Cherokee Nation Members Troubled By Trump’s Visit To Andrew Jackson’s Tomb

American injuns have so many advantages, set-asides, and subsides that the entire world is open to them. Economic opportunities abound. But instead of taking advantage of all these opportunities given to you by the white man, they Bitch, moan, and remain ungrateful. Yeah, that WalMart may be built on your ancient homestead, but so the fuck what? Progress means moving forward.

It is like the ridiculous DAPL protests. First of all, those injuns never owned that land. They had no deeds. They were squatters with nothing to offer the developing world. Also, there are already 8 pipelines running beneath the Missouri River and there has been no problem. What is the goddamn difference if we put one more there?

The bottom line is that these injuns are being used by the radicalized leftist scum to further their leftist ideology. They only care about the injuns to the extent their two sets of interests coincide. Outside of those parameters the leftist don't give a shit about the Indians.

The Indians are simple people. They want to protect their ancestors' spirits, the spirit of the buffalo, and their Indian lifestyle. You know what all that adds up to? It adds up to a bunch of lazy ass drunks who live off government money and remain in a perpetual state of anger and resentment. Well, fuck them. They get more handouts than blacks but are not even half as productive as blacks. If I had to rate all the ethnic groups in America I would put the American injuns dead last. These folks need to pull themselves together, take off the fucking feathers and boots, and integrate into our culture. As it currently stands, injuns are basicsally feral beasts still living in the 1600s. It is embarrassing having these people around.

Actually it's embarrasing having ignorami like you around. Had it not been for the indigenous people, the European settlers would have starved themselves out of their own similar ignorance.
The truth hurts, doesn't it snowflake? Did you know Indian tribes aren't required to pay excise taxes on tobacco and alcohol? They also get to ignore state laws against gambling. Those are just two of the unfair privileges they enjoy.
The federal gov pays tribes big lump sums annually that this distributed pro-rata. These payments are for no reason other than them being injuns. It comes from working taxpayers to subsidize the loser reservation slackers. This is disgusting,
Says the recessive DNA possessing clown that lives on stolen land. :laugh:
Native Americans didn't believe you could own land, so who was it stolen from?
Native Americans didn't believe you could own land, so who was it stolen from?

Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding...

The Comanche didn't believe in the private ownership of anything including your life. I'd like to see one of these bleeding hearts step out of a time machine into the scene of a Comanche raid on a neighboring tribe.

Noble savage my arse:

Salt Creek Massacre

Seven men were killed in the raid, though that does not begin to describe the horror of what Mackenzie found at the scene. According to Captain Robert G. Carter, Mackenzie's subordinate, who witnessed its aftermath, the victims were stripped, scalped, and mutilated. Some had been beheaded and others had their brains scooped out. “Their fingers, toes and private parts had been cut off and stuck in their mouths,” wrote Carter, “and their bodies, now lying in several inches of water and swollen or bloated beyond all chance of recognition, were filled full of arrows, which made them resemble porcupines.” They had clearly been tortured, too. “Upon each exposed abdomen had been placed a mass of live coals. . . . One wretched man, Samuel Elliott, who, fighting hard to the last, had evidently been wounded, was found chained between two wagon wheels and, a fire having been made from the wagon pole, he had been slowly roasted to death — "burnt to a crisp.' ”

"The troops were now going back, because enough was enough, because President Grant's vaunted “Peace Policy” toward the remaining Indians, run by his gentle Quaker appointees, had failed utterly to bring peace, and finally because the exasperated general in chief of the army, William Tecumseh Sherman, had ordered it so..."

Empire of the Summer Moon - By S. C. Gwynne
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American injuns have so many advantages, set-asides, and subsides that the entire world is open to them. Economic opportunities abound. But instead of taking advantage of all these opportunities given to you by the white man, they Bitch, moan, and remain ungrateful. Yeah, that WalMart may be built on your ancient homestead, but so the fuck what? Progress means moving forward.

It is like the ridiculous DAPL protests. First of all, those injuns never owned that land. They had no deeds. They were squatters with nothing to offer the developing world. Also, there are already 8 pipelines running beneath the Missouri River and there has been no problem. What is the goddamn difference if we put one more there?

The bottom line is that these injuns are being used by the radicalized leftist scum to further their leftist ideology. They only care about the injuns to the extent their two sets of interests coincide. Outside of those parameters the leftist don't give a shit about the Indians.

The Indians are simple people. They want to protect their ancestors' spirits, the spirit of the buffalo, and their Indian lifestyle. You know what all that adds up to? It adds up to a bunch of lazy ass drunks who live off government money and remain in a perpetual state of anger and resentment. Well, fuck them. They get more handouts than blacks but are not even half as productive as blacks. If I had to rate all the ethnic groups in America I would put the American injuns dead last. These folks need to pull themselves together, take off the fucking feathers and boots, and integrate into our culture. As it currently stands, injuns are basicsally feral beasts still living in the 1600s. It is embarrassing having these people around.

Actually it's embarrasing having ignorami like you around. Had it not been for the indigenous people, the European settlers would have starved themselves out of their own similar ignorance.
The truth hurts, doesn't it snowflake? Did you know Indian tribes aren't required to pay excise taxes on tobacco and alcohol? They also get to ignore state laws against gambling. Those are just two of the unfair privileges they enjoy.
The federal gov pays tribes big lump sums annually that this distributed pro-rata. These payments are for no reason other than them being injuns. It comes from working taxpayers to subsidize the loser reservation slackers. This is disgusting,
Says the recessive DNA possessing clown that lives on stolen land. :laugh:
Native Americans didn't believe you could own land, so who was it stolen from?
Well the Indians sold Manhattan,
American injuns have so many advantages, set-asides, and subsides that the entire world is open to them. Economic opportunities abound. But instead of taking advantage of all these opportunities given to you by the white man, they Bitch, moan, and remain ungrateful. Yeah, that WalMart may be built on your ancient homestead, but so the fuck what? Progress means moving forward.

It is like the ridiculous DAPL protests. First of all, those injuns never owned that land. They had no deeds. They were squatters with nothing to offer the developing world. Also, there are already 8 pipelines running beneath the Missouri River and there has been no problem. What is the goddamn difference if we put one more there?

The bottom line is that these injuns are being used by the radicalized leftist scum to further their leftist ideology. They only care about the injuns to the extent their two sets of interests coincide. Outside of those parameters the leftist don't give a shit about the Indians.

The Indians are simple people. They want to protect their ancestors' spirits, the spirit of the buffalo, and their Indian lifestyle. You know what all that adds up to? It adds up to a bunch of lazy ass drunks who live off government money and remain in a perpetual state of anger and resentment. Well, fuck them. They get more handouts than blacks but are not even half as productive as blacks. If I had to rate all the ethnic groups in America I would put the American injuns dead last. These folks need to pull themselves together, take off the fucking feathers and boots, and integrate into our culture. As it currently stands, injuns are basicsally feral beasts still living in the 1600s. It is embarrassing having these people around.

Actually it's embarrasing having ignorami like you around. Had it not been for the indigenous people, the European settlers would have starved themselves out of their own similar ignorance.
The truth hurts, doesn't it snowflake? Did you know Indian tribes aren't required to pay excise taxes on tobacco and alcohol? They also get to ignore state laws against gambling. Those are just two of the unfair privileges they enjoy.
The federal gov pays tribes big lump sums annually that this distributed pro-rata. These payments are for no reason other than them being injuns. It comes from working taxpayers to subsidize the loser reservation slackers. This is disgusting,
Says the recessive DNA possessing clown that lives on stolen land. :laugh:
Native Americans didn't believe you could own land, so who was it stolen from?
Tortured logic
Isn't he gorgeous? That's Michael Greyeyes. He's from Canada of the Plains Cree tribe. Not an American at all. He's a dance instructor and choreographer today but in his day.... well you see it for yourself.

I've heard it all now --- a member of the Plains Cree tribe ... ergo a Native American ... is ------ "not an American at all". :banghead:

These are not words. They do not appear on a message board which is not on the internet.

Isn't he gorgeous? That's Michael Greyeyes. He's from Canada of the Plains Cree tribe. Not an American at all. He's a dance instructor and choreographer today but in his day.... well you see it for yourself.

I've heard it all now --- a member of the Plains Cree tribe ... ergo a Native American ... is ------ "not an American at all". ::banghead:

“We survived Andrew Jackson,” said one citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump saluted and laid a wreath" at the tomb of President Andrew Jackson" in Nashville, Tennessee, on Wednesday. But Trump’s honoring of the former president ― part of a pattern he has displayed ― is troubling to descendants of the Cherokee people, who were violently removed from their land by Jackson’s policies.

Jackson was “an extremely dangerous man, and a destructive man, to not just Cherokee people, but Native people in general,” said Betsy Richards, an activist and citizen of the Cherokee Nation. Aligning with a president famous for “referring to us as savages" and “saying it’s a privilege for us to be removed off our lands,” said Richards, is “very much in line with how Trump is messaging a lot of his reactions to people of color.”

During the visit to Jackson’s mansion, Trump favorably compared himself to the former president. “What a great visit. Inspirational visit, I have to tell you. I’m a fan,” he said.

The president has also hung Jackson’s portrait" in the Oval Office, and his White House chief strategist, Steve Bannon, has compared" Trump’s movement to “Jackson’s populism.”

More: Cherokee Nation Members Troubled By Trump’s Visit To Andrew Jackson’s Tomb

Well, this is bizarre and troubling, to say the least. However, it helps confirm what many people already think about Trump.
LBJ and lady bird honoring Jackson on his birthday

That ain't LBJ.

It does look like Lady Bird but there's no indication what the event might be.

But the more nagging question is ---- why did you insert this pic into the OP, where it never had been?
View attachment 117106
Isn't he gorgeous? That's Michael Greyeyes. He's from Canada of the Plains Cree tribe. Not an American at all. He's a dance instructor and choreographer today but in his day.... well you see it for yourself.

I've heard it all now --- a member of the Plains Cree tribe ... ergo a Native American ... is ------ "not an American at all". ::banghead:

Isn't that Chief Wrinkled Face?
Circle jerk of racist hatemongers:


Whose da dood next to Steve Loosecannon?
Looks like Tim Kazurinsky.
Dude, that's Mike 'I was NSA Advisor for 24 days' Flynn

Mike 'I never took no Russian cash' Flynn
Mike 'I never discussed sanctions with the Russians' Flynn
Mike 'the Trump transition never vetted me' Flynn
Mike 'I broke federal laws right & left' Flynn
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Circle jerk of racist hatemongers:


Whose da dood next to Steve Loosecannon?
Looks like Tim Kazurinsky.
Dude, that's Mike 'I was NSA Advisor for 24 days' Flynn

Mike 'I never took no Russian cash' Flynn
Mike 'I never discussed sanctions with the Russians' Flynn
Mike 'the Trump transition never vetted me' Flynn
Mike 'I broke federal laws right & left' Flynn

Ah yes, Flynnie we hardly knew he. I didn't recognize him without his fez.
Andrew Jackson was not only a Democrat but first anti establishment populist president. the Democrats have been trying to sweep his legacy and theirs under the carpet for generations.
Had the natives not been put on reservations there would be none today. There would be no heritage, no practices, nothing, not even a scrap of fry bread. The First people would have been wholly absorbed into the white mainstream and no longer exist. As awful as the reservation system was and it was awful with many serious abuses, it kept the Nations alive.
Had the natives not been put on reservations there would be none today. There would be no heritage, no practices, nothing, not even a scrap of fry bread. The First people would have been wholly absorbed into the white mainstream and no longer exist. As awful as the reservation system was and it was awful with many serious abuses, it kept the Nations alive.

From the same wag who just pointed at a Native American and declared him "not an American at all". :rolleyes:

Check the expiration dates on your meds.
Had the natives not been put on reservations there would be none today. There would be no heritage, no practices, nothing, not even a scrap of fry bread. The First people would have been wholly absorbed into the white mainstream and no longer exist. As awful as the reservation system was and it was awful with many serious abuses, it kept the Nations alive.

How to justify genocide....

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