
Right on, Derideo! :lol:
The stash of malt is in the vault
I have no key Stats cannot fault
The shot of tipple I do sipple
Is cheap old scotch my throat to tickle :)

Totally cool, thanks to both of you.

After the usual Sunday swimming with my daughter, I got hit with a stomach flu and have been in front of the porcelain G-ddess off and on a great deal since 3 pm my time, the last 11 hours. Until now, my daughter has been unaffected, but she is not sleeping well. No idea where it came from, cooked the usual Sunday meal that she so loves to eat and then *BAMM*, it hit me. I just got up to try a German medication you can use when you think there's no more to throw up, it's called IBEROGAST. So, I am back to bed and have 4 more hours before it's time to get the little one up and ready for school.

Stomach flues really, really suck. Haven't had one in 7 years. Ugh. Guess we'll know tomorrow if it was a 24 or a 48 hour virus, or whatever it was.

Kinda feel like this:

So, y'all, drink one for me, I'm headin right back for the bed. Ciao.

Cheers Stat!

Here's "Speedy" with some fast relief:


Check out this video on YouTube:

[ame=]Vintage Alka Seltzer Commercial - Funny Buster Keaton - YouTube[/ame]
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Monday is a busy day.....I've got so much work after relaxing and chilling for two days.

Hope you're feeling better Stat.....

It is such a beautiful day outside....I should be working outside instead of in here....:mad:

On the stomach front, I can now report that after snoozing for 6 hours today, from 9-3 my time, and then snoozing again from about 6-7:30 my time, I had my first meal in 28 hours and now, one hour later, it looks like my source of nourishment (spaghetti, yum) is staying where it belongs.

I'm hopeful this will be another step towards peace. :smiliehug:
I'll take a round, too, if you don't mind. Cheers!
I need a drink!!!!! I knew I was going to get killed last night arghhhhhhh!!! RAWRRRRRRRR!

That Mafia game is a blast :lol: :lol:


Bookers neat....make it a double ;)

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