
I had two shops, Mertex. One was a ladies boutique apparel shop. Then I discovered ebay and closed it. No overhead on ebay. Did well, too. Until containers of the goods I was selling started arriving from Indonesia..batiks, old hand carved wooden statues, tropical apparel and bedding, art, etc and landing in Mervyns and Sears and other bigger stores. I knew my time was over being the only person in town with a unique tropical shop.

Then about 8 years ago, I had my antique store. I was there a year, but the building sold and the new owners said they were jacking my rent up twice to what I was I bailed from there.
I sold stuff from all over the world...but I specialized in Native American items made on the rez. Bows and arrows, pottery, jewelry, zapotec rugs, fetishes, medicine bags, books, art. That was one wall. Other walls were african, asian, european. And lots of paintings. And rugs. omg..the rugs killed me. HUGE, from Pakistan, Iran, Iraq. All over 50 years old, hand stitched, beautiful. I had to roll them out to show to customers, roll them back up if they did or didn't buy them. Did a number on my back, lemme tell ya. Plus, I sold all my hand painted furniture there too and had regular customers who came every weekend to see what new thing I painted.

When that ended, I started job hunting cuz I got bored. But then I woke one morning with my pinky finger frozen in place and my point finger on the same hand swollen to twice its size. That was when i was told I had RA. It's been downhill since then.

Anyway..I rarely go yard salin' any more. Hubby does that. But I need money..and all he looks for is scrap metal. So now I have to go. I buy, then resell on ebay or craigslist. And I still have to dig up 192 bucks for the vet. So..I went this morning. He goes to the swap meet tomorrow. Hopefully he will find more scrap metal...or at least a dresser or two that I can resell for a profit.

There was a business not far from my home called "Gitizad" - they specialized in rugs, mostly, if not all, out of Iran. So, back when I was married, we went there and were looking at rugs for our place. We found five that were awesome - and then we saw the price tags. The smallest rug, more like a throw-rug, started at €2.000 (about $2,600). I gulped. That was the end of the persian rug hunt right there.
Hey kids.

Just checking in. Been a very busy past few days of work.

Just got out of church.. Had brunch with the family.

Now home to do nothing.

Hope you are all doing well. ;-)
Hey kids.

Just checking in. Been a very busy past few days of work.

Just got out of church.. Had brunch with the family.

Now home to do nothing.

Hope you are all doing well. ;-)

Well, Diana, since it's a Sunday and all...


Mm. That looks yummy. Had a few mimosas at brunch.

Those were yummy too lol

How are you today stat?

Doing ok, thanks, Diana.

Had one hour of work with a client who flew in from Berlin, so that was productive.

Did lots of paperwork for the business.

Played frisbee with the pooch. That was fun.

And some friends are coming over for a game of romme and some whiskey: a fine client of mine and two truly lovely and smart young ladies, one of whom is a real card shark. Gotta be careful with that one, I could lose my shirt.


Attention, s'il vouz plait!



We lift our glasses and toast to [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION], who has now been in USMB for exactly one year as of today!

Congrats, Mertex!


Mm. That looks yummy. Had a few mimosas at brunch.

Those were yummy too lol

How are you today stat?

Doing ok, thanks, Diana.

Had one hour of work with a client who flew in from Berlin, so that was productive.

Did lots of paperwork for the business.

Played frisbee with the pooch. That was fun.

And some friends are coming over for a game of romme and some whiskey: a fine client of mine and two truly lovely and smart young ladies, one of whom is a real card shark. Gotta be careful with that one, I could lose my shirt.

I am sure you wouldn't mind "losing you shirt" lol


Attention, s'il vouz plait!



We lift our glasses and toast to [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION], who has now been in USMB for exactly one year as of today!

Congrats, Mertex!



Thank you, thank you....I'll take a glass of champagne please.....
Mm. That looks yummy. Had a few mimosas at brunch.

Those were yummy too lol

How are you today stat?

Doing ok, thanks, Diana.

Had one hour of work with a client who flew in from Berlin, so that was productive.

Did lots of paperwork for the business.

Played frisbee with the pooch. That was fun.

And some friends are coming over for a game of romme and some whiskey: a fine client of mine and two truly lovely and smart young ladies, one of whom is a real card shark. Gotta be careful with that one, I could lose my shirt.

I am sure you wouldn't mind "losing you shirt" lol

Actually, although I like to joke a lot, I'm actually pretty darn modest about these things. And those two ladies are not only beautiful on the outside, they are also truly beautiful people on the inside. The one is an architect, the other is started her doctorate in molecular biology. Smart people, fun to spend an evening with. It's really pretty neat.

Now, should I lose my shirt well, then.....:D
Last edited:


Attention, s'il vouz plait!



We lift our glasses and toast to [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION], who has now been in USMB for exactly one year as of today!

Congrats, Mertex!



Thank you, thank you....I'll take a glass of champagne please.....

Here's two, let's toast together:

Doing ok, thanks, Diana.

Had one hour of work with a client who flew in from Berlin, so that was productive.

Did lots of paperwork for the business.

Played frisbee with the pooch. That was fun.

And some friends are coming over for a game of romme and some whiskey: a fine client of mine and two truly lovely and smart young ladies, one of whom is a real card shark. Gotta be careful with that one, I could lose my shirt.

I am sure you wouldn't mind "losing you shirt" lol

Actually, although I like to joke a lot, I'm actually pretty darn modest about these things. And those two ladies are not only beautiful on the outside, they are also truly beautiful people on the inside. The one is an architect, the other is started her doctorate in molecular biology. Smart people, fun to spend an evening with. It's really pretty neat.

Now, should I lose my shirt well, then.....:D

So I am assuming you are divorced since you talk about weekends with your daughter,,,and if you are having two loevly ladies over...I would still assume you are single since you would also have your girlfirend there if not.

So why not ask one of these lovely ladies on a nice date?
I had two shops, Mertex. One was a ladies boutique apparel shop. Then I discovered ebay and closed it. No overhead on ebay. Did well, too. Until containers of the goods I was selling started arriving from Indonesia..batiks, old hand carved wooden statues, tropical apparel and bedding, art, etc and landing in Mervyns and Sears and other bigger stores. I knew my time was over being the only person in town with a unique tropical shop.

Then about 8 years ago, I had my antique store. I was there a year, but the building sold and the new owners said they were jacking my rent up twice to what I was I bailed from there.
I sold stuff from all over the world...but I specialized in Native American items made on the rez. Bows and arrows, pottery, jewelry, zapotec rugs, fetishes, medicine bags, books, art. That was one wall. Other walls were african, asian, european. And lots of paintings. And rugs. omg..the rugs killed me. HUGE, from Pakistan, Iran, Iraq. All over 50 years old, hand stitched, beautiful. I had to roll them out to show to customers, roll them back up if they did or didn't buy them. Did a number on my back, lemme tell ya. Plus, I sold all my hand painted furniture there too and had regular customers who came every weekend to see what new thing I painted.

When that ended, I started job hunting cuz I got bored. But then I woke one morning with my pinky finger frozen in place and my point finger on the same hand swollen to twice its size. That was when i was told I had RA. It's been downhill since then.

Anyway..I rarely go yard salin' any more. Hubby does that. But I need money..and all he looks for is scrap metal. So now I have to go. I buy, then resell on ebay or craigslist. And I still have to dig up 192 bucks for the vet. So..I went this morning. He goes to the swap meet tomorrow. Hopefully he will find more scrap metal...or at least a dresser or two that I can resell for a profit.

There was a business not far from my home called "Gitizad" - they specialized in rugs, mostly, if not all, out of Iran. So, back when I was married, we went there and were looking at rugs for our place. We found five that were awesome - and then we saw the price tags. The smallest rug, more like a throw-rug, started at €2.000 (about $2,600). I gulped. That was the end of the persian rug hunt right there.

Actually all of those prices are negotiable because the markups are ridiculous. We bought a 12'x10' Persian rug that was marked as $18,000 for $4,000. It is all in the haggling. First you take several hours and make them show you their entire stock including whatever is in the back room. Inspect both the front and the back of each carpet and the fringes carefully. You whittle it down to 2 or 3 making sure that at least one is lower and the other is higher priced than the one you actually want. Then you suggest that he gives you his best price on each of them. At that point you start to walk away and suddenly the prices become negotiable. By the time you are half way to where you want to be one of you walks out to go and sit in the car. When you are almost there you go out to the car to discuss the price. When you come back you make the final offer that you are willing to pay. It works because they are still making a decent profit even at that that price.


Attention, s'il vouz plait!



We lift our glasses and toast to [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION], who has now been in USMB for exactly one year as of today!

Congrats, Mertex!



Thank you, thank you....I'll take a glass of champagne please.....


Now do you have a designated driver or is [MENTION=36767]Bloodrock44[/MENTION] going to be joining you under the pool table later? :D


Attention, s'il vouz plait!



We lift our glasses and toast to [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION], who has now been in USMB for exactly one year as of today!

Congrats, Mertex!



Thank you, thank you....I'll take a glass of champagne please.....


Now do you have a designated driver or is [MENTION=36767]Bloodrock44[/MENTION] going to be joining you under the pool table later? :D guys get her drunk and when she crawls under the pool table, I've got something to tickle her fancy...or somethin'

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