
Good morning, everyone. Time for breaky!


Looks delicious. Can I get it to go?
Hello Kat!

Its good. We are finally getting some nice weather here. Sun is shining. Bruins play tonight.

I really cant complain.

How have you been?
Hello Kat!

Its good. We are finally getting some nice weather here. Sun is shining. Bruins play tonight.

I really cant complain.

How have you been?

Doing ok. Weather is nice and cool here in California....a nice change.

Plus, the Clippers WON!
Nice here today, but the Santa Anas are blowing everything around and kinda nippy in the shade.

Mornin' folks!
Started the day swimming a couple of laps before work. Had to deal with with more problems inflicted beyond my control. :eusa_whistle: Supposed to have gone to a cocktail party but feel like I might be getting a migraine so just relaxing until I grab some soup and then head on out to the library.

That's life in the swim lane! :lol:
Good morning, Cheersers!!!

I will be up late tonight, collecting IN, OH and NC primary election data, so let's have a good party tonight here in Cheers!!!
Statistik hengst we're waiting here
To start the party with a Cheer
You said you'd be up late tonight
Let's start the party into the night

I'm here, I'm here, I've brought some party cheer:



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