Cherokee Nation Members Troubled By Trump’s Visit To Andrew Jackson’s Tomb

Old Hickory did what he had to do. We really weren't all going to become the Na'vii. The natives really were savages. What did you think they were? This was a violent time. Pussies like those today would have been killed and barbecued. Andrew Jackson was a great president who not only had to fight indians but the British as well.
Andrew Jackson was an evil bastard who went against the Supreme Court's ruling that the Cherokee peoples were considered a dependent nation and thus couldn't be forcibly removed. Jackson didn't care about the Supreme Court's ruling and by forcibly removing the Cherokee west of the Mississippi, caused hundreds of deaths.
The talk about replacing him on the twenty dollar bill is a good thing, but the new person on the bill should be a Cherokee as an "in-your-face" stab at what he had done.
What the fuck has Elisabeth Warren actually done to deserve having her mug on the Jackson?
“We survived Andrew Jackson,” said one citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump saluted and laid a wreath" at the tomb of President Andrew Jackson" in Nashville, Tennessee, on Wednesday. But Trump’s honoring of the former president ― part of a pattern he has displayed ― is troubling to descendants of the Cherokee people, who were violently removed from their land by Jackson’s policies.

Jackson was “an extremely dangerous man, and a destructive man, to not just Cherokee people, but Native people in general,” said Betsy Richards, an activist and citizen of the Cherokee Nation. Aligning with a president famous for “referring to us as savages" and “saying it’s a privilege for us to be removed off our lands,” said Richards, is “very much in line with how Trump is messaging a lot of his reactions to people of color.”

During the visit to Jackson’s mansion, Trump favorably compared himself to the former president. “What a great visit. Inspirational visit, I have to tell you. I’m a fan,” he said.

The president has also hung Jackson’s portrait" in the Oval Office, and his White House chief strategist, Steve Bannon, has compared" Trump’s movement to “Jackson’s populism.”

More: Cherokee Nation Members Troubled By Trump’s Visit To Andrew Jackson’s Tomb

Well, this is bizarre and troubling, to say the least. However, it helps confirm what many people already think about Trump.

Poor babies. Maybe they ought to go buy a few bottles of Thunderbird. Then they would forget their troubles

I have a good idea! Why don't you grab a bottle or two and join them in their misery! Doesn't that sound like a good idea to you!?!?!?
“We survived Andrew Jackson,” said one citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump saluted and laid a wreath" at the tomb of President Andrew Jackson" in Nashville, Tennessee, on Wednesday. But Trump’s honoring of the former president ― part of a pattern he has displayed ― is troubling to descendants of the Cherokee people, who were violently removed from their land by Jackson’s policies.

Jackson was “an extremely dangerous man, and a destructive man, to not just Cherokee people, but Native people in general,” said Betsy Richards, an activist and citizen of the Cherokee Nation. Aligning with a president famous for “referring to us as savages" and “saying it’s a privilege for us to be removed off our lands,” said Richards, is “very much in line with how Trump is messaging a lot of his reactions to people of color.”

During the visit to Jackson’s mansion, Trump favorably compared himself to the former president. “What a great visit. Inspirational visit, I have to tell you. I’m a fan,” he said.

The president has also hung Jackson’s portrait" in the Oval Office, and his White House chief strategist, Steve Bannon, has compared" Trump’s movement to “Jackson’s populism.”

More: Cherokee Nation Members Troubled By Trump’s Visit To Andrew Jackson’s Tomb

Well, this is bizarre and troubling, to say the least. However, it helps confirm what many people already think about Trump.
Andrew Jackson was a murderer and cave chimp of the highest order.
Andrew Jackson was an evil bastard who went against the Supreme Court's ruling that the Cherokee peoples were considered a dependent nation and thus couldn't be forcibly removed. Jackson didn't care about the Supreme Court's ruling and by forcibly removing the Cherokee west of the Mississippi, caused hundreds of deaths.
The talk about replacing him on the twenty dollar bill is a good thing, but the new person on the bill should be a Cherokee as an "in-your-face" stab at what he had done.

Maybe Trump can push the liberals west as well.......

Oh God NO!!!! We have enough of the idiots out here already! JEEZUS!
American injuns have so many advantages, set-asides, and subsides that the entire world is open to them. Economic opportunities abound. But instead of taking advantage of all these opportunities given to you by the white man, they Bitch, moan, and remain ungrateful. Yeah, that WalMart may be built on your ancient homestead, but so the fuck what? Progress means moving forward.

It is like the ridiculous DAPL protests. First of all, those injuns never owned that land. They had no deeds. They were squatters with nothing to offer the developing world. Also, there are already 8 pipelines running beneath the Missouri River and there has been no problem. What is the goddamn difference if we put one more there?

The bottom line is that these injuns are being used by the radicalized leftist scum to further their leftist ideology. They only care about the injuns to the extent their two sets of interests coincide. Outside of those parameters the leftist don't give a shit about the Indians.

The Indians are simple people. They want to protect their ancestors' spirits, the spirit of the buffalo, and their Indian lifestyle. You know what all that adds up to? It adds up to a bunch of lazy ass drunks who live off government money and remain in a perpetual state of anger and resentment. Well, fuck them. They get more handouts than blacks but are not even half as productive as blacks. If I had to rate all the ethnic groups in America I would put the American injuns dead last. These folks need to pull themselves together, take off the fucking feathers and boots, and integrate into our culture. As it currently stands, injuns are basicsally feral beasts still living in the 1600s. It is embarrassing having these people around.

Actually it's embarrasing having ignorami like you around. Had it not been for the indigenous people, the European settlers would have starved themselves out of their own similar ignorance.

A Castrati calling someone ignorati... PRICELESS!!!!
Andrew Jackson was an evil bastard who went against the Supreme Court's ruling that the Cherokee peoples were considered a dependent nation and thus couldn't be forcibly removed. Jackson didn't care about the Supreme Court's ruling and by forcibly removing the Cherokee west of the Mississippi, caused hundreds of deaths.
The talk about replacing him on the twenty dollar bill is a good thing, but the new person on the bill should be a Cherokee as an "in-your-face" stab at what he had done.

Maybe Trump can push the liberals west as well.......

Interesting point given the topic. Seeing as how broader working and middle class americans are now the 'new' colonized peoples of north america, they would do well to get their heads around the concept, it's their turn. We can expect the historical trajectory to continue; this ponzi scheme approach first visited the continent with Columbus, and it has always relied upon endless exploitation, extraction and subjugation. This is why america must now be at constant endless war around the globe to sustain itself, even in this shabby state of affairs. Colonial extraction of wealth from others through authoritarianism, violence, corporate state legislation, corporate state media propaganda, the illusion and theater of a corrupt political system, and a privately controlled economic system isolated from any ray of potential democratic representation.

"Removal" in some form or fashion? Better get used to it now. Or get up, it's awfully late. We already sat around and allowed the authorities to render us THE most incarcerated (no problem, it's a for profit business now, we don't mind at all) and surveilled population on the planet. Geographic removal is so old school, and I so hope you still believe your party will save you.
Andrew Jackson was an evil bastard who went against the Supreme Court's ruling that the Cherokee peoples were considered a dependent nation and thus couldn't be forcibly removed. Jackson didn't care about the Supreme Court's ruling and by forcibly removing the Cherokee west of the Mississippi, caused hundreds of deaths.
The talk about replacing him on the twenty dollar bill is a good thing, but the new person on the bill should be a Cherokee as an "in-your-face" stab at what he had done.

Maybe Trump can push the liberals west as well.......

Interesting point given the topic. Seeing as how broader working and middle class americans are now the 'new' colonized peoples of north america, they would do well to get their heads around the concept, it's their turn. We can expect the historical trajectory to continue; this ponzi scheme approach first visited the continent with Columbus, and it has always relied upon endless exploitation, extraction and subjugation. This is why america must now be at constant endless war around the globe to sustain itself, even in this shabby state of affairs. Colonial extraction of wealth from others through authoritarianism, violence, corporate state legislation, corporate state media propaganda, the illusion and theater of a corrupt political system, and a privately controlled economic system isolated from any ray of potential democratic representation.

"Removal" in some form or fashion? Better get used to it now. Or get up, it's awfully late. We already sat around and allowed the authorities to render us THE most incarcerated (no problem, it's a for profit business now, we don't mind at all) and surveilled population on the planet. Geographic removal is so old school, and I so hope you still believe your party will save you.
So you support illegal immigration because you think Americans deserve it?

Leftwingers are so stupid it defies comprehension. You only confirmed that Americans were right to vote for Trump and keep the Hildabeast out of office.
“We survived Andrew Jackson,” said one citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump saluted and laid a wreath" at the tomb of President Andrew Jackson" in Nashville, Tennessee, on Wednesday. But Trump’s honoring of the former president ― part of a pattern he has displayed ― is troubling to descendants of the Cherokee people, who were violently removed from their land by Jackson’s policies.

Jackson was “an extremely dangerous man, and a destructive man, to not just Cherokee people, but Native people in general,” said Betsy Richards, an activist and citizen of the Cherokee Nation. Aligning with a president famous for “referring to us as savages" and “saying it’s a privilege for us to be removed off our lands,” said Richards, is “very much in line with how Trump is messaging a lot of his reactions to people of color.”

During the visit to Jackson’s mansion, Trump favorably compared himself to the former president. “What a great visit. Inspirational visit, I have to tell you. I’m a fan,” he said.

The president has also hung Jackson’s portrait" in the Oval Office, and his White House chief strategist, Steve Bannon, has compared" Trump’s movement to “Jackson’s populism.”

More: Cherokee Nation Members Troubled By Trump’s Visit To Andrew Jackson’s Tomb

Well, this is bizarre and troubling, to say the least. However, it helps confirm what many people already think about Trump.

The one thing I do agree with you with was that Jackson was a POS when it came to his illegal treatment of Native Americans and also the ones who fought along side him as allies.

Illegal? What law did he break?

The Indian removal act was only suppossed to negotiate the relocation of Cherokees, but it was used to forcibly remove them. Well, actually I dont think it happened until Van Bueren was in office but Jackson set it up.
It was very brutal and it didnt need to be. The Cherokees were peaceful at that time and were trying to negotiate their existence with Washington, following our rules. Jackson also betrayed Indians who fought along side him as Allies. I find something terribly wrong with that.
Andrew Jackson was an evil bastard who went against the Supreme Court's ruling that the Cherokee peoples were considered a dependent nation and thus couldn't be forcibly removed. Jackson didn't care about the Supreme Court's ruling and by forcibly removing the Cherokee west of the Mississippi, caused hundreds of deaths.
The talk about replacing him on the twenty dollar bill is a good thing, but the new person on the bill should be a Cherokee as an "in-your-face" stab at what he had done.

Maybe Trump can push the liberals west as well.......

Only if it's into the Pacific.

I agree. Cali would be a good place for all the liberal assholes in America. They would be right at home.

To bad they won't migrate. LOL
Hadn't they noticed he's hung Jackson's portrait in the Oval Office?

More evidence of Trump's despicable character.

LOL, Yeah, what was he thinking hanging a portrait of the founder of the Democratic Party in the Oval Office? Perhaps he had a blonde moment and forgot he ran as a Republican?
Well, this is bizarre and troubling, to say the least. However, it helps confirm what many people already think about Trump.
When did they go from being proud warriors to whiny hand wringing women?

Probably right after the palefaces kicked their asses from one coast of North America to the other and took all their land in the process. :(

That sort of thing tends to make one a bit bitchy.
Well, this is bizarre and troubling, to say the least. However, it helps confirm what many people already think about Trump.
When did they go from being proud warriors to whiny hand wringing women?

Probably right after the palefaces kicked their asses from one coast of North America to the other and took all their land in the process. :(

That sort of thing tends to make one a bit bitchy.
Explain to me which part of the world you believe that didn't happen? That's the history of mankind, waring all throughout our existence. One side wins, the other loses. Sometimes the losers were totally eliminated.
The lyrics are not quite accurate. The nomadic savages from Asia who occupied some parts of America before the civilized Europeans colonized did not invent the Bowie knife. Guess who invented it! :p Also the Tomahawk was basically a club with a rock stung to the top until the Europeans introduced the Asian savages to metal. Our Afro American friends at this time were actually less evolved than our Asian nomad friend. Afro Americans at this time did not even no what a wheel was.

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The lyrics are not quite accurate. The nomadic savages from Asia who occupied some parts of America before the civilized Europeans colonized did not invent the Bowie knife. Guess who invented it! :p Also the Tomahawk was basically a club with a rock stung to the top until the Europeans introduced the savages top metal.

ONe of the dumbest song ever.
Well, this is bizarre and troubling, to say the least. However, it helps confirm what many people already think about Trump.
When did they go from being proud warriors to whiny hand wringing women?

Probably right after the palefaces kicked their asses from one coast of North America to the other and took all their land in the process. :(

That sort of thing tends to make one a bit bitchy.
Explain to me which part of the world you believe that didn't happen? That's the history of mankind, waring all throughout our existence. One side wins, the other loses. Sometimes the losers were totally eliminated.

Uh-huh and sometimes the losers become "whiny hand wringing women" ; which was the answer I gave to the question you posted. :rolleyes:
Well, this is bizarre and troubling, to say the least. However, it helps confirm what many people already think about Trump.
When did they go from being proud warriors to whiny hand wringing women?

Probably right after the palefaces kicked their asses from one coast of North America to the other and took all their land in the process. :(

That sort of thing tends to make one a bit bitchy.
Explain to me which part of the world you believe that didn't happen? That's the history of mankind, waring all throughout our existence. One side wins, the other loses. Sometimes the losers were totally eliminated.

Uh-huh and sometimes the losers become "whiny hand wringing women" ; which was the answer I gave to the question you posted. :rolleyes:
Liar. You attempted to obfuscate the point and now you see how devoid of thought it was so you want to make it look like a shortcoming on my part.

You are neither clever or honest. As always.
Well, this is bizarre and troubling, to say the least. However, it helps confirm what many people already think about Trump.
When did they go from being proud warriors to whiny hand wringing women?

Probably right after the palefaces kicked their asses from one coast of North America to the other and took all their land in the process. :(

That sort of thing tends to make one a bit bitchy.
Explain to me which part of the world you believe that didn't happen? That's the history of mankind, waring all throughout our existence. One side wins, the other loses. Sometimes the losers were totally eliminated.

Uh-huh and sometimes the losers become "whiny hand wringing women" ; which was the answer I gave to the question you posted. :rolleyes:
Liar. You attempted to obfuscate the point and now you see how devoid of thought it was so you want to make it look like a shortcoming on my part.

You are neither clever or honest. As always.
LOL, that time of the month weasel ? Your tampon making your nether regions all itchy and irritated again?

Maybe you should put down your keyboard and try getting outdoors for a change, might grant you something approximating perspective.

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