Cherokee Nation Members Troubled By Trump’s Visit To Andrew Jackson’s Tomb

“We survived Andrew Jackson,” said one citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump saluted and laid a wreath" at the tomb of President Andrew Jackson" in Nashville, Tennessee, on Wednesday. But Trump’s honoring of the former president ― part of a pattern he has displayed ― is troubling to descendants of the Cherokee people, who were violently removed from their land by Jackson’s policies.

Jackson was “an extremely dangerous man, and a destructive man, to not just Cherokee people, but Native people in general,” said Betsy Richards, an activist and citizen of the Cherokee Nation. Aligning with a president famous for “referring to us as savages" and “saying it’s a privilege for us to be removed off our lands,” said Richards, is “very much in line with how Trump is messaging a lot of his reactions to people of color.”

During the visit to Jackson’s mansion, Trump favorably compared himself to the former president. “What a great visit. Inspirational visit, I have to tell you. I’m a fan,” he said.

The president has also hung Jackson’s portrait" in the Oval Office, and his White House chief strategist, Steve Bannon, has compared" Trump’s movement to “Jackson’s populism.”

More: Cherokee Nation Members Troubled By Trump’s Visit To Andrew Jackson’s Tomb

Well, this is bizarre and troubling, to say the least. However, it helps confirm what many people already think about Trump.
troubling how?
hes gonna close indian casinos?

Hey, it's not his first trip down that road.

"Thank God that's not the test of whether or not people have rights in this country --- whether or not they pass your 'looks' test"

Rump doing his usual Rumpled Stilt Skit --- dividing people on the basis of what they look like.

Acutely ironic for a grown man who deliberately paints himself orange.
“We survived Andrew Jackson,” said one citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump saluted and laid a wreath" at the tomb of President Andrew Jackson" in Nashville, Tennessee, on Wednesday. But Trump’s honoring of the former president ― part of a pattern he has displayed ― is troubling to descendants of the Cherokee people, who were violently removed from their land by Jackson’s policies.

Jackson was “an extremely dangerous man, and a destructive man, to not just Cherokee people, but Native people in general,” said Betsy Richards, an activist and citizen of the Cherokee Nation. Aligning with a president famous for “referring to us as savages" and “saying it’s a privilege for us to be removed off our lands,” said Richards, is “very much in line with how Trump is messaging a lot of his reactions to people of color.”

During the visit to Jackson’s mansion, Trump favorably compared himself to the former president. “What a great visit. Inspirational visit, I have to tell you. I’m a fan,” he said.

The president has also hung Jackson’s portrait" in the Oval Office, and his White House chief strategist, Steve Bannon, has compared" Trump’s movement to “Jackson’s populism.”

More: Cherokee Nation Members Troubled By Trump’s Visit To Andrew Jackson’s Tomb

Well, this is bizarre and troubling, to say the least. However, it helps confirm what many people already think about Trump.
troubling how?
hes gonna close indian casinos?

Hey, it's not his first trip down that road.

"Thank God that's not the test of whether or not people have rights in this country --- whether or not they pass your 'looks' test"

Rump doing his usual Rumpled Stilt Skit --- dividing people on the basis of what they look like.

Acutely ironic for a grown man who deliberately paints himself orange.

you just did projection. you guys always divide people into.groups and talk about diversity and how many blacks are in a photo, we don't. you hypocrite

and what is the looks test you are talking about?
Little wonder they were troubled.
Trump also said everyone compares him to Andrew Jackson, has anyone here heard that?
No, not me. When did Trump say that?

I haven't heard Rump say that but I have heard others say it. Apparently the comparators are that both are uncouth, uneducated, belligerent-by-nature coarse and bitter men who can/could turn on a certain amount of charm when it served their purpose.

I can see some of those parallels but I'm not sure I'd equate them wholesale.
So we are supposed to take you jerkweeds seriously? Didn't think so.

Hey, I'm just recounting what I've heard analyzed.

See the two as identical if you like, but I don't. Jackson also had something of a military career, which all by itself means he didn't spend his entire life shirking responsibility, nor do I think he was an uncontrollable narcissist. Nor was he born rich and privileged, nor did he have a string of bankruptcies, nor did he color his face orange. So while they may have this or that in common, I think imagining a direct parallel is an insult to Jackson, even as disagreeable as he was.
You're digging awfully deep in your ass for something that matters. It doesn't.
American injuns have so many advantages, set-asides, and subsides that the entire world is open to them. Economic opportunities abound. But instead of taking advantage of all these opportunities given to you by the white man, they Bitch, moan, and remain ungrateful. Yeah, that WalMart may be built on your ancient homestead, but so the fuck what? Progress means moving forward.

It is like the ridiculous DAPL protests. First of all, those injuns never owned that land. They had no deeds. They were squatters with nothing to offer the developing world. Also, there are already 8 pipelines running beneath the Missouri River and there has been no problem. What is the goddamn difference if we put one more there?

The bottom line is that these injuns are being used by the radicalized leftist scum to further their leftist ideology. They only care about the injuns to the extent their two sets of interests coincide. Outside of those parameters the leftist don't give a shit about the Indians.

The Indians are simple people. They want to protect their ancestors' spirits, the spirit of the buffalo, and their Indian lifestyle. You know what all that adds up to? It adds up to a bunch of lazy ass drunks who live off government money and remain in a perpetual state of anger and resentment. Well, fuck them. They get more handouts than blacks but are not even half as productive as blacks. If I had to rate all the ethnic groups in America I would put the American injuns dead last. These folks need to pull themselves together, take off the fucking feathers and boots, and integrate into our culture. As it currently stands, injuns are basicsally feral beasts still living in the 1600s. It is embarrassing having these people around.

Actually it's embarrasing having ignorami like you around. Had it not been for the indigenous people, the European settlers would have starved themselves out of their own similar ignorance.
They are forest ni**ers. What have they done lately?
“We survived Andrew Jackson,” said one citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump saluted and laid a wreath" at the tomb of President Andrew Jackson" in Nashville, Tennessee, on Wednesday. But Trump’s honoring of the former president ― part of a pattern he has displayed ― is troubling to descendants of the Cherokee people, who were violently removed from their land by Jackson’s policies.

Jackson was “an extremely dangerous man, and a destructive man, to not just Cherokee people, but Native people in general,” said Betsy Richards, an activist and citizen of the Cherokee Nation. Aligning with a president famous for “referring to us as savages" and “saying it’s a privilege for us to be removed off our lands,” said Richards, is “very much in line with how Trump is messaging a lot of his reactions to people of color.”

During the visit to Jackson’s mansion, Trump favorably compared himself to the former president. “What a great visit. Inspirational visit, I have to tell you. I’m a fan,” he said.

The president has also hung Jackson’s portrait" in the Oval Office, and his White House chief strategist, Steve Bannon, has compared" Trump’s movement to “Jackson’s populism.”

More: Cherokee Nation Members Troubled By Trump’s Visit To Andrew Jackson’s Tomb

Well, this is bizarre and troubling, to say the least. However, it helps confirm what many people already think about Trump.
troubling how?
hes gonna close indian casinos?

Hey, it's not his first trip down that road.

"Thank God that's not the test of whether or not people have rights in this country --- whether or not they pass your 'looks' test"

Rump doing his usual Rumpled Stilt Skit --- dividing people on the basis of what they look like.

Acutely ironic for a grown man who deliberately paints himself orange.

you just did projection. you guys always divide people into.groups and talk about diversity and how many blacks are in a photo, we don't. you hypocrite

and what is the looks test you are talking about?

and your LINK to where I 'divide people into groups and talk about diversity and how many blacks are in a photo" is ----------------------------------------------------------------------- where?

Didn't think so.

"What is the looks test"? You want me to actually transcribe a two-minute video for you because you're too lazy not only to find a link to whatever you're babbling about, you can't even click "Play"?

See your doctor. Tell him or her your wrist is so limp you can't even click a YouTube play button.
Little wonder they were troubled.
Trump also said everyone compares him to Andrew Jackson, has anyone here heard that?
No, not me. When did Trump say that?

I haven't heard Rump say that but I have heard others say it. Apparently the comparators are that both are uncouth, uneducated, belligerent-by-nature coarse and bitter men who can/could turn on a certain amount of charm when it served their purpose.

I can see some of those parallels but I'm not sure I'd equate them wholesale.
So we are supposed to take you jerkweeds seriously? Didn't think so.

Hey, I'm just recounting what I've heard analyzed.

See the two as identical if you like, but I don't. Jackson also had something of a military career, which all by itself means he didn't spend his entire life shirking responsibility, nor do I think he was an uncontrollable narcissist. Nor was he born rich and privileged, nor did he have a string of bankruptcies, nor did he color his face orange. So while they may have this or that in common, I think imagining a direct parallel is an insult to Jackson, even as disagreeable as he was.
You're digging awfully deep in your ass for something that matters. It doesn't.

Obviously it matters to you since you're the one guy who questioned it. And you got your answer.
No, not me. When did Trump say that?

I haven't heard Rump say that but I have heard others say it. Apparently the comparators are that both are uncouth, uneducated, belligerent-by-nature coarse and bitter men who can/could turn on a certain amount of charm when it served their purpose.

I can see some of those parallels but I'm not sure I'd equate them wholesale.
So we are supposed to take you jerkweeds seriously? Didn't think so.

Hey, I'm just recounting what I've heard analyzed.

See the two as identical if you like, but I don't. Jackson also had something of a military career, which all by itself means he didn't spend his entire life shirking responsibility, nor do I think he was an uncontrollable narcissist. Nor was he born rich and privileged, nor did he have a string of bankruptcies, nor did he color his face orange. So while they may have this or that in common, I think imagining a direct parallel is an insult to Jackson, even as disagreeable as he was.
You're digging awfully deep in your ass for something that matters. It doesn't.

Obviously it matters to you since you're the one guy who questioned it. And you got your answer.
I did. And it was bullshit. Perfect topic for you.
American injuns have so many advantages, set-asides, and subsides that the entire world is open to them. Economic opportunities abound. But instead of taking advantage of all these opportunities given to you by the white man, they Bitch, moan, and remain ungrateful. Yeah, that WalMart may be built on your ancient homestead, but so the fuck what? Progress means moving forward.

It is like the ridiculous DAPL protests. First of all, those injuns never owned that land. They had no deeds. They were squatters with nothing to offer the developing world. Also, there are already 8 pipelines running beneath the Missouri River and there has been no problem. What is the goddamn difference if we put one more there?

The bottom line is that these injuns are being used by the radicalized leftist scum to further their leftist ideology. They only care about the injuns to the extent their two sets of interests coincide. Outside of those parameters the leftist don't give a shit about the Indians.

The Indians are simple people. They want to protect their ancestors' spirits, the spirit of the buffalo, and their Indian lifestyle. You know what all that adds up to? It adds up to a bunch of lazy ass drunks who live off government money and remain in a perpetual state of anger and resentment. Well, fuck them. They get more handouts than blacks but are not even half as productive as blacks. If I had to rate all the ethnic groups in America I would put the American injuns dead last. These folks need to pull themselves together, take off the fucking feathers and boots, and integrate into our culture. As it currently stands, injuns are basicsally feral beasts still living in the 1600s. It is embarrassing having these people around.

Actually it's embarrasing having ignorami like you around. Had it not been for the indigenous people, the European settlers would have starved themselves out of their own similar ignorance.
The truth hurts, doesn't it snowflake? Did you know Indian tribes aren't required to pay excise taxes on tobacco and alcohol? They also get to ignore state laws against gambling. Those are just two of the unfair privileges they enjoy.
The federal gov pays tribes big lump sums annually that this distributed pro-rata. These payments are for no reason other than them being injuns. It comes from working taxpayers to subsidize the loser reservation slackers. This is disgusting,
“We survived Andrew Jackson,” said one citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump saluted and laid a wreath" at the tomb of President Andrew Jackson" in Nashville, Tennessee, on Wednesday. But Trump’s honoring of the former president ― part of a pattern he has displayed ― is troubling to descendants of the Cherokee people, who were violently removed from their land by Jackson’s policies.

Jackson was “an extremely dangerous man, and a destructive man, to not just Cherokee people, but Native people in general,” said Betsy Richards, an activist and citizen of the Cherokee Nation. Aligning with a president famous for “referring to us as savages" and “saying it’s a privilege for us to be removed off our lands,” said Richards, is “very much in line with how Trump is messaging a lot of his reactions to people of color.”

During the visit to Jackson’s mansion, Trump favorably compared himself to the former president. “What a great visit. Inspirational visit, I have to tell you. I’m a fan,” he said.

The president has also hung Jackson’s portrait" in the Oval Office, and his White House chief strategist, Steve Bannon, has compared" Trump’s movement to “Jackson’s populism.”

More: Cherokee Nation Members Troubled By Trump’s Visit To Andrew Jackson’s Tomb

Well, this is bizarre and troubling, to say the least. However, it helps confirm what many people already think about Trump.
troubling how?
hes gonna close indian casinos?

Hey, it's not his first trip down that road.

"Thank God that's not the test of whether or not people have rights in this country --- whether or not they pass your 'looks' test"

Rump doing his usual Rumpled Stilt Skit --- dividing people on the basis of what they look like.

Acutely ironic for a grown man who deliberately paints himself orange.

you just did projection. you guys always divide people into.groups and talk about diversity and how many blacks are in a photo, we don't. you hypocrite

and what is the looks test you are talking about?

and your LINK to where I 'divide people into groups and talk about diversity and how many blacks are in a photo" is ----------------------------------------------------------------------- where?

Didn't think so.

"What is the looks test"? You want me to actually transcribe a two-minute video for you because you're too lazy not only to find a link to whatever you're babbling about, you can't even click "Play"?

See your doctor. Tell him or her your wrist is so limp you can't even click a YouTube play button.

oh so you dont talk about the racial makeup of the parties? lots of your lefty buddies do.

and no i want you to tell me what you mean by the look test. so yiu cant dodge it
oh so you dont talk about the racial makeup of the parties? lots of your lefty buddies do.

There's no one else posting under my name. It's just me.
So you're telling me you're incapable of making an argument without blatant Sweeping Generalization and Composition fallacies?

And that's supposed to be MY problem? :rofl:

The question stands. Quote me or admit you just pulled it directly out of your ass.

and no i want you to tell me what you mean by the look test. so yiu cant dodge it

I already posted it. Grow a fucking pair and click Play, or else admit you don't have the balls. :gay:

'Member when Rump said the same thing of Carly Fiorina "she doesn't look like a candidate anybody would vote for to me"?
Or when Rump declared of a judge in his fraud case "he looks like a Mexican to me"?
Or when Rump dismissed several women who recounted sexual harassment as "they don't look like grabbable pussies to me"?
Or when Rump declared of Mexicans "they look like rapists to me"?
Or when Rump declared of an honored POW "he doesn't look like a hero to me"?
Or when Rump disparaged a gold star vet family as "they don't look like Americans to me"?
-- and the mother of that fallen soldier as "she doesn't look to me like she's allowed to speak"?
Or when Rump giggled "look at my African American over there"?
Or when Rump analyzed "the people of Iowa don't look smart to me"?
Or when Rump declared of himself "I don't look like I'm mocking arthrogryposis to me"?

--- 'Member all those times Rump kept hitting on his own daughter and posing in bed with her and in front of parrots fucking -- based on what "she looks like to me"? Member when he was speculating about another daughter and how her breasts would develop --- when she was still a baby? 'Member "Miss Piggy"?

You need to wake up, Rumpflake, and see the pattern.

And you ain't gonna see it where you're looking.


Finally, notice one more thing before you run away and hide again ----
--- that being, when I address you as "Rumpflake" .... and througout the post ..... it's a singular. It's not "you guys" or "your righty friends" or any other group --- just you. Singular.

See if you can figure out the relevance of that in terms of logical fallacies.
Last edited:
oh so you dont talk about the racial makeup of the parties? lots of your lefty buddies do.

There's no one else posting under my name. It's just me.
So you're telling me you're incapable of making an argument without blatant Sweeping Generalization and Composition fallacies?

And that's supposed to be MY problem? :rofl:

The question stands. Quote me or admit you just pulled it directly out of your ass.

and no i want you to tell me what you mean by the look test. so yiu cant dodge it

I already posted it. Grow a fucking pair and click Play, or else admit you don't have the balls. :gay:

'Member when Rump said the same thing of Carly Fiorina "she doesn't look like a candidate anybody would vote for to me"?
Or when Rump declared of a judge in his fraud case "he looks like a Mexican to me"?
Or when Rump dismissed several women who recounted sexual harassment as "they don't look like grabbable pussies to me"?
Or when Rump declared of Mexicans "they look like rapists to me"?
Or when Rump declared of an honored POW "he doesn't look like a hero to me"?
Or when Rump disparaged a gold star vet family as "they don't look like Americans to me"?
-- and the mother of that fallen soldier as "she doesn't look to me like she's allowed to speak"?
Or when Rump giggled "look at my African American over there"?
Or when Rump analyzed "the people of Iowa don't look smart to me"?
Or when Rump declared of himself "I don't look like I'm mocking arthrogryposis to me"?

--- 'Member all those times Rump kept hitting on his own daughter and posing in bed with her and in front of parrots fucking -- based on what "she looks like to me"? Member when he was speculating about another daughter and how her breasts would develop --- when she was still a baby? 'Member "Miss Piggy"?

You need to wake up, Rumpflake, and see the pattern.

And you ain't gonna see it where you're looking.


Finally, notice one more thing before you run away and hide again ----
--- that being, when I address you as "Rumpflake" .... and througout the post ..... it's a singular. It's not "you guys" or "your righty friends" or any other group --- just you. Singular.

See if you can figure out the relevance of that in terms of logical fallacies.
Read your post very carefully. When you are done you can say "holy fuck. No wonder no one believes me."
“We survived Andrew Jackson,” said one citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump saluted and laid a wreath" at the tomb of President Andrew Jackson" in Nashville, Tennessee, on Wednesday. But Trump’s honoring of the former president ― part of a pattern he has displayed ― is troubling to descendants of the Cherokee people, who were violently removed from their land by Jackson’s policies.

Jackson was “an extremely dangerous man, and a destructive man, to not just Cherokee people, but Native people in general,” said Betsy Richards, an activist and citizen of the Cherokee Nation. Aligning with a president famous for “referring to us as savages" and “saying it’s a privilege for us to be removed off our lands,” said Richards, is “very much in line with how Trump is messaging a lot of his reactions to people of color.”

During the visit to Jackson’s mansion, Trump favorably compared himself to the former president. “What a great visit. Inspirational visit, I have to tell you. I’m a fan,” he said.

The president has also hung Jackson’s portrait" in the Oval Office, and his White House chief strategist, Steve Bannon, has compared" Trump’s movement to “Jackson’s populism.”

More: Cherokee Nation Members Troubled By Trump’s Visit To Andrew Jackson’s Tomb

Well, this is bizarre and troubling, to say the least. However, it helps confirm what many people already think about Trump.
LBJ and lady bird honoring Jackson on his birthday
One of the Republicans election gimmicks is to run against the national debt.

So how do Republicans feel about Jackson paying off the national debt? The only president to do that, and a Democrat.
American injuns have so many advantages, set-asides, and subsides that the entire world is open to them. Economic opportunities abound. But instead of taking advantage of all these opportunities given to you by the white man, they Bitch, moan, and remain ungrateful. Yeah, that WalMart may be built on your ancient homestead, but so the fuck what? Progress means moving forward.

It is like the ridiculous DAPL protests. First of all, those injuns never owned that land. They had no deeds. They were squatters with nothing to offer the developing world. Also, there are already 8 pipelines running beneath the Missouri River and there has been no problem. What is the goddamn difference if we put one more there?

The bottom line is that these injuns are being used by the radicalized leftist scum to further their leftist ideology. They only care about the injuns to the extent their two sets of interests coincide. Outside of those parameters the leftist don't give a shit about the Indians.

The Indians are simple people. They want to protect their ancestors' spirits, the spirit of the buffalo, and their Indian lifestyle. You know what all that adds up to? It adds up to a bunch of lazy ass drunks who live off government money and remain in a perpetual state of anger and resentment. Well, fuck them. They get more handouts than blacks but are not even half as productive as blacks. If I had to rate all the ethnic groups in America I would put the American injuns dead last. These folks need to pull themselves together, take off the fucking feathers and boots, and integrate into our culture. As it currently stands, injuns are basicsally feral beasts still living in the 1600s. It is embarrassing having these people around.

Actually it's embarrasing having ignorami like you around. Had it not been for the indigenous people, the European settlers would have starved themselves out of their own similar ignorance.
The truth hurts, doesn't it snowflake? Did you know Indian tribes aren't required to pay excise taxes on tobacco and alcohol? They also get to ignore state laws against gambling. Those are just two of the unfair privileges they enjoy.
The federal gov pays tribes big lump sums annually that this distributed pro-rata. These payments are for no reason other than them being injuns. It comes from working taxpayers to subsidize the loser reservation slackers. This is disgusting,
Says the recessive DNA possessing clown that lives on stolen land. :laugh:

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