Cheney Really Hates Trump

Trump put on stronger sanctions. So what is your point? Did Biden not suck Putin's cock hard enough for you when he shut down the XL pipeline and threw thousands of Americans out of work while stroking Putin's manhood to get the Russian pipeline open that Trump had shut down?

You really disgust me. You should quit watching gay DemNazi porn.
Thank you for the link supporting your assertions. No go back to being treated as a trumpsuckingjoke. Thanks for playing this waste of time.
Trump put on stronger sanctions. So what is your point? Did Biden not suck Putin's cock hard enough for you when he shut down the XL pipeline and threw thousands of Americans out of work while stroking Putin's manhood to get the Russian pipeline open that Trump had shut down?

You really disgust me. You should quit watching gay DemNazi porn.
the only jobs from keystone were for cleaning up oils spills.
LOL... yeah... political whores are committed representative democratic republics and not even slightly interested in self aggrandizement. It gets better with generations, that's why all of Washington's, Adam's, Jefferson's,.... oh wait, NONE of their decedents are involved in politics.


The most abysmal political families we have are the Bushes and Kennedy's who keep dying mysteriously....

Apparently hitlary was once a supporter of libertarian philosophies before becoming a communist.

You gotta respect someone who switched sides from actual "liberalism" to authoritarian collectivism right?

Y'know...because she actually gives a fruit fly's fuck about you right? Or the whole country?


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suck my cock, pete. Your response was an illustration of ... nothing. You have nothing of substance.
She's nothing but a sleazy backstabbing RINO. The entire party hates her. It ain't her party. She sold her soul to the Dims.
The entire party doesn't hate her. You're full of shit. The ones who do are nothing but a bunch of Trump asseating cowards.
She hates what he's done to her party, turning it into an ignorant, paranoid tribute to him, that's for sure.
Yeah---she is trying to save the SWAMP party from Trump returning with a DOJ that will go after corrupt politicians.
Cheney understands what it means to be Republican.
Trump does not

Trumps definition of Republican is being loyal to HIM
Cheney is out to get Trump. It's very obvious now. It will be real interesting to watch her primary race.

---Liz Cheney Reveals Evidence Against Trump & Promises Justice---

Mark Meadows has voluntarily turned over his text messages from January 6. They probably won't cast Trump in a very good light.

Trump has also lost in the appeals court about turning over documents from that day. He clearly has something to hide.

And there is this batshit insane Powerpoint slide deck Meadows gave to the Congressional Committee:

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