Cheney Really Hates Trump

She's hated him since Putin helped him in 16. She and her dad are both die hard neocons. The real problem for neocons (whose ideology stemmed directly from the anti-soviet dems of JFK/RFK and Scoop Jackson, and then Jean Kilpatrick) is that once the Soviet Empire was gone .. they had nowhere to go.

Putin's aim is to bring back the Soviet Empire sans communism, but with a totalatarian kleptomania. I'm sure Cheney has no fondness for Biden or the progs, either
She doesn't care for democrat policy AT ALL!!! And she'd be the first one to tell anyone that, and has!

I can't stand most of her stances, but I believe she truly believes they are good policies for our Nation....(like you said, it was a whole different type of thinking during the cold war) AND not because someone is paying her to support her stances, but honestly, I really don't know what makes her tick.

What I like about her, from one professional woman looking at another, is that she has no idea that she is a female! :lol: I mean...yes she knows she is a female physically, but she has no bounds with her confidence....and her dog headedness and her strength... no where does her femininity come out, as part of her working's like she never has a thought about what others may think, or about those who differ or how they may feel if she says something just straight up,
like the baggage a lot of females in my era may carry with their gender...intermixed with their careers or jobs.
And suddenly a Brain Dead LibBot loves the Cheney Family they previously hated.
She's Darth Vader's daughter silly one! :eek:

She's one tough, strong and confident woman...! Princess Leia!

I both love that, and hate that ...especially when I differ with her dog headed conservative and neo con stances...!
Once anyone goes Tree, they don't want any other wood. Send me your woman so I can satisfy her for once.

Wait, I forgot. You are a bathroom confused moron who is not in to chics unless they have dicks.



Nope you're wrong, fool. Straight as a string.

Feel better now?
Well, then send me your ugly woman so I can satisfy her for a change.
You lefty types have your feelings and too much estrogen to actually please a woman. They fake it out of sympathy for you and nothing else. Send her to a real man, me of course.
Sorry, she's not taken by Cro Magnon Man.

Never could afford plastic surgery?
Cheney is out to get Trump. It's very obvious now. It will be real interesting to watch her primary race.

---Liz Cheney Reveals Evidence Against Trump & Promises Justice---

what’s the evidence that she revealed?

Cheney was a part of that. They framed a Governor and abused the powers of their office. Sound about normal........huh

I could care less what Liz hates. Her hubby helped frame people. I'm not a Dem but Seigleman was a good governor. Hell the woke crowd would hate him now. Anyways......a little history of more corruption in our gov't. Imagine that.

Our Gov't has ben out of control for a very long time.
Never piss off a mid to aged lesbian, most are psychotic.

Married Mother of 5 children.... So is Pelosi....

That explains a lot of her straight forward toughness! :eek:

She doesn't care for democrat policy AT ALL!!! And she'd be the first one to tell anyone that, and has!

I can't stand most of her stances, but I believe she truly believes they are good policies for our Nation....(like you said, it was a whole different type of thinking during the cold war) AND not because someone is paying her to support her stances, but honestly, I really don't know what makes her tick.

What I like about her, from one professional woman looking at another, is that she has no idea that she is a female! :lol: I mean...yes she knows she is a female physically, but she has no bounds with her confidence....and her dog headedness and her strength... no where does her femininity come out, as part of her working's like she never has a thought about what others may think, or about those who differ or how they may feel if she says something just straight up,
like the baggage a lot of females in my era may carry with their gender...intermixed with their careers or jobs.
I believe she truly believes they are good policies for our Nation

The bitch already knows how many people's lives were destroyed by her father's policies.
You are one stupid piece of shit.

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