Cherokee Nation Members Troubled By Trump’s Visit To Andrew Jackson’s Tomb

How freaking crazy can the political forum get when we see a post claiming that a Native American Indian tribe is offended by a President visiting the tomb of a former President who was born 250 years ago? Is the hysterical left and the criminal conspiracy known as the MSM trying to stir up the Injuns to go on the (political) warpath? Don't Native Americans have enough to worry about with chronic alcoholism and drug abuse than worry about to tomb of an American President who died in 1845?
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“We survived Andrew Jackson,” said one citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump saluted and laid a wreath" at the tomb of President Andrew Jackson" in Nashville, Tennessee, on Wednesday. But Trump’s honoring of the former president ― part of a pattern he has displayed ― is troubling to descendants of the Cherokee people, who were violently removed from their land by Jackson’s policies.

Jackson was “an extremely dangerous man, and a destructive man, to not just Cherokee people, but Native people in general,” said Betsy Richards, an activist and citizen of the Cherokee Nation. Aligning with a president famous for “referring to us as savages" and “saying it’s a privilege for us to be removed off our lands,” said Richards, is “very much in line with how Trump is messaging a lot of his reactions to people of color.”

During the visit to Jackson’s mansion, Trump favorably compared himself to the former president. “What a great visit. Inspirational visit, I have to tell you. I’m a fan,” he said.

The president has also hung Jackson’s portrait" in the Oval Office, and his White House chief strategist, Steve Bannon, has compared" Trump’s movement to “Jackson’s populism.”

More: Cherokee Nation Members Troubled By Trump’s Visit To Andrew Jackson’s Tomb

Well, this is bizarre and troubling, to say the least. However, it helps confirm what many people already think about Trump.

You do know Andrew Jackson was a Democrat and The Democrat Party voted for THE TRAIL OF TEARS and it was The Republicans that tried to stop Jackson from doing this, but were out voted on it.

You know that right?

And visiting a president's grave does not mean you agree with everything he did. Jackson did do some great things and was instrumental in helping to make this country what it is today.

But The Dem Party's Records on Human Rights has always been Piss Poor and they have a 200 year record of abuse to verify that even up to today.
You do know that was before the Southern stategy where the current GOP was the same as the dixicrats right?
Andrew Jackson was an evil bastard who went against the Supreme Court's ruling that the Cherokee peoples were considered a dependent nation and thus couldn't be forcibly removed. Jackson didn't care about the Supreme Court's ruling and by forcibly removing the Cherokee west of the Mississippi, caused hundreds of deaths.
The talk about replacing him on the twenty dollar bill is a good thing, but the new person on the bill should be a Cherokee as an "in-your-face" stab at what he had done.

Maybe Trump can push the liberals west as well.......

Only if it's into the Pacific.

I agree. Cali would be a good place for all the liberal assholes in America. They would be right at home.

To bad they won't migrate. LOL

No I was thinking a few miles west of CA.
You do know Andrew Jackson was a Democrat and The Democrat Party voted for THE TRAIL OF TEARS and it was The Republicans that tried to stop Jackson from doing this, but were out voted on it.

You know that right?

No actually we don't know that. We don't know that because it's bullshit. And we know it's bullshit because in Jackson's time the RP didn't exist. It wasn't even founded until 1854 by which time both Jackson's presidency and Jackson himself were long dead.

Moreover while the "Democrat Party" has never existed, the Democratic Party also didn't exist when Jackson came into office. He had a loose group of supporters who were then organized into a formal political party by his successor Martin van Buren and then there was a Democratic Party. Jackson also had a significant group of opposition who also coalesced into a political party, called the National Republican Party (which is not the present RP)

Sorry if that sticks the pages of your Binary Heroes and Villains comic book together but you don't fuck with history. Break open the piggy bank and go buy a history book.
Little wonder they were troubled.
Trump also said everyone compares him to Andrew Jackson, has anyone here heard that?
No, not me. When did Trump say that?

I haven't heard Rump say that but I have heard others say it. Apparently the comparators are that both are uncouth, uneducated, belligerent-by-nature coarse and bitter men who can/could turn on a certain amount of charm when it served their purpose.

I can see some of those parallels but I'm not sure I'd equate them wholesale.
You liberals should use this information.
The ingens were not as advanced as the Whites and we concurred this land and took it. That's what happens when a more advanced group comes along, they concurred the weak. And this is why we need a strong military or we might be concurred.
Anyway ingens have casinos

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Define "advanced". "Advanced" from whose perspective?

Aye, there's the rub.

While thinking on that question of "advanced" consider the supreme irony of the last line -- "sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk".
Hadn't they noticed he's hung Jackson's portrait in the Oval Office?

More evidence of Trump's despicable character.
Yeah....Andrew Jackson was a Democrat.....and I hate those cocksuckers...
Imagine the heads exploding if someone laid a wreath on President Benjamin Harrison's grave.

"...seventeen were specifically for actions at Wounded Knee and one was for actions at both Wounded Knee and White Clay Creek, making it eighteen Medals of Honor awarded to soldiers for actions directly attributable to Wounded Knee."

The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to…

Gallantry in Action
Wounded Knee was one of the White man's finest moments in history. I would have loved to participated in the slaughter.

Yet another future sigline. And he keeps on diggin'.

Rest assured, McRacist, that no matter what you might ever do to turn your miserable life around you will never have a fraction of this lady's class:

Andrew Jackson was an evil bastard who went against the Supreme Court's ruling that the Cherokee peoples were considered a dependent nation and thus couldn't be forcibly removed. Jackson didn't care about the Supreme Court's ruling and by forcibly removing the Cherokee west of the Mississippi, caused hundreds of deaths.
The talk about replacing him on the twenty dollar bill is a good thing, but the new person on the bill should be a Cherokee as an "in-your-face" stab at what he had done.

Maybe Trump can push the liberals west as well.......

Only if it's into the Pacific.

I agree. Cali would be a good place for all the liberal assholes in America. They would be right at home.

To bad they won't migrate. LOL

No I was thinking a few miles west of CA.

Yup. The Pacific works well to. I doubt they would all fit on Alcatraz?? LOL
“We survived Andrew Jackson,” said one citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump saluted and laid a wreath" at the tomb of President Andrew Jackson" in Nashville, Tennessee, on Wednesday. But Trump’s honoring of the former president ― part of a pattern he has displayed ― is troubling to descendants of the Cherokee people, who were violently removed from their land by Jackson’s policies.

Jackson was “an extremely dangerous man, and a destructive man, to not just Cherokee people, but Native people in general,” said Betsy Richards, an activist and citizen of the Cherokee Nation. Aligning with a president famous for “referring to us as savages" and “saying it’s a privilege for us to be removed off our lands,” said Richards, is “very much in line with how Trump is messaging a lot of his reactions to people of color.”

During the visit to Jackson’s mansion, Trump favorably compared himself to the former president. “What a great visit. Inspirational visit, I have to tell you. I’m a fan,” he said.

The president has also hung Jackson’s portrait" in the Oval Office, and his White House chief strategist, Steve Bannon, has compared" Trump’s movement to “Jackson’s populism.”

More: Cherokee Nation Members Troubled By Trump’s Visit To Andrew Jackson’s Tomb

Well, this is bizarre and troubling, to say the least. However, it helps confirm what many people already think about Trump.
Cherokees make billions off gambling dollars. They should just shut the hell up before the federal government changes the law and shuts down the casinos.
Andrew Jackson was an evil bastard who went against the Supreme Court's ruling that the Cherokee peoples were considered a dependent nation and thus couldn't be forcibly removed. Jackson didn't care about the Supreme Court's ruling and by forcibly removing the Cherokee west of the Mississippi, caused hundreds of deaths.
The talk about replacing him on the twenty dollar bill is a good thing, but the new person on the bill should be a Cherokee as an "in-your-face" stab at what he had done.
Did you see that on TV?
Wow, then Irish people must still hate Cromwell for slaughtering them too and selling hundreds of thousands of Irish children into slavery....NOT!
The Irish still hate Cromwell.

Indeed, who doesn't. Cromwell was an all-time asshole. Sent pagans out to slavery because they wouldn't become Christians. Most of them went to the West Indies, which is thought to be the source of that lilt in the English speech in (e.g.) Jamaica. It's believed that into the nineteenth century there were black people on that island who spoke Gaelic.
Little wonder they were troubled.
Trump also said everyone compares him to Andrew Jackson, has anyone here heard that?
No, not me. When did Trump say that?

I haven't heard Rump say that but I have heard others say it. Apparently the comparators are that both are uncouth, uneducated, belligerent-by-nature coarse and bitter men who can/could turn on a certain amount of charm when it served their purpose.

I can see some of those parallels but I'm not sure I'd equate them wholesale.
So we are supposed to take you jerkweeds seriously? Didn't think so.
Little wonder they were troubled.
Trump also said everyone compares him to Andrew Jackson, has anyone here heard that?
No, not me. When did Trump say that?

I haven't heard Rump say that but I have heard others say it. Apparently the comparators are that both are uncouth, uneducated, belligerent-by-nature coarse and bitter men who can/could turn on a certain amount of charm when it served their purpose.

I can see some of those parallels but I'm not sure I'd equate them wholesale.
So we are supposed to take you jerkweeds seriously? Didn't think so.

Hey, I'm just recounting what I've heard analyzed.

See the two as identical if you like, but I don't. Jackson also had something of a military career, which all by itself means he didn't spend his entire life shirking responsibility, nor do I think he was an uncontrollable narcissist. Nor was he born rich and privileged, nor did he have a string of bankruptcies, nor did he color his face orange. So while they may have this or that in common, I think imagining a direct parallel is an insult to Jackson, even as disagreeable as he was.
“We survived Andrew Jackson,” said one citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump saluted and laid a wreath" at the tomb of President Andrew Jackson" in Nashville, Tennessee, on Wednesday. But Trump’s honoring of the former president ― part of a pattern he has displayed ― is troubling to descendants of the Cherokee people, who were violently removed from their land by Jackson’s policies.

Jackson was “an extremely dangerous man, and a destructive man, to not just Cherokee people, but Native people in general,” said Betsy Richards, an activist and citizen of the Cherokee Nation. Aligning with a president famous for “referring to us as savages" and “saying it’s a privilege for us to be removed off our lands,” said Richards, is “very much in line with how Trump is messaging a lot of his reactions to people of color.”

During the visit to Jackson’s mansion, Trump favorably compared himself to the former president. “What a great visit. Inspirational visit, I have to tell you. I’m a fan,” he said.

The president has also hung Jackson’s portrait" in the Oval Office, and his White House chief strategist, Steve Bannon, has compared" Trump’s movement to “Jackson’s populism.”

More: Cherokee Nation Members Troubled By Trump’s Visit To Andrew Jackson’s Tomb

Well, this is bizarre and troubling, to say the least. However, it helps confirm what many people already think about Trump.
troubling how?
hes gonna close indian casinos?
“We survived Andrew Jackson,” said one citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump saluted and laid a wreath" at the tomb of President Andrew Jackson" in Nashville, Tennessee, on Wednesday. But Trump’s honoring of the former president ― part of a pattern he has displayed ― is troubling to descendants of the Cherokee people, who were violently removed from their land by Jackson’s policies.

Jackson was “an extremely dangerous man, and a destructive man, to not just Cherokee people, but Native people in general,” said Betsy Richards, an activist and citizen of the Cherokee Nation. Aligning with a president famous for “referring to us as savages" and “saying it’s a privilege for us to be removed off our lands,” said Richards, is “very much in line with how Trump is messaging a lot of his reactions to people of color.”

During the visit to Jackson’s mansion, Trump favorably compared himself to the former president. “What a great visit. Inspirational visit, I have to tell you. I’m a fan,” he said.

The president has also hung Jackson’s portrait" in the Oval Office, and his White House chief strategist, Steve Bannon, has compared" Trump’s movement to “Jackson’s populism.”

More: Cherokee Nation Members Troubled By Trump’s Visit To Andrew Jackson’s Tomb

Well, this is bizarre and troubling, to say the least. However, it helps confirm what many people already think about Trump.
troubling how?
hes gonna close indian casinos?
It's just more media BS the libs feed on and then parrot back out as fact.

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