
Yes. It has been VERY hot the past few days. If it is hot HERE, I can imagine what it is like 5 hours south of me. HOT HOT HOT.
Yes. It has been VERY hot the past few days. If it is hot HERE, I can imagine what it is like 5 hours south of me. HOT HOT HOT.

We've had unusual colder temperatures here....had to drag out the blanket again. But, it makes for working out in the yard bearable.
It was nice today in the shade. Yesterday...too hot. Day before, I burned my feet just watering the yard.

Right's kinda cold.
Well, my bed is calling:

Good afternoon Katsteve. How are you? How's your day? What would you care to drink? I'm playing bartender. :)

Howdy Pacer, I sure could use one. Believe or not my city(Riverside, California) has been one of the nations hot spots all week
Now for that ice cold strawberry lemonade, por favor.

You're not experiencing fires again, are you? .....I haven't heard.

Matter of fact, we had a bad one in a suburb called Rancho Cucamonga in the middle of last week, on Wednesday the smoke was thick for miles. Couple that with the near 100 degree heat, and it made for some miserable conditions. Local fire departments got it under control by Friday
Hey, Pacer! How's the weekend coming? :smiliehug:
Great, thank you for asking, BDBoop. I am going to visit a friend in the hospital very shortly. How was your visit with your sister and grandkids?

I live with my sister, her grands are still here. Visit with my daughter and grands was an unmitigated blast. Thanks for asking. :)

Haven't written for several days, so that and coffee are next on my agenda, followed by more time in my sig thread. Hopefully maybe see you there after you get home again?

I hope all is well with your friend. Ask for prayer over at the Coffee Shop if you wish. :thup:
Hey, Pacer! How's the weekend coming? :smiliehug:


Well, long time no see! How's life been treating you? :lol:

Hello there BD. My Mother has been here visiting so I have not been around as much. She is contemplating selling her home and moving back to California and living with me.

Big change for her because she is very independent and still in very good health. She turns 82 in August, and may just be planning ahead. We will see.

Hope all is well with you.

Well, long time no see! How's life been treating you? :lol:

Hello there BD. My Mother has been here visiting so I have not been around as much. She is contemplating selling her home and moving back to California and living with me.

Big change for her because she is very independent and still in very good health. She turns 82 in August, and may just be planning ahead. We will see.

Hope all is well with you.

I am glad she is with you, where is she contemplating moving from?

I see you've been busy in Cheers, so at least now I know where to find you to touch base occasionally. :thup:

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