Cheney Really Hates Trump

I believe she truly believes they are good policies for our Nation

The bitch already knows how many people's lives were destroyed by her father's policies.
You are one stupid piece of shit.
Dick Cheney realized we couldn't let Saddam and Iraq flip us the bird. Every other mideast nation would then follow suit and do the same.
She hates what he's done to her party, turning it into an ignorant, paranoid tribute to him, that's for sure.
Her father did something far worse than anything Trump has done. He started a very bloody and costly war under false pretenses.

At this point, much of the neocons have joined the Democratic party, because they are currently more amenable to interventionism. Trump represents the faction of the GOP that wanted to minimize war, so she more likely hates him and this faction because it hurts the war profiteer bottom line.
Her father did something far worse than anything Trump has done. He started a very bloody and costly war under false pretenses.

At this point, much of the neocons have joined the Democratic party, because they are currently more amenable to interventionism. Trump represents the faction of the GOP that wanted to minimize war, so she more likely hates him and this faction because it hurts the war profiteer bottom line.
Yes Cheneys father started that war. But trump is not about minimizing anything. If the trump organization can make a buck from war, he'll start one. No different from Dick Cheney.
Yes Cheneys father started that war. But trump is not about minimizing anything. If the trump organization can make a buck from war, he'll start one. No different from Dick Cheney.
Trump doesn't have anything against making money from arms sales, as shown by our deals with Saudi Arabia, but that's quite a bit different from nation building.
The system has never betrayed whites. They just think it has because they have to actually compete.
If you think it's all about race even today, you aren't paying attention.

Class is far more significant than race, but until you realize that, the corporate left will be able to string you along with their woke rhetoric.

The elite only care about money. If you have it, you're in the club. If you don't, you're not.
The system betrayed the American public long before Trump "betrayed" the corrupt system.
What system betrayed the American people, and how? Basically, your words are so generalized, I don't know exactly what you are directly referring to???
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If you think it's all about race even today, you aren't paying attention.

Class is far more significant than race, but until you realize that, the corporate left will be able to string you along with their woke rhetoric.

The elite only care about money. If you have it, you're in the club. If you don't, you're not.
I am black. I know what part of this is about race. And I am tired of whites trying to tell me what isn't. That elite shit is white on white. Class is not more significant than race unless you're white. A rich black person faces the same racism as a poor one. Until whites such as yourself start understanding how things really work, you will continue to get robbed by the rich who will keep telling you how "it is those people taking what you deserve." The fact you are trying that corporate left woke shit shows just how much you've been souped up.
I am black. I know what part of this is about race. And I am tired of whites trying to tell me what isn't. That elite shit is white on white. Class is not more significant than race unless you're white. A rich black person faces the same racism as a poor one. Until whites such as yourself start understanding how things really work, you will continue to get robbed by the rich who will keep telling you how "it is those people taking what you deserve." The fact you are trying that corporate left woke shit shows just how much you've been souped up.
Based o your own testimony, this racism you refer to appears to be totally irrelevant to how you do in life.
Dick Cheney realized we couldn't let Saddam and Iraq flip us the bird. Every other mideast nation would then follow suit and do the same.
The Gulf War Only Benefited Iran

The only Americans Saddam flipped the bird at were the CEOs at Big Oil. Ignoring his sanctions quotas, Saddam flooded the market with oil and drove down prices. That created the good economy that got Clinton re-elected.

Kuwait is a Chickenhawk country that has no right to exist. As early as the 1960s, when the British intervened to stop its annexation, Iraq rightly considered it to be a province illegitimately scissored off when the Allies wrote the cut-and-paste map of the Middle East after World War One.
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If you think it's all about race even today, you aren't paying attention.

Class is far more significant than race, but until you realize that, the corporate left will be able to string you along with their woke rhetoric.

The elite only care about money. If you have it, you're in the club. If you don't, you're not.
Born on Third Base and the Fans Think He Hit a Triple

We'll never understand the plutocracy until we distinguish between those who made their money on their own and those who were set up by their fathers. The heiristocracy also includes the sons of millionaires who became billionaires only because of the huge head start they had.
Born on Third Base and the Fans Think He Hit a Triple

We'll never understand the plutocracy until we distinguish between those who made their money on their own and those who were set up by their fathers. The heiristocracy also includes the sons of millionaires who became billionaires only because of the huge head start they had.

Holy shit, headcase, learn a second note! The same stupid redistribution bullshit over and over and over. It's not fresh or clever, and your wannabe communist bullshit is utterly irrelevant. Find something else to shoehorn into any and every thread.
It's like Cheney wants her political career to be over. She really really threw Trump under the bus today.
Any Chance Liz Cheney cares more for America than POS trump?
I think so.

Here's Liz fromtoday

"For 187 minutes President Trump refused to act. When action by our President was required, essential, and indeed compelled by his oath to our Constitution. Mr. Meadows received numerous text messages which he has produced without any privilege claim imploring that Mr. Trump take the specific action we all knew his duty required. These text messages leave no doubt the White House knew exactly what was happening here at the Capitol. Members of Congress, the press, and others wrote to Mark Meadows as the attack was under way.

One text to Mr. Meadows said 'we are under siege here at the Capitol.' Another 'they have breached the Capitol.' in a third, 'Mark, protesters are literally storming the Capitol. Breaking windows on doors, rushing in. Is Trump going to say something?' A fourth 'there is an armed stand-off at the House chamber door.' And another, from someone inside the Capitol 'we are all helpless.'

Dozens of texts, including from Trump administration officials, urged immediate action by the President - 'POTUS has to come out firmly and tell the protesters to dissipate. someone is going to get killed.' In another 'Mark, he needs to stop this now.' A third, in all caps 'TELL THEM TO GO HOME.' A fourth, and I quote 'POTUS needs to calm this shit down.'

Indeed, according to the records, multiple Fox News hosts knew the President needed to act immediately. They texted Mr. Meadows. He has turned over those texts. quote 'Mark, the President needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home. This is hurting all of us. He is destroying his legacy." Laura Ingraham wrote.

'Please, get him on TV. Destroying everything you have accomplished.' Brian Kilmeade texted. 'Can he make a statement, ask people to leave the Capitol' Sean Hannity urged.

As the violence continued, one of the President's sons texted Mr. Meadows 'He's got to condemn this shit asap. The Capitol Police tweet is not enough.' Donald Trump Jr. texted. Meadows responded 'I'm pushing it hard. I agree.'

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