Chelsea Clinton Outraged Republicans See ISIS as Greater Threat Than White Terrorists

Wow. You can find seven white assholes out of a total population of 250 million. Here's JUST the city of Chicago. The overwhelming majority (90%+) of these murders are black on black, and gang related. 762 over a period of one year. How many of these assholes (who are nameless as there are SO FUCKING MANY OF THEM) have surpassed Ridgeways total? In other words, silly boy, there are so few white assholes that we can name them individually, but in Chicago there are so many blacks committing murders that we can't keep track of them.

Congrats, you made my point better than I ever could.

762 murders. 12 months. 1 American city.

762 murders in 12 months: Chicago's deadly 2016 -

Only seven? Mate, I could literally be here all week naming whiteys who have murdered people. I ain't doing that...I got much better things to do.

And how many of those 'assholes' come from low socio-economic groups? I'm saying the vast majority....

Yeah? Name a bunch of black ones then afterwards. The fact remains that a single city has a carnage rate far greater than ALL of the white guys you have posted TIMES 5! And that is DECADES of white guys you named. Chicago's death toll is ONE year. Yet again, you make my point for me far better than I ever could have.


Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
Wow. You can find seven white assholes out of a total population of 250 million. Here's JUST the city of Chicago. The overwhelming majority (90%+) of these murders are black on black, and gang related. 762 over a period of one year. How many of these assholes (who are nameless as there are SO FUCKING MANY OF THEM) have surpassed Ridgeways total? In other words, silly boy, there are so few white assholes that we can name them individually, but in Chicago there are so many blacks committing murders that we can't keep track of them.

Congrats, you made my point better than I ever could.

762 murders. 12 months. 1 American city.

762 murders in 12 months: Chicago's deadly 2016 -

Only seven? Mate, I could literally be here all week naming whiteys who have murdered people. I ain't doing that...I got much better things to do.

And how many of those 'assholes' come from low socio-economic groups? I'm saying the vast majority....

Yeah? Name a bunch of black ones then afterwards. The fact remains that a single city has a carnage rate far greater than ALL of the white guys you have posted TIMES 5! And that is DECADES of white guys you named. Chicago's death toll is ONE year. Yet again, you make my point for me far better than I ever could have.


Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Yes, your table is BS. It lists 5,723 murders, but the actual number of murders that year (estimated mind you but based on factual data) was 14,196. Sooooo, I have no idea why the huge difference in murder data, from the same source mind you, but the table has little to do with reality.

  • In 2013, the estimated number of murders in the nation was 14,196. This was a 4.4 percent decrease from the 2012 estimate, a 7.8 percent decrease from the 2009 figure, and a 12.1 percent drop from the number in 2004.
  • There were 4.5 murders per 100,000 people. The murder rate fell 5.1 percent in 2013 compared with the 2012 rate. The murder rate was down from the rates in 2009 (10.5 percent) and 2004 (18.3 percent). (See Tables 1 and 1A.)
  • Of the estimated number of murders in the United States, 43.8 percent were reported in the South, 21.4 percent were reported in the Midwest, 21.0 percent were reported in the West, and 13.8 percent were reported in the Northeast. (See Table 3.)

Yes, your table is BS. It lists 5,723 murders, but the actual number of murders that year (estimated mind you but based on factual data) was 14,196. Sooooo, I have no idea why the huge difference in murder data, from the same source mind you, but the table has little to do with reality.

  • In 2013, the estimated number of murders in the nation was 14,196. This was a 4.4 percent decrease from the 2012 estimate, a 7.8 percent decrease from the 2009 figure, and a 12.1 percent drop from the number in 2004.
  • There were 4.5 murders per 100,000 people. The murder rate fell 5.1 percent in 2013 compared with the 2012 rate. The murder rate was down from the rates in 2009 (10.5 percent) and 2004 (18.3 percent). (See Tables 1 and 1A.)
  • Of the estimated number of murders in the United States, 43.8 percent were reported in the South, 21.4 percent were reported in the Midwest, 21.0 percent were reported in the West, and 13.8 percent were reported in the Northeast. (See Table 3.)


My source was the FBI. That wasn't my point. Who committed those murders was. It looks like the 3000 odd white people murdered were vastly killed by other white people. Ditto blacks...

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