications.

Since then, for some of reason Jethro wails sometimes in the middle of the night, for no reason, because the neighborhood is usually very quiet. You very seldom even hear any emergency sirens. Before now, he hardly even barked.

If I did not know better I think he sometimes misses the other dog.

Oh, I think that is very, very possible. Animals develop perceptions of and feelings for other animals, especially the ones with which they shared the same home.
My neighbor of a number of years has an old Bassett Hound named Jethro. Up until about 6 months ago she had another one but it had to be put to sleep due to several old age complications.

Since then, for some of reason Jethro wails sometimes in the middle of the night, for no reason, because the neighborhood is usually very quiet. You very seldom even hear any emergency sirens. Before now, he hardly even barked.

If I did not know better I think he sometimes misses the other dog.

Oh, I think that is very, very possible. Animals develop perceptions of and feelings for other animals, especially the ones with which they shared the same home.

I'm now sure that is it. I had two Labradors years ago that were about 5 years apart in age, and when the older one had to be put to sleep, the remaining one laid in the same spot where the older ones food bowl used to be for weeks, and since I used to walk them together, the remaining one would sometimes sit by the door when it was time to walk and refuse to leave as if she was waiting for the other dog to show up. I guess they get into a routine and when it changes it throws them off just like humans.
I'm now sure that is it. I had two Labradors years ago that were about 5 years apart in age, and when the older one had to be put to sleep, the remaining one laid in the same spot where the older ones food bowl used to be for weeks, and since I used to walk them together, the remaining one would sometimes sit by the door when it was time to walk and refuse to leave as if she was waiting for the other dog to show up. I guess they get into a routine and when it changes it throws them off just like humans.
So sad, Katsteve. Sorry to hear... No doubt you have considered getting another Lab to keep this one company?
My neighbor of a number of years has an old Bassett Hound named Jethro. Up until about 6 months ago she had another one but it had to be put to sleep due to several old age complications.

Since then, Jethro wails sometimes in the middle of the night, for no reason, because the neighborhood is usually very quiet. You very seldom even hear any emergency sirens. Before now, he hardly even barked.

If I did not know better I think he sometimes misses the other dog.

You're probably right.

We had a very faithful Chow named Tasha, for many years....we decided to get an Akita puppy because we knew that Tasha wouldn't be around too long, and we wanted to have another dog that we were attached to before she died....well, as it turned out, we only had the Akita puppy for a couple of months. She got into something that poisoned her and she didn't give us much warning that she was sick. One moment she was acting droopy and the next moment she was foaming at the mouth and trembling....our Chow (Tasha) was over on the other side of the house howling a weird she was in pain....after Saki died, Tasha was okay....but we knew she was aware that Saki was hurting the day Saki died.
Time for a refreshment.

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My neighbor of a number of years has an old Bassett Hound named Jethro. Up until about 6 months ago she had another one but it had to be put to sleep due to several old age complications.

Since then, for some of reason Jethro wails sometimes in the middle of the night, for no reason, because the neighborhood is usually very quiet. You very seldom even hear any emergency sirens. Before now, he hardly even barked.

If I did not know better I think he sometimes misses the other dog.

Oh, I think that is very, very possible. Animals develop perceptions of and feelings for other animals, especially the ones with which they shared the same home.

I'm now sure that is it. I had two Labradors years ago that were about 5 years apart in age, and when the older one had to be put to sleep, the remaining one laid in the same spot where the older ones food bowl used to be for weeks, and since I used to walk them together, the remaining one would sometimes sit by the door when it was time to walk and refuse to leave as if she was waiting for the other dog to show up. I guess they get into a routine and when it changes it throws them off just like humans.

Yep, I had something similar happen awhile ago. I had two lab-crosses. One died and the other one died 4 months later. They were the same age and grew up together. I think the second one just gave up although at 12, they were both old anyway.
Aww. Yes, the dog is howling in grief. :(

They are very sensitive to other pets around them, too. When our Oso was in his last days, our only other indoor cat was just simply hanging around him...the same roon Oso was, she would also be there, where as before, when Oso was his usual ornery self, they usually were never in the same room.

We really can't tell how much pets understand....:eusa_whistle:
Oh, I think that is very, very possible. Animals develop perceptions of and feelings for other animals, especially the ones with which they shared the same home.

I'm now sure that is it. I had two Labradors years ago that were about 5 years apart in age, and when the older one had to be put to sleep, the remaining one laid in the same spot where the older ones food bowl used to be for weeks, and since I used to walk them together, the remaining one would sometimes sit by the door when it was time to walk and refuse to leave as if she was waiting for the other dog to show up. I guess they get into a routine and when it changes it throws them off just like humans.

Yep, I had something similar happen awhile ago. I had two lab-crosses. One died and the other one died 4 months later. They were the same age and grew up together. I think the second one just gave up although at 12, they were both old anyway.

I used to have two couples nesting right outside my window but one couple decided it was not for them and they left. The other two...a blue jay couple decided to destroy the nest they have had for 3 years and now they are gone too. :(

I wonder how long birds live? They probably died, don't you think?
Not to change the sad subject...

I went yard saling again this morn. Got a few boxes of books, some more windchines, two bottles of full parfum from Paris for 1.25 and plan to sell them on ebay for 35 bucks since one of them I looked up sold for 75 bucks!....two more hummer feeders (one shaped like a hot air balloon and all glass not plastic) and hubby got a few brass things for his scrap collection. Nothing major, but at least I am on the path of having my library! Only need a few more boxes of books, 3 wood shelves, 6 metal shelf brackets and 1 BIG pot to transplant the fiddle leaf houseplant that is outside so I can bring it inside. And voila'! Library!
Not to change the sad subject...

I went yard saling again this morn. Got a few boxes of books, some more windchines, two bottles of full parfum from Paris for 1.25 and plan to sell them on ebay for 35 bucks since one of them I looked up sold for 75 bucks!....two more hummer feeders (one shaped like a hot air balloon and all glass not plastic) and hubby got a few brass things for his scrap collection. Nothing major, but at least I am on the path of having my library! Only need a few more boxes of books, 3 wood shelves, 6 metal shelf brackets and 1 BIG pot to transplant the fiddle leaf houseplant that is outside so I can bring it inside. And voila'! Library!

I used to love to go to yard sales when we lived in San Antonio. Now that we live in the country it is too much of an effort to get up that early....I've gotten some really good deals.

I bought a whole set of golf clubs...this guy that is on the news and lives in this swanky part of SA, was selling them for $25. I looked at them and they were in perfect condition, bag and all, but I didn't want to pay $25 for them. So, my niece and I went on to some other yard sales and then decided to come back. The golf bag was still there, so I asked him if he would take $15...he said yes...and wow, did I make a killing. There were several irons, several wood, a driver, a putter, a sand wedge, more than a dozen balls and even some tees in the golf bag pockets. Now we don't play golf anymore, I may end up selling the thing, probably get more than $15.
That was a good score, Mertex!

I have had quite a few good finds over the years.

Old funky BALSA WOOD funky wall clock. Butt ugly. Bought it for 15 bucks. Sold it for 850.00.

Persian Rug owned by Carol Burnett's niece. Free. Sold for 725.00.

Old tin halloween 1950's haunted house toy. Bought for 1.00. Sold for 625.00.

18kt 20" gold chain. Paid 2.00 for the bag of jewelry. Sold chain for 700.00, the silver for 150.00.

Big chest of junky jewelry. Paid 50.00. Sold 500.00.
That was a good score, Mertex!

I have had quite a few good finds over the years.

Old funky BALSA WOOD funky wall clock. Butt ugly. Bought it for 15 bucks. Sold it for 850.00.

Persian Rug owned by Carol Burnett's niece. Free. Sold for 725.00.

Old tin halloween 1950's haunted house toy. Bought for 1.00. Sold for 625.00.

18kt 20" gold chain. Paid 2.00 for the bag of jewelry. Sold chain for 700.00, the silver for 150.00.

Big chest of junky jewelry. Paid 50.00. Sold 500.00.

Damn Gracie, you could open your own flea seem to know how to pick them and deal them. I just don't have the time, or rather, don't want to spend the time...I practically give things away at my yard sales...just to get rid of them...:lol:
Oh, I think that is very, very possible. Animals develop perceptions of and feelings for other animals, especially the ones with which they shared the same home.

I'm now sure that is it. I had two Labradors years ago that were about 5 years apart in age, and when the older one had to be put to sleep, the remaining one laid in the same spot where the older ones food bowl used to be for weeks, and since I used to walk them together, the remaining one would sometimes sit by the door when it was time to walk and refuse to leave as if she was waiting for the other dog to show up. I guess they get into a routine and when it changes it throws them off just like humans.

Yep, I had something similar happen awhile ago. I had two lab-crosses. One died and the other one died 4 months later. They were the same age and grew up together. I think the second one just gave up although at 12, they were both old anyway.

He probably missed the other one badly. After the other one died, the one left behind had no more joy.
I had two shops, Mertex. One was a ladies boutique apparel shop. Then I discovered ebay and closed it. No overhead on ebay. Did well, too. Until containers of the goods I was selling started arriving from Indonesia..batiks, old hand carved wooden statues, tropical apparel and bedding, art, etc and landing in Mervyns and Sears and other bigger stores. I knew my time was over being the only person in town with a unique tropical shop.

Then about 8 years ago, I had my antique store. I was there a year, but the building sold and the new owners said they were jacking my rent up twice to what I was I bailed from there.
I sold stuff from all over the world...but I specialized in Native American items made on the rez. Bows and arrows, pottery, jewelry, zapotec rugs, fetishes, medicine bags, books, art. That was one wall. Other walls were african, asian, european. And lots of paintings. And rugs. omg..the rugs killed me. HUGE, from Pakistan, Iran, Iraq. All over 50 years old, hand stitched, beautiful. I had to roll them out to show to customers, roll them back up if they did or didn't buy them. Did a number on my back, lemme tell ya. Plus, I sold all my hand painted furniture there too and had regular customers who came every weekend to see what new thing I painted.

When that ended, I started job hunting cuz I got bored. But then I woke one morning with my pinky finger frozen in place and my point finger on the same hand swollen to twice its size. That was when i was told I had RA. It's been downhill since then.

Anyway..I rarely go yard salin' any more. Hubby does that. But I need money..and all he looks for is scrap metal. So now I have to go. I buy, then resell on ebay or craigslist. And I still have to dig up 192 bucks for the vet. So..I went this morning. He goes to the swap meet tomorrow. Hopefully he will find more scrap metal...or at least a dresser or two that I can resell for a profit.
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I had two shops, Mertex. One was a ladies boutique apparel shop. Then I discovered ebay and closed it. No overhead on ebay. Did well, too. Until containers of the goods I was selling started arriving from Indonesia..batiks, old hand carved wooden statues, tropical apparel and bedding, art, etc and landing in Mervyns and Sears and other bigger stores. I knew my time was over being the only person in town with a unique tropical shop.

Then about 8 years ago, I had my antique store. I was there a year, but the building sold and the new owners said they were jacking my rent up twice to what I was I bailed from there.
I sold stuff from all over the world...but I specialized in Native American items made on the rez. Bows and arrows, pottery, jewelry, zapotec rugs, fetishes, medicine bags, books, art. That was one wall. Other walls were african, asian, european. And lots of paintings. And rugs. omg..the rugs killed me. HUGE, from Pakistan, Iran, Iraq. All over 50 years old, hand stitched, beautiful. I had to roll them out to show to customers, roll them back up if they did or didn't buy them. Did a number on my back, lemme tell ya. Plus, I sold all my hand painted furniture there too and had regular customers who came every weekend to see what new thing I painted.

When that ended, I started job hunting cuz I got bored. But then I woke one morning with my pinky finger frozen in place and my point finger on the same hand swollen to twice its size. That was when i was told I had RA. It's been downhill since then.

Anyway..I rarely go yard salin' any more. Hubby does that. But I need money..and all he looks for is scrap metal. So now I have to go. I buy, then resell on ebay or craigslist. And I still have to dig up 192 bucks for the vet. So..I went this morning. He goes to the swap meet tomorrow. Hopefully he will find more scrap metal...or at least a dresser or two that I can resell for a profit.

Good for you. I don't have the patience for all that, but do enjoy browsing the flea markets, antique stores. I rarely buy anything anymore, seems like I want to get rid of stuff and don't need to bring any more in, and I won't buy to sell....I would end up losing money. When I have a yard sale it is usually stuff that I finally am able to part with cause I haven't used in a long time. Whatever doesn't sell goest to Goodwill....that's it.

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